87-1608 WHITE — CITV CLERK PINK — FINANCE COU�ICIl </ CANARV — t)EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL O� BL�JE —fdAYOR File NO. .d 7-�� �� � � ' oun i Resolution Presented By � Referred o Committee: Date . Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the past volunteer service of citizen committees has contributed greatly to the formulation of important decisions and the solution of problems within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, citizen committees will continue to be needed to provide valuable information and advice to the Mayor and Council in their duties of managing the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Council has established certain procedures concerning such citizen committees under C.F. 275745, dated October 11, 1950; and amended by C.F. 85-1078, dated August 13, 1985= and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council concur that there is a need for a revision of this standardized policy concerning the establishment of future committees and the appointment of inembers; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that C.F. 85-1078 is hereby rescinded in its entirety and a new set of standardized policies concerning future committees is established as follows: I. Establishment of Committees A: �'he-E3ty-Eaa�ne�i�-ai�a3�-�e£e�r-at�ci�-�req�est-te-e�ea�e-,a cemm3ttee-te-n-atrbcommi.ttee-e�€-�ti�e-£ett��.-€e�-�e��.e�-� 1'CCGMlriC'ritjtlt�!'OTi3:——�'�'!C—3tl�1COiY�l3�tCC—�lti3�—��i°1S�E�ei'—��1� f��3ea�ir�g-�bef ere-m��k��g-�ta-�eeam�e�e�l�at3�s-€e�-����a3-�o tfie-f t���-cotsr�e��- Page 1 of 4 COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ Against BY Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . BY BY n �����/��c�� ' A. Whenever practicable , an evaluation be made by the administration prior to a new committee being proposed to make sure that we are making the most efficient use of our existing committees. 1 . Reason for the requested committee; issue it is designed to address. 2. Adequacy of reason, viability of issue. 3. Is a committee the most appropriate mode to address the issue. 4. Is the issue already being adequately addressed. 5. Is there an existing committee that could/should handle the issue. 6. Can the City provide the necessary staff and other resources to adequately support the committee work. B. The document establishing a committee shall define: l . Purpose of the committee. 2. Issue or problem it will address. 3. Its charge and duties. 4. Reporting relationship. 5. Size, specific representation ( if applicable) . 6. Life expectancy, if ad hoc, the expected work product, and due date. 7. What department/person will staff the committee, and the department director be contacted for staff input before the resolution is prepared and additionally, to work out staffing responsibilities. II. Existing Committees A. Every committee, existing or proposed, have a sunset date and at that date should provide the Mayor and the City Council with a written statement as to whether the committee should continue and the rationale for their recommendation. B. A review be undertaken yearly of the charge of all committees to make sure they are clear, concise and up-to-date. III. Appointment to Committee Membership A. Newly established committee vacancies shall be announced by the Mayor to the City Council, City Clerk and the general public at least 45 days prior to the date of appointment. 1. The exception may be when it is not in the best interest of the committee and its objectives to delay appointments for 45 days to allow for advertising; i .e. , committee/task force mandated by a source other than city or when committee is a part of an established commission or board. Pacre 2 of 4 C:i--���- !�-�'� � , ' ` B. Upcoming committee vacancies created by expiration dates shall be announced quarterly by the Mayor to the City Council, City Clerk, and the general public at least 45 days prior to the expiration dates of the terms. C. Appointments to vacancies shall occur no sooner than 45 days after the vacancies are announced. D. Committee vacancies created by resignation or death shall be immediately announced by the Mayor to the City Council, City Clerk, and if the vacancy corresponds with the quarterly announcements, it will also be announced to the general public. E. A copy of a completed application form for each appointee named by the Mayor shall be sent to the City Council and the City Clerk with a copy of the Council resolution when the resolution is presented to the City Clerk for inclusion on the council agenda. F. Applications will be received in the Mayor's Office and will be kept on file for at least two years. The applications on file will be considered for vacancies due to resignations. IV. Committee Membership A. In nominating committee members, the Mayor shall give priority to residents of the city, and business persons with expertise on related matter. B. Loss of committee membership shall occur as a result of absence without excuse from three consecutive meetings or one-half of the announced meetings within one year, if absences have not been approved by committee chairperson. C. Members shall serve at the will and pleasure of the appointing authority. D. No person shall be appointed to serve on more than two City boards, commissions or committees at any one time, except in the case of related boards, ad hoc committees, study committees, etc. E. Committee members on other than ad hoc committees shall be appointed to staggered terms. V. Meetings A. All committee meetings shall be open to the public. B. Except for committees comprised wholly of city employees, at least every other meeting shall be in the evening. Page 3 of 4 WHITE - CITV CIERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT �/� BLUE � �MAVOR File NO. � /° � � - ' uncil esolution Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date VI. Records A. Each committee shall give the City Clerk notices of its meetings. B. Staff for committee shall provide to the Office of the Mayor minutes of ineetings, membership vacancies, and annual reports. C. When a committee completed its work, committee related materials shall be given to the assigned staff person for proper disposition. D. Mayor's Office shall keep an up-to-date manual of committees and their members. VII. Committee Costs A. Free parking will be provided to all committee members that meet downtown. B. Members of committees other than ad hoc committees may be eligible for per diems, as determined by Council, only if the committee's work is related to an administrative function of the City, or a review board. C. Permanent and ad hoc committees charged with no substantive powers and established for a specific and limited period of time and purpose are not eligible for per diems. Page 4 of 4 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � Nicosia Rettman --�— �n Favor Scheibel so,,,,e� � __ Against BY ;,rwon(,vF'i6ArA- Wilson N��/ 1 � �87 Form proved y City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pass d C ncil Secr y BY gy, 0 • Appro d y :Navor. Date � i L �� Approv Mayor for S ncil _ By pUBI{ t1Ep �0 V 211987 . : ���«o � 4 . . �I° 011037 � MaYOr's Offi ce DEPt,��rrr Ora Lee Patterson coN�ecT t� 298-4323 rxor� � October 20, 1987 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FO,�t ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) ' _ Department Director 1 Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finance and l�nagement Services Director 4 City Clerk udget Director . 3 Cor�ncil President ity Attorneq _ TOTAL�NZMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: (Clip all locations for signature.) • � �1HAT �TILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) This resolution requires that an evaluation be made by the Cabinet prior to a c��ittee beinq proposed to assure the most is being made of our existing corrrnittees 2) the department, director be contacted for input before the resolution is prepared to work out staffing , responsibility 3) that every comnittee existing or proposed have a suns�t date and at that date be reviewed by Mayor and Council along with a writt�n statement as to whether they feel the co�nittee siiould continue and the rationale for their reco�nendation and 4� that a review be undertaken of the charge of all cor�nittees to determine if they are clear and COS�jBENEFiT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL iMPACTS ANTiCiPATED,: up-to-date. �INANCING SOUBCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (liayor's signature ndt required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: Activity l�ber: Funding Source: ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ADMINISTRATIVE BROCEDURES Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Antendraent required? �Yes No If yes, are they or timetable attached? E S NT FV W CITY ATTORNEY ,REVIEW _Yes o Council resolution required� Resalution required? _Yes _No � ,_Yes o Insurance required? Insurance suff icient? _Yes _,No� _Yes No Insurance attachedY , ��y/l�o� ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =_______________________________ ID#: [419 ] DATE REC: [10/30/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ J SUBJECT: [CITIZEN COMMITTEES - REVISION OF POLICY - ADD SUNSET DATES ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [ .X7 -t' ��.�� ] SIG: [RETTMAN ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [1-0�3�A-f$�-] //� ORIGINATOR: [MAYOR ] CONTACT: [O.R. PATTERSON - 4323 ] ACTION: [ ] � [ � C.F. # [ ] ORD. # [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION (4 PGS) ] [ �