87-1586 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE � CO�lI1C1I / CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L f ` (Q BLUE - MAVOR . Flle NO. � �r 1 unc ' Re lution i� Presented By . Referred To Committee: .�._ - Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D,#13375) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License applied for by D � V Auto Inc. DBA D � V Auto at 1067 Rice Street be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulation: No exterior display or storage of vehicles COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia � In Favor Rettman Scheibel _ Against BY Sonnen Weida W17.SOri 110�I _ � �1G7 Form pprove by Att rney Adopted by Council: Date �� � �� � Certified P . Council S a BY By , A►pproved Mav : NOV —5 �87 APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � BY Pll�i.tSH�D ,���'� 11 1987 ' ��''I-/��o , , . 1110 �11391 � . DEPARTMENT - r� S � Iti CONTACT NAME -S s P�IONE � ` ' � � g DATE ASS FOR BOUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) � , Departme t Director `- Mayor (or Assistant) - _ Finance ns� I�tanagement Se�vf.ces Director � C ty Clerk � _ Budget D rector � �e�=-�,,;�� .nD�.�r.�_ � Citq Att rneq _ (Clip all locations for signature.) T 0 N ? (Purpose/R�tionale) --1�,- `,�'`� ���-''�r`�"`� L`r`S�' -�-� �O . `� . �c.;,.�,1 - ) w �. .��..�, .� �.�.,�` � �`� °`"�L ° �`�° ' CO IT U T ND C C � 1 � 'F N CT V TY BE GE 0 (Mayor's si ature not required if. under $10,000.) Total Amo t of TransBction: �, � Activity Number: � If}- Funding So ce: �/�. I�� ' ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ``�"�__ _� � � ��,�,. C, �S�(. ADM S V� PR C �� � _Yes Jo Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment �equired? _Yes o If yes. are they or timetable attached? EP R' s�t�T ��FW �ITY ATT4RNEY REVIEW ✓Yes ,_p Council resolution required? Resolution required? ✓Yes TNo _Yes ✓ N Insurance required? Znsurance sufficient? �Yes _No _Yes ✓�1 Insurance attached? , . , � �-��-�s�� . UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �r'' �� / � INTF.RDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut b �Y ��,�� . Home Address 5 a ?,3�y�.�.�yl�� ��l�� �,,`� w._ �3i� � Business Name �� V �{-�j Home Phone �02--1 - ��a t _ Business Address � p�,-��,'�� �, . Type of License(s) �,v-dZ �. �/Yl}-,, �, Business Phone �� - � - � ��, Q, ,� ��,, Public Hearing Dat License I.D. 4� �;33�1��� at 9:00 a.m. in th �ouncil hambers, ' 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 1� `7j�3�ad j llate ATOtice Senti ���g .��a/ Dealer �� ��� �jc� to Applicant �U � � I�'ederal Fixearms 4� V� � Public Hearing S - -U U C� e-c�v �— E- �'1'1 c, ,� � :_..�. DATE INSPECTION REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � � � � � � � � Health Divn. ' i . ` ' � � Fi r e D e p t. . ; � � � �e✓ �-"-'`e-�� . `�-��c.' �c- � l�l � �� ���g-� � I Police Dept. I License Divn. � � ��� � a� City Attorney � I Date Received: Site Plan �U ' �� I �� To Council Research !n� �q, I �--7 Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � C71 � �, I Fl�( �c�� ��'�.�kl- C� 11 �� � . w :; . .,: . _. _ . . • CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Ctirrent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: , ,,: , Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: - Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . . �,r"�`i'-�s�� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DSPAR27►�A'P aF FIl�ANCE AND MIANAC� S$RVICFS LICEI�E ARD PII�Q'r D14I5ION These stateme�rt farms are issued in d�glicste. Please aas�+er a11 qneatio�ns !ul]�y aad co�pletely. This applicatfon is thorcugh]y c eked. Any faleification rill be esvse for deaial. � Da�e �� 19 �. Application� for�� t� ���) .��S°A /�,��-� ,�1�G�/7tl/,�(I�(Licease) (Permit) 2. Name of applicsnt �� y�j��-� � � � � ✓ 3. If applicant is/haa been a me�rried Pemale, list maiden name i(./�, �+. Date ot birth S �� Age� Plnce of birtti ,��,���i�//� ' 5. Are you a citizen ot the United States � Asti�e _ Naturalizad _ 6. Are yau a registered voter � Where /�'j,�� , ?. Home addreas ��G�1� _ .0-1-/�/�/!,'/ .���1� Aame telephoae�2/ �/�� - R. Preseat business sddreas����, ,± ��_ )iy�i ,� /T- Business teleptioae �o ��%�(Q Z- ��� 9. Including your present bwinesa/emQloyme�, t+h,st bnsiaess/eaploymeat hs�eyoun- follo�ned !or the past. tive years. Busineas/F�ployment p,d��s �� � � ��, ��� . � , - 10. Married N Q IP anst++er is "yea", liat. name and address ot apvuse 11. Fiave yau ever been arrested for an offense thst has reaulted in.a coaviction! �� �....-It ans�+er is "yes", list dates oP arrests,wl�ere, charges, corrvictions aed sentences. Date of arnst 19 Whert CHAF.GE COI�VICZ'IDN g� Date o� arnst 19 Where CHARG�' CONV ICTIOii S�q� . � �� ���-s�� • 12. List the names and addresses (it married, aame o! spouse also) ot all pera�s, . corporations, partntrships, associationa or organizationa wtrich in aay way iaave: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed premise, b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or lt�rniahings of the licensed premise, � c. A pramiasory note Por funds loaaed for the operat3cn of the licenaed prr�ise or t�e pnrchaae o! 'the license, d. Finar�cially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the licease it- se1F e. ArLy other inttrest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherWise i in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto of any and all docwnenta relerred to in this attidsviL. 1?. Give na�es and addressas oP ttiro peraons, resideata of St. Paul, Minnesata, �ho can give information coacerning you. . AAME AD�S "' . /A��(Ji�/ l , .�l1� ,! Y l/Y� / � �/ •�/Vov lk. Addreaa of premises tor Whi�ch License or Permit _is_made ��lG ! �,1�1� ___. -------- �- - Addresa� ` Zone�clasaification-� � � r 15. Bet�een �at cross sLreet cC Which side of street ��-�2�L. � 16. Raae under vhich this busfness.Will be eflnducte �(J�� � � � � / BO�j 17. �si�ss telephone n�nber �����(O � v 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description o the design, location, aud square Pootage ot the premises to be licensed .cJ — � �9. ?re oremises nrn+ occupied ��� `�What business ��� � Hx long `��� 0 /' . � . ����-�.��� ' �2b. ' List lice se wtiich you currently hold, or formerly held, or mey hsve an iatere In /�/<� 21. Have a�f the. licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever beea revoked. Yes No ✓ . If anaWer is "yes", list dates and reasona: 22. Do you have an interest of aay type in arly ot.her busineas or busiaesa premises. I° answer is "yes", list business, bnsiness address aad telephone number.fL�� 23. � If business is incorporated, give da�e of incorporation �� dC��S 19 and attach copy oP Articles oP Zncarporation ar�d mirnites of first meeting. 24. List all officers oP the corporation giving their aames, otrice held, h�e address, and home and businesa tt hoa�n�bers: ��y-��� ' 9'a��7Z� � � - � � _i/ % ��n,��.r , /�,��1 , � ���� .��n�,�./,�/��� � d>�, .�� _s'�'%/: 0����� �� -� t .�.... ��"'�� ` ! � / r' `> !O�G' / n O i► � O�V , 25. Zf business is partnership, list partner(s) address and telephcne m�bers: r �� z����-� ` /� , Address Z�e1.Fo. __ '�� � . -_ 26. Is there a�yyone else who xill have an i�erest in thia bueiness o� premises4 If answer is "yes", give nsme, home addreas, telephane n�bers and in w�at manner is tbeir interest: �`� , 27. Are you goinA to operate this,businesa per�onally , -3� not, �rho xill oQerste it: � - R� - .� Hame address 11el.Ho. i T, , ti�' �,—/S� . . �,�, . � . , Are you going to have a Nfana�;er or assistant ia this business? It ansr�e= is ��yes", give name and ho:ae address and home telephone rnimber: Name f/V� Home address Te1.No. 29. Has arryone you have named in questions 22 through 25 ever been arrested? Zf ans�er� is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, chsrges, com�ic- tions and sentence %L/� � 30. I � _�,� ��� understand this premi.se mny be in- spected by the poZice; fire, heslth and other city officials at a�► and alI times when the business is in aQeration. State �f Minnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) .����� � being first du�y sworn, deposes arid. sa�ys upaa_ oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing his sigaature snd lmoas tht contents thereoP, and that the same is true of his own. l�auledge except. as. to those_ matters therein stated upon information and belieP and a.s to those matters he be- 2ieves them to be true. Y. Subscribed and svorn to bePoze me Sigaature oP Applicsat this �1�� day of 1? �'1 ' �n�,�'� ..)� ���� -!� � KRISTiNA L. S�nt+'�iA���q ( mr �OTARY PU5LIG--MII4;., '' Notazy Pub1ic,��County, Minnesata ��a�� p�prA�,,,,�. � - t�v co�at. ��:���.::+-: '�y ca�ission expires Q,,��_�. � . I c�G a �`�•+^^'w.,^".�_„v� _ �, , � � ------------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS =______________----------------- ,------------------------------- ----------------- �-�T_�s�� � ID#: •[371 ] DATE REC: [10/20/87] AGENDA DATE: [10/21/87] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [2ND HAND MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER LICENSE - D & V AUTO - 1067 RICE ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[RETTMAN ] OUT-[X] TO CLERK EA8f8�/00] io�i I ORIGINATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � s � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] C ] [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � � �� �� . . , City Clerk: ._ w ,.,� k_ �.! � � � � 'v Q �.,1 1� � 1 � 386 C1ty Ha11 (� i � ( �` "' ' �` �- i � i... �. r� t !�! � � �l Q � f � ,.._ � .t- �, � . . � � � � P �.._ � C �, � � 0 �'`� F l L � �V �. L13375 I Dear Property ownex: . P A G ` I —i � � � � � � O �� Application for a Second Hand Dealer Motor•�Vehicle License ` I �i , � ( ��,PPLICAM i I � ! D � V Auto Inc. DBA D �, V Auto , � � . _� LO CfiT I O I� ' 1067 Rice Street � �-�-------- - - - � I idovember 3, 1987 lO:OG n.�t. ; H E�A R IP� G � City Ccuncil Chambcrs, 3rd Floor City Ha11 - Courc House _ ! �._---�— — i I3y License and ['ermit Division, Department of Finance an1 t N 0-�-, �� J� N-j-� �tanagement Services Room 203 City liall-Ceurt House � S;iint Paul ,htinnesota I I298-5056 (