87-1573 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COl1flC1I /yJ' � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT . PALTL File NO. " �-/��� BLUE -MAVOR � Co ncil Resolution ,,-- -� Presented By - �� , Referred Ta Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Notice of possible suspension of all business licenses , including on-sale liquor, Sunday on-sale liquor and restaurant licenses , were given to the licensees of Sylvia' s On Cedar, Inc . , d/b/a Club Cedar, located at 369 Cedar 5treet, Saint Paul , Minnesota, based on failure to comply with the health regulations or orders of the City' s Division of Public Health, Community Services Department, and upon hearing on said notice , the licensee has agreed to discontinue business until such time as the Division of Public Health should certify that the regulations and orders of the Division have been met; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul aoes hereby suspend all business licenses , including the on-sale liquor, Sunday on-sale liquor and restaurant licenses , for Sylvia' s On Cedar, Inc . , d/b/a Club Cedar, located at 369 Cedar Street, said suspension shall continue in effect until such time as the Division of Public Health shall notify the License Inspector that the health regulations and orders of the Division have been complied with, and upon such notification, the License Inspector may then permit the licensee to operate the business and the suspension of said licenses shall be removed; provided, however, that all other lawful requirements imposed upon said licensed activity are in compliance. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DreW Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel �� Against BY Sonnen Weida WllsOri �CT 2 g �7 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s y uncil t BY sy A►pprove Mavor: Date �� �� �71 Approve b Mayor for Submission to Council By P���I�l�� �I C`� 4 - 19�7 .I � �� ��7�3 : ���_• e, CITY OF SAINT PAUL o~♦ � • •� �� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � � �+ u�mn a DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �`4 ,��� A Room 203, City Hali Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor FILEO August 20, I987 - , , � i i �.� �.,. a'? Sylvia`s On Cedar, Inc. � Club Cedar 369 Cedar Street Saint Paul, MN 55101 Dear Sirs: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you that on September 2, 1987 a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council suspend the On Sale Liquor, Sunday On Sale Liquor, and Restaurant License you presently hold at 369 Cedar Street. The License Inspector's office will base its recommendation on the following: (1) Failure to replace cracking and/or deteriorating floor surfaces by July 3, 1987 as agreed to on March 2, 1987. (2) Failure to maintain minimum health standards (score of 75) . You ma.y be represented at this hearing by an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new licenses. ery truly yours, Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp Enc. cc: Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office Frank Staffenson - Environmental Health A1 Olson - City Clerk Joe Hannasch - Council Research � � (�_�r��3 .,,��__�. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL `v ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � 'i�ii� o DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH 555 Cedar Street,Sa�nt Paul,M�nnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor August 18, 1987 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk Joe Carchedi, License Division % FROM: Frank A. Staffenson, Director of Environment th SUBJECT: Club Cedar, 369 Cedar Street Request revocation of license for the following reasons: 1. Failure to comply with contract (see attached) of 3/2/87. 2. Very poor food handling practices. 3. Failure to maintain proper temperatures. � 4• Many equipment and maintenance items. 5. The overall score for the establishment is 54. Attached is a copy of the inspection reported dated 8/10/87. We do hereby request the revocation of the food and liquor license at the above establishment and that the City Council hear this � matter as soon as possible. _� C'�+ - iy- �~� C"` - �:'. .i=�, ' ::.-:�:._ c? ;,;. i. �'� �-, —i �' FAS/cc Attachments , F00� FACIiIT� AGREEu�r�I �`�—� �3 3/2/87 T32�partz�ent of Co��unity Services Dste SF.IIrT PAUL DIVISIO:� OF PJBLIC F.EALTI-i Food Section 555 Cedar Street ' Saint Paul , Minnesota 55101 RE SYlvia's on Cedar, Inc. DBA/ Club Cedar 369 Cedar St. Eitvironmental Health Personnel: St. Pdul , r1r; 55101 I hereby agree to comply with aZl the ze uireaents of the Food Ordinance of the Ditisiea of Public Health as per orders dated 2������ , and to keep this establisha.er.c in a c2ean and sanitary condition at all times. Specifically, I agree to make Lhe following i�provements and/or equipment repairs or ir.stal- lations by Ju1v 3, 1987 � Tf�e floor surfaces in the kitchen and in the bar area are crackino and deteriorating a�ith sore holes present. � Replace these floor surfaces usina approved materi�ls. L,le would encouraoe , the use of a hard, durable finish such as quarry or cerarric tile with coved t tile base. Although it is not recor�ended, the minimum floor finish in these areas is a commercial grade sheet linoleur� or vinyl com�osition tile. If this floor surface is used, it is done against the recommendation of the . Civision of Public f!ealth and a letter must be provided statina the flaor is beinq installed aoainst our recr.mmendation and the floor will be r;aintained as needed. March 3, 1987 � , � • � a��-'� D�ste of Agreemeni Sanitarian Applican.t' Signatuze � � If :he above improve�ents� equipment repaizs and/or installations are not c�mplied with in the time specified, I underaLand legal action may be taken. : FLFASE SIGN ALL THREE COPIES AND RETURN THE URIGINAL AIdD THIRD (3P.D) COPIES TO THE DNISIOr OF PUBLIC HEAI.TH, SSS C�AR STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINhESOTA SS101, KIT'HIN SEVF�I (7) L1AYS �0� D�ATE MAILED. ` Di52 Rev. 10/79 I . 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'.�. � / ��'' / i � ' � N� i P�I' '� ii' ••�1'.: �� 1 Y � � _ � . `� - � - _ - ' � • • M 1 - ��� � ' �u � � / �� � _ � � DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � ���� ,� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH CI'fY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICAflON October 14, 1987 T0: Frank A. Staffenson FROM: William F. Gunther �iv��'" SUBJECT: 1987 Inspectional History at Club Cedar, 369 Cedar Street The 1987 inspection history at Club Cedar, 369 Cedar Street is as follows: 2-27-87 Routine inspection, twelve deficiencies noted, eight of them were repeat items. Floors were badly deteriorated. 3- 2-87 Food facility agreement prepared requiring replacement of floor in kitchen and bar area by July 3, 1987. Agreement was left at the establishment with orders to have it signed and returned to the inspector. 4- 8-87 Letter sent to Ken and Sylvia Haider, along with copies of the agreement, requesting that they be signed and returned within seven days. 4-27-87 Signed agreement received by mail at the Department Public Health. 8-10-87 Routine inspection. Thirty four noted deficiencies with an overall Food Service Rating of 54. The floor had not been repaired. 8-12-87 Tag issued for failure to provide floors in good repair. . 8-18-87 Request license revocation. 9- 2-87 Council hearing on revocation. Laid over for thirty days after the manager assured the council there would be a new floor in place by then. . 9-30-87 Council hearing reconsideriag revocation. Laid over until Oct. 1, 1987 because the owners were not present. No substantial progress had been made on the floor repairs. 10-1-87 Council hearing. Mr. Eid requested thirty more days to repair the floor. The matter was laid over for thirty days with recheck in two weeks to see if there were any progress being made. 10-13-76 Meeting with Ken and Sylvia Haider, Lyle Eid and Louis Trejo. Mr. Trejo indicated that he was going to put down money into the establishment. I stated that unless we received written proof, we would proceed with license revocation on Oct. 16, 1987. No progress made on the required repairs as of this date. WFG/sk c: Judy Barr Barbara McMonigal-St. Dennis C',� ��:� � " ' � �573 �:`'°U'��"" CITY OF SAINT PAUL �,T, °� �~0 '`' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ?; i� � ������m��- '%� `1-°� 1°° �' EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,. m '"��„�'s°`m�'�`` � 647 City Nall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER f� MAYOR �. �� �1 ' '. � ) <, � October 21 , 1987 i �y'�� CC, JqM£�n��`�<1yq Scyej�4 Council Member James Scheibel 7th Floor City Hall Re : Sylvia' s on Cedar, Inc . - License 5uspension Dear Council Member Scheibel : I was advised that the City Council had requested that our office prepare a resolution suspending all the business licenses for Sylvia' s on Cedar , 369 Cedar Street, until such time as the Division of Public Health should certify that the regulations and orders of the Division have been met. I have prepared such a resolution. If this resolution expresses the intent of your motion, then it may be submitted to the City Council for adoption. If you have any questions or if the resolution is not correct , please notify me. Yo s very tr y, ' M y AL �.. ssist � City Attorney J`� :c g Encl . � � � /A\ �' ��;+^ �', i� �g,,,. t `... r-,,�. � �`,./ ��� \,. � 1� .,w..-+`' I �°"� C. � ----=--------------------------- AGENDA ITEMS -------------- ����`5-�— . , . ----------------------- -------------------------------- ��3 ID#: [383 ] DATE REC: [10/22/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [LICENSE SUSPENSION — SYLVIA'S ON CEDAR— 369 CEDAR ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[SCHEIBEL ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK [10/2"L/87] ORIGINATOR:[SCHEIBEL ] CONTACT:[ ] ACTION:[ ] [ � C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � �r s � � : � � � s � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CITY ATTORNEY LETTER ] [ 7 [ ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ �� � �� ` �% ���� �