87-1567 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council G C4NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO.- - �/ � ��'t" � BLUE - MAVpq Counci Resolution , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, Qur�uant to Section 10.7.1 0� the Chartex of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there axe availabl.e far appropri.ation tQtal revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1987 Sudget; and WHEREAS, Council k'ile No. 277510, adopted October 1, 19$1, did est.abli,sh cextain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the �ollowing additions be made to the 1987 Sudget: FINANCING �LAN Current Budget Changes Amended fludget 350 Library Aids and Grants 33420 - vaxious codes $155,Q00 $155,000 33420 - fund balance -Q- 5,083 5,083 $155,OOQ $5,Q83 $160,083 SPENDING PLAAT 350 Library Aids and Grants 33420 - various codes $155,000 $155,000 33420 - 0241 Printing outside -0- 5,Q83 5,083 $155,OOQ $5,083 $160,083 NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESQLVED, THat the City Cauncil adppts the al�ove additions to the 1987 Sudget. r APPROVED: �,� A�PROVED: �� ����� Dizec r af Fin e �j�� Budget D tor j„i�d-j� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Communit SerYices - Libraries Rettman �n F8v0[ Scheibel + sonnen __ Against BY .-.Ia�lo..Q�OA Wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT 2 g 19$7 Form pprov b 'ty Attorney Certified V•s o nc' ; cr BY � g}. Appro y Mavor: D �� �3 �7 Approv Mayor for S b ' 1 B — P�i�tc�D i'�����s` �� - 19��' Community �ervices - Libraries DEPARTMENT � N �2 2 I �T� 0 �r�1�Y �,1. S�teenberg CONTACT 292-6211 PHONE /Q Z DATE 1 Q/�� Q Q ASSIGN NUMBER� FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Departmenit Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance aj�d Management Services Director � City Clerk or � d � ? '�y Atto�ney � C'.R'e A�c.�-. �•�rns WHAT WILL BE �ICHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Will allow !the library to have forms printed necessary for the Library's Automation pro�ect. C�� RECEIVED � o �� ) �� OCT .13 I �'' 1987 COST/BENEFIT,f BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��YOaS OF�ICE �C�Ep `_ RECEIVFp _ ��T�7' 198 . see above l� ��rT -, OFF/CE OF J� ���� ��S Q�� �EP rHE DIRECTO �� MANq E ENr F�N'4NCE SERV/CES FINANCING SOuRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , ture not re- Total Amouint of Transaction: $5,083 quired if under ��o,000) RECE�i�°`=°D Funding Squrce• Library Aids and Grants ... Activity I�umber: 350 - 33420 �CT 7' 1987 ATTACHMENTS �Li st and Number Al l Attachments) : C i TY ATTC����Y Council Re�olution RECEiVED ` � OCT 2 1981 BUDGET OF�ICE DEPARTMENT R�VIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No ' Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No ' Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No. Yes No ' Insurance Attached: � (SEE REUERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS - -- /J� ----- ________________________________ ��7 7��� ID#: [346 ] DATE REC: [10/14/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [1987 BUDGET ADD'N - LIBRARY AUTOMATION PROJECT - PRINTED FORMS ] , . STAFF ASSIGNED: [ �"i- iv f �� ] SIG:[ ��, _. ` ] OUT-[ ) TO CLERK .�0�/-AA�-BA}-- / U�� / ORIGINATOR:[LIBRARIES ] CONTACt:[STEENBERG - 292-6211 ] ACTION:[ ] � ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE CUMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION ] [ ] [ ] ,� � ���� V�� OGT 1 919 , CoUN t�nH,� �p REW R d �(;'j- � 9 �� ,1'qtijES SC�trylqN HF�BE� ,