87-1560 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council c � CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 File NO. r' • - /��v BLUE -MAVOR � ounc ' Re lution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointments, made by the Mayor, of the following-named persons to serve on the newly-created Parks Task Force created by C.F. 87-958 and charged with the responsibility to interview and employ a park consultant to help the task force establish long-range plans for Saint Paul and Ramsey County. They are: Richard Arey Gayle Peterson Thomas Dwight Truman W. Porter Otis H. Godfrey, Jr. David John Sundmark Michael H. Horan Bruce J. Thompson Terrence E. Huntrods Joseph Temali Anne E. Kelly Joseph H. Scheunemann �E IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves and ratifies the appointment of Elliott Perovich, selected jointly by the Ramsey County Board and Mayor George Latimer, to serve as Chairperson of said Park Task Force. Upon completion of the final report to be submitted to the City Council for review, the task force will sunset. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel O� Against BY Sonnen G�eida � �CT 2 8 '►�7p1 Form pprove y C't t rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e b cil Se r BY ' By A►pproved avor: Date � — Approv by Mayor for Submission`to—Counci B BY PU�.��l�ED "�i�;`3 a' — 19�� , L � �'�--/�S`�d -� � . . �1t° 01102� , Ma or "�':��i�nistration DEp��rrr - ' Ora L atterson coxT�cT t�s� 298-43?3 Pxot� � ' . . , � �ctobe 16, 9 DATE . � (See renerse side.) ' _ Depar ment Diractor � Mayor (or Assistant) _ Finan e aad l�anagement Services Director � City Clerk sudge �irector � �quncil Presid�itt � City ttorney _ � �IGNAT�JRF PAGES: 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) O ? (Purpose/Rationale) The atta hed. resolutidn requests the concurrence of the City Council on the Mayor's a�po.i'� n�ts �o�,the Joint Cit,y County Parks Task force. Additionally, the resalution appoints E1]iatt Per�vic�h as the Chairperson. This newly .createc# task force established by C.F. 7=958 is charged with the responsibility of irrterviewing' and employing a park consulta t to help the task force establish l�ng-range nlans for Saint Paul and F;amsey ` � County. The committee will sunset when the final report is sukxnitted to Council for review. The corrmittee consists of 12 members anpointed by the City and 12 by the County Bd. ' er G 'oi�a �n�oio�E nt b the Coun� Board and the Mayor. N/A I G AC V C G C D: (Mayor's s gnature not required if under $10,,000.) Total t of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding ource: ATTA (List and number all attachments.) . A MI I TRA OCE URES ' `Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes Na If yes, are they or timetable $ttached? DEPARTMEN VIEW CITY A'�TORNEY RE�IEW � � g gYes No Council resolution required? Rasolution required? _,Yes !No _Yes No Insurance required? Insurance suffici:ent? _Yes _No , _Yes No Insurance attached? . ..a (,� ��— �5�0 � � Di CITY OF SAINT PAUL iNTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM October 19, 1987 : TO: Council President Janice Rettman Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson , Assistant to the Mayor RE: APPOINTMENTS TO NEWLY-ESTABLISHED PARKS TASK FORCE Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of the attached resolution appointing the following people to serve as members on the newly-established joint City County Parks Task Force created by C.F. 87-958. They are: Richard Arey Gayle Peterson Thomas Dwight Truman W. Porter Otis H. Godfrey, Jr. David John Sundmark Michael H. Horan Bruce J. Thompson Terrence E. Huntrods Joseph Temali Anne E. Kelly Joseph H. Scheunemann In addition to these persons, Mayor Latimer and the Ramsey County Board have jointly selected Mr. Elliott Perovich to serve as Chairperson. Also attached are copies of applications for the above-listed persons. If you have any questions regarding these appointments, please feel free to contact me at 298-4323. OLP/drm Attachments cc: Al Olson, City Clerk For Council Agenda -------------------------------= AGENDA ITEMS =__________--------------------- ��7-/S�D + -------------------------- --------------------- ID#: [376 ] DATE REC: [10/21/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [APPOINTMENTS TO JOINT CITY COUNTY PARKS TASK FORCE ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [ ] SIG:[RETTMAN ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [10/21/87] ORIGINATOR:[MAYOR ] CONTACT:[ORA LEE PATTERSON - 4323] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/MEMO FROM O.R. PATTERSON ] [ 7 C 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------