87-1553 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANC-E G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR . F�IC NO. � /��� � un ' Re olution � ----� �� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#11910) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle Parts License by Duane Beto DBA Bi-Rite Auto at 924 Arcade Street be and the same is hereby appxoved. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays ',�„ Nicosia Rettman � �n Favor Scheibel � By Sonnen __ Against �d�r Wilson Adopted by Council: Date O�T � � �� Form pprove ity Attorney Certified Pa s y ou il Secr +'�( BY � i gy. ���:�--W� t#pproved b avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY P!!Q!�c}!F� ��`•l��" � ` ���E , ��i�3 � . ` • .N° 011359 � `� �. ,DEPARTMENT ' . - - - - - - CONTACT NAME _ — �Ca-- PHONE � '. � DATE SI FOR RQIJTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) _ Depa tment Director Mapor (or Assistant) _ Fina e and l�ianagemant Services Director � City Cldrk _ BucYg D�rector � � :� . �„e � � � City ttornep _ T (Clip all locations for signature.) V Y 0 ? (Purpose/Rationale) --r1 5�,�,�, ' �l9-Q,,�.,..uti.ri•�,_�,.`;t,0 w�x. .�,�, h�.� �� � �t�;� �o� C c� CA��.� W:s�. �. L;�C, q,�.�.. 0.,..��'l�o,ri� c�...—�- c� �.�-c��° : � � CO B G AND SO C � `� C 0 V BE C C DITED: (Mayor's ignature not required if under $10,000.) � Total otult of Trans�ction: i�,l('t Activity Number: � ��- Funding Source: Vl�(�- ATTAC S: (List and number all attachments.) ` �' � � ,�P�- � � ��., . ��. 1..�.��, AD NIST I , PL�OCEDURES � \�. , _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? Yes No If yes, are they or timetable attached? D �1 l V W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEFI . i/Yes No Cou�cil resolution requfred? ' Resolution required? ✓Yes _No _Yes No Insurance reqairedZ Insurance sufficieat2 _Yes _No � Yes o Insurance attached? T � ��/7..�� - DIVISIQN OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE�(�Q.�,,,.� ,�� INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST � �� 3�c1 Applicant�, .�.,,o ,l�-e:.,-� Home Address -'� ��o�.�Qc� Business Name�; ���o. I�c�� Home Phone 2Z1 _ �—t� � Business Address �c�� �rc�-c�—� Type of License(s) Z� �cA- YYt�v U.x�I Business Phoue "�-'l t - O5 t"Z � C^-r� � Public Hearing Date � License I.D. # � �C� �C� at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. � ` (.0 1 _ Sa� . �o �� � REVIEW DATE DATE INSPE ION APPN REC'D VERFIID COMPUTER) CO1�iENTS �oved Not ed Housing & Bldg � Code E�if orcement Ct � ( � �p� � ,I � f � �, Public Health � � °� � i� ,,,,� � _ . i Fire P�evention � � l� � � � �� � O � � I Police � � � Z(,e ! u ` l,..� t C� i City Attorney � I ENS � ✓� 1 �. � 300 Fobt Notice � �� i I License Inspector's Comments: I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PiJ�LIC HEARING IS REQUIRED. \.11 l M.. r_ Q-�o _D n G�.._G/\ !C�J /t�,/„ / , ,- � ,. C�"�7—�SS-3 CITY OF ST. PAUL �-., D�AR'1�AT OF FIl�ARCE AHD MANAGS�T SBFtVICF� LICENSE AND PE�l�II'1' DIPI5IOE1 These stateme:rt forms are iasued in d+aglicste. Please ans�+�er a�ll qnestioas tiil�jr a� completely. This application ia thprough]�y eDecked. Any falaificatioa vi11 be csuse for deaial. Date 19 Q � 1. Applicstion for {yianae) (Pesmit) 2. Rame of applicsnt -. 3. If applicant is/has been a mnrried Pemale, list maidea neme b. Dste of birth � -' �- Z Age��place ot birth �r'/G 5. Are you a citizea of the Un�ited States �Aativ�e _turaliyed _ 6. Are you a registered voter �_ Where 7. Hame addreas� S Hame teLepl�oaa =��,� R. Present business addresa Business telaphane l���r 5� � 9. Including your present businesa/emplvyment, w�hst bnsiness/e�lvysent ba�e yan folloved for the past five years. Busineasl�PloY�Dt; Addrets ,' . _ _._�� � , _ ,�� : , � - . r �. . _ 10. Married �P ans�rer ia �;vea", liat name and addresa ot spause ��.��� , _ 11. �!iave ' yau ever been arrested for an,otfease thst has resulted in s convictionl--s�� I! ans�+er is "yes", list dates of�arreats, w�ere, chargea, com►ic�Lioat and aentences. Date_ ot arrest_ � 19 Where . y �rLJI'Kl� l • i � ' �ri/�� ' �t S� Date af arnst I9 Where CHARGr CDNV ICTIOiJ S�� ��`/—lSS3 � 12. List the names and addresses (if married, na:ne o! spause also) of all persans, � corporations, partnerships, associatioas or organizations wttich in a� Way have: a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, - �� b, A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or ft�raishings of the licenaed premise, r�V c. A pramissory note for Punds. loaned for the operatien o! the licensed premise or the purchase o! 'the license, (l%� d. Financially contributtd to the purchase of the premi�e or the license it- self /1.J� e. ArYy other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise � _ in the licensed premise� or the licease itself, � /1 > �� Attach a copy hereto of ar�r arid all docua►ents reterred �to in.this affidavit. , . _ , _ •. -� l .. � - A�. � . , t J.. ' . . - . . . . � y�l ., � . 1?. Give names and addresses of two persons, resideats. of St. Psul, Minnesata, aho can give information concerning you. AAI� AD�53 � L �1�C(, � O ,c�� � � ��� ����! ' � ��� �� lu. Addreas of premises !or �►hich icease or Permit is made � Addreas Zone clsaairication 15. Bet�een r+iiat croas streets Whi�h side oP stree� 16. N+�e under which this business r�ill be� conducted �/ i � ��� ~ 17. Busiaess telephone rnanber� ,.�� ( ""`�5`Z 1�. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed f � � �9. a.re oremises noW occupied What business � long�^ � - ` , C��7/S 5� � , 20. �ist license w►�-i 4h you currently hold, or fo r�y_peld, or ma�r have an intere in VS c�l� �-,..� ��1�' _ , � � 21. Have atry of the licenses listed by you in No. 2Q ever been revoked. Yes No ��If ansrer is "yes��, list dates and reasona: 22. Do you have an interest oP a�r type in any o�her business or businesa premises. It answer is "yes", list business, businese address aad telephone number. � �� 23. If business is incorporated, �ive dete ot incorporation � 19 and attach capy of Articles of Incarporation and mirnrtes of first meeting.— 24. List aIl officers of the carporation giving their names, oftice held, hame sddress, and home and buainesa telephone n�bers: 25. If business is partnership, list pnrtner(s) address and te3.ephcne n�bera: Name ,� � '— Addreas �el.Ao. , __ �_ 26. I� there ar�yone else w�o will have an iuterest ia this business o� premises4 I� answer is "yes", give neme, home addreas, telrpho�e n�bers aad in �at manner is their interest: . 27. Are you goinq to operate this businesa peraonal7y�i! not� xho �ill vperate it: N� Hosne aridress �1.Ao. � �7-i,s 3 3 � . .. Are y�u going to have a Nians�er or�'asaistsat' in`this basiness? If ans�rer is "yes", give m e and ho:ae address and home telephoae m�mber: Name Home address 2�e1.No. 29. Has ar�►one yau have named in questions 22 throu�h 25 ever beea arrested? Zf aaswer is "yes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, cornr��c- tions and sentence � 30. Z eq..�1����c� . understand this premise. m�y be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city officials at ar�r and a1.I times when the business is in o�oeration. State oF Minnesota) � � )SS County of Ramsey ) Jc,`�,�,�t�D being� Yirst duly� swora, deposes• and s�ys- upaa oath. that he has read the foregoing statement bearin� his signature and lmotirs the co�ntents_ thereof, and that the-same is true of his own- lmowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belieP an to those ma.tters he be- lie�ves them to be true.. Subscribed- aad svorn to bePose me Signature of Applicsat this 1l� day oP 19� -' a � • - � ---�— . ;. �„ KRISTINA L. SCHWEINLER � NOt82'y blic �iy C�L1Aty, Minnesota NOTARY PU9UC-MINNESOTA ���_ � DAKOTA COUNN h3Y COMM. EXPIRES JAN.2. t992 � '�fy co�ission expires .oZ t�t a• Y � � ________________________________ AGENDA ITEMS -------------------- --- � ��5�� ID#: [361 ] DATE REC: [10/16/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/007 ITEM #� [ 1 SUBJECT: [SEC.HAND DEALER MOTOR VEHICLE PARTS LIC. - BI-RITE AUTO-924 ARCADE ] STAFF ASS'IGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[RETTMAN ] OUT-[X] TO C�ERK f,��nninni �v�� o ��, ORIGINATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[SCHWEINLER - 5056 ] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] C 7 L 7 ________�_____________________________________________________________________