87-1510 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council /.� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �7��i" BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By w � , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date , i i i ive searc er Activity(OObO ) for 1 ying and.3ntergaverrm�n relations narrsalary e�ses, ancl Wf�IERFAS, $4,2�8 of that $6,065 re��ains unexperx3ed as of October 1, 1987, ar�l Wf�RE'AS, The �ity Cauncil and the May�or created a coordirlated/'oint Legislative labbying activity call�d �Yxe Intergaverrmuental Relations Office in the �88 budget, ar�d. Wf�FAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Sectical 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does reca�r3 follaniing. ame�ents to sper�ding plans for � 1987 General Fund Budget: Current Atn�er�ded City Co�mcil __��t___ _ Changes�_ __Budget� O�OQ2 �il Investigative Research Center 00002-0237 Parking F�se 1,520 -657 863 00�02-0251 Transporta�ion ,750 -32 718 00002-0252 Lodging�leals-etc 4,460 -3,339 1,121 00002-02�3 Registration Fees 2,980 -180 2,800 00002 All .Other Sperr.�ing - 497,500 0 497,500 _ _ _ -------.---- - 507,210 -4,208 503,002 _ _ _ . _ �ecutive AditLin.istration Coordina�ed Mayor/Cauncil Legislative Lakabying Q0103 In�ergaverr�►e�tal Relatiaris Office 00103-02�7 Parking �e 0 +657 657 00103-02 � Transporta io� 0 +32 -32 00103-0252 Lod�ing�,eals-etc 0 +3,339 3,339 �0103-02�3 Registration Fees 0 +1$0 180 001�3 AIl OtY�er Spex�ding - 0 0 0 ---------0- ----------- ------ +4,208 4,208 NET CHAIVC�E - 0 - RESOLVID, 'I'hat the City Council appraves these changes to the 1987 bu,dget. - Appraval RecarmeYlded: ---- --- _'1��i���-- Bu�dget Di � r COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia Cl�j7 COUT1C11 Rettman � �' � In Favor Scheibel Sonnen __ Agel(lst BY �a�la�a�►G/flO� Wilson �Cr � �J ��� For Approved b Cit ey Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Pa •ed by Council Secretary � gy. Approved y Ylavor: Date �'_"--� ! '� ��� Appro b Mayor for Submi Cou il B PU8ltSlIED 0 C T 2 � 1987 � . . � u°� �'1-�sio . , � �t� osos5a . C it Couri i l DE ARTI�NT • i een a or iane y�ACT NAl+� 2�— 0 � PHONE � �0 5 8 7 _ DATE ASSIGN N FO T NG (See reverse side.) 1 Depart nt Director 4 Maqor (or Assistant) Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget irector _ ity At orney _ 1 (Clip all locations for signature.) W V D B N C ? (Purpose/Rationale) - $4,208 will transferred from City Cauncil's Investigative Research Center 1987 budget ( pending authority) to a new activity�:.called Intergovern�ntal Relations Of ice. The $4,208 is. the remaining unexpended balance as of 10/1/87 of non-salar dollars budgeted for the CQuncil's lobbying' function. The new activ,ity is joint Niayor/Council Coordinated .Legislative Lobbying function. CO UDG T AN PE EL M AC P D: � Net effect ti the spending authority transfer �n the General Fund is Q (zero:� .: All sp�nding authority transferred is for nan-salary costsfmileage, parkinc�, transportati n, lodging/meals, registration fees and due�) . �, :� . F N C URG D BUDG VI B R C 0 D T D: � (l�iayor's s gnature not required if under $10,000.) Total !,� unt of Transgction: $4,208 .00" � Activftp Number: 00002 to 00103 Funding ource: spending authority transfer from 00002 tb 00103 ATT (List and number all attachments.� 1. Res lution 2 .�.10/ '/87 "1987 Budget Allocated to Intergovernmental .Relations Manager" AD NIS' � URES /'� Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budge� Amendment requiredY �Yes No If yes, are they or timetable, attached? � DEPAR J' REV W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No . Council resolution required? Resolution required? �Yes _No � _Yes o Insurance required7 Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? �:1 . . , � ��-�r�s�� � ; 1987 Budget Allocated to Intergovernmental Relations Manager ,CITY COUNCIL RESEARCH CENTER Account No. 00002 1987 Adopted Expended Balance 235 Type II - Reg. 3/wk day + $.15 180 520.80 -340.80 237 Parking Expense 1,120 121.37 998.63 251 Transportation 250 218.00 32.00 � 252 Lodging-Meals-etc. 3,960 621.22 3,338.78 253 Registration Fees 530 350.00 180.00 255 Dues 25 25.00 -0- $6,065 $1,856.39 $4,208.61 October 1, 1987 Nancy Anderson - i � , . ------------__�-------------------= AGENDA ITEMS — -------------------------- ------ - --------------- -_____-------------------------- ��7_�s-�a . ID�:' [325 ] DATE REC: [10/OS/87] AGENDA DATE: f.00/00/007 I7EM #: f. � SUBJECT: [1987 BUDGET CHANGE— INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS (DIANE LYNCH) ) STAFF ASSIGNED: [ ] SIG:[ ��cU ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK [DA�B@�0] !a/� ORIGINATOR:[CITY COUNCIL ] CONTACT:(EILEEN WEIDA — 5506 ] ACTION:[ � [ ] C.F.� [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] - � � � � � � � � � � r� � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/BUDGET INFORMATION FRUM NANCY ANDERSON ] � ] � 7