87-1509 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR Flle NO. �-/�� � Council Resolution . �Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of �ommittee By Date WHEREAS, The �tayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of theCity Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1987 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following changes to the 1987 Budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 436 SPECIAL PROJECTS - POLICE Use of Fund Balance 65,888 173,360 239,248 Transfer In from Special Revenue Funds 20,000 20,000 Al1 Other Fund Financing 276,012 276,012 SPENDING PLAN 361,900 173,360 535,260 436 SPECIAL PROJECTS - POLICE 34115 Police Responsive Services 34115-0251 Transportation 12,868 2,000 14,868 34115-02152 Lodging, Meals 26,740 1,000 27,740 34115-0354 Law Enforcement Supplies 3,205 8,608 11,813 34115-0819 Appliances 250 70 320 34115-08✓�8 Special Equipment-Law Enf. 54,700 127,3�2 182,062 34115-0853 Cameras --0-- 2,970 2,970 34115-0857 Data Processing Hardware 2,000 31,350 33,350 34115-A11 Other Spending 169,325 --0-- 169,325 436 All Othe� Spending 92,812 --0-- 92,812 361,900 173,360 535,260 NET CHANGES 173,360 RESOLVED, Tha�t the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 Budget. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department o : Yeas p�� Nays �/� ,�� .n.,,y� POLICE 8/31/87 ,�" /� f N�cos�a� � [n Favor Scheibel � B �T� �/ _ ���.(��'�f sonnen _ Against Y '�-�'/ � �o tr,�f,G'IP� Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �CT � � 1�87 Form Approved C' Att ey Certified as d by Council Secretary BY By ' A►ppro Ylavor: D t � Approv y Mayor for S is on tv Council Y �f"=�;a��a r. , . - itl�J� ��0� 08988 ' ' Police DEPARTMENT � � - .Luci Mi chell - CONTACT �7 ��g _ PHONE . 913/87 DATE ��� �� � ASSIGN NUMBER ROUTING ORDER Cl i Al l Locations for Si nature : � � Dep�rtment Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor 8 Finance an Management Serv,ices Director � � City Clerk � Budget :Di r tor � Chai r� F�, M and P Camn. - ICity Attor eY 7 City Council WHAT WILL BE A HIEVEQ BY TAK�NG ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ ' Rationale) : A�end �e St. Paul Police Department 1987 Responsive Services Budget (34115) in the expenditure codes and by the amoants indica ed on the attached Council Resolution. : `RECEIVED ����� `��� S E� �� 1987 COST BENEFIT UDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: MfiYOR'S OFfICE Total et change in ,34115: $173,360 -- see attached. FiI�UW£ING SOU E AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNIBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amou Qf "Transaction: $173,360 quired if under . �10,000) Func�ing So rce: Responsive Services Activity N mber: 341-15 . ATTACHMENTS ist and Number All Attachments ; �Cp� 1 . C uncil Resolution $EP 7 - �7 BUDGET Off�E DEPARTMfNT RE IEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ' X Yes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No ` Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE POR INSTRUCTIONSj Revised 12/8 . . � ��7- ,s-�5 --1------- — AGENDA ITEMS --------------------------------- -------------=====s====_______ --------------------------------- ID#: [264 ] DATE REC. : [09/17/87] AGEI�A DATE: [00/00/00) ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [1987 BUDGET CHANGES — POLICE RESPONSIVE SERVICES BUDGET ] STAFF ASS I GNED: [ ,��/j,{ 9 �a� ] S I G:[9���u,�if ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK _�f96IflQ] �'J%", ` ORIGINATOR:[POLICE ] CONTACT:[LUCI MITCHELL (292-3584)] ACTION:[ ] [ ] C.F.� [ ] ORD. # [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � �e �e � � � �e +� �r +� �e +� s FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION ] C 7 C ] ______________________________________________________________________________ R D SEP 2 41987 COUNCiLMAN ;lAMES SCHEIBEL'