87-1489 WHITE',- CITV CI.ER COUflCll 'PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL �7/ � CANARV -UEPARTME T BIUE - MAVOR � FIlC N•. City At�Cny/P�iB • • � Co n ,cil Resolution -- Presented By I � /�� Referred iTo Committee: Date Out of C�mmittee By Date ; RESOLUTION approving redevelopment nlan, feasibility of ! relocation, and creation of a redevelopment district . � WHEREAS , by its Resolution ndo . 07-8/12-3 , adopted August 12 , 198� , the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Sai�.t Paul , Minnesota (HRA) approved the Redevelopnent Plan for theiUniversity Avenue East Redevelopment Project and directed that the � said Plan, together with supporting documentation including a Bui�ding Survey Report and Market Analysis Report , be submitted to he Council for the City of Saint Paul for its consideration; and i i [JHEREAS , pursuant to notice published in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch on August 20 , 1987 , the City Council hel a nublic hearing on the Redevelo�ment Plan for the University Ave�iue East Redevelopment Project on Sentember l , 1987 , and at sai�. hearing heard testimony regarding deterioration along Unitversity Avenue, lack of parlcing, the relation of crime and tro�.ble spots to deterioration, and the factors discussed in the HRAi� Staff l3oard Report dated August 5 , 19�7 ; and WHEREAS , at the conclusion of said nublic hearing on SeptemUer l , 1987 , the City Council voted approval of the P.edevelopment Plan for the� University Avenue East P.edevelonment Project �ubject to pre�paration of this �tesolution; now, therefore, be it ; RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul as follows : I (1) The Council for its findings determines that - � COUNCIIj,MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Against BY ' Form App oved by City torney Adopted by Couhcil: Date • Certified Passedl by Council Secretary BY � By A►pproved by Malvor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � gY I . _ _ _ _ WHITE •— CITV CLER19 COURCII /�/fr,/ ��(�/�/y� � PINK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L 1 � C A N A R V —'O E P A R T M E�Il T y /,,,,/.ic.�►/ � BLUE — MAVOR � . FIIC NO• 0 � f � �" 1 I � Council Resolution Presented By . Referred!To - Committee: Date Out of C�mmittee By Date � -2- (a) land and parcels in the Project area tahich are bliahted, substandard or deteriorated would not ' be made available for redevelopment without ' tor and , public financial aid from tlze public sec the HRA; b the Universit Avenue �ast Redevelonment Plan and , � ) Y I other develor�ment and redevelopment plans 'ueing � carried out in the locality will afford maximum ' opportunity, con.sistent with the sound needs of � the Saint Paul locality as a whole, for the � redevelopment of such areas by private enterprise; (c) based on the findings of the Saint Paul Planning ion the said Redevelo ment Plan is con- Conuniss , p � sistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Saint Paul; I h area encom- (d) the findings of the HRA I3oard that t e � nassed ��ithin the University Avenue Ea�t Redevelop- ' ment Project qualifies as a "redevelopment district" under T1inn. Stat . §273 . 73 , subdivision 10(a) (2) , is hereby affirmed and adopted; and � (e) the finding of the HRA Board that the relocation of � persons to be displaced in accordance with law is � also affirmed and adopted. ; (2) The University Avenue East Redevelonment Plan, and Project i thereby proposed, are Izereb approved for undertaking and imple- i erms b th HRA COUIVCII�,MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dr2W Nays N].COSl�I Rettmam � In Favor Scheib�l � Against BY S�ert! Weida I Wil�Orij �r,T } j �981 Form App oved by Ci At orney Adopted by Couhcil: Date • Certified P�s �i by Council Secretary BY r B�' A►pprove lVlalvor. Date �L 1 2 � �87 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By P!!��� �r T `' _9 198 T i � -----------�----------------= AGENDA I TEMS --------------------------_______ ��-/�� ----------- --------- ---- -------------------------- ID#: [259 � ) DATE REC. : [09/16/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [E�1ST UNIVERSITY AVE. REDEVELOPMENT PLAN ] STAFF ASSIG�tED: [ �j � g��� ] SIG:[ ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [00/00/00] ORIGINATOR:�[CITY ATTORNEY ] CONTACT:[PHIL BYRNE (5121) ] ACTION:[ ] [ i � C.F.# [ i ] ORD. # [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: � [RESOLUTION (2PG5)/MEMO OF PHIL BYRNE ] [ i ] [_________�__________________________________________________________________j � � , � � � � p � 0��� � lgBT co .I,q��s Sc�MAN EiQF�, � i f , � � , 33 S$ � � � ~ �� / � � J 1 ��� , .. I i♦�`e � � ,O r� J � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � � ' INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM , DATE. August 18, 1987 T0: � Albert Olson FROM: ! Sheri Pemberton� RE: ; City Council Public Hearing for September 1, 1987 � Attached is a copy of a Public Hearing which is being published in the St. Paul Legal Ledger and the St. Paul Pioneer Press and Dispatch on Thursday, August 20, 1987 Pleas& place this Public Hearing on the City Council Agenda for Tuesday, September 1, 1987. A City Council Resolution will be forwarded to you by th� City Attorney's Office, prior to the City Council Meeting. Thank� You. Attachment cc: Phil Byrne ' Gloria Bostrom ' David Stokes I , ; - � _ , �:-..� . � _ - - °i -n � r I +,% ,, r''� f � 'i �� � �� °'.'9 i rt �, _. I. � __ 1...;::•�P. i. (:.1.� r.-..J . � • � NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ' UPON UNIVERSITY AVENUE , EAST REDEVELOPMENT PLAN NOTICI IS HEREBY GIVEN that a ublic hearin w'1 p g i 1 be held before the Cpuncil of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in the Council Chamb�ers, Third Floor, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minne�sota, on Tuesday, September l, 1987, at 9:00 a.m. �n t3�e Redev�elopmer�t Plan for the University Avenue East Project Area. The primary purpose of this Plan and Project is to ,�l.iminate _ and/ r improve those existing conditions which serve to impair the l�ealth, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the City ,of Saint Paul, and which also serve to inflict an economic blight upon existing private investment in the area through public intervention so that private enterprise will achieve the mean� and encouragement to provide both housing and commercial redevelopment. The edevelopment Plan delineates the Project area within the imme�iate ne-ighborhood bounded by Rice Street on the East, Shermurne Avenue on the North, Victoria Street on the West and Aurota Street on the South. The Project area' s legal description is a� follows: � Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of ; University Avenue and Rice Street, proceeding north along the centerline of Rice Street to the intersection of the centerline of Sherburne Avenue; thence West alang the ' centerline of Sherburne Avenue to the intersection with the , centerline of Victoria Street; thence South along the centerline of Victoria Street to the intersection with the � centerline of Aurora Avenue; thence East along the ; centerline of Aurora Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Dale Street; thence Southerly along the centerline of Dale Street to the intersection with the ' Southerly Line of Outlot B, Central Village Addition ; extended Westerly; thence Easterly along said extension and Lot. Line; thence extended Easterly to the Northeast corner of Outlot C, said Central Village Addition; thence South ; along the East line of Outlot C to the Southeast corner � thereof; thence East, 100 feet along th Northerly line of Lot 5; thence Southeast along the dividing line between Lots ! 3 & 5 Central Village Addition, 54. 33 feet to the most � Easterly corner of said Lot 5; thence Northeasterly 329.98 jfeet, more or less to the Northerly line of Outlot G, ! Central Village Addition, being the Northerly R-O-W line of � ' ; vacated Aurora Avenue; thence Easterly along said Northerly . � R-O-W line of vacated Aurora Avenue; thence Easterly along said Northerly R-O-W line to its intersection with the ' Easterly line of Lot 9, Block 3, Mackubin & Marshall 's ,' Addition extended Southerly; thence along said extension to its intersection with the centerline of Aurora; thence East along the centerline of Aurora Avenue to the intersection • , ; with the centerline of Rice Street; thence North along the � � centerline of Rice Street to the point of intersection with University Avenue, the point of beginning. . . . I � I � / � /� � � • � � � . . Copi e,'s of the Redevelopment Plan for the University Avenue East Redev!elopment Pro�ect and related documents, including a Market Stud and Exterior Building Condition Survey are on file in the Offi e of the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, and i�n the Office of the Department of Planning and Economic Devel,opment, City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, 12th Floor, Sain� Paul, Minnesota, and available during regular business hours. That �upon said Public Hearing the Council shall consider the Rede�elopment Plan for the University Avenue East Redevelopment . Project Area, dated August, 1987, and the redevelopment and comm�Anity development activities in said proposed plan and dete�nine whether (1) the land in the Project area would .be made available for redevelopment without the undertaking of the Proj�ct and provision of public financial assistance being considered, (2) the Redevelopment Plan will afford maximum oppo�tunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whol�, for redevelopment of the Redevelopment Plan area by priv�te enterprise, (3) the Redevelopment Plan conforms to the gene�al plan for the development of the locality as a whole, and (4) the Redevelopment Plan makes provision toward development of a' viable community in Saint Paul, including expanded and comm rcial revitalization, decent housing and suitable living envi onment and expanding economic opportunities principally for pers ns of low and moderate income. Al1 �ersons interested or concerned in this matter shall be given full� opportunity to be heard at this public hearing. Date�l this 18th day of Auqust, 1987. � By: ALBERT B. OLSON \s\ City Clerk � � , I I . . �