87-1477 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC'E GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARfiMEN7 'BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � /��� � � Co ncil esolution � . , , / 3 Presented By ' Refer�ed To Committee: - Date Out o Committee By Date I �I RESOLVED, tiiat t�e Council of the City of Saint Paul does ner�by consent to and approve of the following reappointments, made! by the Mayor, to the Public Housing Agency: Joanne i�IacDonald, representing Non-Tenant Commissioners, and serving a five-year term. This term shall expire September l, 1992, and Lillian Micke, representing Elderly �3ousing Tenants/ High�i Rises, and serving a two-year te�n. This term shall expire Sept'lember l, 1959�. I I ' w COUNCIILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew ' Nicosi� [n Favor Rettma � Scheib 1 � Against BY Sonnen weiaa OCT - �;' 1987 W ' 1 s n Form prove y Cit A rne Adoptedl'by �ou cil: Date Cerlified Ya u cil S etar BY By � ��``- ' - � . Appr by Mayor for S is on to C il A►pprov b Mav�or. Date i �Y' B . Pilf�.;��A C;�; . .s ;� i9�� . � � �� � �-�--j_�y77 4�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL I INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ! , TO Council President Chris Nicosia � Members of the City Council FRpM: Ora Lee Patterson Assistant to the Ma or DA�E: September 23, 1987 RE� REAPPOINTMENTS TO PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY Ati�ached, for your consideration and approval, is the re$olution reappointing Joanne MacDonald and Lillian Micke to co�tinue serving as members of the Public Housing Agency. Jo nne MacDonald was appointed on May 19, 1987 to fill the un�xpired term of Mamie Morgan. This term expired September 1, 1987. This is a five-year term, representing Nor�-Tenant Commissioners and expires September l, 1992. Lillian Micke was appointed on July 9, 1987 to fill the un�xpired term of Violet Gaylord. This term also expired on Se�itember 1, 1987. This is a two-year term, representing Pu lic Housing, Elderly Housing� Tenants/High Rises and expires Se�tember 1, 1989. If lyou have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 298'-4323 . Thanking you in advance. OLP/drm Att'achment cc:i A1 Olson, City Clerk For Council Actenda --; - , � �' i _ � ' . ; r _ ..., r� , ; � � • �...; j ��� - . I I - I -- _. ... �i__- -------------------------------- � �------_�______________________ AGENDA ITEMS --------------------------- ----- ��_i�7�7 ID#: [28� ] DATE REC: f.09/28/87� AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #� [ 1 SUBJECT: � [REAPPOINTMENTS TO PUBLIC HOUSING AGENCY — MICKE, MAC DONALD ] STAFF AS�IGNED: [ ] SIG:[NICOSIA ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK [09/28/87] ORIGINATt�R:[MAYOR ] CONTACT:[PATTERSON (4323) ] ACTION:[ ! ] [ � 7 C.F.# [ i ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � s �e � �r � +� +� s �e � � � FILE INFq: [RESOLUTION/MEMO OF ORA LEE PATTERSON ] [ ] [ ] ________�_____________________________________________________________________ i � � 'I I li i I �I �I i I� I