87-1470 WNITE - C�TV CL�RK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �^ CANARV - OEPARTN7ENT 1 j� /J BLUE - MAVOR . FIl@ NO. 4 a�" � � 1 � �,, . C u cil Resolution Presented By Referr o Committee: Date Out of �ommittee By Date RESOLV�D: That Application for a One Day Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License (I.D.#34490) applied for by the Cathedral Hill Merchant's i Association at the northeast corner of Dale and Selby on ', October 11, 1987, between the hours of 12:00 Noon and 5:00 P.M. be and the same is hereby approved. I, ; COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DreW Nays_ �?.�C�i.il i, � Rettman� In Favor Scheibe�. � Against BY �swn�en ' Weida '� WilsOri j �CT - � �87 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Counfiil: Date I Certified Pa. � unc'1 Se r r BY i gy. A►ppro d y Mav�r. Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY pnt�!c�� C��T 1 � 7987 i ��7- ��7 0 - CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE NOTE: This', application must be filled out and signed at the time of your interview with� the License Investigator, 30 days rior to the date of the event. 1. Name o� organization �{�- � �� ��,..L. �,��„ � �'�( `S .-�/� r � �. � 2. Addres� of organization _ �(�C� • �� (;.��� ��� �( v��J, , � � ::'`-.- 3. Type o� organization - check one which is applicable. CIVIC � CHARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List a�l officers and directors. President � C ���� ��v ����`� N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice P�resident N.�ME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secret�ry � NE1ME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Treasu�er Vl�� ���4�� � �-i.�C� ��� � �c �—�� 7� , - - i NE1ME ADDRESS PHONE N0. Others I NAME �,DDRESS PHONE N0. ;,���s�w�� ��.�n- �,� �=��,�� �'�z. ,�. �a� � u- �t�� !� NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. S. Location of premises for which application is made ! Vr� • �Ui��.zj*� �+�- �t...l � ��Z.��``� St. Paul, 1`IId ,�`f�� �'' (Zip Code) 6. Date(s} and hours during which the non-intoxicating malt liquor will be sold ��" [ l , � ��. � /��� -�� � v 7. For whalt will profits be used? ���?V��.S� � ���- �._;i�1��1V� � v��"v� --�-- How wil�l profits be disbursed (or spent)? Q,�( Cl�'��( 8. Upon cdmpletion of events you will be required to submit a financial statement showing expense�s for event and use made of profits. • I 9. Attachl'to this application a letter of consent from the owner and/or a person with _ lawful responsibility for the premises for which this license is being requested. ' (OVER) ` ' ��%'r. 1 ' ��� ���7 �, �-=�-� �.^ -���o . ry j PP I'� ~'. 10. E�e a licant for a temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License shall file with his application therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the s of Twol Thousand Dollars ($2,OOO.QO) . The surety on such bond shall be a suret � compan� licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approv d as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be condit�ioned as follows: a•) T�.at the licensee will pay to the municipality, when due, all taxes, license f�es, penalties and other charges as provided by law. b• ) T�}at the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and thlat in the event of any violation of the wijll pay all fines, penalties and other chargessasnprovidedhbyalawthe licensee �•) That the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such bo�d, any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of law relating to the business for which such licensee has be�n granted a license, and conditioned that such recovery may be had from the su�ety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual dau�ages, provided, however, that in no case shall such surety be liable for an amqunt in excess of the amount of the bond. y li I i ', � I STATE OF MINNE�QTA ) I COUNTY OF ) ss i RAMS�Y ) L�,� C ''I ~ � � ' being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the fc�regoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the bes�t of his knowledge, information and belief. II c� _—� Subcribed and s�orn to before me this �_ day' of p� 19 � _ �, . , - ■nnnnnnnn�r^.iN1�/b1/�MfV`Ml�l�iWWV�� No ary Public, Cou ` ���:; ,,,�ig,-,.�,a � -t:�cr_!A�__� ` ; nty, Minnesota '� 4� � � :^,� � � -c:�. � ; My commission e ir s « �y`^. . ��:n ; .,�., > T.. _ � j . 1.���.� . ':t._.: ... ...._ . j 7/V�MMFV�MM/�.'v✓�•,.'�1•,..•_..�Mtve�.nn.M7 � . I !I I � � � I . ._..._.._...._.,_'_' I � ' _'_._... ._' .. ..-�._._. ..._.._. 1 .......'"_"'""'_'_'.�._._.. ...__.. . ..