87-1466 �NHITE - CITV CLEdtK PINK - FINANCE � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTM�NT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. �� /�� � �� Cou cil Res lution ��-� Presented By ' • � - I �7 Referrec� Ta Committee: Date Out of (�ommittee By Date RESOLV�D: That Application (I.D.#65520) for a One Day City of St. Paul Gambling Permit (Bingo) applied for by St. Columba Church at 1327 Lafond Avenue for November 22, 1987, between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 5:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. � I ' COUNCILII�[ElV Requested by Department of: Yeas DreW i Nays �l� '� � [n Favor Rettman ' Scheibell, � � , Against BY n Weida VJilsOn ���" _ ; '�987 Form Ap rove by City Att Adopted by Counc�l: Date � Certified Pass o ncil Sec ry BY By A►pprove avo : Date '��:�' -- ' '4;� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �� PUB�.l�4�ED 0 C i i '?� �9�� � i � � �t���� � ' .N° 911380 , 'c.+aEPARTMENT � - - - - — - � �� CONTACT NAME _ � PHONE � DATE . ASS G UT N (See reverse side.) . _ Departm nt Director _ Maqor (or Assistam�)�. --�L _ Finance and l�Ianagement Services Director � City Clerk �'� '1 W�-�--�- �`�' � _ Budget irector _ L City At orney _ (Clip all locations for signature.) WHA ii C ON I ? (Purpose/Rationale) � K.SL �J�°'�-�^-^'"<'' �'�"��L � �.s�1�-�-� ,�,�,� �J '� b nc� (c�.k�.� ) w�.5�.l1. .�.c�, �, � o�..r� o�_ ��• � � COST B SONNE TS C P D: � I� F N G C T AC V C GE 0 CREDITED: (Mayor's si ture not required if under $10�000.) Total t of TransBction: �� � Activity Number: j�Ifl Funding :So rce: � '(k ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) �� � ' _!�� � AD1rI J S 0 F�U,�S � �°i _Yes o Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes o If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT RE IEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes N Council resolution required? Resolution required? ✓Yes _No Yes �N Insurance required? ° Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes N Insurance attached? � �-�-�y�,� � DIVISION'IOF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION� DATE � a S ( �1 INTERDEP�IRTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicanl� _ ��, _ �,,��bc.`. l�YU.�IC�] Home Address � � '�c�r l �� �m�i Business�Name .(,��YV� Home Phone [ Q c.�(D-CQ O Z1 � `� Business Address 13a'1 � �-c� • 1�pe of License(s) (1-,Q,,,,�,��, `C e.rw�,,�� Business I Phone '�+-['S -�(�1�J �i w-�.O C�� Public H�aring Date ��Q, ,, , �1 License I.D. # (p 5 S�C> at 10:001a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floo� Citq Hall and Court ouse State Tax I.D. � ��� ,� "� � � L �fC� REVIEW � DAT D E IN PE TION APPN REC'D VERFIID COMPUTER) COrIlrIENTS �oved Not ed Housing � Bldg � Code Enf rcement �'� !j � Public He�alth � , , 'i � � (� I I I Fire Prev�ention �� �� � ri I I Police �� �� � � � i City Atto�rney � l I ENS I I � � �, I � 300 Foot �iotice I Vl ��k � � f License I�spector's Comments: -- - --- � I AAVE BE N GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLI HEARING IS REQUIRID. _ � . . , , . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: , ' ���=-I-��%�� . �Vlinnesota Charitable Gambling Control Board LAWFUL GAMBLING E EMPTION � � �� �ioom N475 Griggs-Midway Building FOR BOARD USE ONLY �1821 University Avenue St.Paul,MN 55104-3383 �°°"� �612)642-0555 : INSTRUCTIONSi: 1• Submit request fo�exemption at least 30 days prior to the occasion. '�, 2. When completing form, do not complete shaded areas. � 3. Give the gold copy to the City or Count�Send the remaining copies to the Board. The copies will be returned with an exemption numberadde�ito the form.When your activity is concluded;complete the _ PLEASE TYPE ! financial information;sign and date the form, and return to the Board within 30 days. Organization Name . ��'�+^��ff��'a��'�� St. Colu ba Church �ioT LtGo'AJS:J Address City,Counry,State,Zip Code 1327 LaYqnd Ave. SL. ��aul. ��+sey. ���'�� 3�1t?4 Chief Executive Officer s Name Pho�e Number Manager's Name Phone Number iisv. ko�jer F. Carr•oll Ei4;i—�i31 `.�179 iiarl -lckercqann o�e�—tiu_'? Type of Organization 'I If Other Nonprafit Organization(Check Onel � Fratemal ❑ Veterans ❑ IRS Designation � Religion ❑ Other Nonprofit Organization 0 Incorporated with Secretary of State ' 0 Affiliate of Parent Nonprofit Organization Name of Premises Whefe Activity wIl Occur Datelsl of Activity tit. Col ba School ^_ �, � PremisesAddress ' �"7�• "" ' �' j : 1327 La�iond �ve. �: ._ . �;,.� Games ' Yes No �,fac�R`e�� `g� �� �� �pe�°� �a#c�.;,: �A'*`'s%' P,"„�s+�g X.�c. fi � . . g �'� sYX �� a�,:,�� �X � � �.� '���..��,„��n.r����'� 4� a�, .�� _ � a�. ' � a u glll O L -�����`''�;�.��e��,�_ � _ a�a.���"'�'�k �,�''��;�aaa�i�� �� E `�;z e�*`°r ^y `r. , �. •,`. ` ..�.,.,. . .r. .,R wa.< . . , u �, ,.i . ., , , YY '�"v '�-t��#`'�`<�y`"���� _'� ;���,����'�`" ����'o ri' � �.: �- -� �_ � Raffles .�� '�"` � �+,��� �.^ ��a�u>'✓f� � H �. d� ��,w�s�r ��•:, s ;5:. � �S ��€: (� a-+� ..'Y� s e,a� ' " �?`�# r��,r^�., �' ;� . � x 3, y r : ... N � - Paddlewheels XY V�w '� � � ' s ,,�������� ��,�� �` �� f R ; ������� ai^�� �� � ' �*s ���� ��� ��. �� � � � -� � �x i;» �� ���� � ��-�'�"�'�'�cs�.�" � s�- �k '.r� .s : k ..� �,� .��> � a q Tipboards ` �����..�..�. ��� ; � ,; �c�,�, ��� .��# �.; � p �°�� . .t,�. .. � �°�.... ���... �-�,. . �;- � ;� ,.,. ,.,.' ,. , - _ �, ,,� �. ti .,. . , . , � � �a� ��� �� Pull-Tabs XX �`������ ��� f:���'���:��� � ` , , U �,�, ��., ��� ...��_- , . , . r • ":: s ����,•� _e3 a- � �,, .. ��r�`�� .,i -� r�s�fi. .. ,��" .i+���y0. �'� - ,�.F �'� ��tt � r a� z. t -:,�r� �. �i�c'.e.�� ,``i.���.$}�.���?� t�k'i,�,,°5�_,��5 .�. } „��,,,.aa' � �. �#> � : +.. -.�y � ., v,�:.� Ky„d��.� ': �u�« ? "�� '����I.��2 }�''������i a �r `� z. �lfhtlt0�4'3RX1C6l73�=�NCt�a „� ,�,�c� �� ���"t*''� h°�.+ . �..F �"� '� m�-�-""y �„Y y Jsxz � a' �s'�'',��, c 8' B!3 + �� ,�;, �`ta�,w �,;*„�� � �"v��i � � �?�R ` � � 3 �z� �•" I affirm all infor ation submitted to the Board is true, accu- ��a �fia�aus�i�i��tio�sntic�ti�tec�tc�-fi��.Boa�c.�is � � rate, and comple�te. � ����`������t�� ` � ;� �" k�; �i �� : �' , �� �. /,,.r/' :��� ��, � � .. .�'. .�1 .,Y�-'G—�.. a. _ Chief.Executive Officer ignature Date 'f�ei��i�-t3�lTcerSegexatru� -= �at�` � ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL GOVERNING BODY I hereby acknow�edge receipt of a copy of this application.By acknowledging receipt, I admit having been served with notice that this applica�ion will be reviewed by the Charitable Gambling Control Board and will become effective 30 days from the date of receipt 1 oted below) by the City or County, unless a resoiution of the local governing body is passed which specifi- cally disallows s�ch activity and a copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the belovl�noted date. ' CITY OR COUNTY TOWNSHIP Name of Local Governin Body ICity or Cou�tyl Township Name(Must be notified when County is the approving body) City of $t. Paul Signature of Person Rec iving Application Signature of Person Receiving Application Joseph Ca chedi - . Tic�e oace Recaivea. .. Tic�e oete L9cense I soector 9/1�/�7 CG-00020-01 (4/86) White—Board Canary—Board retums to Organization to keep j Pink—Organization Gold—City or County e I �_� - ,..-- � J �y�� . . . �I �.� ..� �.� • -.z'.,+d � / . :.i:.:it.r.'_..i i �i:� :_s�.i..v:. ._� iLi::r�.r:�:� �._..:�r:.� . ��• :fT (T � � ' .�I 4T1.C.lQ:T �l iiLvL�:�Ju i�l:i� �:�l:i"il i tiii�`'tyl�J L J1���� L?�'QF?�ATIC�I �C.UI� :�Z'�3 Ac?LIC:?TI�.1 rOR P"���ST TQ CC?�;DtCT G��LL'G Sc,SSICt' r; ST. ?4'JL ?. ..3�'::8 {JI' �ro?T'.1Z^at::JII c��. . �L��/I G�r] t/� ' ��l�l'T 2. �dc'.x�e�s urhere �ani.zation's re�•il.� nestings are r.e?d �.�''t�oLuMB,4 c�{�dOL ' 13a7 L,q-foND ,Q-vC. 3. ua� ax:d ti..�e of :�eetin€s SUA/D,q No� 1pM—.�' t:. �dcL-��s ,�here �ambLnP Sessioa Tzii? hs he?d /.3�7 LA�uD AvE, 5. �s ���.c�.t oTar.er o.i propert� c�sTer� �2..�bL:r. Sessicn 1•ril? re �e?�'�_°es '.To 5. I� ls$sec, c•;Y:o _s owner of property ar'r.�re Ga�,blin�- Sessior. ��r�_I �e .":e'd' � ' Gl4-u,2.c,H- tR.s�PE22�' � 7. If le�sed, attac� letter of per,aission to conduct Gar�blir� Session, s�g�ed by lessor. �. P+ame of oi��cer ^��� agplica�icn �E�/, �O�t`� � �R�oLL 9. Addre�s of ofiicer maia.ng a�lication �3 v27 L A��� �✓E - 7ate oi birth I.O. �:ane pf nanaFer who caill conduct Camblir� Session {�/#-RL ��/I�fA/�i� I1.. �ddre�s o£ r�a.r�ger �32 � �i(��LELcl00� �i/C. �ate of birth� I2. In co�.^�ction with what event is th:.s Gambling Sessioa be�� neld? .; .; FA L L Tu�;e�y f3/�4't3 �SE.�/io2 Cc-ri��-�s) I3. �e'hat type oi gambl.ing device(s) �ri.1.l be used? PaddZewr�el N� ":_S.pboard � Paff'le /�e 1l1. Day, 4iates and hours this appLcation is =or and nur.iber of sess�ons. Da�(s� �} �ates 0�/ uAUrs �PM -SPlVr °:o. of Sessicns o'�� .15', '.��ii? �rizes be� paid in *�one� or �erc�.an�::se? .iYJP�!/Fy .- 16. Is tY_� 3DD�.icant association o�an:�zed under t;�e laws o` Lt�.e Staie of �:inr.ssota? ES i7. i�oFr l�ng ras Cr�anizatior. been ir� exiszer.ce? 702 ��s lE. t,7�at is t.e pi:x�ose of the Or�3,nization? ����� C(r� ZC�tI �,U�'�Io,(�' 19.� Of1�.C�TS� OI l+he Orgaaization �Iame-Title �ddr�ss �aie oP birth �R� /�-�����A�/��, �Zcs. t 3� � �,��'��� �/�s��9 r,�� i,r/2�C l��r- �!�. � 7 �' S.�t o�✓ �� � 7 �Y1 R t� �'"�o t�s�/v �c y � 7� ¢ {�1�cJ� TT t 9' � � G u C �i 7—��' �'��s /�6 a �,rl,�-s l � -�T'/ � C'.r-��-���� ?.. ::ive :�:.es o_' oi��.cers or ar.,; othe� persors ?a:-? _or sz�ces �o �he �TM'�T'�ZuLiOI�. . � ' i 1'i2�'1@ i�tiB :�G�"835 'ate O? �1_��': `' + � - • Zi. i� ��GO�° C12StCG�,',.' L�7�111. :'00O2'�S O.L' OI'�8L'1Z2.;i,iCI1�S '��L1�.^.�_.F. .SQSS�OLL �° :°D�� :�ame + �L �-r E+2N i A :dc�.ress. J 7.�"9 .��/A/ZAP ?�C. �i9��- , , 22. �ttac�� a copy oi �our Crgarization's membersr.ip roster and date each nember ,joine�. 23. A�tacnl t:7e GacibZi*ig Session :•fana�°r's 'noad. Z. iat�2.C�, 3 coP3' Oi �:e ';epaTt.;.ETlt OZ t.B `�'�3S1L"�� In�eS'.^_al .'.ener.ue .2T't%_�° rr'..B�UT'^ O_T' Crgan.i�atica :xe�t �_o�, �r.co�^.e '"ax", r o_*�^t 9cn. (Chz���r L19.�L ;i i.i 25. �t�achl a co�� oi :epart�!ent oi �:�e ^'T�asw.�, In�ernal =e��er_ue :,e:�c�, ''�.:,e:�rot CrQan- izatio� �usi.ness Income ?'ax", rorza 9°0�. (CY�apier !�l?.0!� (2).} 20. �ttach. the a�*�u� reDOrt rscu:�red of cY�.aritable or�an-�zations by �Ti�nesota ;,�a�utes, Sec�ioh 3�9.53. (Ch�.�ter 419.OL (3). ) 27. Fiave Tbu read and do ?ou tho�ou�hl� understar.d the -�rov'_sior.s o�' aIl Ia*as, ordiaances and re�ulation� �overr.in� the ope:ation oi Ganhi=� Sessions? ��� � 28. �� cr$n�es des�.red by tre anpl�car_t asseci�t:or_ �a� �e mace only :•r th the corsent oi � tr.e Li�ense Co�rm�ittee. - � . Zg: iias an�r oerson(s) pa.�ticipat;�:g in the operation of any o� t,�:e ga_�bL� sessions cov- ered by this Lc�nse ener been convicted oi a °elon in tt-e State of �iir.nesoza or i.n ��� � `� ar� oty�er State or _�ederai Cou.�t? Yes :�o�. Ii ar:swer is "�es", provide r.ames, addresses and birth-dates. - --- � � , c.um q C-NURCN i �Gr�aaiza�ion) .__ . ._. i �p . . ( f -T�tle _ .. .. a.�d �,�t/l� ���c�l'�� e (1!an�ar �n c:ar�.e of �ambli^.� Session) ��+6 VP. c� :�Lz�eso�a) . %SJ ��unt,-r of ?�:ses ) ��'V- ��<x'E�R �-�KR��-C.. and --�-R�- f�k�E"R/yl�'9�N being dulv orn sa� that t.",e�r a:,� the pet�t�.oners in �he abo�e a�pLcation; �:�at �Fev havs �s�� t:�e *o��oin€ pet�tion and '•�c•a �he contents. t.ereof; Ll1a�. ..�.e same is =:se or :`�ir o:•rzi. ?�o«led�e.. Subscx~'_bed alnd swox�*a �o bei�re ;�e �:'15 anM.An/tiVNn.^.',n.MN,hti^.:l^.',.,.1,NV�AAhs /S� d3� Of sE7�'°�/1'18 glZ �a �f 2• ,�;�lr. �LIZABETii M. IYELIS ' - <�.�j� NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA � t a�� RAMSEY COUNTY � !!�'� �.� MY�OMM.EXPIRES AUG.28, 1990 � :iota...-J- u��= , �x�v� ;,ouat�, :•Lr.nesota -�' ' :•:� cc�missiopn �.�cQi�es� s�, /9 yd �tildir.� ^ep'��ent :�p�roved Lisaaproved by � �ire �eoar�t��nt �pproved �isanp�ved r4 Po�.ce �eoartaer_i nD�roc�ed-'Jisagproved-�;y