87-1463 �MHITE - CITV CLE�RK COUflCll PINK - FINANCE GITY OF� � SAINT PALTL J—��� CANARV - OEPAR�TMEN�T BLUE - MAVOR i . Flle NO. � � Coun 'l Res ution _ Presented By ' � � - .�� ReEerred To Committee: Date Out of �ommittee By Date I RESOLVEI�: That Application (I.D.#10888) for a One Day Temporary On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License applied for by Frogtown Festival Inc. at I, 685 W. Minnehaha (West Minnehaha Rec Center) for October 17, 1987 I� between the hours of 10:00 A.M, and 11:00 P.M, be and the same is hereby approved. I I COUNCIL[�IEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays ,�� � ', � Rettman [n Favor Scheibel � By � � Against Weida ' wilson oCT — � t�87 Form pprove by it At ney Adopted by Counqil: Date Certified Pas ncil Se r ta BY By Appro y 1Aavor: Date '�''' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . BY ���p `�°.'1 e.�,}. i3�tC.L� . �1� ������3 9 � �I° Q11327 � ' �- .�O DEPARTMENT � - - - - - - w'e��le�' CONTACT NAME � _Z� - S (o PHONE � ��� DATE � A S R FQIt ROUTING URDER: (See reverse side.) _ Depart nt Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Financa and Management Services Director y City Clerk " _ Budget irector � _��.Q. �.Z,�,��� � C ity At orney _ � F (Clip all locations for signature.) �1 Q G 0 ? (Purpose/Rationale) , CO T DG Y AND ACT D: N C C VI C GED OR I (Mayor's si ature not required if .under $14,000.) Total t of TransBction: Activity Number: Funding S rce: ATTACHMENTS: <List and number all attachments.) . ADMINI � ,P OC DURE � _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they or timetable attached? PARTME�1 L' R V W ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEii _Yes o Council resolution required? Resolution required? ,_Yes TNo Yes � o Insurance required? Insurance sufficientT _Yes _No Yes o Insurance attached? i �-�y-iy� , DI�VISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �l ,T 1� -�' INTERDEP RTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST I � Applican� �pU��wv���c��� Home Address ,!-���� Y�;r�r�e,� �cSLa Business Name ��a- Home Phone ZZ-`�- 3�1�1 Bueiness Address �,v9�{ �(V��.hn����rc �-�- Type of License(s) ��c�..��-e-cv.�� I --� Businessi Phone 'yz� - 3-t8" I `� •a Y11u.L-���� - Public H aring Date �c�� :� . �S`1 License I.D. � \nQ'�� at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd Floo City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # �1� �� r�._� O�t 3`z REVIEW � DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER COMMENTS roved Not raved Housing Bldg i Code Enf rcement f� � I i (� � Public Hjealth � I I A I I Fire Pre�vention 4 �� ��� ' � � Police � � � i � City Attprney � �, I ENS � � ' � 300 Foot Notice I ��� I 1 License Inspector's Comments: I HAVE EEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUB IC HEARING IS REQUIRED. i i i CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Nsme: Curreat DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: � � t, � � � 1�r7-��'�� - � � , , ' I CITY OF ST. PAUI�, MINNESOTA ' :�PPLICATION FOR TE,"iPORARY ON-SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE NOTE: Th�s applicatioa must_ be filled out and signed at the time of your interview wit�h the License Investigator, 30 days rior to the date of the event. I — — — I 1. Name li of organization Frogtown Festival, Inc., � 2. Address of organization 409 Midwest Federal'Building, St. Paul, MN 55101 3. Type of organization - check one which is applicable. ; CIVIC (X) CAARITABLE ( ) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERpNg ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. Presi;dent William Sands. 633 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104 222-1250 N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Vice I�,Presideat �nnald A. Evans. 417 Universitv Avenue, St Paul, MN 55104 291-1374 N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secretary Tnhn F_ Rannicran Tr 409 Midwest Federal Building, St Paul, MN 55101 224-3781 Trea$urer NAME ADDRESS PHONE N0. �°i'�� ', NAME ��.DDRESS PHONE v0. Others N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. N� ADDitESS PHONE N0. 5. Locat�.on of premises for which application is made West Minnehaha Recreation Center 6R5 Wast MinnPhaha Av .nLe St. Paul, MN 55104(Zip Code) 6. Date(�) and hours during w�ich the. non-intoxicating malt. liquor will be sold • ' . �'rid 'y_ October 16. 1987�1:00 p.m. through ll:00 p.m.; Saturday, October 17, 1987 10:00 a.m. through `I1.00 p.m., Suntiay, Qe�tQb���i8, 1987 12:00 p.m. through : p.m. " ?:� ''Fo-r whac wi�l�"profits be' used? To defray expenses of the Frogtown Festival, October 16, 17 and 1�, 1987 '� How w�.11 profits be disbursed (or speat)? See answer above. 8. Upon �ompletion of eveats you will be �equired ta submit a financial statement showing e�cpen�es for eveat aad use made of profits. 9. Attac�, to this application a letter of consent from the owner and/or a person with lawfu responsibility �for the premises for wi�ich this license is being requested. (OVER) �I ,' � �-,- ,��� 10•. Every �applicant for a temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License shall file with his appliqation therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Two� Thousaad Dollars ($2,000.00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety compa�}y liceased to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be approv�ed as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond sha11 be condiUioned as follows: a.) 'PIhat the licensee will pay. to the municipality, when due, all taxes, license f,ees, penalties and other charges as provided by law. b. ) TTb.,at the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and t�at in the eveat of any violation of the provisions of such law, the licensee w�ll pay all fiaes, penalties and other charges as provided by law. c. ) That the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such bpnd, any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation o�f any provisions of law relating to the busiaess for which such licensee has been granted a licease, and conditioned that such recovery may be had from tne s�rety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual d$mages, provided, however, that in no case shall such surety be liable for any a�c .:= in excess of the amount of the bond. ' . I; � STATE OF MIN�NESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF RAIMSEY ) , John F: Bannigan, Jr. being first duly sworn, de es an ys that he has read the, foregoing application and knows the- con ts th a ha the same is true to the �est of his knowledge, information an � � � • . . a , r Subcribed and sworn to before me this Znd �iay of September 19 $� _ . i �'. i No ary Publi' , Ramse Count Minnesota �� Carol Goracke-Eberttardt Y Y� �� NOTARY PUBUC—MINNESOTA My commissio� expires '�,... WASNINGTON COUNTY , My Comm.Expires Jan. 12, 1993 � s , __________*-------------------= AGENDA ITEMS -----------------________------- ��7 ���� ID#: [291 � ] DATE REC: [09/29/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] � SUBJECT: [ONE—DAY ON—SALE MALT LICENSE — FROGTOWN FESTIVAL ] � STAFF ASSI(�NED: [NONE J SIG:[�;�ii�±..�-�- ) OUT—[ ] TO CLERK—{OO�pp/p0] �i.�'d ORI6INATORe[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[KRIS SCHWEINLER (5056 ] ACTION:[ !, ] � ] C.F.� [ , ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] ' +� � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] [ � [ '' ] __________�___________________________________________________________________ . I� � • . • c� I - '*i . ' , . � `i � � � ` �I I _