87-1458 WHITE - CITV CL�RK PINK - FINANCEI CO�l�1CII CANARV - DEPARTN7ENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �`� _ /��� BLUE - MAVOR I � Council Resolution - Presented By ' �� Referr T -Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date I RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#17480) for an On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage , License applied for by Grill Restaurant Europe Inc. DBA Grill ,, � Restaurant Europe (Stan Virsek, President) at 195 South Robert Street be and the same is hereby approved. I , COUNCILI�EN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Drew �� In Favor Rettmatz Scheibel �_ Against BY Sonnen Weida ' WllSOri I � ,C,� — � '��8� Form App v Ci Attor y Adopted by Counclil: Date ' Certified Pass y ecr y BY By �a�t� Appro y Mavor: D '�'� � y Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �-:.� _ r, ,.. 4�,�f''- _ ;tfin( i � � � ,� � C`�. ���� [ �� � � ` � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��o y�/ys� INTERDEP�RTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST Applican�r-�r��`� ,. „ �. �t�.ranP,—'J,,,�e.,, Home Address 5 r� '�n w l�.�rn, Bus iness Name C-,Y����_ r.�, v� �.c��.r�. Home Phone �y 'J (�(�� Business Address ��$ jo���--�. Type of License(s) �_�Os� ��,,Q�`T Business Phone � ��r,,,.�„-u�..t'�- - �— Public H�aring Date License I.D. # � �c�c�� at 10:00 a.m. in the ounc 1 Chambers, 3rd Floo� City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # ��t� l ��� REVIEW i DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER COMMENTS �oved Not ed Housing Bldg � Code Enf�rcement �� � �� i -� � I d Public H alth � � � � g I �� i � f Fire Pre ention � I � `� � i� � a � Police ,,( � �� �� I � /n-� City Att rneq � l I I ENS � 45� ' , � � C�� -a� -�- 3� —Cx��cn ' �J� �6'Q Foot �Notice I 35-c� 1 i License I�nspector's Comments: �,, ,; a. �� (�Q�c. Y;, . C�Ac�,r�c,c�.Q 1 I HAVE B�EN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBL C HEARING IS REQUIRID. il � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: � Curreat DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: , � � �'�`f l�l.sd 10. Have you eber bean convicte� of any felony, ime or violation of any city ordinance, other than'' traffic? '!es �o ��,�� Date of arr�st I9_______ '��here Charge Convic�ion Sentence Dat� or arrest 19 Where � Charge Conviction Sentence 11. Retail 8eer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Liquor Federal Tax Stamp wi11 be used. 12. Cl osest 3.� Pl ace Church �D�f Schaol n°�2 I3. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale �/������� Off Sa1e i�l. l.ist the n�mes and residenc�s of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business , �Nno �nay Ce rzTerred to as to the appiicant's character. y�e Rddress . �/ ��/6 33'`�f�v'P• N'� �•�'� � ��� � ���;r�, U��s��c�- /g2.0 �(/' �Ce�/ �-. o%�.e�, (/' �,�,� -�/�` �c �- i�i � �, �. �,'��� I5, Address ot premises for whict� applfcation is made Zone ClassificaL�on Phone 16. 3etween whdt cross streets? ��� �v��. '��� '�=�hich side of Street �� I7. Are premisas now occupied? _ � What Business? �C�'`Sr�S , � I�aw Long? ' '_3. �ist licenses ��rhich you currently hold, or r"o rnerly neid, or may have an interes� in. �� � II I9. Have any o� the lic�nses list2d by Jou in No. I8 ever been revoked? Yes Vo (�„_ Ir answer is "yes" , l�s� the dates and reasons : � � ,�. � � �.- r , Application No. Date Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IP�TOXICATIPiG LIQUOR LIC�NSE SUNOAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATI�V6 LIQlJOR LICENSE . OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions : ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO RE�IEW BY THE PUBLIC 1. App1 i cati on for (name of 1 i cense) ���G� ���`!��`� �'�a� 2. Located at (address) �y-� -s /��-�- � . � - ��``'P / '�� �5��a' _ 3. Name under which business will be operatea 4. True Ptame �'��i�! � . �/J�25�X- Phone �3(—�6 4 � First MiddTe Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth �r �� '- � '�7 P1 ace of Bi rth �/� �j� L� �- Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? � Native Naturalized 7. Home Address ��o� ! �� ��`� 6 , � ��, �'�i�ome Tel ephone ��"' �76�� -� 8. Including yvur present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address 2�Ga,u.�.�c(� ���J�2� n,�r �c-�°� 9. Married? -� If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. �i 6 S� �'c� �w � � � 3 w . � �-�o�► U�� U�er�-� . � ' ��7-/�.��� r �, If busin�ess is incorporated, give date of incorporation ��- � �19� and atta�ch copy of Articles o= IncorForation and minutes of first meetiag. 21. List all officers of the corporation, givzng their aames, offi.ce held, home address and ' home and� business telephone numbers. • U�� /- �` -���/ * �2 s�-� 22. If business is partnership, Iist partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. �iame � /G+V�� Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this busiaess or premises? � a 24. Are you gloing to operate this business personally? �� If not, who will operate it? ;1ame Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business?��S If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. Name���� ������ Home Address Phone c��1Y FALISFICAT�ON OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR ?�IATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I?1 DEVI�,I, OF THIS :�PPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I nereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of thfs license, from any person by way of loan, �ift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application whic:� I have herewith submi�ted. State ot :Zinnesota) � . ) County of�q ) {���7 yj�/N (Signature of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day ot ���� I9 � � ��� � ����aJ? . .1ota � Public, �amse� County, Minnesota `/�h�%y°��� �'' , oa�ission a:cpires ,�-( 0.-�'/ JAMES C. MANOS � NOTVIRY DU�UC-MINNESOTA HENNEPIN COUNTY My commiuiop expires Feb. 10,1991 _____________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =________________________________ �'��7 ���fl ID�: [222 ' ] DATE REC.: [08/24/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM �: [ ) SUB.JECT: [�V—SALE MALT LICENSE — GRILL RESTAURANT EUROPE ] STAFF ASSIGNED: [NONE ] SIG:[DREW ]OUT—[X) TO CLERK:E88fAAf88� ��/�� ORIGINATOR:[LICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[ ] ACTION:[ � L ] ORD/RES �:[ ] FILED:[00/00/00 ] LOC.:[ ,] . � : +� s +es +r � � � +� +e � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/APPLICATION ] � ] ] ______________________________________________________________________________ ; .Y . ����7- /`�`'``� S �Z�Z P �� T�T C �T�?� COU�i � lL �lty Clerk ������� � �TO `�I C � 3g6 �City Hall : ?.:.P�LTCA�ZON ` ' ' V�. L17480 � Dear Property Owner: I Application for a Restaurant Transfer License and a New On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License PL�ZpOSE �a�-� !C��*1-T G�'ill Restaurant Europe Inc. DBA Grill Europe _� � �, �.r 195 South Robert Street I �OC�LTG� � I October 7, 1987 9:00 a.m. f 1�I T i� �r���� - Cicy Counci? C;�ambers, 3rd �?oor Cit� :d1Z - COLr� �ouse ( i � 3y i,icense and ?er.�ic Division, Deoar�menC or . __azce and � ��r'TT `!anagement Ser���ces, �oom 203 Cit- 3a11 - Cour� :ouse, � ��'Ci' ��'�T Sai�c °aul, u..�nnesota � Z98-�OSo This daqe may be chan;ed without the consent an�/or :��ow1 z��e or �`�e License '�and °ermit Divzsion. Tt :s su�gested t�at ;�ou ca1= "�e C;t� Clerk' s Of�ic� at 298-423I �� you wish conf;�at=or_.