87-1455 WHITE - C�TY CL�RK . PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �� f��� BLUE - MAVOR � Co cil esolution Presented By • � � v2U� Referre�d To Committee: Date Out of �ommittee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#94725) for a One Day Temporary On Sale 3,2 Malt Beverage License applied for by Twin Cities Marathon Inc. at Town Square Garden Level on October 10, 1987, between the hours of 6:00 P.M, and 12:00 iVee� be and the same is hereby approved. �'N�lON I(r}�T"' COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DC'2W Nays � � In Favor Rettt[�an Scheibel � Sonnen _ Against BY Weida wi�son �CT - ; 1987 Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas e ncil Se r BY Bs. A► ro by �lavar. 1d�+T ° `.; �9�7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By P!!B!���� r : : � " ����7 �' �7 ���� ' � �I°_ Q11383 , '�'t ` DBPARTMENT - - - - - - ' CONTACT NArIE , - - b _ PHONE � �Lz. � DATE SS G R: (See raverse side.) _ Depart nt Director _ Mayor (or Assistaat) _ Financ and Management Services Director �„ City Clerk Budget irector � _Cpc,�,,.,u,:�Q � . 1 City A orney TO G (Clip all locations for signature.) � T ON 0 ? (�urpose/Rationale) �-� � a,Q;�,.e.�' w�.R� b�.. �,�,r�a.n.�.�`'� ��� b.� Cc� C..o�.�.�-� w�.�2 I�c�-�, � s�� �� �b.�.��`a,..� CO B U ND AC S C D: n(� � F C N AC IV C 0 RE T (Mayor's si ature not required if under $10,000.) Total Am t of Transgction:'�`� Activity Number: � �� Funding rce: 1/1 1� ATTACHMENTS (List and number all at�achments.) �� °�''� , � � °'� AD IN S' E C U � t Q� : _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes No If yes, are they�or timetable attached? DEPAR MENT R VI CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ,�Yes o Council resolution required? Resolntion required? t/Yes _No _Yes ✓ o Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes o Insurance attached? (.��7/�1.� � DIVISION� OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �j� 2S l�� INTERDEP�RTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST � 5' �„ 1\i U�-� C�n-l2G'��w pi Applicant/� _,;n r,�,� rnfi�'a�.cf��c.. Home Address l"7�0 �O(w�-�k.- C.��� Business Name �,�,� Home Phone Z'L'"�—`-��'j�� Business' Address�d�,,,�5��c.��,c,J �o-e� Type of License(s) �h ,&,�Q� 3�a ma.Q� Business, Phone 2'Z�1 — ''��,�� Public H�aring Date �(�_ � � � License I.D. # G c.(-12' at 10:00ia.m. in the Council Chambers, � 3rd FlooX City all nd Courthouse State Tax I.D. # � q , .�y.� , , REVIEW DATE bATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIID COMPUTER) COMMENTS ' �oved Not ed Housing � Bldg r � Code Enfbrcement �1 Z( y� 1(�. I Public H�ealth � I (-z � ' � nl � � Fire Pre ention 4 � � �zt n � � � Police ! I � � Z I n h+` ' City Attqrney � ! I ENS I � I � I i 300 Foot' Notice I � �� � � License !Inspector's Comments: I HAVE BjEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBI;IC HEARING IS REQUIRED. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation N me: Current DBA: New D$A: Current Officers: Insurance: . Bona: ,X��-. c� `� �..�..� �r `'�-Yl c,�,,;_,_.,.,. � U� �5 t�-�-0 3 � ��1���� New Officers: Stockholders: r�� ��� ����ys 5� � ,. � CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA � APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY ON-SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE NOTE: Thi application must be filled out and signed at the 'time of your interview wit� the License Investigator, 30 days rior to the date of the event. 1. Name bf organization Twin Cities Marathon Inc. c/o S. Winnick �Briggs an Morgan 2. Addre�s of organization 2400 IDS Center, Minneapolis, MN 55402 3. Type �f organization - check one which is applicable. ' CIVIC ( ) CHARITABLE (X) RELIGIOUS ( ) VETERANS ( ) 4. List all officers and directors. Presi�ent Martin Burke, 2300 Multifoods Tower, i�ipls. 55402 371-5322 � , N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. ' 1200 Tower Square Vice �resident Gary Iverson, 445 Minnesota St. , St. Paul 55101 291-1822 , N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Secret�ry Stephen Winnick, 2400 IDS Center, P•4pls. 55402 339-0661 N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. Apt. 4 Treasujrer Terrell Brown, 3115 Girard Ave. S. , Pq ls. 55408 835-3222 i N� A.DDRESS PHONE NO. Othersl Richard Rohleder, 1200 Norwest Center, St. Paul 227-7784 NAME Director of Runners t1DDRESS 55101 PHONE N0. Services �, N� ADDRESS PHONE N0. 5. Locatidn of premises for which application is made Town Square Park, Garden Leve�., 445 Minnesota Street St. Paul, rIId 55101 (Zip Code) 6. Date(s� and hours during which the non-intoxicating malt liquor will be sold Octol�er 10 , 1987 ; 6 :00 p.m. to Midnight 7. For wha�t will profits be used? None anticipated y pro i s wi e a e o How willl profits be disbursed (or spent)? general operating account 8. Upon coi�pletion of events you will be required to submit a financial statement showing expensels for event and use made of profits. ,,,:.,.,.��.,,,... 9. Attach to this application a letter of consent�f=om the owner�.and/or a person with lawful kesponsibility for the premises for whi.eh,,this.�li��us�t,is being requested. � Cdpy of Town Square Park Rental.-Agr.eement„ra,t�t,�ac�c� i . . .._. .r-..��..�,: � ' (OVER) .� ' �d�--��-��s� = . ; � 10. Every; applicant for a temporary On Sale Malt Beverage License shall file with his applilcation therefore, a bond with a valid Power of Attorney attached, in the sum of Tw�o Thousand Dollars ($2,Q00.00) . The surety on such bond shall be a surety compa�y licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota, and the bond shall be appro ed as to form aad execution by the Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be condi�ioned as follows: a.) fihat the licensee will pay to the municipality, when due, all taxes,_ license fees, penalties and other charges as provided by law. b.) '�hat the licensee will obey the law relating to such licensed business, and that in the event of any violation of the provisions of such Law, the licensee will pay all fines, penalties and other charges as provided by law. c.) That the licensee will pay, to the extent of the principal amount of such l�ond, any damages for death or injury caused by or resulting from the violation of any provisions of law relating to the business for which such licensee has l�een granted a license, and conditioned that such recovery may be had from the surety on the bond. The amount recoverable shall be measured by the actual damages, provided, however, that in no case shall such surety be liable for any amount in excess of the amount of the bond. i I I� � STATE OF MI�TNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF R�MSEY ) Ri cha�d Rohleder being first duly swo , eposes and says that he has read th� foregoing application and knows the conteats here f, and Lh the same is true to the !best of his knowledge, information and belie . ic ard ohleder Subcribed a�id sworn tw,before me Director of Runners Services thi;--,/l� � o �l 19 �I ` — /�� J r Notary Publ'c, amsey Countq, Minnesota My commissian expires I' ■ PHVlUS RICE ? ; NpTARY PUBIIC-MINNESOTA � I RAMSEY COUNTY � M►C01AM E!fP1RESNOY t7 t988 � � .nnn��nnnivw. I � I ___________= AGENDA ITEMS -------------------------------- � �___________________ -------------------------------- � � � L����-/ l>.,� � ID#: �[294 � DATE REC: [09/29/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #s [ 7 SUBJECT: [ON�—DAY QN—SALE MALT LICENSE — TWIN CITIES MARATHON — TOWN SQUARE ) STAFF ASSIGN�D: [NONE ] SIG:[ ✓ ��-���"� ] OUT—[ ] TO CLERK-�AOfUO/fl0� g�6 ORIGINATOR:[�ICENSE DIV. ] CONTACT:[KRIS SCHWEINLER (5056) ] I ACTION:[ ] [ 7 C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [f2ESOLUTON/CHECKLIST/APPLICATIUN ] [ 7 [ ', � ______________________________________________________________________________ b'�I � � � �; � - . .� _ . -,, , � �, , � . � ; _ : � ,