87-1442 WHITE - UTV CLERK i PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Council ��4/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT�� BLUE - MAVOR I F11C NO. � � �Cou c 'l,Resolution - �� Presented By �� Referred Tb Committee: Date Out of Cort�mittee By Date _ _ WHEREAS� the Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the CounciliResolution Number 87-357 , the 1987 Spring Clean-Up Fund to help� neighborhood clean-up efforts by paying dumping fees and mileage! to cooperating local trash haulers; and WHEREAS�, the Administration has developed guidelines to implement the cle�.n-up fund pursuant to the City Council' s directives; and WHEREAS', the Council did amend said guidelines in Council File Number ;87-670 to allow up to 25 percent of each District' s allocatjion to be used for personnel and/or refreshments for volunt�'ers; and WHEREA9, the Council further amended said guidelines on August 12 , 1987 , i;n Council File Number 87-1179 to allow the power washing of sid�walks downtown; and WHEREA$, there are ten neighborhood clean-ups already scheduled betweer� September 12 and October 10 , 1987 , and that the District 8 Plannir�g Council has requested that the clean-up date deadline be extend�d to October 31, 1987; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVID, that upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Council of the City o� Saint Paul does hereby amend the Neighborhood Clean-Up guidelines to extend the clean-up deadline to October 31, 1987; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that all requests for payment shall be receiv�d no later than November 10 , 1987 . COUNCILIV�EN Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays � Re�� [n Favor Scheibel I Sonnen i � _ AgBinSt BY �+.�s��vt(�/0� Wilson n p tJCT — � �0� Form Appr ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Pass � uncil Secre BY � ���� sy. .. Approve y Mavar. Date _ , ��'� �' ` �9�� Approve b Mayor for Subm' i to G�uncil BY - — s �.r� i �.s:i�;v� . :. . '�O . G'�'�7�c��'�- N° �11002 � DEPARTMENT . - - - - - - _ CONTACT NAI4E PHONE � DATE � . ASSIG FOR ROUTING OHDBR: (See reverse side.) _ Dapartme t Director Mayor (or Assistant) _ Financa nd M�nagemant Services Director 3 City Clerk Budget D rector _ City lttt rney _ G (Clip all locations for signature.) I G H T ? (Purpose/Rationale) , � n�� �I-h� t'� �� h bor hood. C�e..c�.n- u_� � u.; d���►�e� fio �.I lo �� ��s ��.+ �����I s -1-0 �o I c l ��e.a�n-u.p s u{� -I� c.-I-o b� 31, �g � � . ���°"�, �� COST UD N SO EL P C C D: p�`��' �� � ` �=�.11�'J S- �. c3� re.e..d b u dL�� `�z,r�l�s a��v� . � � , _ F N C Y Y NUMB R C G D OR T D: (Maqor's si twGe not required if under $10,000.) Total Am t of Trans�ction: Activity Number: Funding S rce: ' ATTACHKENTS: (List and number all attachments.) ��es�n�' �u�-d�l �r��ss �..rtd �r��rlou� Co�.n u,l�. �e e..s�lc:�hca�.8 . DM N S R CEDU _Yes No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? Yes No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT V W CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW `!Yes o Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes o Insurance required? Insurance su�ficient? _Yes _No Yes o Insurance attached� , ��I�.IK� �� FINANCE^^ � � - (;:4NARV-»EPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �y SL'�UE� �MAVOR � F11C NO. • I �'�������'�-��=� Council Resolution h'�'�`�� . . , . ; Presented By ---'%� ��, .../ �-'k�i� �:. �. . � . _i '-�` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Cortumittee By Date ���� '�• z.• . : -. �i a�..��.a a :.s. A RPso 1 ut i on t;r�at i nc� N1AR 2 4198"l 'fhe 1°f�7 C 1 e�nup Fund t31LL WII.SON :�ft��re��, 3pr i ng c!eanup�; �nh�3nce ne i yhbori�:?oc��. �r�c��.�r.:3��e:; n�i c�hGOrho:ci pr i d� and �4s i sts i n �uc- orornat i cn cr St. P:�u! a� � " I i v�ta t e" c i ty: and Where.�s, req3rdless or' snow conditions. there is an 3ccumutatfon or litter, garbaqe. desd veqetatien an� other debris that is difficult to collect over the winter mcntns; and Whereas. 5t. t'aul Uistrir_t Counciis have tradition:�iiv been inuolved in cooper3tive efforts to cle�n�lp their n�ic�hCor- hoods each year and have identified their nee+ds 1-or support and �sst�tance: NUW, TH£RFORE, BE lT R+�sotved. the the City ef St. Pau! heret�y estabtishes thP l9�7 Cleanup Fund to heip affset the cost or �eighbonc�od c 1 ean��e� by ass i st i ng i n pay i ng d�smp i ns fees :�nd m i t�a�c �:� caoperatzna lecai garbaqe hauiers; a�d be it turther Reso 1✓erJ. .that sa i d fund wi 1 } � seloporte� bb a f�.�n+� transfet- from conti�gent rPserve i n the �aunt of $I 25.114t?; 3n� be it f�arther R�soived, that the Oepartment of Pe�biic Ylork� Niil ec�ni n i ster the fund and s�t fo�th ru l es and r�gu i 3t i on::. includi�g the roilawing: COUNCILMEH Yeas p��� Nays Requested by Depariment of: -�icqcia Rettme� In Favor Scheibel / so��a� Against BY Tedeuo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attocney Certified F�ass d by Cmu�cil Sec�etary By B)' ��- �'�''.. . . . �. t,� �r-• � Appioved by Mavor: Date - Approved by Mayoc fo� Submission to Council - By -� ' gy _ . ` A{NKl . \� r(NANCE ..• • /������ ��NAf�Y�OEP�RTMENT \.VYtKIl- � eu.:E. ._�,.�oa GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ' G�� - ' ��'1 � : , � � . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1 1 E�r_h ofi the 1 7 t3 i str i ct s��,un�i I � w i ! I recr��it and c�crdin�te 43rbaae h�uler� and vc�l�lnt�ers in th�ir distric�5. focu5inq on hau t ers rh3t serv i ce tn� �r��a ^n a r��qti 1:�r b�^ i�: G ? �_:3Ch J i �'t r t r:rl- :;�tJT;r i 1 m.a�, �Ut;:ll 6}- �� r,t}r� Le�artment L�t= P,_�p 1 i r_ wor�;� i nvo i���; "r�r dumoina fiees and mileaqe �t � r3t� not ta e�ceed �.5i_3 �s�r mi i�: 3) F+�nds wilt be distributed Pqu�tabiy u�in� th�� U i str i ct C�►unc i 1 fund i ng f�ormu 1 a: �) MUSt �n 1 fj thP 1 i" 5pr i ng C I f�ahUP /l�� 1.3t�?T' t'.han VCTODer 1Sth: . 5) Q 1 ! r�cZUpsts fnr p�vm?nt must h� rQ�o��,�r! nfl 1 ater than ivaverrCa� !�t: 6) Mi1P3gQ shali b� calcul3ted from � central s �te in e.�ct� pla��i�a distri�t to rnP dumping ioc3*ion: ' ) Excess func�s wiii be returnea t� the qenersl funrJ. BE IT FIP�ALLY RESO�V�p, that a rsscl�tion �ha1t be drawn up bv the Budget D i rector effect€ng thP fu�d r_ransr�r t=or •3pArova i b;r th� C i ty �;.�unc i 1 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: or�w �' Nic_�o !'� � Rettman � �� F8V0C Scheibel so��e� �_ Against �Y T�deuo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �,�� ; � ���� Form Approved by City Attocney Certifird Passed by Council Secretary By BS ':":: � _ '`r.+l A roved b - Approved by Mavor. Date PP y Mayor Eor Submission to Courici! - By � gy " "l3'�s-. � :. . . 7N�TE���.-{IT♦ CIENK - 1�. . . � � . qO�I�ICIIA{^...: r , �'<r` .. r�INK�° '�'�-FtNANGE:t Y� „G��.It1'Yr ��O .� A: ,:AYT L� � ---�.,� ��� ��� _ ►�AMARY � OEPAATMENT '!�Y ��i - - � �'. �. •6VE� Mwvon , � . � L�.MZ"."�. . ,.w�� �..:���.. .+�A� ;'� .. .�. •�. F11Q� N�: � . _ A, W , � �y -�/ 'l..7��. � . � 4 ^:Council-,:�Resolution � � ` :: � ' . .. } .V�..�.y.�hs .♦ . . � ... , . - }"t.r-� - I , '. . '!S• � � . . � � . . �. Presented By � t�' ' • .,�`��� ���•,fi:.' °"�4 . - .'r - , - Referred Td ' �j Committee: Date � � Out of.Com�nittee By Date I . WHEREAS, T�he Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve the 1987 Sprin;g Clean-up Fund to help neighborhood clean-up efforts by payingldumping fees and mileage to cooperating local trash haulers; a;lnd WHEREAS, Tlhe Administration has developed guidelines to implement the clean-lup fund pursuant to the City Council's directives; an d WHEREAS, M�.ny neighborhood representatives have requested more flexibilit� in the guidelines to allow neighborhoods to hire people to ssist with organizing and promoting their neighborhood clean-up d�ys; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R.ESOLVED, �hat upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Council � of the Cit of Saint Paul does hereby a.mend the guidelines of the Neighb�rhood C1ean-up, Fund to allow up to 25 percent of each distrxct's allocation to be used `for �personnel and/or refreshments for the ne�ghborhood clean-up day volunteers. � j . . . . ' � _ , j i ! . J ; i � � COUNCILMEN ' j Yeas� N�ys � Requested by Department of: � 1Of1 , v � [n Favor � Rettms� . Seheibel � 5,��.,, ' Against BY . � T�d� i Wilwe '� Focm App�oved by City Attorney •� Adopted by Council: � Date ,.�.;,,- . , ,. , , ,.; ,.� , . ,;,,• Cenitird Yassed by Copncil Secretary � � _ . .;•, .:�+.� .:.�� :BY ' ,S; A". . B3� ' . . • q.: � .�i, ;� �`- . .. . . . . ..�`' �', . � . ". . .� '�;i . 111 S � COII�C�- � , •'r�;. . . A ro ed •��' 'ry^ -` 'X�'"`' • Appro d by Meyor tor:Sub '�..• � _ PP v by Mavor: C�ate ;: •�Y r . �. * 'i�%.�+ - N ..q.- , . �g 'r _. �;j.0 rY�' •. . -. - r. Y.:' / ,qt'_.. " .:!'L''f •'.tr'i" s Y '4 B 'y` BY �: . i ' ! ,!4� 3. '!: - y • :i:. .. . .. • ' ' . ,��1 t: �-. .. , . . . ... . . � . . . �1 I . . . .._ . . . . . . ...... ...�.-.�-- ..... . . . . .. .. . . ...... .. ... a� .:a;Ay•, ..... .... .. � �.�.CA� . a.�K iFINANCE � GI.TY OF SAINT PALTL Council C��ARV�- 9EPARTME T f -- •�LtlE -MAYOR � . F1lC NO. � - � � Gouncil Resolution ��7-���°� Presented By ' �' � Referred 'k'o Committee: Date Out of Co�nmittee By Date 1�IHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did approve in Cduncil Resolution Number 87-357 the 1987 Spring Clean-Up Fund jto help neighborhood clean up efforts by paying dumping fees �nd mileage to cooperating local trash haulers; and 4�IHEREAS, the Administration has developed guidelines to imple ent the clean-up fund pursuant to the City Council 's direc�ives; and VIiHEREAS, the Council did amend said guidelines in Council File �iumber 87-670 to allow up to 25 percent of each District' s - alloc�tion to be used for personnel and/or refreshments for vol- untee�s; and HEREAS, the Downtown Community Development Council has reque�ted additional changes to the guidelines to allow the power washir}g of sidewalks and the purchase of trash receptacles for the ddwntown area; and � in�HEREAS, � the City Council wishes to expand said request to in�lude all other District Councils as well; now, therefore, be it ' F�ESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Counci�l of the City of Saint Paul does hereby amend the guidelines of th� Neighborhood Clean-Up Fund to allow the Downtown Community Develqpment Council to pay for the power washing of downtown sidewallks and the purchase of trash receptacles, within the pre- viousl;y approved budget of $5,540.00 provided to the downtown area f�or their clean up; and, be it � COUNCIL1�1Ef� Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' In Favor Against BY Focm Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: , Date Certified Passed by Gouncil Secretary BY i By Approved by Vlayor: �Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv � By -r�ry�~�E GI.TY OF SAINT PAUL (/ // Cw'NAqV - DECARTMENT COUt1Cl1 � /� 6�.uE -Mwroa [�ll@ HO.� ,A'�//7� '. � �� �uncil Resolution . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, that the aforementioned guidelines be amended to allow all other District Councils to also pay for power washing of sidewalks and the purchase of trash receptacles within their previously approved budgets. C�UNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Requested by Department of: Nicosia �� Rettman In Favor Scheibel S�nnen � Against BY Weida WilsOri pU�'j � Z '�87 Form Approved by City Attorney \dopted by Council: Date :ertified P s ' Counci , cr By sy ,o�:oved � xyor: Date f � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy'' gy PUB�.IS�D AU G 2 2 1987 i . 4- . �,��7—��/c�� � better nei � hborhoo ds g Infor�nation on Better Neighborhoods Citywide Cleanup l. Dlistrict Council selects date in spring or fall (1987) and calls Bob Kessler or Jeanne Witzig (298-4323j or Jerry Jenkins (228-3258) to get it on the cleanup calendar. C�.eanups have to be completed by October 15, 1987. 2. D�.strict Council contacts haulers to clarify the haulers' vdlunteer commitments and negotiate costs of non-volunteer s�rvices and/or equipment. Mayor's Office will assist if relquested. t 3 . District Council arran es for a collection lace within the g P di�strict. The place should accommodate five (5) separate and di�tinct collection segments for: a) ' tires b) ' "white goods " (stoves, refrigerators, etc. ) c) ' brush, tree limbs suitable for chipping d) � recyclables e) j general refuse i � . - _ _ _ . � _ _ '- - - _ � , r_ . -2- 4. The District Council decides if they want to require proof of residency in that district. If so, the district will organize a checkpoint or voucher system. 5. The District Council decides: 1) if they want to charge $1.00 per tire and 2) if they want to limit number of tires per household. (We would prefer a limit of four (4) per household. ) If money is collected, it goes to the City to defray cost of tire disposal or other arrangments can be made. City contact is Jack Yannarelly at 292-6603. 6. The District Council arranges for traffic control through the Police Department Reserves and NAO's. Call Sergeant Walsh at 292-3525. 7. The District Council organizes crews to pick up waste along public thoroughfares, alleys, vacant lots, etc. 8. The District Council organizes volunteers to assist elderly and infirmed get things to collection site. (RAP wants to assist - contact Mary Ann Mahan. ) � � �-��-�yy� -3- 9. I The District Council publicizes date, time, dumping site, I, costs (if any) , restrictions (if any) . Tells people where I Ito call ahead of time if need help hauling to dump site. District Council provides a central call-in phone, site and people to answer. Tells people where to call on Cleanup Day for assistance or if unforeseen problem arises. 10. District Council works through Bob Kessler or Jeanne Witzig in Mayor's Office and Parks and Rec for removal of brush and limbs. I 11. IDistrict Council is responsible for disposing of the ' materials and cleaning up the collection site. I . . . 12 . Allowable costs for Better Neighborhoods citywide cleanup include: costs of hauling (mileage should be calculated from central site in each planning district to the dumping location, at a rate not to exceed $.50 per mile) , dumpster rental, dumping fees, public city, personnel and refreshments. � 13. IDistrict Council may spend up to 250 of each districts �lallocation for personnel and/or refreshments for the i, neighborhood clean-up day volunteers. 14. District Council sends reimbursement request (attaching bills) to Kessler, Mayor's Office, before November 1, 1987. -4- Each district can draw down from a base amount of $4,000 and an additional amount apportioned according to District population and the District's Saint Paul median family income. Cap amounts have been calculated (see below) . District Cap Amount 1 $6,409.22 2 7,027.69 3 6, 369.41 4 6,459.50 5 7, 135.94 6 7, 111.12 7 6,497.79 8 6, 593.43 9 6,065.93 � ' I� /�-�I-i���- ��- ' ^ -5- , District Cap Amount (Continued) 10 5,896.74 �I ; 11 6,085.62 12 5,762. 19 ' 13 6,567.09 � , 14 6,484.42 ' 15 6,591.49 16 5,402.49 i 17 5, 539.93 i �` i -----------F____________________ AGENDA ITEMS ---------____-------------____= C�4 y`/��/� ----------- --------- --------- ------------- ID#: [278 �, 7 DATE REC: [09/24/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: f. � ' SUBJECT: [A�END NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN-UP GUIDELINES ] STAFF ASSIG�ED: [ ] SIG:[WILSON ] OUT-[ � TO CLERK [09/24/87] ORIGINATOR:[MAYOR ] CONTACT:[BOB KESSLER <4323) ] ACTION:[ ] C I ] C.F.# [ , ] ORD.� [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: kRESOLUTION/NEIGHBORHOOD CLEAN-UP GUIDELINES ] C ] [ ] ___________�__________________________________________________________________ i i I I I II i , i I I ,I ,�� I