87-1428 WHITE — CITV CIERK CO�IRCII PINK — FINANC�E CITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARV -��pEPARTMENT �� s�� BLUE — MAVOR � � File N . C uncil esolution , Presented By � � - __.� _ Referred To Committee� Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: � That Counci,l Resolution, C.F. #87-1121 adopted the 4th day of August, 1987, be and the same is hereby amended so as to add the following conditions to the private club license issued to BUT Inc. , doing business as People's Choice Club, 920 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota: 1. Anyone who fights inside or outside of your establishment will be prohibited for life. 2. Anyone caught selling drugs will be prohibited for life. 3. Anyone who shows or uses a weapon, gun, knife, etc. will be prohibited for life. (If they don't respect your request to leave, call the police and explain to them that this person is not allowed back, and you should keep a list of all people who are prohibited from coming in.) 4. You must have security from 7:00 P.M, to closing on weekends during winter months. (November lst - March 30th) . 5. You must have security from 7:00 P.M, to closing every night during the rest of the year. (April lst - October 31st) . 6. You must check all I.D. at all times. (All patrons will be twenty-one (21) years old) . 7. If there is a shooting or knifing in your place or on your property, you will close down for one (1) day the first time - (2) two days the second time - and a week the third time. (Plus, any shootings or assaults inside or outside the club, you will close down immediately for the rest of the day or night and agree to cooperate fully with the police in solving the crime) . , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DrpW Nays Nicosia ln Favor I2ettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Weida �]ilson Form Approved ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by y r for Submission to Council By BY WNITE - GITY CLERK PINK - FINANC�E COIIIICil /' CANARV -�EPARTMENT GITY OF S�AINT PAUL X � BLUE� - MAYOR . F11C NO• �+ �-/�� � Cou il Res lution , , Presented By � Referred_To , Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 8. If anyone is loitering and refuses to move after being asked to do so should not be allowed to come into the c1ub. (includes loitering on the outside, on the sidewalk or parking lot) . 9. Place large signs in parking lot to read - Customer Parking Only, No loitering, all others to be towed. 10. Post a sign by front door to inform customers of new rules. (Any additional cost can be added to the drinks.) 11. You must have control inside and out and enforce the rules. 12. At closing - talk to customers before closing and ask them to leave the area quickly and quietly and do not loiter. 13. You will agree to close your doors at 12:30 A.M. each evening. Further resolved, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to the licensee at the above address together with an amended license containing the above thirteen (13) conditions. COUNCILMEtV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � [n Favor Rettman �' Q Against BY Sonnen Weida WilsOn �'EQ � Q �87 Form Appr e by City At ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas b ncil S re a BY By A►pprove 1Navor: D ��'! — i �9�7 Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � ,-zn �+er�� fi�� � ,; � .. �`�-�y°�� r Y � DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DAT�� n��z�L�.�•. �!l D��-] INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant �L�� �� • Home Address Business Name�,L�;�,5 hn i r e_ � ��e Phone Business Address �?_QQ� �Qb�1 Type of License(s) �ri�c�$�._ '(�,�b Business Phone '�i U(1L1_�m� �4 �ic�-�-4i c�n� �cQ ec9- `r--e��i C�.++�-- Public Hearing Date �" `�` �'���`j�� " License I.D. # � � �GI,(�P � j . at 10:00 a.m. in the Coun il Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER CO1�Il�IENTS roved Not raved Housing & Bldg ( Code Enfqrcement ��(� � I Public Health � i � 1� � � Fire Prevention 4 �n 1� ' � Police � h �� � I City Attorney � � � �� � � I ENS � n �p� � 300 Foot Notice I n\pr � i License Inspector's Comments: I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. ._. . . � , � a, ... „ —,�+c�r .. . . . .. . .. . . , � �- � . . . ., ...� . . . . ,. .�-� . ... w Y i, CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: Y ��,.� ..� �..�� �,`' �7 /��� . . auu�srctT-111Y1V�1T1� I'L.iNNINC� COLINCIL September 29, 1987 Chris Nicosia, Chairperson St . Paul License Committee St . Pau1 , MN. 55102 • ' Dear Chairperson Nicosia : As you are aware, the Summ.it-University Planning Council has been workinq towards cleaninq-up th•e corner at Milton and Se1by over the •� past two years. ' As part of this effort , the Council has held a series of ineetings „ with residents, business owners and business renters concerned about � � the problem of druqs, loiterinq and other illeqal activity at the corner. In January, 1987, representatives of the community met with the owners of the Peoples Choice Bar, the Elks Lodqe and the Pop Shop. Each owner siqned a Community Agreement of Cooperation with the neighborhood. These agreements outline what wi11 be acceptable • behavior at these establishments and what wi1Z not� be tolerated by the Community. The Community held another meetinq in June, 1987 to review the progress of the Agreements. The Community agreed on the following for each of .the establishments : 1 . ) The EZks C1ub - Keep the Community Agreement of Cooperation in force and do not ask for a public hearinq. 2. ) Po Sho - Reguest 923, 925 and 927 Selby be declared a --�----�— public nuisance and revoke a11 city licenses for the establishment. 3. ) Peo�les_Choice - Request the License Committee of the City of St . Pau1 hold a public hearinq reqardinq the renewal of � the Private C1ub. License and request the Community Aqree- ment of Cooperation be placed on their license as a condit- ion of the renewal . We are before you today to request you place the Community Agreement of Cooperation as a amendment on the renewal of the Private C1ub � License for the Peoples Choice Bar located at Milton and �Selby. _ � The Community has seen the problem qrow worse at the corner of Milton and Se1by. Although not a11 of the blame can be attributed to Peoples Choice, each owner at the corner must take responsibi,lity for their operation and patrons. We beZieve that by placing tfiese restrictions on their license, the Community wi11 beqin the process of taking I�ack control of the corner at Milton and Se1by . We ask for your suppbrt today in our continuinq effort towards improying the Summit-U Community. Thank you . .. 627 �eibyAvenue St. Paul�Minnesata 55104 Telephone (612) 228-.1855 .. , Paqe two Sincerely , AZma Jose .. SUPC Chairperson . . cc Leroy Daniels, Peoples Choice P.S. At the June 22nd community meeting, residents requested that a 14th item be added to the Ageement of Cooperation with the Peoples ' Choice. 14 . ) Should any of the above items be violated, a public hearing will be held to review the private club license� further , a grou� oF neiqhborhood residents will meet. with Peoples ' Choice manaqement �i-monthl.y. . . � ��- /�/.?� . • . Peoples Cr�ice c�,ip� N�are�i�nt of Coo�ratior 1. Anyone who fights i�side or autsirie �f Your establishment will be prohibited ' fior life, 2. AnYone caught selling drugs will be prohibit�d for life, 3. Rny�one who shows or�us�s � w�e�or, gun, kr�ifie, etc, will be �rohibited fior life, (Ifi they cbn't respect your rec�ESt to leave, call the police and e�lain to them that this person is not allowed back, and you shoula keep a list ofi all people ►�ho are prohibited fran coming in.) 4. You must have security fran 7:G0 p.m, to closir� on weekenas during winter months, (Nov�rrber 1st - March 3Uth) , � 5. You must have security firan 7:OU p,m, ta closing every night during the rest ofi the year. (April lst � October 31st) . 6, Y� must cneck all I ,D, at all times. (all patrors will be twenty one (21) years old), . � 7. If there is a shootiny or knif irx� �n your �lace or on your pro�erty, you wi 11 close down tor 1 qay the first tirr�° - 2 days the secori� tin�e - and a week tl� third tirr�e, (Plus, any shootirx�s or ass�ults insiae or outsiae the club, you will close down irrr�ecliately for the rest ofi the day or night an� agree to cooperate tully with tf� police in solving the crime), S. If �1�one is loitering arid ref�lses to move after being asked to de so should r�t be allowea to cc�ne into the cl�, (includes loiterin9 on the outsiae, on the siqewalk or parking iot), 9, Place larg� signs in parking lot to read - Custaner Parking orly, no loitEring, all others to be towed, 10. Post a sign by front door fio inform custaners of new rules. (AnY additional cost c� be added to the drinks,) ll, You must have control insiae and out and enfiorce the rules, 12, At closing - talk to custa�r�ers before closin� an� ask them to leave the area c�ickly �d quietlY �d do not loiter. 13, You will agree to close your doors at 12:30 a,m, each evenin9. We feel that this agreement will not onlY f�lp the camunity, but also your business operations. �� / � ��!'������ . -� �l � �_��"�-� j /, Lerd� Daniels � � r. Williar� Mr. HaYes Date Peaples Choice Peoples Choice Peopies Cr�oice ,�/� � ~ C�`�-�.`-�., ^ � "��/ ._� I . . -. ��l lI C� �,II�� / ��i��!��s��� � Selby ei��borhood L, M. Mayberry ��i' � , Improvem°nt Associatinn Su�mit-UnivE�sity Pl�niny Caur�ci 1 �5�� -----------------------L----=:�= AGENDA I TEMS =_----_�_-------------___________ ���—/�/�� ����������������������������� ���� ������������� ID�s [248 ) DATE REC. : [09/11/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [ADDITI�VAL� COI�ITI�IS ADDED TO LICENSE --PEOPLE'S CHOICE CLUB ] STAFF ASSI6NED: [N� ] SIG:[NICOSIA ]OUT—[X] TO CLERK:{66fAA,�80] 9�5���� ORI6INAT�t:[LICENSE DIVISION ] CONTACT:[JOE CARCF�DI ] ACTION:[ ] [ ] ORD/RES �:[ ] FILED:[00/00/00 ] LOC. :[ ,] � +� +� : +� +� +re +� : � � � r FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/APPLICATION/CHECKLIST ] [ ] [ ] .Y