99-572Council File # �1-S� V ������� Presented Referred To Committee Date 2 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 63946 �� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2000 Memoranduxn of A�eement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 110. Requested by Department of: Office of Labor Relarions By: `�_\���.,. �"�' � 1 Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoption C by Council S reta By. � \ � .. � f Y�l �A eY� - -T �_ �.1�1 1 � 1 - Approved by Mayor° ate B I� Form Ap roved by C' Attomey By: �.�^��/ ' � % G�'i � _ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 63946 LABOR RELATIONS June 9, 1999 � CONTACI' RERSON & PHONE: q lrvlTTnuna� �Nrr�A�mATE 7LJI,IE KRAUS 266-6513 � l DEPAR'IMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL NUMBER 2 CRY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST HE QN COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. ROVTING 3 MP.YOA (OR ASST.)� ORDER TOTAL N OF SIGNATTIRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) acr[ox �QVES'ren: This resolution approves the attached May 1, 1444 through Apri130, 2000 MemoLandum of Agreement between the Independent_ School District No. 625 and the Intemational Brotherhood of Electricai Workers, Local 110. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7'IONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COIviMISSION 1. Haz this person/fvm ever worked wder a wnVact for this department? _CIB COMM[7'TEE Yes No STp.FF 2. Has this person/firm ever bzen a cRy employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICR COi7NCIL OBJECi'IVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a sk�il not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro greeo sheet INITIAI7NG PROBLEM, I5SUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 When, Where, Why): See Attached. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: See attached. 'I'his Agreement pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOriO. DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACCiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTNITY WMBER: FINANCIAL YNFORMATION: (EXPLAW) ^,,,,,,,,g ���� ����� VWiwn �t�t-5 Z INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • ; . 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �t�r This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("DistricP'), Employer, and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 11Q exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May l, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 � � � � ,���i�>��o� Ch ', Boazd of Education President , � G � `/u Negotiations/Labor Re1at'�fis Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. o ? /�9�j D Manager ������� Date Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D • ; • • �� S APPENDIX C Cl. The total hourly wst to the Employer for wages plus any and all conaibutions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Ageement shali not exceed the following amounts: Electrician Building Control Electrician L.ead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $37.12 37.12 3938 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable houdy rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the following classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as follows: Electrician Building Control Electrician • Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. 1'he basic hourly wage rates in this Appendu (C2A) aze for comoensation analvsis uurooses onlv. These figures represent the porfion of the Appendix Cl rates above speciScally allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable coatributions and therefore should NOT be used for taxable payroll calculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. ElecVician Building Control Elecvician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Convols - Electrician General Lead Electrician • Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.A3 25.43 25.43 2638 2 • • • �� S�t Z APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appoin[ed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Elecaician I.ead Electrician Master Elutrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecvician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 29.38 30.48 If a temporary emp(oyee working in a tide listed in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounts listed in Cl above. General I,ead Electrician-In-Chazee Premium: For those employees assigned to perform the func[ion of General Lead Electrician-In-Chazge, including supervising other Lead Electricians, overseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcuon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable rate shown for General Lead Elecuician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Journeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Journeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85% of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C2 through C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contribuuons) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Section Cl. The total cost to the Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shal] be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in compazable classifications in the Agreement between Local 110 and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reducuon during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to empioyees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any cosu of payments made for indusvy promotion and/or advertisemen[ or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. G�S�Z APPENDIX C (continued) Shifr Differenual • For-employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shift beginning eazlier than b:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shifr. For employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shifr beginning eazlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential For the hours worked between the houts of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and third shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifrs and/or work weeks. - � C� 4 APPENDIX D �� 5 Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacarion Fund. (]b) For temporary employees, 10% of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-desigrtated Pension Fund. (4) $1.40 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regulaz employees, 3% of the Appendix C-2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Employees Benefit Fund (N.E.BF.I. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix C-3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National EmQloyees Benefit Fund IN.E.B.FJ. (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana¢ement Cooperative Committee Fund. � (9) $26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. . . o' . APPENDIX D (continued) ��� Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd She amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprendce employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of gross wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which al1 appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1st - 1900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 7.600 hrs. 5-1/2% 6-1/2% 7-1/290 9-1l2% (2a) $2.93 per hour shall be forwazded for ali hows worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. (3a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5 701 - 7 60Q lus. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the foilowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice [o a Union designated Annuity Fund: ]st - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - 6.650 hrs. 6 651 - 7,600 hrs. $ .70 hr. $ .75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. • (Sa) For apprentices, the foliowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Trust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5,701 + hrs. $.53 $.59 $.71 $1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the foliowing amounts shall be forwazded for alI hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5,701 - 6.650 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ .29 $ .32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 • (7a) 3% of the gross wages shall be forwazdeA for all hours worked as an appren6ce to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.I. (8a) $.�7 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Management Coo�erative Commi[tee Fund. (9a) $.26 per hour sha(I be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Annrenticeship Fund. G APPENDIX D (continued) �� �1 : For all employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negotiated pension contributions for all appropriate empioyees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA tate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not ezceed the amounts listed in C] above. For ail employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FTCA withholdin=s as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the employee's appropriate Federal and State income taY withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legally established obligation as required from ail rates established in Appendix C except for rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounu shown in Appendix Cl. The Appendix D amounu shali be forwazded to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. - The Empioyer shall establish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensadon programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by this Agreement shail not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The acmal level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the variovs Funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. • � • INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 �� ��� BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FfE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevai{ing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • � • 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �� S1 Z This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("District"), Employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local llQ exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through Apri130, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May 1, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 n LJ r 1 LJ ���di1,�����mAa ��CX�.�i �vt�/"L�=l�v. Ch ', Boazd of Education President , Manager � �� �� ( Date Negotiations/Labor Refa 't�is Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. a �s�� D Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D � • • C� APPENDIX C �� 5 � Z Cl. The total hourly cost to the Employer for wages plus any and all contributions or dedactions stated in Appendix D of [his Agreement shall not exceed the following amounu: E3ectrician Building Conuol Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electtician Master Building Conuols - Electdcian General L,ead Electrician Effective 5-i-99 $37.12 37.12 39.38 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the fo]]owing classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as foilows: Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Mas[er Elecuician Master Building Conuois - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis purooses onlv. These figures represent the portion oF the Appendix Cl rates above specifically allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include ta�cable coatribudons and therefore should �10T be used for taicable payroll calcula6ons. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. Electrician Building Control Elec[rician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.43 25.43 25.43 26.38 2 • • • APPENDIX C (continued) �� �� Z C3. The total tarable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contriburion in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecaician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 2938 30.48 If a temporary employee working in a tiUe listed in [his Appendix C3 becomes subject ro[he requirements of the Pubiic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calcutated howly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. General Lead Electrician-In-Chaz�e Premium: For those employees assigned to .perform the function of General Lead Electtician-In-Chazge, inciuding supervising other Lead Electricians, ovexseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcGon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable zate shown for General Lead Electrician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: lst 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Joumeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Joumeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85%o of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the conuibutions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C2 tluough C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Secrion Cl. The total cost to [he Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classi£cations in the Agreement between Locai ll0 and the National Electrical Conhactors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reduction during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to employees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any costs of payments made for indusuy promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not direcdy and clearly beneficial to the public employer. APPENDIX C (conunued) Shift Differential �i� 5�2 • For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shift aze workeA between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shift. For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning eulier than 6:00 am. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shift aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and thud shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiafions immediately to establish the conditions of such shifu and/or work weeks. • • APPENDIX D ���z Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shali forward the amounu designated in this Appendix A for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (]a) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages oniy rate per hour for ai1 hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (Ib) For temporary employees, 1090 of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Aealth and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. _ (4} $1.40 per hour for al] hours worked to a[Inion-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regular employees, 3% of the Appendix G2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Em l�ovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.1. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix G3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana�ement Co�erative Committee Fund. • (9) $.26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Anorenticeship Fund. • . 1 � APPENDIX D (continued) ° t�i S�Z Effecdve May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprentice employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of goss wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3 801 - 5.700 tus. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. 5-1/290 (rl/2% 7-I/290 9-1/2% (2a) (3a) $2.93 per hour shail be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 5.700 hrs. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Annuitv Fund: ist - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 6,650 hrs. 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ JO hr. $.75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. � (Sa) For appremices, the following amounts shal] be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Ttust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5.701 + hrs. $ .53 $ .59 $ .71 $ 1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwuded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1,900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.8Q1 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 6,650 6.651 - 7,600 hrs. • (7a) (8a) (9a) $ .29 $ 32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 3% of the gross wages shall be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated National Emnlovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). $.07 per hour shall be forwarded for al] hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Manaeement Coonerative Committee Fund. $26 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprenuce to a Union-designated AuDrenticeshio Fund. 0 .. c APPENDIX D (continued) . For al7 employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negodated pension contributions for all appropriate employees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. � For all employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FICA withholdings as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the emplayee's appropriate Federal and State income ta�c withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legaily established obligation as required from all rates established in Appendix C except For rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accwdance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix Ci. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwazded to depositories u d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. The Employer shal] estabiish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by [his Agreement shall not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obiigation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deduc[ions established by this Agreement. The actual level of benefits provided to empioyees shali be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. • Council File # �1-S� V ������� Presented Referred To Committee Date 2 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 63946 �� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2000 Memoranduxn of A�eement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 110. Requested by Department of: Office of Labor Relarions By: `�_\���.,. �"�' � 1 Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoption C by Council S reta By. � \ � .. � f Y�l �A eY� - -T �_ �.1�1 1 � 1 - Approved by Mayor° ate B I� Form Ap roved by C' Attomey By: �.�^��/ ' � % G�'i � _ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 63946 LABOR RELATIONS June 9, 1999 � CONTACI' RERSON & PHONE: q lrvlTTnuna� �Nrr�A�mATE 7LJI,IE KRAUS 266-6513 � l DEPAR'IMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL NUMBER 2 CRY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST HE QN COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. ROVTING 3 MP.YOA (OR ASST.)� ORDER TOTAL N OF SIGNATTIRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) acr[ox �QVES'ren: This resolution approves the attached May 1, 1444 through Apri130, 2000 MemoLandum of Agreement between the Independent_ School District No. 625 and the Intemational Brotherhood of Electricai Workers, Local 110. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7'IONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COIviMISSION 1. Haz this person/fvm ever worked wder a wnVact for this department? _CIB COMM[7'TEE Yes No STp.FF 2. Has this person/firm ever bzen a cRy employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICR COi7NCIL OBJECi'IVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a sk�il not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro greeo sheet INITIAI7NG PROBLEM, I5SUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 When, Where, Why): See Attached. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: See attached. 'I'his Agreement pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOriO. DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACCiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTNITY WMBER: FINANCIAL YNFORMATION: (EXPLAW) ^,,,,,,,,g ���� ����� VWiwn �t�t-5 Z INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • ; . 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �t�r This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("DistricP'), Employer, and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 11Q exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May l, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 � � � � ,���i�>��o� Ch ', Boazd of Education President , � G � `/u Negotiations/Labor Re1at'�fis Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. o ? /�9�j D Manager ������� Date Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D • ; • • �� S APPENDIX C Cl. The total hourly wst to the Employer for wages plus any and all conaibutions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Ageement shali not exceed the following amounts: Electrician Building Control Electrician L.ead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $37.12 37.12 3938 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable houdy rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the following classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as follows: Electrician Building Control Electrician • Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. 1'he basic hourly wage rates in this Appendu (C2A) aze for comoensation analvsis uurooses onlv. These figures represent the porfion of the Appendix Cl rates above speciScally allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable coatributions and therefore should NOT be used for taxable payroll calculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. ElecVician Building Control Elecvician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Convols - Electrician General Lead Electrician • Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.A3 25.43 25.43 2638 2 • • • �� S�t Z APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appoin[ed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Elecaician I.ead Electrician Master Elutrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecvician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 29.38 30.48 If a temporary emp(oyee working in a tide listed in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounts listed in Cl above. General I,ead Electrician-In-Chazee Premium: For those employees assigned to perform the func[ion of General Lead Electrician-In-Chazge, including supervising other Lead Electricians, overseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcuon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable rate shown for General Lead Elecuician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Journeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Journeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85% of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C2 through C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contribuuons) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Section Cl. The total cost to the Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shal] be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in compazable classifications in the Agreement between Local 110 and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reducuon during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to empioyees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any cosu of payments made for indusvy promotion and/or advertisemen[ or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. G�S�Z APPENDIX C (continued) Shifr Differenual • For-employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shift beginning eazlier than b:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shifr. For employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shifr beginning eazlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential For the hours worked between the houts of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and third shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifrs and/or work weeks. - � C� 4 APPENDIX D �� 5 Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacarion Fund. (]b) For temporary employees, 10% of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-desigrtated Pension Fund. (4) $1.40 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regulaz employees, 3% of the Appendix C-2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Employees Benefit Fund (N.E.BF.I. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix C-3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National EmQloyees Benefit Fund IN.E.B.FJ. (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana¢ement Cooperative Committee Fund. � (9) $26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. . . o' . APPENDIX D (continued) ��� Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd She amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprendce employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of gross wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which al1 appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1st - 1900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 7.600 hrs. 5-1/2% 6-1/2% 7-1/290 9-1l2% (2a) $2.93 per hour shall be forwazded for ali hows worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. (3a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5 701 - 7 60Q lus. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the foilowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice [o a Union designated Annuity Fund: ]st - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - 6.650 hrs. 6 651 - 7,600 hrs. $ .70 hr. $ .75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. • (Sa) For apprentices, the foliowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Trust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5,701 + hrs. $.53 $.59 $.71 $1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the foliowing amounts shall be forwazded for alI hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5,701 - 6.650 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ .29 $ .32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 • (7a) 3% of the gross wages shall be forwazdeA for all hours worked as an appren6ce to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.I. (8a) $.�7 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Management Coo�erative Commi[tee Fund. (9a) $.26 per hour sha(I be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Annrenticeship Fund. G APPENDIX D (continued) �� �1 : For all employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negotiated pension contributions for all appropriate empioyees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA tate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not ezceed the amounts listed in C] above. For ail employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FTCA withholdin=s as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the employee's appropriate Federal and State income taY withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legally established obligation as required from ail rates established in Appendix C except for rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounu shown in Appendix Cl. The Appendix D amounu shali be forwazded to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. - The Empioyer shall establish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensadon programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by this Agreement shail not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The acmal level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the variovs Funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. • � • INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 �� ��� BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FfE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevai{ing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • � • 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �� S1 Z This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("District"), Employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local llQ exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through Apri130, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May 1, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 n LJ r 1 LJ ���di1,�����mAa ��CX�.�i �vt�/"L�=l�v. Ch ', Boazd of Education President , Manager � �� �� ( Date Negotiations/Labor Refa 't�is Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. a �s�� D Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D � • • C� APPENDIX C �� 5 � Z Cl. The total hourly cost to the Employer for wages plus any and all contributions or dedactions stated in Appendix D of [his Agreement shall not exceed the following amounu: E3ectrician Building Conuol Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electtician Master Building Conuols - Electdcian General L,ead Electrician Effective 5-i-99 $37.12 37.12 39.38 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the fo]]owing classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as foilows: Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Mas[er Elecuician Master Building Conuois - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis purooses onlv. These figures represent the portion oF the Appendix Cl rates above specifically allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include ta�cable coatribudons and therefore should �10T be used for taicable payroll calcula6ons. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. Electrician Building Control Elec[rician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.43 25.43 25.43 26.38 2 • • • APPENDIX C (continued) �� �� Z C3. The total tarable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contriburion in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecaician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 2938 30.48 If a temporary employee working in a tiUe listed in [his Appendix C3 becomes subject ro[he requirements of the Pubiic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calcutated howly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. General Lead Electrician-In-Chaz�e Premium: For those employees assigned to .perform the function of General Lead Electtician-In-Chazge, inciuding supervising other Lead Electricians, ovexseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcGon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable zate shown for General Lead Electrician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: lst 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Joumeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Joumeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85%o of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the conuibutions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C2 tluough C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Secrion Cl. The total cost to [he Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classi£cations in the Agreement between Locai ll0 and the National Electrical Conhactors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reduction during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to employees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any costs of payments made for indusuy promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not direcdy and clearly beneficial to the public employer. APPENDIX C (conunued) Shift Differential �i� 5�2 • For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shift aze workeA between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shift. For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning eulier than 6:00 am. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shift aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and thud shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiafions immediately to establish the conditions of such shifu and/or work weeks. • • APPENDIX D ���z Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shali forward the amounu designated in this Appendix A for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (]a) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages oniy rate per hour for ai1 hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (Ib) For temporary employees, 1090 of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Aealth and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. _ (4} $1.40 per hour for al] hours worked to a[Inion-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regular employees, 3% of the Appendix G2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Em l�ovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.1. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix G3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana�ement Co�erative Committee Fund. • (9) $.26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Anorenticeship Fund. • . 1 � APPENDIX D (continued) ° t�i S�Z Effecdve May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprentice employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of goss wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3 801 - 5.700 tus. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. 5-1/290 (rl/2% 7-I/290 9-1/2% (2a) (3a) $2.93 per hour shail be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 5.700 hrs. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Annuitv Fund: ist - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 6,650 hrs. 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ JO hr. $.75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. � (Sa) For appremices, the following amounts shal] be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Ttust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5.701 + hrs. $ .53 $ .59 $ .71 $ 1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwuded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1,900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.8Q1 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 6,650 6.651 - 7,600 hrs. • (7a) (8a) (9a) $ .29 $ 32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 3% of the gross wages shall be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated National Emnlovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). $.07 per hour shall be forwarded for al] hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Manaeement Coonerative Committee Fund. $26 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprenuce to a Union-designated AuDrenticeshio Fund. 0 .. c APPENDIX D (continued) . For al7 employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negodated pension contributions for all appropriate employees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. � For all employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FICA withholdings as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the emplayee's appropriate Federal and State income ta�c withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legaily established obligation as required from all rates established in Appendix C except For rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accwdance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix Ci. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwazded to depositories u d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. The Employer shal] estabiish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by [his Agreement shall not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obiigation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deduc[ions established by this Agreement. The actual level of benefits provided to empioyees shali be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. • Council File # �1-S� V ������� Presented Referred To Committee Date 2 0 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 63946 �� RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and rarifies the attached May 1, 1999 through Apri130, 2000 Memoranduxn of A�eement between the Independent School District No. 625 and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 110. Requested by Department of: Office of Labor Relarions By: `�_\���.,. �"�' � 1 Adopted by Council: Date � \ Adoption C by Council S reta By. � \ � .. � f Y�l �A eY� - -T �_ �.1�1 1 � 1 - Approved by Mayor° ate B I� Form Ap roved by C' Attomey By: �.�^��/ ' � % G�'i � _ DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII.: DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No.• 63946 LABOR RELATIONS June 9, 1999 � CONTACI' RERSON & PHONE: q lrvlTTnuna� �Nrr�A�mATE 7LJI,IE KRAUS 266-6513 � l DEPAR'IMENT DIR. 4 CITY COUNCIL NUMBER 2 CRY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST HE QN COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) FOR BUDGEf DIR. FIN. & MGT. SERVICE DIR. ROVTING 3 MP.YOA (OR ASST.)� ORDER TOTAL N OF SIGNATTIRE PAGES_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATiONS FOR SIGNATURE) acr[ox �QVES'ren: This resolution approves the attached May 1, 1444 through Apri130, 2000 MemoLandum of Agreement between the Independent_ School District No. 625 and the Intemational Brotherhood of Electricai Workers, Local 110. RECOMMENDAITONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACCS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUES7'IONS: PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COIviMISSION 1. Haz this person/fvm ever worked wder a wnVact for this department? _CIB COMM[7'TEE Yes No STp.FF 2. Has this person/firm ever bzen a cRy employee? _DISTRICT COURT Yes No SUPPORTS WHICR COi7NCIL OBJECi'IVE? 3. Does this person/firm possess a sk�il not normally possessed by any curtent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach ro greeo sheet INITIAI7NG PROBLEM, I5SUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, Wha4 When, Where, Why): See Attached. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: See attached. 'I'his Agreement pertains to Boazd of Education employees only. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOriO. DLSADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACCiON: COST/REVENUE BUDGETED: FONDING SOURCE: ACTNITY WMBER: FINANCIAL YNFORMATION: (EXPLAW) ^,,,,,,,,g ���� ����� VWiwn �t�t-5 Z INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FTE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevailing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • ; . 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �t�r This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("DistricP'), Employer, and Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 11Q exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through April 30, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May l, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 � � � � ,���i�>��o� Ch ', Boazd of Education President , � G � `/u Negotiations/Labor Re1at'�fis Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. o ? /�9�j D Manager ������� Date Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D • ; • • �� S APPENDIX C Cl. The total hourly wst to the Employer for wages plus any and all conaibutions or deductions stated in Appendix D of this Ageement shali not exceed the following amounts: Electrician Building Control Electrician L.ead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $37.12 37.12 3938 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable houdy rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the following classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as follows: Electrician Building Control Electrician • Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. 1'he basic hourly wage rates in this Appendu (C2A) aze for comoensation analvsis uurooses onlv. These figures represent the porfion of the Appendix Cl rates above speciScally allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include taxable coatributions and therefore should NOT be used for taxable payroll calculations. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. ElecVician Building Control Elecvician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Convols - Electrician General Lead Electrician • Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.A3 25.43 25.43 2638 2 • • • �� S�t Z APPENDIX C (continued) C3. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D for temporary employees appoin[ed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Elecaician I.ead Electrician Master Elutrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecvician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 29.38 30.48 If a temporary emp(oyee working in a tide listed in this Appendix C3 becomes subject to the requirements of the Public Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calculated hourly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounts listed in Cl above. General I,ead Electrician-In-Chazee Premium: For those employees assigned to perform the func[ion of General Lead Electrician-In-Chazge, including supervising other Lead Electricians, overseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcuon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable rate shown for General Lead Elecuician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: 1 st 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Journeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Journeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85% of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Secdons C2 through C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contribuuons) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Section Cl. The total cost to the Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shal] be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in compazable classifications in the Agreement between Local 110 and the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reducuon during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to empioyees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any cosu of payments made for indusvy promotion and/or advertisemen[ or any other purposes not directly and clearly beneficial to the public employer. G�S�Z APPENDIX C (continued) Shifr Differenual • For-employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shift beginning eazlier than b:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shifr. For employees who work on a regulazly-assigned shifr beginning eazlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending ]ater than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shifr aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential For the hours worked between the houts of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and third shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiations immediately to establish the conditions of such shifrs and/or work weeks. - � C� 4 APPENDIX D �� 5 Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounts designated in this Appendix D for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacarion Fund. (]b) For temporary employees, 10% of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for ail hours worked to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-desigrtated Pension Fund. (4) $1.40 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for atl hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regulaz employees, 3% of the Appendix C-2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Employees Benefit Fund (N.E.BF.I. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix C-3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National EmQloyees Benefit Fund IN.E.B.FJ. (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana¢ement Cooperative Committee Fund. � (9) $26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Apprenticeship Fund. . . o' . APPENDIX D (continued) ��� Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd She amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprendce employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of gross wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which al1 appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1st - 1900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 7.600 hrs. 5-1/2% 6-1/2% 7-1/290 9-1l2% (2a) $2.93 per hour shall be forwazded for ali hows worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfare Fund. (3a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5 701 - 7 60Q lus. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the foilowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice [o a Union designated Annuity Fund: ]st - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - 6.650 hrs. 6 651 - 7,600 hrs. $ .70 hr. $ .75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. • (Sa) For apprentices, the foliowing amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Trust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1,901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5,701 + hrs. $.53 $.59 $.71 $1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the foliowing amounts shall be forwazded for alI hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3,801 - 5,700 hrs. 5,701 - 6.650 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ .29 $ .32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 • (7a) 3% of the gross wages shall be forwazdeA for all hours worked as an appren6ce to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.I. (8a) $.�7 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Management Coo�erative Commi[tee Fund. (9a) $.26 per hour sha(I be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Annrenticeship Fund. G APPENDIX D (continued) �� �1 : For all employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negotiated pension contributions for all appropriate empioyees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA tate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not ezceed the amounts listed in C] above. For ail employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FTCA withholdin=s as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the employee's appropriate Federal and State income taY withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legally established obligation as required from ail rates established in Appendix C except for rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accordance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounu shown in Appendix Cl. The Appendix D amounu shali be forwazded to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. - The Empioyer shall establish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensadon programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by this Agreement shail not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obligation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deductions established by this Agreement. The acmal level of benefits provided to employees shall be the responsibility of the Trustees of the variovs Funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. • � • INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 �� ��� BOARD OF EDUCATION SAINT PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS • DATE: May 25, 1999 TOPIC: Approval of Memorandum of Agreement with Intemational Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 to Establish Terms and Conditions of Employment for 1999-2000 A. PERTINENT FACTS: 1. The Memorandum of Agreement is for a one-year period, May 1, 1999, through April 30, 2000. 2. The language provisions of the previous contract remain unchanged, except for necessary changes to Appendix C(Salary) and Appendix D(Benefits). 3. The District has 13 regular FfE in this bargaining unit. 4. Wage and benefits changes reflect prevai{ing wage. 5. The estimated total of all new costs (including wage adjustment, insurance and pension adjustments) for this agreement has been calculated as follows: • 5. This request is submitted by Susan Gutbrod, Negotiations/Labor Relations Assistant Manager; Richard Kreyer, Negotiations/Labor Relations Manager; and William A. Larson, Deputy Superintendent of Operations. B. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Education of Independent School District No. 625 approve and adopt the Memorandum of Agreement concerning the terms and conditions of employment of those employees in this school district for whom International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 110 is the exclusive representative; duration of said agreement is for the period of May 1, 1999 through April 30, 2000. • � • 1999 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT �� S1 Z This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between Independent School District No. 625 ("District"), Employer, and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local llQ exclusive representative for electricians. The purpose of this agreement is to establish terms and conditions of employment for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. PERTINENT FACTS: The employment agreement with School District electricians expires on April 30, 1999. The terms and conditions in the 1997-99 contract, except for Appendices C and D, will remain in force through Apri130, 2000. Revised Appendices C and D aze attached to this Memorandum of Agreement and constitute the annual wage/benefit changes for this group for the period May 1, 1999, through Apri130, 2000. The actual effective date for the benefits increase will be May 7, 1999, the first pay period closest to May 1, 1999 (see the attached Appendices C and D for actual rates). All other terms and conditions of employment remain unchanged and in force through Apri130, 2000. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT, INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF NO. 625 ELECTRICAL WORKERS, LOCAL 110 n LJ r 1 LJ ���di1,�����mAa ��CX�.�i �vt�/"L�=l�v. Ch ', Boazd of Education President , Manager � �� �� ( Date Negotiations/Labor Refa 't�is Manager � Negotiations or Relations Asst. Mgr. a �s�� D Attachments: 1999-00 Appendix C and Appendix D � • • C� APPENDIX C �� 5 � Z Cl. The total hourly cost to the Employer for wages plus any and all contributions or dedactions stated in Appendix D of [his Agreement shall not exceed the following amounu: E3ectrician Building Conuol Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electtician Master Building Conuols - Electdcian General L,ead Electrician Effective 5-i-99 $37.12 37.12 39.38 39.38 39.38 40.51 C2. The total taxable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contribution in Appendix D and excluding all other benefit costs and obligations in Appendix D, for regulaz and probationary employees appointed to the fo]]owing classes of positions and who aze not covered by the Employer's benefit package described in Article 12.2 shall be as foilows: Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Mas[er Elecuician Master Building Conuois - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-I-99 $25.87 25.87 27.97 27.97 27.97 29.02 C2A. The basic hourly wage rates in this Appendix (C2A) are for comuensaGon analvsis purooses onlv. These figures represent the portion oF the Appendix Cl rates above specifically allocated to wages. These rates do NOT include ta�cable coatribudons and therefore should �10T be used for taicable payroll calcula6ons. See Appendix C2 above for total taxable payroll information. Electrician Building Control Elec[rician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Electrician Effective 5-1-99 $23.52 23.52 25.43 25.43 25.43 26.38 2 • • • APPENDIX C (continued) �� �� Z C3. The total tarable hourly rate including wages and the vacation contriburion in Appendix D for temporary employees appointed to the following classes of positions shall be: C4. Electrician Building Control Electrician Lead Electrician Master Electrician Master Building Controls - Electrician General Lead Elecaician Effective 5-1-99 $27.18 27.18 2938 2938 2938 30.48 If a temporary employee working in a tiUe listed in [his Appendix C3 becomes subject ro[he requirements of the Pubiic Employees Retirement Act (PERA), which thereby requires the Employer to make contributions to PERA, the calcutated howly base rate may change so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. General Lead Electrician-In-Chaz�e Premium: For those employees assigned to .perform the function of General Lead Electtician-In-Chazge, inciuding supervising other Lead Electricians, ovexseeing projects and providing scheduling and direcGon, the rate of pay will be equivalent to the applicable zate shown for General Lead Electrician in Appendix Cl, C2, C2A or C3. Benefits will be as shown in Appendix D. The basic hourly wage rates for the Apprentice class of positions: Apprentice Electrician hired on or after May I, 1984: lst 2nd 3rd 4th Sth 6th 7th 8th C5. General Items 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 950 hours 48% of Joumeyman rate 51% of Journeyman rate 55% of Joumeyman rate 60% of Journeyman rate 61% of Joumeyman rate 75% of Journeyman rate- 80% of Journeyman rate 85%o of Journeyman rate If the Union elects to have the conuibutions listed in Appendix D increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the rates in Appendix C, Sections C2 tluough C4 in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contributions) remains constant and dces not exceed the amounts shown in Appendix C, Secrion Cl. The total cost to [he Employer for compensation (wages and fringes) received by employees covered by this Agreement shall be equivalent in money to the total package paid by the employer to employees in comparable classi£cations in the Agreement between Locai ll0 and the National Electrical Conhactors Association (NECA). In the event Local 110 and NECA amend their bazgaining agreement to provide for either a wage or benefit freeze or reduction during the period of this Agreement, such freeze or reduction shall be immediately applicable to the total compensation paid to employees covered by this Ageement. The total package cost shall exclude any costs of payments made for indusuy promotion and/or advertisement or any other purposes not direcdy and clearly beneficial to the public employer. APPENDIX C (conunued) Shift Differential �i� 5�2 • For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning earlier than 6:00 a.m. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., provided that at least five (5) hours of the shift aze workeA between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the entire shift. For employees who work on a regularly-assigned shifr beginning eulier than 6:00 am. or ending later than 6:00 p.m., but less than five (5) hours of the shift aze worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., there shall be paid a night differential for the hours worked between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. If, during the term of this Agreement, it is necessary in the Employer's judgment to establish second and thud shifrs or a work week of other than Monday through Friday, the Union agrees to enter into negotiafions immediately to establish the conditions of such shifu and/or work weeks. • • APPENDIX D ���z Effective May 7, 1999, the Employer shali forward the amounu designated in this Appendix A for employees : covered by this Agreement to depositories as d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (]a) For regulaz employees, 10% of the Appendix C2A wages oniy rate per hour for ai1 hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (Ib) For temporary employees, 1090 of the Appendix C3 rate per hour for all hours worked from which ail appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union-designated Vacation Fund. (2) $2.93 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Aealth and Welfaze Fund. (3) $1.43 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Pension Fund. _ (4} $1.40 per hour for al] hours worked to a[Inion-designated Annuitv Fund. (5) $1.46 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Reserve Trust Fund. (6) $ 1.65 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Flexible Benefit Fund. (7a) For regular employees, 3% of the Appendix G2A wages only rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union- designated National Em l�ovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.1. (7b) For temporary employees, 3% of the Appendix G3 rate per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated National Emplovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). (8) $.07 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Labor Mana�ement Co�erative Committee Fund. • (9) $.26 per hour for all hours worked to a Union-designated Anorenticeship Fund. • . 1 � APPENDIX D (continued) ° t�i S�Z Effecdve May 7, 1999, the Employer shall forwazd the amounu designated in this Appendix D for apprentice employees designated in Appendix C4 covered by this Agreement to depositories as directed by the Union and agreed to by the Employer: (la) For apprentices, the following percentages of goss wages shall be forwazded for all hours worked from which all appropriate payroll deductions have been made to a Union designated Vacation Fund. 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3 801 - 5.700 tus. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. 5-1/290 (rl/2% 7-I/290 9-1/2% (2a) (3a) $2.93 per hour shail be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Health and Welfaze Fund For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a union-designated Pension Fund: 1 st - 1900 hrs. 1.901 - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 5.700 hrs. 5.701 - 7,600 hrs. $ 38 $ .42 $ .50 $ 1.43 (4a) For apprentices, the following amounts shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Annuitv Fund: ist - 3,800 hrs. 3.801 - 6,650 hrs. 6.651 - 7.600 hrs. $ JO hr. $.75 hr. $ 1.40 hr. � (Sa) For appremices, the following amounts shal] be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Reserve Ttust Fund: 1- 1.900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.801 - SJ00 hrs. 5.701 + hrs. $ .53 $ .59 $ .71 $ 1.46 (6a) For apprentices, the following amounu shall be forwuded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union designated Flexible Benefit Fund: 1- 1,900 hrs. 1.901 - 3.800 hrs. 3.8Q1 - 5,700 hrs. 5.701 - 6,650 6.651 - 7,600 hrs. • (7a) (8a) (9a) $ .29 $ 32 $ .35 $.36 $ 1.65 3% of the gross wages shall be forwarded for all hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated National Emnlovees Benefit Fund (N.E.B.F.). $.07 per hour shall be forwarded for al] hours worked as an apprentice to a Union-designated Labor Manaeement Coonerative Committee Fund. $26 per hour shall be forwazded for all hours worked as an apprenuce to a Union-designated AuDrenticeshio Fund. 0 .. c APPENDIX D (continued) . For al7 employees, the Employer shall make legally established non-negodated pension contributions for all appropriate employees to PERA. Changes in the mandated PERA rate may change the calculated hourly base rate of pay so the Employer's cost dces not exceed the amounu listed in Cl above. � For all employees, the Employer shall deduct the employee's FICA withholdings as appropriate from total taxable wages as required. The Employer shall deduct the emplayee's appropriate Federal and State income ta�c withholdings, PERA deductions, and any other legaily established obligation as required from all rates established in Appendix C except For rates in C2A, which aze not used for payroll purposes. All contributions made in accwdance with this Appendix D shall be deducted from and aze not in addition to the amounts shown in Appendix Ci. The Appendix D amounts shall be forwazded to depositories u d'uected by the Union and agreed to by the Employer. The Employer shal] estabiish Workers' Compensation and Unemployment Compensation programs as required by Minnesota Stamtes. Employees covered by [his Agreement shall not be eligible for, governed by or accumulate vacation, sick leave, holiday, funeral leave, jury duty or insurance fringe benefits that are or may be established by Personnel Rules, Council Ordinance or Council Resolutions. The Employer's fringe benefit obiigation to employees is limited to the contributions and/or deduc[ions established by this Agreement. The actual level of benefits provided to empioyees shali be the responsibility of the Trustees of the various funds to which the Employer has forwazded contributions and/or deductions. •