87-1420 WHITE - CITV CLEF7K � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII ���t�/�� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. �' / BLUE - MAVOR Coun 'l Reso ution ��� � . . �� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby confirm the appointment by the Mayor of Diane Lynch to the position of Assistant to the Mayor to be effective upon passage, approval and publication of this Resolution. COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia [n Favor Rettman � _ � __ Against BY — Sonne� Weida WilsOri SEP 3 (� 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date — �I Certified P�s d y ouncil S c ta BY `�a'�- �� �� `7'^'l�o U 7 By Approve 1+lavor: _ �"� � t987 Appro d by Mayor for Subm' sion to Council B - — BY �U$3S.1e35e°� y _v �.�"lU( . _ 1,����� ' . . N° Qilo32 � Mayox's �f ic� DEPARTI�D3NT . - - - - Susa Ki � rl _ CONTACT NAME 298-4323 PHONE 9 21 $7 ' DATE . �i Zi ' �TG ORl F�: (See reverse side.) _ Departq�en L�irector � Maqor (or Assistant) _ Finance a diManagament Servicas Director 4 City Clerk � Budget D e�tor 3 Council President City Att �y _ 0 ] �1 U (Clip all locations for signature.) T W 0 ? (Purpose/Rational�e) ; � The app4i tmlent of Diane Lynch to serve 3:n' the position of Assistant to th� Mayor an�l chiet lobbyist for the city. I ; N G T Y AND SO C AN D: The appoi t�ent is to an existing position in the Mayor`s Office and inc'luded n �the Mayor's budget.� � FIN G+ C V B R CHAR C D (Mayor's si �ure not required if under $10,000.) � Total A1m tlof TransBction: Activity Number: Funding S ur�e: • i ATTACHMEI� ;(List and number all attachments.) Resolu�ti n a � , ADM NIST V � U S _Yes'` i�o Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Aatendment required? _Yes I�o If yes, are they or timetable attached? , ; DEP E EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW ,�Yes Nb Council resolution required? Resolution required? �_Yes _No _Yes N{� Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes No Insurance attached? — � � ' � ���f7�i��� +,�=**o.+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL e� '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR '' {�=i1° � . •� �d 347 CITY HALL '°�� SAINT PAUL, MINNES OTA 35102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR R�rF►1��� S�P Z 1 1987 September 21, 1987 CCU!�����p�AN �HRtS NfCQS�q Council President Chris Nicosia and Members of the Saint Paul City Council Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Councilmembers: I am today forwarding to you for your consideration a resolution appointing Diane L. Lynch to the position of Ass�.stant to the Mmyor. Ms.� Lynch will fill the position presently held by Mr.� Benno Salewski, who is leaving employment with the City. Ms. Lynch, of course, is well known to all of you and you all are aware of her exceptional abilities and impressive credentials. In her work with the City Ceuncil she has exhibited stronq organizational, communication and lobbying skills and she has played a critical role in maintaining the high level of cooperation between my office, the Council and our Legislative delegation. I look forward to the opportunity of having her continue her important work in the intergovernmental arena. Very truly yours, o La i er May GL:drm s�...e AGENDA ITEMS ________________________________ �������(� ______________________________ ------------ ID#: [269 � DATE REC: [09/22/87] AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #= [ 7 SUBJECT: [DIANE LYNCH - APPOINTMENT TO ASSISTANT TO THE MAYOR ] STAFF ASSIGI�D: [ ] SIG:[NICOSIA ] OUT-[ ] TO CLERK [09/22/87] �I6INATOR:[ ] CONTACT:[ ] ACTION:[ ] C 7 C.F.� [ ] ORD.� [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] s : � � +� +� +� r +� �r r � FILE INFO: [F2ESOLUTION/LETTER FROM MAYOR ] C ] C ] _____________________________________________________________________________