87-1413 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU11C11,l � / , //� CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File I�O. �I •IL BLUE -MAVO�R � Coun 'l Reso tion , , , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Liquor Lic�nse (Inactive) held by The Caves, Inc. DBA Castle Royal at 215 S. Wabasha be and the same is hereby revoked for the following reason: Failure to pay required second half of license fee COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dr2W Nays Nicosia Rettman In Favor Scheibel � Sonnen Against BY Weida WilsOn SEP 2 g 1987 Form Appro e by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passe o n il Secr a y BY By A►pprove Mavor: Date �� �` ^ �� � Approved b Mayor for Submission to Council � y By ..r. �. :.., ��7 V 1 PU�I.!$#�CD �J� i v ° , �, • • • 9 � ,�_ W.,�c�� . ��' ���� . , �� � � ��- a 7_� �F _ - - _ - -- - __ _ _ - - - - - _ _ __ /� - _ WHITE - C�TV CLERK COUi1C11 {� � �/ . PINK - FINANGE GITY OF SAINT 1 AUL /' /�j,� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �J BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. • Cou ci eso tion Presented By � �" '�� � .__.�--- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D,#16179) for renewa of an On Sale Liquor License -(Inactive) expiring January 31, 1988, presently held by Caves Inc. (former DBA Castle Roya (Peter N. Marcus, President) at 215 South Wabasha be and the same s hereby denied for the following reasons: 1. Failure to submit proper rene al documentation and application forms. 2. Failure to pay delinquent tate withholding and/or sales tax. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY — Form Appr ve ' y tto ey Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY � � ��� yi� `__��.=•yo�;�„� CITY OF SAINT PAUL a."� '�a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES C O � y`j ' ry+ ,' ' u ^O� , DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION P ':•, Room 203, City Nall �... �`°`°�� Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George Latimer Mayor June 4, 1987 Caves, Inc. f/d/b/a Castle Royal c/o James P. George 422 Concord Street, Apt. 20 Saint Paul, MN 55107 Dear Sir: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you that on June 17, 1987 a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council (license matters only) . This hearing will be held in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 10:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council deny renewal of the On Sale Liquor License you presently hold inactive. The License Inspector's office will base its recommendation on the following: (1) Failure to submit proper renewal documentation and application f orms. (Z) Failure to pay your delinquent State withholding and/or sales tax per Minnesota Statute 270.72, Sec. 2, Subd. 1: Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses. Subd. 1 (Tax Clearance Required.) The state or a political subdivision of the state may not issue or renew a license for the conduct of a profession, trade, or business, if the com- mi.ssioner notifies the licensing authority that the applicant owes the state delinquent taxes, penalties, or interest. The commissioner may not notify the licensing authority unless the applicant taxpayer owes $1,000 or more in delinquent taxes. A licensing authority that has received a notice from the com- missioner may issue or renew the applicant's license only if (a) the commissioner issues a tax clearance certificate and (b) the commissioner or the applicant forwards a copy of the clearance to the authority. The commissioner may issue a clearance certificate only if the applicant does not owe the state any uncontested delinquent taxes, penalties, or interest. • ' • � � 7 - . , /�i � � , . June 4, 1987 James P. George Page 2 You may be represented at such hearing by an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new licenses. Very truly yours, _ � - Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector JFC/lp Enc. cc: Council Members Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office Karen Swanberg - Minnesota Dept. of Revenue .: � . �, '������ : t , �,�. � - r J� �,,, ,> " � � � '`J�)� ��,~� October 16, 1984 Cr�ves, Inc. f/d/b/a - Castle Royal c/o James P. Geor�e 422 Concord Street, Apt. 20 St. ('�ul, 1RN 55107 ln lte: Account Name: Caves, inc, f/d/b/a - C�stle RoyAl Account Number: 5161629 Tax Type: Withholding dc Sales Tat��ble Periods: 10/80 - 03/81, 05/81 - 12/81 'I'otal Tax Due: $11,710.35 Ty�e or Name of License: I,iquor License Licensing Agency: City of St. Paul License Renewal Date: January 1, 1985 NOTICE OF DENIAL OF A TAX CLEARANCE CERTT;'ICAT� Tl�c Minnesotu !.�cp��rtinent of l�evcnuc h�zs �acen advised of your license issun►�ce or renewr�l clate. 1'ursur.�nt to LRWS OP MIIli1CSOtA� 1984, Chapter 502, Articic� 8, Section 2 (270.72) (Tax Clearance; Issuance of Licenses), the licensing authority named aU�ve hns been notifiecl t� not issuc� or renew your lieense unless a tax eleurAnee eerti('ieAtr has heen issued to them prior to tfie renewal date. A t�x clearrince certificr�te will he issued upo� receipt of full pr�yment of the amount shown above. Your payment must be by certifiec� f�inds, cashier's check or money order rnacie payable to the Coinmissianer of Rcvenuc e�n�l sut�rnitted to thc following Rddress: Minnesota T)epartment of Revenue 33 F. Wentworth Avenuc, Ste. t i)4 W. St. Paul, MN 55118 If you have any c�uestions regarding the applicatior� of this law or the requirements of tr�x cle�rance, ple:i�e con±act: :Vletro I Office Chris Sanft (612) 297-4419 KS:Pcej:K . ,• ' ' ' � 7 � /�/� � : .r � You hs�ve the right to protest lhis t�ction by the Depariment of Ilevenue by reques�i�7g n ;�;��ring with tt�e Offi�e of the Administrtative I-ieari►��s - an agency independent cf. the [iepi3rtment of He�enue. 'l o rc�ucst .i he,�rii�g, stute the bnsis fc�r yc�ur protest ��nd :�i�hinit ��lon�T with thc� 1aCt;i��hec' �•o��y c�f tl;is letter to: Nlinnesotti llepartmenl of li_nvenue i'. 0. 13ox 64447 St. Aa�.�l, iViN 5.`i1G4 'I'he request fc.}r r� l�earing it�ust i�e ��er.eived witt�in 30 d�ys of the dat� of this Notiee. A hearing wiil be sch��lulc:d by zin Admir�istrative Law Judge witt�in 45 days of your rey+ie,t �nd you will receive a Notice of the date �nd locati�n of thc: heAring. lf r,c +.iction is tnken on your E�tirt within 3U day� af the date of this letter, the deci- sion to deny you a tar. ciccirar�r.,r-. certificate wilt be final. Sii�cerel>>, t�. `�`� Kt�rer� Swanbe�Q, 1'f�x P:xerniner Sf�ecit3l Pro�e.clures Group '1'ax Com��li��nce Uivisiun (612) 297-•3995 KS:Pccj ' '' ' INACTIVE ��, ���� . , . • � �. ,..,, MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ��.1`.'�..�.�._.sr9� � LIQUOR CONTROL DIVISION `'°`g-'U"� �, PHONE(612►296-6430 ST. PAUL,MN 55101 � �� CERTIFICATION ......•� ON SALE ANDlOR A SUNDAY LIQUOR LICENSE �`1�+ CITY CLERK MUST COMPLETE LICENSEE NAME TRADE NAME OR DBA The Caves Inc Castle Ro al BUSINESS ADDRESS C�TY • Z�P 21 S. Wabasha St. St. Paul 10 LICENSE TYPE(CHECK ONE OR BOTH) LICENSE PERIOD COUNTY 7E7 ON SAIE ❑SUNDAY FROM `����--87 TO ��--31.—�$ Ramsey ON SALE LICENSE NO ON SAIE FEE SUNDAY LICENSE NO. SUNDAY FEE BUSINESS PHONE i6i79 04 .00 . If a Partnership,State the Name and Address of Each Partner;If a Corporation,State the Name and Address of Each Officer. PARTNER/OFFICER NAME ADDRESS Pres. Peter N. Marcus Stockholders: PARTNER/OFFICER NAME ADDRESS Pete r N. Ma rcus V. Pres. James P. Geor e James P. Ge�or e PARTNER/OFFICERNAME ADDRESS Meyer Golden Sec. Tr. Me er Golden The Licensee must have one of the following: (The type and amount to be determined by the City Council) CHECK ONE ❑ 1. Corporate Security Bond (53,000 to $5,000) NAME OF BONDING COMPANY AND AMOUNT OR ❑ 2. Cash(53000to 55000) oR ❑ 3.U.S.Gov't Bond(53000to S5000) AMOUNT AMOUNT The Licensee must have one of the following: CHECK ONE L;.� A. "Certificate of Insurance" — S 50,000 per person;5100,000 more than one person;$10,000 property destruction; $50,000 and S 100,000 for loss of ineans of support.ATTACH"CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE"TO THIS FORM OR ❑ B. A Liquor Liability bond from a surety company with minimum coverages as specified above in A. OR ❑ C. A certificate from the State Treasurer that the Licensee has deposited with the State Trust Funds having a market value of S 100,000 or S 100,000 in cash or securities. Given Under My Hand and the City Corporate CITY Seal this 7th da of AQril 19� � �_ ,�w�� t�_ �.� v SEAL `� !� � "" "� Clerk and/or Recorder During the past license year has a summons been issued under the Liquor Civil Liability Law (DRAM SHOP) (M.S. 304 A. 8021? ❑ YES ❑ NO If yes,attach a copy of the summons. TRANSACTION TYPE ❑NEW ❑REVOKE/CANCEL DATES SUSPENSION �RENEWAL ❑TRANSFER ❑ SUSPENSION FROM TO DATE OF REVOCATION/CANCELLATION ADDRESS CHANGE FROM TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP FROM(NAME AND ADDRESS) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY CODE FEES MAIUNG ADDRESS A B C PS 9011 �3/861