87-1407 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � �-� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ///� BLUE - MAVbR File �0• `� � � . � Cou 'l Resolution � Presented By Referre Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement granting $2,000.00 to the FROGTOWN FESTIVAL for the purpose of staging the Frogtown Festival ; to be held October 15-18, 1987 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dr'eW Nays � Nicosia Rettman In Favor Scheibel �' � Against Weida . wiison 2 9 Q SEP �p7 Form Ap ved y Cit rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pa_s 'I Se ar BY sy A►ppro y Mavor: te Approv by Mayor for Su s on to Council ��;�_4`.;�"_ _ iN�� � 66 �7 -��a� . � .[�°_. 010128 , _�GLIMhUNITY SERVICES DBPARTMENT I � Vic;Wittgenstein CoNTecT 1�AME , ._ 7409 PHONE � 9-9�$7 DATE . . _ ASBSGN NtilIBER FOR 8011TING ORDER: (See revarse side.) 1 Department Director � Mapor (or Assiatant) ! Finan�e aad ltanagement Services Director Cit Clerk Budget Director ,�-�", 1�-�� (�i�iirr�.1>> City Attorney _ L 4 (Clip all locations for signature.) �?�T WILL �B AGHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TIiE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpo�e/Rationale) ; FROGTOV�IN FESTIVAL INC. will receive a grant of $2,000.00 from the City of St. Paul for their festival . l� a\�� �" �4ST/BENEF�T. BODGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATE�: The $�,000.00 will be paid from the Neighborhood Festival Fund, set up by the City Council from 1987 RiverFest revenues. FINANCING �O„�URCE AND BIIDGET ACTIVITY �ftJMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's s�,gnature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amaunt of Trans�ction: $2,000.00' Activity Number: 23140 Funding Saurce: 325 - Parks & Recreation - Special Services � ATTACHMENTS;: (List and number all attachments.) 4 copies of Agreement 1, capy of Gt^ant Request ADMINISTRAT�VB PROCEDURES _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Aa�endment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT R�VIEW CITY �TT�RNE3i �EVIL�'f�l X Yes _�lo Council xesolution required7 Resc►lution raqnfred7 _Yes No X Yes ll�To Insurance required� Insttrat�ce sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes X �to Insuranae attached4 Due Oct. 10, 1987 ..____� �J -_-r ��-i�o `� ' EXHIBIT A DIVI3ION OF PARRS AND RECREATION COMMIINITY FESTIVAL FIIND - APPLICATION Date g,��„s r t � � 1 9 ti'i Check One: Loan Grant X Organization Name FROGT06!N FESTIUAL, I 'iC . Description of Organization, brief history Early this year , a repre- �ptative group of Frogtown residents began to plan some sort of �ajor evPr,t f�r rhP community . Various festivals and parades have occurred in rPCPnt yPars ufith diffPrin,4a dParees nf si�ccess . The grou� felt that an effort should be made to unite as many community based groups as possible in both the planning and patticipation efforts . CF _ atYac_hment �;�� Non—Profit Status 503c Yes�x No Don't Know � . . _ - . Project Coordinator Name A. William Sands . Address c/o Western Bank 633 University Avenue St . Paul , MN 55to4 \ Phone (612) 224- 1372 (612) 224-5993 day evening Project Description (purpose and impact on area) : Attach additional information if needed) � ( 1 ) To promote and qive direction to ou.r collectiVe future as a neighbor- hood . (2) To resist apathy and hopelessness , and to develop a unifying vision for the neighborhood . (3) To recognize the strengths of our citizens in promoting Frogtown as a good place �For families to live . �4) To have fun -- to celebrate . Total Amount Requested From Community Festival Fund: $2 , 000 � If this application is a request for a c�rant, how do you plan to match it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . The R�� Committ i �ut about rai � � ►,� betwePn $8 00� and dl}e� ---- ��` � �.-�--l.uL-$-t 6 c.:: � $10 . 000 in addition to this qrant . This will mean a ma.tch of 4 or 5 to 1 . We have already raised $3 , 100 in cash . . � . �7 - ��o� If this application is a request for a loan, how do xou plan to repay it? Please be specific. (attach additional sheets if necessary) . Please attach the followinct information to cur aoplicatioa: ' l. Verification of nonprofit �status and copy of organizati���`y3��s 2 . List of Officers or Directors ���n�� 3 . Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposall�;t�c�`Ljjcct��,j-" 4 . Previous year's budqet and financial statement, if applicable 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable ��yvu�� � 6 . Proposed budget (expenses and income� for the activity (Esti.mated line item budget including revenue and expenses that will 'be made fram loan or grant funds. ��,,�,,��r� . 7 . .Evidence that insurance can be obtained by the organization���,u�� 8 . Plan for staginq the festival event. �zc�i��us..� � District Couacil • .. Di�strict Council Review - Signature z�ate of District council Fteview �,,� /q f qp►7 COMMENTS : Please se:�d application to: Community Festival Fund � Divis�on of Parks and Recreation • 20fl City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul., � MN � d : � �� � 1-/�/0� , � --_._ _ � e O , O OcL 16•11•18,�1 ATTACHMENT 2 FROGTOWN FESTIVAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS � ROZ HARRIS BEVERLY RYAN FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH g81 BEAM AVENUE 499 CHARLES AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN55109 SAINT PAUL , MN 55� 03 SUE JOHNSON REV . ROBERT VANCE UNITED WAY CA�VARY EVANGELICAL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 333 SIBLEY STREET 868 SHERBURNE AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � �5 SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 KATE ANDERSON ST . ADALBERTS CATHOLIC CHURCH JACKSON SCHOOL 265 CHARLES AVENUE 437 EDMUND STREET SAfNT PAUL , MN 55103 SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 CAROL SCHUBRING � BILL GULNER 18�0 BIRCH STREET SCHEFFER REC . CENTER WHITE BEAR LAKE , MN 55110 237 THOMAS AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 MONSIGNOR SCHULER ST . AGNES CATHOLIC CHURCH DON GUNROE 548 LAFOND AVENUE ST . PAUL AMERICAN INDIAN SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 341 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 REU . T . WILLIAMS ROCK OF AGES MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH YING VANG 507 N . DALE STREET LAO FAMILY COMM . INC . SAINT PAUL MN 55104 976 W . MINNEHAHA SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 HUNG XllAN NGUYEN VIETNAMESE CATHOLIC MINISTRY RAEONE BUCKMAN—ELLIS 65 � VIRGINIA STREET YOUTH SERVICE BUREAU SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 4�3 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 551 �3 MR . KEITH HERMAN RED SCHOOL HOUSE HAZEL M . BENNETT 643 VIRGINIA STREET WILDER SENIOR OUTREACH SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 750 N . MILTON STREET SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 MR . WILLIAM PEPER ST . AGNES HIGH SCHOOL MORRIS MANNING 525 THOMAS AVENUE WILDER FOUNDATION SAINT PAUL , MN 55to3 9 � g LAFOND AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 MARY BUSCHMANN 655 THOMAS AUENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 FROGTOWN FESTIVAL COMMITTEE 7 PAG E TWO /1���7��� � AUGUST , ]�87 v STEVE � TRISH FLANNIGAN MS . CHRIS PARKS WEST MINNEHAHA BOOSTER CLUB DEPT . OF COMM . SERVICES 449 LAFOND AVENUE 545 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL ,MN 55103 SAINT PAUL , MN 55102 MRS . GAYLE KORAN TOM KAUFMAN SCHEFFER BOOSTER CLUB 73$ THOMAS AVENUE 591 VIRGINIA STREET SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � 04 SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 DON EVANS BILL JOHNSON 417 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 673 FARRINGTON STREET SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � �3 SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 MS . LIZ STEVENS PAUL PRIOR WEST MINNEHAHA BOOSTERS WEST MINNEHAHA RECREATION CENTER 581 THOMAS AUENUE 685 W . MINNEHAHA AVENtJE SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � 04 RAY MILLER DAWN GOLDSCHMITZ FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH DISTRICT 7 PLANNING COUNCIL 1151 KENNARD STREET 368 SHERBURNE AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55106 SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � 03 LLOYD & LINDA BERGUM CLARK ARMSTEAD 960 WESTERN AVENUE , N . SAINT PAUL , MN 55117 THE CLARK GROUP 417 UNIVERSITY AVENUE HAROLD NUECHTERLEIN SAINT PAUL , MN 55 � �3 ST . STEPHANUS TOM DUKE 1224 HUBBARD STREET WILDER FOUNDATION SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 919 LAFOND AVENUE MR . IKE WELLBORNE SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 R . A . P . 573 ST . ALBAN ' S JOHN BOONE , PRINCIPAL SAINT PAUL ; MN 55104 ST . AGNES GRADE SCHOOL 525 THOMAS AVENUE JOHN BAPlNIGAN SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 409 MIDWEST FEDRAL BUILDIN 50 EAST FIFTH STREET MSGR . JAMES D . HABIGER SAINT PAUL , MN 55101 MINNESOTA CATHOLIC CONFERENCE 475 UNIVERSITY AVENUE BEN DEUTSCH SAINT PAUL , MN 55103 CHRISTOPHER MILLER � C0 . 300_ FIRST AVENUE NORTH A . WILLIAM SANDS SUITE 105 WESTERN STATE BANK b INSURANCE MINNEAPOLIS , MN 55401 663 UNIVERSITY AVENUE SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 MS . NOREEN BAUMANN WILDER FOUNDATION CAPT . AL SINGER 919 LAFOND AVENUE SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPT . SAINT PAUL , MN 55104 101 E. 11TH STREET SAINT PAUL , MN 55101 ' DATE: �]F T11IS NO'f1C[� 08-1�J—A7 � r ;������ I)c��%t�inim:t oi tlie Tre�stity EMPl.O'fER IUEN�11"ICATION NUMBER= 4:1--1589363 � R(L1�'! elnier��:il Rcven�ie Scrvir,e �– ,t:LOVEr., hIn o55U1 0801.0567 0 � `7— �/�C Jr-'/ y_� l CL�t•fG;;�Z� For assistance yuu rnay call us at: 291-1422 11N1'LS.—ST. PAUL 800-424-1Q40 fsTHER MN FP.OGTO�IH FESTIVAL INC 409 h1Ii)WEST FEUERAL EfLDG 50 E 5TH ST or you ma write tn us at the ST PAUL MN 55101 address sliowmto the left. If you write, he sure to attach the bottom part of this notice. Notic:e of New Employer identification �lum�er Assiyned � Thank you fer your Form SS-4, A�piication for Employer ldentification Number (Elt�). The numb�er assii�ned to you is sl�own al�ove. This number will be used to identify your business ar.count and related tax returns and doruments, even if you do not have employees. f'lease keep a co�y of tfiis number in your perrnanent records. Use tl-�is numl�er and your name, exactly as shown al�ov��, on all Fecferal tax forms that require this inforrnation, and refer to the number ��n all tax payments and t.ax-related corr�>sr�ondence or documents. Incomplete iniormation or any variation used wl�en filing t�r, returns, makinq F'fD pay- n�cnts or sul�seq��ent payments may result in improper or delayed postii�g ��f payrne��ts to your account and/or ?he assiyr�- rn��n[ of niore than one EIfJ. I f yo��r business is a partnership which must obtain prior approval for its tax year, the tax year you entered in Block 3 0( your Form SS-4 dces not establish a tax year. For g��idance in deterrriining if you must rE�quest prior apnroval and tl�e methocl o( cJoing so, see IRS Publication 538, Accounting Periods arid Methods, available at most IRS offices. F'Icase note that the assiynment of tliis number does not grant tax-exempt status to nonrrofit organizations. Any c�rqanizati�n �otfier tlian a private founclation) haviny annual gross receipts nornially oi not more than $5,U00 is exempt hy statute if it meets tI�D requirements of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Cede. These organizations are not -c�r��,ireci to ii!e Forin 1()23 (A�plication for Recoc�nition of Exemption) or file Form 990 (Return of Urganization Exempt irom Inco�Tie Tax). Ho�riever, if tf�e organization wants tv establish its e:�cemption witli tlie Interrial Revenue Service and receive a ruliny or cJetermination letter recognizing its exempt status, it should file Form 1023 witli ihe Key District Director. For details on tiow to apply for tfiis exeniption, see IRS Pu�lira:ion 557, Tax-Exern�t Status forYour Uryanization, available ;�t most IRS offices. Tl�ank you for your cooperation. Keep this part for your recores. � Fonn 8501 (a•86 you havo any c�uestions, plcase return this part with your CP 575 �rr�s��on�lenr,e so we may i�entify your account. Please �rrect any errors in your naine or acldress. l'our Te�e��hone Nurnbei Best Time to Call ( � — UAT[: �JF TH7S NO�fICE� OA-10-87 EMPt.O'YER IDENTII=ICATIUN NUMBER� 41-1589363 IF�TER�IAL REVENUE SERVICE ANDOVER, 11A 05501 FROGTOIdH FESTIV��L INC 40'l rIllWEST FEDERAL BI.DG � 50 1= 57H S7 ST PAUL MN 55101 � �.y}� � � � 'i=(:�i"t"�GH'I'c'L�=2�� � - .% C�/-�r--/��/ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FROGTOWN FESTNAL, INC. I, the undersigned, for the purpose .of forming a corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Minnesota Non-profit Corporation Act, Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 317, and all future laws amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto, do hereby adopt the following Articles of Incorporation: • ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall be FROGTOWN FESTIVAL, INC. . ARTICLE II. This corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for civic ✓ �� and community weLfare purposes, a]1 as contemplated and permitted by Sections � . ��: 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code . of 1954. Within the framework and � :.J limitations of the foregoing, this corporation is organized and shall be operated � exclusively to engage in, advance, support, promote and administer social welfare through betterment of the Frogtown -community as a whole. For such purposes, and not otherwise, this corporation shall have and exercise only such powers as are required by and consistent with the foreqoing purposes. ARTICLE III. This corporation shall not, incidentally or otherwise, afford or pay any pecuniary gain, dividends or other pecuniary remuneration to its members/directors v� as such, and no part of the net income or net earnings of this corporation shall, directly or indirectly, be distributed to or otherwise inure to the benefit of any member, director or individual. No part of the activities of this corporation ��-�7-��a�� shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting, to influence legislation, and this corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributinq of statements), any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office. This corporation shall not lend any of its assets to any officer, director, or member of this corporation or guarantee to any person the payment of a loan by any officer, director or member of this corporation. ARTICLE IV. The period of duration of corporate existence of this corporation shall . � be perpetual. � ARTICLE V. The registered office of this corporation sha]1 be located in the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota at 409 Midwest Federal Buildinq, _ / Y 50 E. 5th Street. ARTICLE VI. The name and address of the incorporator who is a natural person of full age is John F. Bannigan, Jr., 409 Midwest Federal Building, 50 E. Sth Street, , St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota 55101. ARTICLE VII. - - The management and direction of the business and affairs of this corporation shall be vested in a board of directors. The number, qualifications, term of office, . method of election, powers, authority and duties of the directors of this corporation, the time and place of their meetinqs, and such other provisions with respect to them as are not inconsistent with the express provisions of these articles of incorporation shall be specified in the By-laws of this corporation. -2- . �'`� -i�a� The names and addresses of the members of the first board of directors of this corporation are: William Sands, 633 University Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; Donald A. Evans, 417 Univeristy Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55104; John F. Bannigan, Jr., 409 Midwest Federal Building, St. Paul, MN 55101. ARTICLE VIII. The officers, directors and/or members of this corporation shall not be . personally liable to any extent whatsoever for any debts or obligations of this � corporation. ARTICLE IX. This corporation shall have no capital stock, either authorized or issued. _ / V ARTICLE X. This corporation may be dissolved in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. Upon dissolution of this corporation, and after the payment of all liabilities and obligations of this corporation and all costs and expenses incurred by this corporation in connection with such dissolution, and subject always to the further provision of this Article X., any remaining assets shall be distributed to and among such one or more corporations, associations, and institutions that are then in existence, that are organized and operated exclusively for one or more purposes described in Sections 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and that are exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, all in such proportions as shall be determined (1) by the board of directors of this corporation if the dissolution of this corporation is not required by the laws of the State of Minnesota then in existence to be conducted under court supervision, or (2) by a court of competent jurisdiction -3- ` ' �,,�� 7-i�� 7 if the dissolution of this corporation is required by the laws of the State of 1vlinnesota, then in existence to be conducted under court supervision. Notwithstandinq anythinq apparently or expressly to the contrary hereinabove contained in this Article X, if any assets are then held by this corporation in trust or upon condition or subiect to any executory or special limitation and if the condition or limitation occurs by reason of the dissolution of this corporation, such assets shall revert or be returned, transferred or conveyed in accordance with the terms and provisions of such trust, condition or limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name this 23rd day of July, 1987. / ! � J n . Banniga r. � STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) On this 23rd day of July, 1987, personally appeared before me John F. Bannigan, Jr. to me known to be the person described in and who executed the following Articles of Incorporation of Frogtown Festival, Inc, and he acknowledged that he executed the same as his free act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein expressed. - ■ ' otary Public �� Carol Goracke-Eberhardt NOTARY PUpLIC—MINNESOTA ' `�,. WASHINGTON CpUNTY MY Comm. Expires Jan. t2. t990 Y ■ _ ���<�'�'�±;:' • �> C . , - �7-- /�� � Thomas • Dale . District 7 Planning Council, Inc. 379 University Avenue St.Paul,MN 55103 298-5068 August 21 , 1987 Community Festival Fund Division of Parks and Recreation 200 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN 55102 To whom it may concern: The Thomas-Dale/District 7 Planning Council has reviewed and approved the request by the Frogtown Festival Committee for a $2000 grant through the St. Paul's Community Festival Fund. The district council has active membership on the Festival Committee and took an intregal part the formation of the initiative of a community based festival for 1987. Additionally the neighborhood has identified the community festival as one of its three priorities to the Better Neighborhoods Program. Through Better Neighborhoods the committee has recieved a TRANSITIONS worker to coordinate the volunteer activities, communications, and meeting schedules and is receiving technical assistance at its meetings from Chris Park of the Better �eighborhoods staff. Because this festival is a local initiative with a minimal budget and a focus of community based participation the District 7 Planning Council requests that the City Council give their approval of a $2000 grant to the Frogtown Festival Committee. Sincerely, Dougl s Strand president DS:jh �- �7-���17 FROGTOWN FESTIVAL INC . PROJECTED BUDGET FOR 1987 FESTIVAL ATTACHMENT 6 INCOME DIRECT FUND RAISING $ 10 , 000. 00 GRANT FROM CITY 2 ,000 . 00 TOTAL INCOME $ 12 , 000 . 00 EXPENSES INSURANCE $ 1 , 200 . 00 PARADE UNIT FEES 1 ,950 . 00 BANDS 2 , 000 . 00 POSTAGE 6bb . 00 PAPER � SUPPLIES 700 . 00 STATIONARY � ENVELOPS 460 . 00 POSTER BOARD � CANVAS 600 . 00 STREET SIGNS 100 . 00 SECURITY 1 , 440 . 00 SANI �A� ION � CLEAN-UP 1 , 350 . 00 CHILDRENS GAMES 1 , 040 . 00 TENT � GENERATOR RENTAL 365 . 00 PLAQUES � AWARDS 195 • 00 TOTAL EXPENSES � 12 ,�00 .00 ,,. � p�,y; ��. �1����',. '.j�����r/� � C�--�7— /�{�7 � ' � �� W.A. I,ang Ca INSIJRANCE 500 FARM CFEDI7 SERVICES BIDG.•375JACKSONSi. $AINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 56101 . 16121717�i1 August 28, 1987 Frogtown- Festival, Inc. c/o Mr. John Bannigan 409 Midwest Federal Building St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 Gentlemen: Re: Frogtown Festival October 16, 17, 18, 1987 This is to advise that this office can provide General Liability coverage with a $1,000,000, combined single limit, through U.S.F. & G. Company. The policy would contain these exclusions: 1) Bodily Injury or Property Damage to participants in athletic contests. 2) Bodily Injury or Property Damage resulting from liquor. 3) Bodily Injury or Property Damage from rides and amusement devices at the carnival. The premium would be approximately $1,500/$2,000. Please advise should you desire this office to provide the coverage for you. Thank you. Very truly yours, W. A. LANG C0. R ' �' � R. B. Fleischhacker, CPCU RBF'gct ,�y� � ��/- '�� �`� - /�'� � l'�l�f�-C��/��G,L;� �� �,0 ' -�=___.L � b� �__��� _ � , � c �i C ���I �.: �J!.� o�.��»��,� Thursday , Cctober 15 , 1987 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATIO.N SPONSOR 7 :00 - 10 :00 pm SPCO concert St . Agnes Church • FRIDAY , OCTOBcR 16 , 1987 12 :00 noot� to 4 :00 � . r. Historical tours W. Minnehaha Comm Ed and � Tim Younq 11 : 30-12 : 30 Senior Congregate Dining GJ. Minnehaha RAP 12 : 30-.3 : 30 p . .*^. Senior Dance (Golden Tones ) G7. Minnehaha Haze1 Bennett 3 : 30-4 : 30 p . m. Briar Patch Cloggers [d. Minnehaha Hazel Bennett 4 :0� p . m. St . Agnes Homecoming Midway Stadium St . Agnes 1 :00 p . m. to closino Beer Garden Don Huberty Brats 6a. Minnehaha Carole S. 1 :00 p. m. to closing Concessions W. Minnehaha Dist . 7 (Dawn) Time not scr�eduled - PULL TABS 6J. Minnehaha Diane Cindrich 6 : .30-8 : 00 p . :�. Talent Show PI. Minnehaha Darcy Rivers 8 :00 Q . m. St .Agnes Homecoming Dance High School St . Agnes R :UO-�0 :00 p . m Bob Heine 's Big Band W. Minnehaha Coord. Comm. 8: 00 p. m Blues Music �ailebski ' s Glilebski ' s SCHEDULE - FF.STIVAL - paye 2 �// �7� �O� SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1987 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION SPONSOR 8 :00 a . m. to 11 : 30 a .m. and 2 :00 p. m. to completion Softball Tournament W. Minne/Scheffer Pau1 Prior & Bill Gulner 2 :00 p.m. to completion Volleball Tournament Overtime Lounge Mary Zeece 2 :00 p.m. to comppletion Horseshoe Tournament Scheffer Bi11 Gulner 2 :00 p.m. Mutt Show W. Minnehaha Carla Holland 11 :00 a.m_. to closing Taste of Frogtown W. Minnehaha Cassa�ira Caske Beer Garden W. Minnehaha Don Huberty Brats W. Minnehaha Carole S. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 9 :00 a .m. Fun Run Scheffer BiI1 Ivory Bill Rabetzy 11 :00 a .m. Parade Formation Scheffer 11 :30 a .m. _ Bed Race Scheffer Fred Macalus NOON Ribbon cutting ceremony -for Thomas Ave. Mayor Latimer FROGTOWN PARADE Scheffer to W. Minnehaha Bev Ryan and Mary Buschmann 1 :30 p.m. Teddy Bear Band W. Minne 2 :30 p_.m. Klondike Kates W. Minne 3:30 p.m. Free Enterprise (Band) W. Minnehaha Car1a Ho11ar7d 2 :00 to5 :00 p.m. . Kiddie Carnival W. Minnehaha Trish Flanniga 2:00 to5 :00 p.m. Zoo AnimaZs W. Minnehaha Pau1 Prior 3:00-4 : 30 p.m. Ethriic Specialty W. Minnehaha Kathi Kirchoff 4:30 p.m. Rainbow Theatre W. Minnehaha 5 :00 p.m. Sauerkraut Dinner St . Stephanus St . Stephanus 5:00-7:OOp.m. Battle of the Bands W. Minne Stage Veronica Murph 7 :00 p.m. Boxing Exhibition W. Minnehaha Manuel Melend� 7:00 p.m. to closing Blues Music Wilebsi ' :� Wilebski 's SCHEDULE - F�STIVAL - page 3 �7 " /��� SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 , 1987 TIME ACTIVITY LOCATION SPONSOR 8 :00 a , M. to 1 :00 p .m. Pancake Breakfast and , Craft Boutique Scheffer Booster C1ub Time to be Church Services St . Agnes announced St. Vincent 's Faith Lutheran St . Adalbert 's St . Stephanus , Rock of Ages Missionary Baptist Calvary Evangeli�cal Congregationa Rock Temple Church of God Central Baptist 11 :00 a .m. to 6: 00 p. m. Parish Fa11 Festival St. Agnes St. Agnes (Booya�lGames) 11 : 30 � . m. Nam Dinner Faith Lutheran Faith Lutheran 3:00 p.m. to 6 :00 p.m. Rockin ' Hollywoods W. Minnehaha Coord. Comm . N.B. �- Drawing for Tree of Life Qui1t made by Frogtown Quilters a Senior Group wiZl be at Scheffer abovr noon .