87-1405 M/H1� CITY CI.ERK 9 R`'( 37
! *
t ^ Ordin�nce Ordinance (��.____.��2�!�Q`'�._
� `� p / �
Presented By 1'���1:.�- �/'�` � � `_��
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance arnending the St. P�ul Admizis-trative
Code by adding a new chapter pertaining to c��� parte
contacts during franchise proceedings .
Section 1 . The Saint Paul Administrative Code is hereby
amendecl by enacting a new chapter to read as iollo�as:
"Section 1. S'tatement of Purpose. T�ze pur�ose o� -chis
orainance is to preserve the integri-�y and inci����nc�ence of
City Council regulatory function in franchis� rna�-ters
and to promate nublic confidence in the objectivi�y of
the Council ' s decisions. Council members anc� em�loy�es
should maintain high stanc�ards of conduct to preven�.
a conflict or the appearance of a conflicic �e�twee��
private interests and official c?uties . This code i�us�t
be construed to secure these objectives in keeping
with the quasi-judicial regulatory function of the
Council. This ordinance shall only be applicable �o a
utility regulatory cas� proceeding as defined hereunder.
Sec�tion 2 . Definitions.
(a) "Decision-making personnel" or "decision-maker" neans
and includes the Mayo.r, �he acting R�ayor when acting on
behalr of the P�layor, and each rnember of the Council oi tne
Ci-ty of Saint Paul.
COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia ln Favor —
s�ne'bei Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City ttorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY — ''
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
' ��� %�/B5�
' ' � rysa�
Page 2 .
(b) "Utility Regulatory Case" means a case or proceeding
for the resolution or consideration by the decision-making
personnel of a new or amended rate schedule , or of any
matter which is required by chapter 16 of the Charter or
any franchise granted thereunder to be heard by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul upon notice.
(c) `°Pendency of a Utility Reg;ulatory Case" shall mean that
period of time commencing with the filing with the City
Clerk of (1) notice of new or amended rate schedule, or
(2) other notice of any matter which when filed with the
City Clerk requires a hearing upon notice before the
Council of the City of Saint Paul ; and ending upon the
passage and publication of a resolution or ordinance which
purports to resolve the matters or issues presented by the
original document filed, or upon the completion or termin-
ation of any litigation challengin�; in whole or in part
any actions by decision-making personnel in regard to a
Utility P.egulatory Case, whichever date is later .
(d) "Ex parte communication" means an oral or written
off-the-record communication made to decision-malcing
personnel , �aithout required notice to the parties , that
is directed to influence or attempt to intluence the
merits or outcome of a utility regulatory case . This
term does not include nrocedural , scheduling, and status
inquiries or other inquiries or requests for information
that have no bearing on the merits or outcome of the
(e) "P�aterial Issue" means an issue that may have sub-
stantial bearing on the merits or outcome of a utility
regulatory case.
(f) "Party" means a person, partnership , association,
incorporation or entity by or against whom a proceeding
before the Council is commenced or a person permitted to
intervene in a proceeding before the Council . A party
includes a petitioner, competitor , complainant , inter-
venor, applicant or respondent , and their attorneys ,
agents or representatives authorized in writing to
represent its interests . It shall not include employees
of the City of Saint Paul assigned to review and report
on utility regulatory cases .
(g) "Competitor'' means another Provider of a service in
direct competition with that of a party and shall include
but not be limited to employees of the comPeting utility,
its agents , attorneys and representatives authorized in
��riting to represent its interests .
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� ' Page 3 . /7�d�o
(h) "Required Notice" means a written communication
delivered to the City Clerk no.t l.ess than three ( 3 ) days
prior to a meetinq with any decision-makinq personnel,
the purpose of which is to discuss a material issue.
The .notice shall include the following;:
?'�� 1 . Names of decision making personnel wrio
will attend.
2 . Name of the party and its representatives
who will attend.
3 . The time, date and place of the meeting.
4 . A list of all material issues which will
be discussed at the meeting.
The City Clerk shall mail this required notice to any
party who has filed a request to receive such notices
with the City Clerk. In the alternative, the decision-
maker who will attend the meeting may call all interested
parties by telephone not less than 24 hours prior to
the meeting and provide the required information.
Section 3 . Ex Parte Communications Prohibited.
An ex parte communication, either directly or
indirectly, shall not be made or attempted to be
made between a decision-maker and a party concerning
any material issue during the pendency of a utility
regulatory case.
Section 4 . Other Prohibited Acts.
It shall be unlawful for a party to do any of the following
during a utility regulatory case:
(a) Make an offer of employment to a decision-maker.
(b) Engage in disucssions with a decision-maker
concerning past or future benefits or compensation.
Section 5 . Handling Ex Parte Communication.
(a) Written Communication. When possible, a decision-
maker who receives a written prohibited ex parte
communication or other prohibited act shall forward
the communication, without reading it, to the City
A decision-maker who receives and reads a prohibited
written ex parte communication or other prohibited
act shall forward the communication to the City Clerk
. , , � • . 9/8/87 `�,r� ..�� � ���_
. ' ' �72 S�
Page 4 .
within 48 hours of receipt, along with a signed state-
ment of the source of and circumstances under which
the communication was received and read.
(b) Oral Communication. If a party makes or attempts
to make a prohibited oral ex parte communication or
engage in other prohibited act with a decision-maker,
the decision-maker shall advise the party who makes
or at�empts to make the communication that the com-
munication is prohibited and shall immediately
terminate the communication. If a prohibited ex
parte communication or other prohibited act takes
place, the decision-maker who receives the communi-
cation shall forward to the City Clerk, within 48
hours, a signed and dated statement that includes
the following information:
1. The name of the case.
2 . To the extent known, the name and address of
the person making the communication and the
relationship, if any, to the parties to the
3 . The date and time of the communication, its
duration, and means by and circumstances under
which it was made.
4 . A summary of the matter discussed.
5 . Whether the party making the prohibited com-
munication persisted after being advised that
the communication was prohibited.
(c) Notice to parties. The City Clerk shall send
a copy of the statement to all parties involved in
the utility regulatory case. The City Clerk shall
also forward a copy of the statement to the St.
Paul Police Department for investigation, and
appropriate referral to prosecuting authorities .
Section 6 . Sanctions. Subject to notice and hearing
before the City Council a party who makes a prohibited
ex parte communication or engages in other prohibited
acts, or who encourages or solicits others to make an
ex parte communication to a decision-maker is subject
to any or all of the following sanctions:
. • .
� • Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ����(�
Presented By � ^ � /�7���
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 5 .
(a) A dismissal of the proceeding if the prohibited ex
parte communication or other prohibited act has so
prejudiced the proceeding that the Council cannot
consider it impartially.
(b) An adverse ruling on the pending issue that is
the subject of the prohibited ex parte communication
or other prohibited act, when other parties are pre-
judiced by the prohibited ex parte communication or
other prohibited act.
(c) The striking of evidence or pleading when the
evidence or pleadings are tainted by the prohibited
ex par�e communication or other prohibited act. "
Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30 ) days after its passage, approval and publication and
shall be assigned an appropriate chapter number at the next
revision of the Legislative Code.
COUNCILMFN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew � _
Nicosia [n Favor
sone�bei � Against BY
�+d�o L(�1Q/Q—
Wi+lNw. n ,
VCT 2 8 �a7 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pass oun il Secr y BY
Appro by Mayor: ate �NOV — �+ �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By !
pUBIISt�D :�{u'v 7 - 1987
. . , . � �7-i�aJ�
Page 2, Section 2(f ) , on line 7 add after representatives
"authorized in writing to repr�sent their interests" .
Section 2(g) , on line 4 add after representatives add
"authorized in �ariting to represent its interest" .
. . , , . . , , 1� �'7/�OS�
�: Siii�liill�
:eu t c:n�
Councilmember •� F��-E�
Legislative Aide ' � '� __j �
--- ,, ;.
DATE: September 18, 1987
T0: Connie Barry
Randall Coleman
Eugene Kraut
Steve Garvey
Hans Nyman
FROM: Kiki Sonnen ��
RE: I�Tew Ex Parte Ordinance
On September 18th, I filed with the City Clerk the new ex parte ordinance
regarding franchise proceedings. In addition, I have asked A1 Olson to schedule
a public hearing on the ordinance for Wednesday,�Qctober 14th: The October 14th
hearing will be the third of four readings of the ordinance. If the Council
passes the ordinance October 21st and there are no additional layovers or
continuances, the ordinance would be effective sometime around Thanksgiving,
A copy of the new ordinance is enclosed.
Highlights of the ordinance follow below. I believe this new ordinance is
sufficiently different from the original one which was vetoed on legal grounds.
The new ordinance includes:
* The definition of "utility regulatory case" is clarified. The new definition
maintains the broad coverage for franchise issues. It does not limit
application to only "rate cases" as some of you have asked for. The new
ordinance applies ex parte rules to any proceeding which must come before the
Council under Chapter 16 of the City Charter or any franchise granted. The
coverage is broad enough to include all regulatory matters that require
Council deliberation. It does not include things such as power pole placement
or channel realignment.
* The second major change in the ordinance is the elimination of the section
prohibiting gifts, favors, meals, entertainment, loans, contributions or other
things valued over $50. Chapter 25 of the Administrative Code and Chapter 28
of the Legislative Code already deals with the issues of gifts and
contributions, so these matters are not repeated in the ex parte ordinance.
• . � . , . ° ���-/�D 5�
� /75�'(o
New Ex Parte Ordinance
September 18, 1987
Page Two
* The third major change in the ordinance is the removal of the misdemeanor
sanction in Section 6. Since several Councilmembers were uncomfortable with
the inclusion of a criminal sanction, the misdemeanor section has been
removed. Sanctions against ex parte communications which remain in the
ordinance are 1) dismissal of the proceeding, 2) adverse ruling on the issue,
and/or 3) striking of evidence. I believe these sanctions along with the
public outcry that would result from ex parte contacts are reasonably strong
If you have any questions on this issue, please call me at 298-5378. Otherwise,
if you have comments on the new ordinance, please plan on participating in the
October 14th public hearing.
cc: Bill Mahlum
John Sprangers
Terry Hoffman
� Mayor Latimer
�1. 'Qlson, City Clerk�
Tom Weyandt, City Attorney's Office
Gene Schiller, Finance Department
Don Nygaard, Public Works
..r �•�• � . .
._ .—,�'_. _�. �. — --.. .— -- -- -- — - — -- — --- —. __ _ _ . _. -- ---- ---- -- — ---- -
� ` � Ordindnce Ordinance N0.
Presented By � -��^ ,o �� �J�/�f
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By "-' Date
• � An ordinance amending the St. Paul Adminis�rative�
Code by adding a new chapter pertaining to ex arte
contacts during franchise proceedings . ,
Section l. The Saint Paul Administra ive Code is hereby
amended by enacting a new chapter to rea -as follows: �
"Section 1. tatement of Purpos . The purpose of this .
ordinance is t preserve the in egrity and independence of
City Council reg latory functi n in franchise matters
and to promote pu ic:�confid ce in the objectivity of
the Council ' s decis ' ons. C ncil members and employees
should maintain high tand rds of conduct to prevent .
a co.nflict or the appe ce of a conflict between
private interests and o icial duties. This code must
be construed to secure th e objectives in keeping
with the quasi-judici 1 re latory function of the
Council. This ordi nce sha 1 only be applicable to a
utility regulatory ase proce ing as defined hereunder.
Section 2 . Defi itions. .
(a) "Decisio making personnel" or "decision-maker" means
and includes he Mayor, the acting Ma r when acting on
behalf of t P�layor, and each member of e Council of the
� City of Sa' t Paul.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
N;�os;e (n Favor
s�n.�bei Against BY
Witwn . �
' Form Approved by City ttorney
Adopted by Council: Date
CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY �
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�� .
` 9/8/87
• . � ,�+
. � Page 2 ,
(b) "Utility Regulatory Case" means a case or proceeding '
. for the resolution or consideration by the decision-
making personnel of a new or amended rate schedule, or
of any matter which is required by chapter 16 of the
Charter or any franchise granted thereurrder to be heard
by the Council of the City of Saint Paul upon notice.
(�) "PendPncy of a Utility Regulatory Case" shall
mean that - p�riod of time commencing iaith the filing
with the City Clerk of ( 1) notice of new or amended ate
schedule, or (2 ) other notice of any matter which hen
filed with the City Clerk requires a hearing upo notice
before the Council of the City of Saint Paul;
upon the passage and publication of a resolut 'ondo�nding
ordinance which purports to resolve the" mat rs or issues
presented by the original document filed, u on the
completion or termination of any litigati n challenging in
whole or in part ny actions by decision making personnel .
in regard to a Uti ' ty Regulatory Case, whichever date
is later.
(d) "Ex parte communica, 'on" means n oral or written
off-the-record communicati made o decision-making �
personnel, withot�t required otice to the parties, that
is directed to influence or a em t to influence the
merits or outcome of a utility gulatory case. This
term does not inciude procedura , schedulin
status inquiries or other inqu ' ie or requestsnfor
information that have no bear'
outcome of the proceeding, g on he merits or
(e) "Material Issue" means an issue that may affect
the merits or outcome of a,/utility regulat
y case.
��. „ ..
(f) Party means a pers,on, partnershi
incorporation or entity YSy or against whomaasproaeeding
before the Council is cafimenced or a person permit ed to
intervene in a proceeding before the Council. A par
includes a petitioner, competitor, complainant, inter
venor, applicant or respondent, and their attorneys,
agents or representatives. It shall not include
employees of the City of Saint Paul assigned to review
and report on utility regulatory cases . —
(g) "Competitor" means another provider of a service
in direct competition with that of a party and shall —
include but not be limited to employees of the competing
utility, its agents, attorneys and representatives. —
.,rr.,...._ _, .. ,
- ,._,...-- ,' ' ' ' y/8/8 7
.�.�.r+'" - ' Page 3 .
�h) "Required Notice" means a written communication
delivered to the City Clerk not less than three
prior to a meeting with any decision-makin �3� days
• the purpose of which is to discuss a materialeissueel,
The notice shall include the following:
1• Names of decision making personnel wrio
will attend.
2 • Name of the party and its representa '
who will attend. tives
- 3 • The time,, date and !
place of the meeting. '
4 • A list of all material issues which will �
be discussed at the meeting.
The City Clerk shall mail this reguired notice to an
party who has filed a request to receive "such notices
with the Cit y
maker who willCattend thetmeetinernative,
the d �.sion-
parties by teleph e not less thanm24 hoursall interested
the meeting and pro 'de the required inform p lor to
Section 3 , ion.
Ex Parte Co unications Proh'
An ex parte communicatio ited.
indirectly, shall not be m detorraateec y °r
made between a decision-mak ted to be
any material issue durin and a rty concerning
regulatory case. g the ende cy of a utility
Section 4 . Other Prohibited Act .
It shall be unlawful for a par
during a utility regulator y tO d any of the following
y c se:
�a) Make an offer of employ ent to a
deci 'on-maker.
�b� Engage in disucssions with a decision-make
concerning past or f ure benefits or compen tion.
Section 5 . Handling Ex arte Communication.
�a) Written Communicati n.
maker who receives a written prohibitedbex�parae�ision-
communication or other prohibited act shall forward
the communication, without reading it, to the Cit
Clerk. -
A decision-maker who receives and reads a prohibite
written ex parte communication or other d
act shall forward the communication to the�Citlted �
y Clerk
,,........ _, ..._, . -- ---
� . ' , - i ../ v /
� . ' .
Page 4 .
within 48 haurs of recei
ment of the source pt� alon
the co °f and circumstancesa Slgned state-
mmunication was received and read.
under which
� �b� Oral Communication.
to make a prohibited Y makes or
rf a part
engaqe in other �ral ex parte communic attempts
the decision-maker�hlbited act with a ation or
or attem shall advise the decision-maker,
munications tO make the communicationarty who
is prohibited and that themakes
terminate the �o shall com- '
parte communicatlonnication, immediately.
place, the °r other If a prohibited ex
cation decision-maker Whoprohibited act .
shall forward receives the takes
hours, a signed and tO the City Clerk CO�uni-
the followin dated statement ' Within 48
9 information: that includes
1• The name of the •�
case. -
2 • To the extent know
the person makinq th the name and address of
relationshi CO�unication and the
proceeding. p� lf any� o the parties
.y to the
3 • The date and time
duration, and °f the c munication
which it Was means by and c 'rcumstanc � lts • �
made, s under
4 .
A Su�arY �f� the matter discuss
5• Whether the
munication Party making the pro i
the communicationtWasafter ited com-
bein ad ised
prohibit that
��) Notice to �
a COpy of the parties.
statement The City lerk shal
the utility regulator tO a11The ties involv Send
also forward a co y �ase, in
Paul Police py °f the state city Clerk sh 11 �
aPProPriate Department for inves ent to the St.
referral to prosecu lgation, and
Section 6 , ing authorities.
before Sanctions. Subjec
ex parteh�oclty �ouncil a part tO notice and hearing
acts �unication or e � Who makes a
, or who encoura ngageS in other prohibited
ex parte communicationstor solicits others prohibited
tO any or all a decision- tO make an
of the followin maker is sub '
9 sanctions: 7ect
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.f4 CLERK n/��/p�
~•BLUE -MAYOR File N0.
Ordindnce Ordinance N0.
Presented By _ IC.�X.� .� ^ ��lit�l D � � ��7���
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
' ` � , Page 5.
(a) � A dismissal of the proceeding if the prohibi.ted ex
parte communication or ther prohibited �t has so
prejudiced the proceedi that the Coun 1 cannot
consider it impartially.
(b) An adverse ruling on he pendin issue that is .
the subject of the prohibit d ex pa te communication
or other prohibited act, wh oth parties are pre-
judiced by the prohibited ex ar communication or
other prohibited act.
(c) The striking of evidence ar pleading when the
evidence or pleadings are ta'nt�d by the prohibited
ex parte communication or o her prohibited act. " .
Section 2 . This ordinanc shall take effect and be in force
thirty (30) days after �its p sage, ap roval and publication and
shall be assigned an appropr ate chapt r number at the next
revision of the Legislativ Code.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Nieosia ln Favor
S,���e�� Against BY
Wilaon • %
Adopted by Council: Date
Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council
� � � � �--7 i��5°"-
� �
r, ,,_ :, , _ -•-,
��� : � 11 .. . ..., " i
..: . . - �,-
October 9, 1987
Council Member Kiki Sonnen
722 City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102 RE: New Ex Parte Ordinance
Dear Council Member Sonnen :
As I explained in our phone conversation, I will be out of town the
week of October 12 and will be unable to attend the October 14th
- hearing on the new ex parte ordinance; however, John Boland will
attend the meeting.
There are several things that are unclear to us about the proposed
ordinance, and we would appreciate a clarification on the following
points :
1. Does a site hearing for the placement of a shelter come
under the regulations of this new ordinance?
a. Since power pole placement and channel realignment are
not included in this ordinance, wouldn't shelter rlacement
also be excluded?
b. If site hearings are included, when should the notification
be given to the City Clerk? Upon submission of a site plan
to the City staff? Upon notice of a scheduled public hearing
for the site location? Only if a meeting is scheduled with
decision-making personnel about this site? �
c. What if the site is requested by a Councilmember and
Ad Shelters, Inc. wishes to clarify that request prior to a
public hearing? Does the three day notification apply to
make a phone call to the Councilmember to clarify a question?
d. Does the enforcement of the ex parte ordinance end the day
the site is voted on?
2. Does the ordinance apply to changes in the franchise agreeMent?
If so, do they also apply wYien the City requests a hearing for
the purpose of franchise agreement changes? Are written or phone
communications permitted to clarify any City requests? If
changes are requested by the City, when does the ex pa.rte
ordinance take effect?
AD Shelters, Inc. • One Appletree Sguure • Suite 1026 • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55420 • (612) 854 1 XXI
. • '
. �.
3. In your letter of September 18, 19t�7, it sta.ted that if passed,
this ordinance would be effective sometime around Thanksgiving,
1g88, so this would not be in force for one year after
�. After notice is given thre� days prior to a meeting with ariy
decision-making personnel, and the City Clerk sends a notice
to any third parties th�t have filed a request for notice, then
the meeting takes �lace on the appoirited day. At this meeting,
are the third parties allowed to participate in the meeting, or
must they remain strictly observers?
- 5• If a lobbyist who works with Ad Shelters, Inc. part time meets
with decision-making personnel on a matter for another client
during the period of notification on an Ad Shelters ' issue, how
do Ad Shelters and the lobbyist protect themselves from being
accused of ex parte communication on the Ad Shelters issue?
We certainly appreciate your help in clarifying these questions before
this ordinance becomes effective.
Connie Barry
cc : Mayor Latimer �
Al Olson, City Clerk
Tom Weyandt, City Attorney's Office
Gene Schiller, Finance Department
Don Nygaard, Public Works
Don Sebonia, Traffic Engineering
Jim Stahnke, Traffic Engineering i
James E. 0'Brien
John Boland
�, �'(��j� --
Page 2 .
(b) "Utility Regulatory Case" me�'ns a case or proceeding
for the resolution or considerat�s�'on by the decision-making
personnel of a new or amended r��e schedule, or of any
matter which is required by cha,�iter 16 of the Charter or
any franchise granted thereund�r to be heard by the Council
of the City of Saint Paul upor� notice.
(c) "Pendency of a Utility �?egulatory Case" shall mean
that period of time commenc��'ng with the filing with the
City Clerk of (1 ) notice of.;knew or amended rate schedule ,
or (2) other notice of anyk"matter which when filed with
the City Clerk requires a 'hearing upon notice before the
Council of the City of Sa�nt Paul ; and ending upon the
passage and publication vf a resolution or ordinance which
purports to resolve the �natters or issues presented by the
original document filed;' or upon the completion or termi-
nation of any litigatia� challenging in whole or in part
any actions by decisio;''i-making personnel in regard to a
Utility Regulatory Caste, whichever date is later.
(d) "Ex parte commur�(ication" means an oral or written
off-the-record commu�iication made to decision-making
personnel , without r;equired notice to the parties, that
is directed to infli„ience or attempt to influence the
merits or outcome o� a utility regulatory case. This
term does not incl�`de procedural , scheduling, and status
inquiries or other> inquiries or requests for information
that have no beari;ng on the merits or outcome of the
(e) "Material I�sue" means an issue that may have a sub-
stantial bearing� on the merits or outcome of a utility
regulatory case,�
(f) "Party" m�ans a person, partnership, association,
incorporation r entity by or against whom a proceeding
before the Cou,�icil is commenced or a person permitted to
intervene in a� proceeding before the Council . A party
includes a pe�itioner, competitor, complainant, intervenor,
applicant or �espondent, and their attorneys , agents or
representativ;es. It shall not include employees of the
City of Saint� Paul assigned to review and report on utility
regulatory c�ses.
(g) "Compet�itor" means another provider of a service in
direct competition with that of a party and shall include
but not be limited to employees of the competing utility,
its agents , attorneys and representatives .
' ' ' n `/-��;,
. .; `J !
. � , � , � ' 9/8/87
Page 2 .
(b) "Utility Regulatory Case" means a case or proceeding
for the resolution or consideration by the decision-
making personnel of a new or amended rate schedule, or
of any matter which is required by chag�ter 16 of the
Charter or any franchise granted the��under to be heard
by the Council of the City of Sain�.'"Paul upon notice.
(c) "Pendency of a Utility Reg�,i�atory Case" shall
mean that period of time cc�tnmencing with the filing
with the City Clerk of (1) not�.�e of new or amended rate
schedule, or ( 2 ) other notice ,,�f any matter which when
filed with the City Clerk rec�uires a hearing upon notice
before the Council of the C�Ey of Saint Paul; and ending
upon the passage and public�'ation of a resolution or
ordinance which purports t� resolve the matters or issues
presented by the origina7�'ydocument filed, or upon the
completion or terminatio of any litigation challenging in
whole or in part any ac�ions by decision-making personnel
in regard to a Utility3'Regulatory Case, whichever date
is later. �
(d) "Ex parte commu, ication" means an oral or written,
off-the-record comm�nication made to decision-making
personnel, without �'required notice to the parties, that
is directed to inf�uence or attempt to influence the
merits or outcome of a utility regulatory case. This
term does not inq�ude procedural, scheduling, and
status inquiries,�or other inquiries or requests for
information tha#� have no bearing on the merits or
outcome of the '�roceeding.
� have a substantial bearing on
(e) "Materia]�F Issue" means an issue that may �x �-c�c.-�
the merits or�` outcome of a utility regulatory case.
( f) "Party"` means a person, partnership, association,
incorporati n or entity by or against whom a proceeding
before the ouncil is commenced or a person permitted to
intervene ' n a proceeding before the Council. A party
includes a petitioner, competitor, complainant, inter-
venor, applicant or respondent, and their attorneys,
agents or representatives . It shall not include
employees of the City of Saint Paul assigned to review
and report on utility regulatory cases .
(g) "Competitor" means another provider of a service
in direct competition with that of a party and shall
include but not be limited to employees of the competing
utility, its agents, attorneys and representatives .