87-1404 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COU11C1I y-/ i/'�O . CANqRV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR � l , File N 0. Council Resolution , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee $y Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby author- ized and directed to execute a use Agreement with the Minnesota Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. providing for the use of a portion of 3M Co. ' s property on Saturday, September 26 , 1987 , as part of the Dayton' s Bluff Neighborhood Cleanup Day; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Dr'eW Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel (� Sonnen Against BY Weida W].1SOri SEP Z 4 1�� Form A ve City A to ey Adopted by Council: Date s Certified . e b uncil S t BY By A►pprove iVlavor: Date SEP 2 8 ppprov d by Mayor for S i sion�to�Co cil By BY ,.,�,�,.:�-�,._, .:�a �,:�:. , �. .. �.�. ,,.�::...,,�::�. :<.:� . -.. ° , .,�ue and entered into this day of , _l an� betw�een MINNESOTA MINING AND MANtTFACTURING CQMPANY, a �elaware Corporation, hereinafter referred to as LICENSOR, and THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,�a Minnesota Munici 1 corp�ration, hereinafter referred to as LICENSEE. and THE DAYTON ' �BLUFF COMMUNITY COUNCIL ��'r-/�o� W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, LICENSEE desires to enter upon premises of LICENSOR for the purpose set forth below; and WHEREAS, LICENSOR agrees to permit LICENSEE to enter upon the premises in cQnsideratiAn fnr �.I�r�1.SFE'�nr�vni� �f_±�_�,±fi�-i.�+ � - � �=�'1—�l�ld� ; �11° 011030 � Ma or' si Of fiEe DEPARTMENT ' Bcib Kes ler �CONTACT NAME � 4 3 2 3 PHONE 9 2 l 8 7 , � DATE ASS GN E R T NG ORD R: (See reverse side.) C 2 _ Depart�nent Director _ Mayor (or Assistant) _ Financfe and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget� Director 3 Cotaflcilme�ber. Weida � City A�ttorn�y _ ; TOTAL NUM13�R OF SIGNATURE PAGES: T_ (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL �E ACHIEVED �Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS� (Purpose/Rationale) ; Will a�iprove lease between 3M, the City and Dayton' s Bluff Community Council� for use of 3M' s parking lot for neighborhood clean-up day on Septem}�e�r 26. - , � - � ��� � . ' ���� � � COST B N IT UDGE Y ND PE SONN I PAC S CI A D: �1 .• . , . No Gos ' to Ci�ty .-- However, the lease indemnifies 3M against possible damage�. The neighborhood group wi11 provide the necessary insurance. f , � ; FINANCINGrSOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: , (Mayor's sjignature not required if under $10�000.) Total An�ount of Transgction: NONE Activity Number: � � Funding �Source: � ATTACHM N S: (List and number all attachments.) I' Council. Resolution I Proposed Lease Agreement � ; � ADMINISTRI�TIVE PROCEDURES � � _Yes i_No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMEN' REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes � No Council resolution required? Resolution required? X Yes _No �Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ____Yes No _Yes ,+„�,No Insurance attached? ; � �.,�.. �-.Rr .... . . .� . .. . . . ... ...- � ... � .- .w�'�. '4�.... . . , . .. ,_ . . . .. . 1 -----------------= AGENDA ITEMS ---------------_____------------ ��'"f-/�� ID#: �274 � DATE REC: [09/23/871 AGENDA DATE: [00/00/00] ITEM #: [ ] SUBJECT: [LEASE BET. 3M, THE CITY, & DAYTON'S BLUFF COM.COUNC. - CLEAN-UP DAY] STAFF ASSIGNED: [ ] SIG:[WEIDA ] OUT-[ � TO CIERK [00/00/00] ORIGINATOR:[MAYOR ] CONTACT:[BOB KESSLER (4323) ) ACTION:[TO BE INTRODUCED UNDER SUSP. OF RULES ON SEPT. 24. ] C ] C.F.# [ ] ORD.# [ ] FILE COMPLETE="X" [ ] � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: [RESOLUTION/AGREEMENT ] [ ] L ] � � � ' _. � � � �'� � �_.� � ��' - �:�� �____ ��_� ��_ ���� � �i Ci _ ��'-_�t�Cl O J?'r Ci �??�/._� �`�-��_ . Yeas ,�C-� �/-���� j \Gys i /C� -!�l' i� 7 �'�r;., i �zcosza �. �-7 , � .�,.� RET-i��:AtiT � / + � �. s�-_�. ' ��,, l�� S C;�EIEEL D��- SG:�\E\ WILSO\ LtiEIDA P�ESID�NT: