87-1378 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� /�7 C ncil esolution =-� � � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�EAS, the 1987 Adapted General Fw�d Budget includes $65,000 for employee tuition reimbursement an�d � Wf�AS, participation i.n the program has been high causing 75$ of the funds to be cammitteed at mia year and �, the Mayor supports tuition reimbursement as a way of developi.ng and enriching employee skills ar�d improvirx� their productivity and morale, The Mayor �pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recomnends the follawi.ng transfers for the 1�87 General F'und Budget: TRANSFER FRONi: General Goverrunent A�ccounts Cont�'r�gent Reserve Specified 09061-0537 Operati.ng Transfer Out -15,000 Gtarrent Amer�ded Budget Changes Budget TRP,IVSE'ER T0: �ecutive Administration Personnel Off ice 00157 �1oy ee Relations arn� Training 00157-02 4 �txition 65,000 +15,000 80,000 00157 All Other Spending 252,605 0 252,605 317,605 +15,000 �332,605 1�T CHAI�UE 0 RESOLVID, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1987 budget. Approval Rec�ed Budqet D or COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � Nicosia Executive Admi.nistration Rettman In FBVO[ �� Scheibel �( B ���1/_2i�,.fi 4�1�4 / Sonnen �j� _ Against Y %�"" � � ��a�.1Qi9- Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 2 r t98� Form Approved Attorn Certified Pass y� uncil Se tar BY By ay--� Approv by Mavor: Dat _ �' SEP 21� �i Appr e by Ma r u i on P���_�_�.:� . � , 1987 � _ _ �� � �".�3 6 � �7-����' ; � � .N° 010957 Excc Ads�in�.Bersonnel DEPARTMENT . . - - - - � Linda Giesen CONTACT N/l1�E 298-4221 PHONE '. � 8/2�187 DATE • ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See reverse side.). . � �Department Director 4 Mayor (or Assistant) Finance and l�snagement Services Director 5 City Clerk �Budget Diractor _ City Attorney _ TO�AL NUMBER QF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: 1 (Clip a�l locstions .for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED �Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED 1+IATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) $15,000 will be transfer�red from Cor�tingent Reserve Specified to F�mployee Relations and . Training for addi£ional employee tuition reimbursement. The .employee tuition reimbursement current 1987 budget is $65,000. Approx. 75� o£ the �ney is committed at mid year and Fall is typically the period of time where biggest demand occurs. COST/BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PER&ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATLD: At a $500 maxi.�num reimbursement per employee, approx 30 additional employees could participate in the program. • � e� SEP 411987 �FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: • (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) ���Q��� Total Amount of Transgction: $15,000.00 / Activity Number: 00157 Funding Source: 09061 � .ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.� R EC EIV�D 1. Resolution i 2. M�mo: Giesen to Blees ' �UG 3�. j9�7 3. Contingent Reserve S�iecified Status Report CITY pTTORNEY . AD1�IIb1ISTRATIVE PROCEUURES =Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or .Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVTEW i �" � ✓ Yes AIo Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes No Yes � o Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �o Insurance attached? .f� �" '� � �,�"�� /.�>�' " � � COKIINCIL ADO�P7.'ID 1987 BUDGET SPF7CIFIID CONTINGENT RFSERVE (09061-537) as of August 26, 1987 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted -��----------------------- 1987 Council Budget File Date Amount Available Salary Reserve (contracts and year-er�d accruals� 3,030,667 -Property axation Research & Analysis 50,000 -Tui�ion R+eimbursement �15,000; 2,965,667 Comparable Worth:AFSCME Contract 575,790 575,790 Fair Labor Star�dards Act (See Fund Bala�ce) Worker's Compensation (See Fund Balance) Tort Liability (See Fund Balance) Gasoline/Oil Price Increase 75,000 75,000 Council Needs(#129) 20,000 20,000 Council Consideration(Human Rights Attorney, 95,142 95,142 Set Aside, Police Community R,elations) Work Simpler(Ref ine Guidelines) 50,000 50,000 Printing Legislative Code 20,250 87-135 2/5 (20,250) 0 --;--�---- -----�--�---�----�---�---- Total 3 866 849 85 250 3 781 599 pending - Pending action by the Finance Com�►ittee or identif ied but not yet submittec] by the department. recomm. - Reco�ended by the Finance Committee for approval. OO�RESEanReV87a 8/26/87 � D �� �� �' �,�- �7 i3'd' :' , . : °�: 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM To: Greg Blees � From: Linda Giesen � D�.te: August 10, 1987 Re: Tuition Reimbursement Fund Activity �nd 00157, Account 254 As of July 31, 1987, we have spent $48,009.62 (74%) of the $65,000 set aside for tuition Yeimbursement. Sinoe we bave five months left this fiscal year a.nd sinoe we get the most requests in the Fall, I have some conaern about overspending the allotted amount in the account. Presently I do not ha.ve funds in 00157 to cover additional spending over the $65,000 amount. Therefore, unless I reoeive authoriza.tion from you for additional funds, I will stop approving requests for tuition reimbursement wY�en we approach the $65,000 a.mount. I suggest an additional $15,000. LG/tm RECEIVEO AUG 101987 BUDGET OFFICE . A