87-1375 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . CAplAR�-DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File �0• ~���� � RETURN COPY TO ASSESSME Council RGS��uGZ�/� ROOM 218 � Presented By ._ Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on January 13, 1987, in the City Council Chambers, City Council File No. 87-�34, for the purpose of establishing the level of Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting in the North Wabasha Area Impronement Pro�ect Lighting System of Saint Paul, which is to be levied against benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works submitted to the Department of Finance and Management Services a report showing the estimated total excess cost of Special Lighting in the North Wabasha Area Improvement Project Lighting System is $222.00 for the months of October through December, 1987; and . WHEREAS, The City Council of Saint Paul at said Public Hearing on January 13, 1987, heard all interested parties and approved a plan by which the cost of the above Standard Street Lighting System for the North Wabasha Area Improvement Pro�ect operation would be assessed against the benefitted properties; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy these excess lighting costs for the months of October through December 1987, as a Special Assessment against the benefitted properties at the rate of $0.155230 per assessable foot or a $2.00 minimum per property; and 1 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosi�. Finance and Manag ent Services Rettman In Favor Scheibel � Director Sonnen Against BY We ida �� Wilson ������ Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv City AtCl/�.l' O � Gertified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By A►pproved by IVlavor: Date Appro d by Mayor for S s' to 6ouncil By WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E GITY OF SAINT PAiTL Council . �� /�a�„ . � C/��lRR�' -'UEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � RETURN COPY TO ASSESSMENTS Council Resolution ROOM 218 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to submit to Ramsey County Department of Taxation the unpaid assessments for the Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting levied on September 17, 1987, on the designated date determined by said Ramsey County Department of Taxation to be collected with the 1988 property taxes, said charges to be payable in a single installment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the revenues collected with the taxes for Special Lighting be automatically placed in the Street Lighting Maintenance Account Number 807^62908^62800 according to standard accounting procedure. crtwnsq.3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Finance and Manag ent Services �a _� [n Favor2 Rettman Scheibel �_ Against BY Director Sonnen • Weida SEP � pI'''�, Wilson � 7 87 Form Ap o by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a ed by Council S retary BY C �� By ' A►pprove Mavor: Date ��� 2 � ���� Approv y Mayor for Sub ' io to C�uncil B pt�t�iS+l�D ��P � 6 1987 . __ < ���3�.s � � .N° 010904 � Finance 6 Maaa enient Services DEPARTMENT • �toasana Flink CONTACT NAME 292-7028 FHONE � August 10, 1987 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See reverse side.) Department Director Mayor (or Assistant) 2 Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director � Asaeasments - Roos 218 1 City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEOED B�' TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) , Revenue will be collected for the Above Standard Street Lightiag Systeea for the North Wabasha Area Operstion. (October-Decenber, 1987) ��✓ ' � , 1 � t ���r--- COSTlBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND ,PERSONNEL IM�ACTS ANTICIPATED: Reveaue in the amouat of $222.00 will becane payabl�;when levied and unQaid balances collected with the 1988 taxes �bq the Ramsey County �epartatnt of Taxation. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: <Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) , Total Amount of Trans�ction: $222.�� Activity Nwaber: 807-62908-62800 . . , Funding Source: Street Lighting Mai�nance Accouat ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1. Council xesolution ADISINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes %No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW R Yes No Council resolution required? Resolution required? +Yes _No . _Yes R No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? ,_Yes _No yes R No Insurance attached? � . . , ���'-�.��� , ----==------------------------= AGENDA ITEMS --------------------------------- � ------------------------ ---_____------------------------- It1�: C169 ] DATE ftEC.: C08/1:�/87] AGENUA UATE: C00/00/007 ITEM �t: C ] SUBJECT: CABOVE STANDARA STREET LIGHTING--NORTH WABASHA AREA ] STAFF ASSIGNEL: CJIM MUkFHY ] SIG:CI�kEW 70UT—C ] TO CLER�::C08/?0/877 ORIGIMATUFt:CFINANCE DERARTMENT ] CONTACT:CkOXANNA FLINK � ACTION:C � C � ORD/RES #:C ] FILEU:C00/00/00 ] LOC.:C � � �a � a� � � � ���� a� � � � * - FILE INFO: CRESOLUTIOMIGREEN SHEET � C � C � \�\ � � C �\ , _ --� � - . � ; �, , . ���i�7s ��� ClTY'OA 7 Saint Paul City Courtcil � r . x � ���i;`����� c Public Hearing Notice and Invoice � ^ Ratification of Assessment t854 OWNER OR TAXPAYER CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT# 2 r� T�J T��L `'R I`J T c D 0 0 0 4 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL tt 17 FILE# 13430 ASSESSMENT# 0076 PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PURPOSE To consider ratification of the assessment for OPERATING COST FOR THE ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR THE NORTH WA3A5HA ARFq LIGHTI��G SYST�M FCR THE MOhTHS rF CCTOPER THRI; D�CEMS�R 19�7 THE TIME:TNUi�SDAY. S'�PTEM6F_R 17. 19�37 �1T 9 :00 A*�! P'[TBLIC HEARING PLACE: City Council Chambers. 3rd Floor, City Hall-Court House. Written or oral statements by any owner��ill be considered by the Council at this hearing. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is 5 Your final assessment v✓ill INFORMATION be the amount ratified by the City Council at the public hearing.The amount showing on this notice is the amount that is being recommended to the City Council for ratification.The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Dept Room 218, City Hall. PAYMENT NOTE: This notice is your invoice which becomes due and payable upon approval of the INFORMATION assessment by the City Council You mcYy pay your final assessment without interest fo the Department ot Finance and Management Services. Room 218. City Hall-Court House within 30 dc��s of ihe City Council"s approval After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be certified for collection in 1 equal lnstallments with the real estate taxes beginning in 1988 with ir:terest at the rate of G. 0 G�jo per annum on the unpaid assessment balance CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTffICATION DATE $�2 Q�8 7 . , ��'�f-� ,f�1_% �r --------- _ , ___ ., - _ __ — ,- .._.,_ ___ , _ . _ •, : �1LU'T�OF'l��'��A�1V� �'' " ' '. � � _ �'iBING�T�OF���"!1l�PI' � �,G_ � . �- • r> , • � Councii File N�o.87-!198—Bg t�tris Nico�ia,- , , - , . In the naa►ttea. of the �sses�fdaent.Qf�.bene�iks,: cost and fQr tha, operating costs for f.he Above Standard Street Lightlag Sy.s�eaa for" `"�#otlowing: Voting _ • '�s'' � Ward ` `, 3 18390—North side of Ford Pkwy:from Mississippi Riyer',BlvB.to�3.02 fee� . east of Kenneth St.;Southside of For+d Pkwy.fram Mississi�pi tlit►t�'Fllvd.t0 587.13 feet eaat��of Kenneth St.;West side of C1eveland Ave: i�laa lIS:85 t+eet north of Scheffen.Ave. to 265 feet south of Ford Pkwy. atid:Eeat side of Cleveland Ave.from 240 feet nor�h of Eleaaor Ave.to 222 Se+�•st�4tt�s.o1 Ford Pkwy.known as the Ford-Cleveland Abave Standard Lfgl�tin,�Area for tb,e months of January thru Decem�e�, 19$7. ` . ; . 1 18336 — Both sides Selby Ave. from Arundel St. to Virginia��.; East side Arundel St.from Selby Ave.to 172.'5#eet south and both,sid�t�#erttAt�e. . irom.120 feet south oi Selby Ave.to Dayton Ave.known as t -�I�Stetm ��&,1in� $trMt 13�k� �ot �ii` �` ��r . �. ,,� .�, 3 lqll—�o1i�dd�s d E,l�f�.�t.�towk��.� � �liw. ��; E.�i�!. w�ll St,to.liat�a�i�t,;�oth �t,t� �1,� ' `'� . . . ,:• '�� tk!!±�!'l���..���t,iG1b�f1►�1►. , oo�e $tandar�`Street Ligliting Area for the moni�s, ot �eun�'y` ttuu December� 1887. 1 1Y39�=Bk�th si��� ot Grand Ave. imm 260 feet west ot.'Victorla to lti�f feet eas�qi Daie$t�}iqth sides of Victoria St;.fiom 150 feet north ot G�Q to 150 - ieet.e,auth of�r�;��t side of St�AlUaiis St.irw�tt Grand to�:l�t'�!n� of Grand'and EaerC b"ide of Dale:St. from G�d�p 150 feet morthki. C�- k�owa as the Grand-Dale-Victoria Above St�nndard Street Lightin�Ar�a i4r tl�i;lEnitnttig ot Jan,. th;ta December, 19�c � 2 18430— si��ch$n�e 5t.;from St.'Peter St.to Ceder 9�.,'Sc�tl,thitlsie Exchan�t :,�roma Wabssha St.no:th to'`Cedar St,;Sdut�sfde E��$e St. from 5t. 8t:ta�1St1 fe�t east oi St:�reter$t:for the Aiortl:�{T���.��ea Above $taudsrd Street Lishti�g Area`flor t�e montha ot �i='� I7ee�mi�r, I984: ' ` 1 18423—Both�des of Grand Ave.from$nelliug Avb.to abc�t��SOYeet�sil�t� �t�vi�ar<1$,�.��det�h side;144#eet aouth si�e)for�he G�aat'�Av�en��4e;t Araa Alaovi�.'$ta�dar;��r'��reet�,ighti��kre��or�the�sa�lt�;o�i�� �ec�nber.l'�'!• . , 1 �=6--.��of Graad Ave:tro�abaut 280 feet'mes't`t�i�'i�iCtot3it tYA�' ireet3rorth�Sle,260 feet south sfde)to about$ID f�rt west ot L�dagt�x Plnvy. (Z10 feet a�h atide��30 ieet south sid��;86th sides of I.e�ti�to�-PkwY•�tt ' the alley storEh oi Grand Ave.to t3►e a1�►s�uth o1 Grand Ave.,Both s�d�t� Oxford St. ixo�n G�ct Ay�.to.the a�:�or.xh af Gra�d.Ave.;Weat sidt ai' Oxford St. troan G ' ` �v!e.�t'the sduth ot G�A'�'e:;Tic►th sides o! Chatswoa�lh 5t.'ircom�rand Awe.to!he e�le3►nort2�of Graad.4.� and-� �sides of M3�toa S�.trc�n Grand Ave.to��,atl�ey ae�rt�of C��pudA�#��#� Grand J1v��'s���Standard:3t.s�e�.Light�.`��l►�ta�a�or the m . � . .. . . . R f. � . oi.�.�u�?7E��s�r, 19$7. , ; Uac�Pteiltnit�r`�No.$&t$35 a�Prov�d II�na�er lb, 19�6;�',ial$�fl�, j No.87-34 a�tpr�+l►��a�►.,.k3�1�8�7.,=;,. . , . The asaessnaent ot br�efits;'ce�s�a�-e�xpeaser,tox, d:in co�►apctJton 9I#th t��.,, c above impr�a�lt �s� been st�[b�itted to t1�;���,1�. �;�,.. '�r. having eonsidere�3�.and tou�ad the said asaessxne��tis���; , . � ��... ;t - :.y;n ,anFi: ` It;E80LVB�� �Thzt t2ie sa4d asse�ment � and the same is�erl����`°, �espects appr� ,. , RESt�LV��EA.371st a publie hearin��e hact an ssid �`�;� ` C���' �nb at�he hour o�'pi�e o'clock f1.I�t.,�i#�i. a ouse City Hau�uiktixtg,in trie city ot St P • .. � the Director oi�',�e 8ive notice of said m�eet�ngs,as sequired by.tlte ,' stating in st�� �o�ce the time and pface,b# lie�u'Itig� t1u � `�r: fmprovernent.�d t�e��naunt assessed a�inet t�e lo�or lolai M'�i��p�ittt"�:: � oaraer to w�Elie not��e is directed. �. � ,File Noa. �A�9 Assessnaent No. OO�Z, Y�36 A�ressment No. `0071, 1832t _ . Aasessmentfi�0; 00't0. }$�9'�2 Aa�atanent No,:4�73 1&!30 A�t�t iso.',�16. : 18423 Asssssmeiaf No:O�T�;�B�Zb Aase�it-'A�o:�Ei�►b. � ,', ' . AdoPted by tix Cou�il August 18,f889: ' SQ �987., z,; . . : . , . . .. ��'�: � . - . . . � , , ..; , ,'��-�9,3!� T � �� . :vi D'.si11 J �,b��l�lft� C f101JLOt�lr.l u�7:tI1 B .iw��'.....uu, .�� w-...yh�i uy4i�3n �vYii rr �.. � �. ;o9haFtt%�n0.i�ec.. ...._n.�,,,. .., . . . . ... . .�5� �''-�:���- �'7' " Z:�a �:�-�1_' � � -- � 3�e ^�-- � Adopted .-y�}.�_�--_�-- ' �`� �- _d�7 //'-�C/--� f I �'eas \< :-s I D:::.:.' � i �zcosT� � :,�:�r�:�� ���= �'�f`'�� � sc�:..z��:., , � � s o:��.�.� � ;:ILS 0� � ;•:rTDA �"=:STDGNT: i � � � i; ; r r: � �