87-1374 �MFdITE — CITY CLERK COUIICII /^ ���yyy PINK — FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L 1 CANARV — OEPARTMEN7 y��J�� B4{JE —I.AAVOR . Fll@ NO. � � � RETURN COPY TO ssESS Council Resolution ROOM 218 Presented By ��-- Referr d o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on January 13, 1987, in the City Council Chambers, City Council File No. 87�34, for the purpose of establishing the level of Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting in the Grand Avenue East Area Lighting System of Saint Paul, which is to be levied against benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works submitted to the Department of Finance and Management Services a report showing the estimated total excess cost of Special Lighting in the Grand Avenue East Area Lighting System is $5,580.00 for the year 1987; and WHEREAS, The Citq Council of Saint Paul at said Public Hearing on January 13, 1987, heard all interested parties and approved a plan by which the cost of the abone Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand Avenue East Area Operation would be assessed against the benefitted properties; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy these excess lighting costs for the year 1987, as a Special Assessment against the benefitted properties at the rate of $0.256105 per assessable foot for residential and multi�residential propertq; $1.280525 per assessable foot for commercial property; or a $2.00 minimum per property; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to submit to Ramsey County Department of Taxation the unpaid assessments for the Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting levied on September 17, 1987, on the designated date determined bq said Ramsey County Department of Taxation to be collected with the 1988 property taxes, 1 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: YeasDrew Nays Nicosia Finance and Mana e nt rvices In Favor Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen � � We ida �f�t I-� Wilson Form Appr e y City torne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY C � (� By Approved by 14avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY QF SA I NT PA U L Council C'1NARV - DEPARTMEN7 /C� /�J ��J/f7 B�Lri - MAVOR File NO. v • /�" I � RETURN COPY TO ASSESSMENTS ROOM 218 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date said charges to be payable in a single installment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the revenues collected with the taxes for Special Lighting be automatically placed in the Street Lighting Maintenance Account Number 807^62908-�62800 according to standard accounting procedure. crtwnsq.3 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Finance and Manage nt �ervices Rettman In Favor Scheibel g � • 'r Sonnen �gainst Y . ` c.. Weida ��►I-f� Wilson SEP � 7 �S7 Form Ap ov by City A torne Adopted by Council: Date Certified a ed by Council Se tary gy C � � � gy. A►pprove by Mavor: Date r Appro d y Mayor for Submis ' t Q il B BY ptlBllSltEfl S�P 2 6 1987 G���-�37� Finance � Management Serv�ices �� 010899 � DEPARTNENT Roxanna Flink CONTACT NAME 292-7028 ' ' PHONE _ , ; . � August 10, 1987 DATE , ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROtJTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) Department Dtrector Mayor (or Assistant) 2 Finance and Maaagement Services Director � City f3lerk Budget Director � Aasessments - Room 218 1 Citq Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGAIATiJRE PA(iES: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALSY (Purpose/Rationale) Revenue will be collected for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Grend Avenue East Area Operation, (January-December, 1987) � �� �`�� , � COST�BENEFIT. BU�GETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPAT D: - Revenue ia the a�aount of $5,580.00 will become payable when levied and unpaid balaacea collected with the 1988 taxes by the Ramsey County Department of Taxation, FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDG�T ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signaturs not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: $5,580.00 Activity Number• 807-62908-62800 Funding Source: Street Lighting Maintenance Account ATTACHI4ENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1. Council Resolutioa ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _No If yes, are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REV�EW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council resolution required? &esolution req�ired? _Yes No _Yes R No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No Yes � No Insurance attached? . . . � �,����-���;� . ' _______________________________ AGENLIA ITEMS ------------------___------------ --------------------------------- ID#: C172 ] L1ATE REC.: C48/1:�/87] AGENLtA DATE: C00/00/00] ITEM i#= C ] SUPJECT: CAE�OVE STANVAkD STF:EET LIGHTIhiG--GRAMD AVENUE EAST ] STAFF A85IGNED: CJIM MURF'HY ] SIG:CUREW ]OUT—C ] TO CLERK:C08720/877 ' , ORIGINATOF�:CFIMAMCE UEFAR7MENT ] COMTACT:CROXANNA FLINK ] ACTIOM:C � C � ORD/RES #:C ] FILEL1:C00/00/00 ] LOC,:C J a� �c � � � � � � a� � � �c � � � FILE INFO: CRESOLUTIOM/GFiEEN SHEET 7 C � C � ��\ . C �\�� � �' • � _ . r �; . � • �� �-�� �y �¢� G1TY �J� '! saint Paui city council � - . . x �, �����;ii��i c Public Hearing Notice and Invoice � ~ Ratiffcation o� Assessment �854 OWNER OR TAXPAYER CTTY COUNCIL DISTRICT # 1 r� 7��t A L r'�?I v T�� �?0 8 4 DISTRICT PLANNING COLTNCIL st 16 FILE # 1 fi42 S ASSESSMENT# 0075 PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PURPOSE To consider ratification of the assessment for OPERATING COSTS FOR THE ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR THE GRAND AV=�Uc E�ST ARE,4 LI<NTING SYSTEv F0� TFIE YFA+� 19�7 THE TIME:TNURSD.4Y. SEFTE'�!BER 17. 19�7 AT 9 :00 AM PUBLIC HEARING PLACE: City Council Chambers. 3rd Floor, City Hall -Court House. Written or oral statements by any owner��ill be considered by the Council at this hearing. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above t�roperty is S Your final assessment will INFORMATION be the amount ratified by the City Council at the public heanng.The amount sho�nnng on this notice is the amount that is being recommended to the City Council for ratification.The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Dept. Room 218, City Hall PAYMENT NOTE: This notice is your invoice wr,ich becomes due and payable upon approval of the INFORMATION assessment by the City Council You may pay your final assessment without interest to the �epartment of Finance and Manag�menf Services. Room 218. City Hall-Court House within 30 dcr,�s ot the City Council s approval After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be certified tor collection .n 1 equal installments with the real estate taxes beginning in 1988 •��ith lr.terest at the rate of 0. 0� per annum on the unpaid assessment balance CON'TINLTED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE ��2 ��?7