87-1372 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. y � /� y� @LUE - MAVOR RETURN COPY TO ASSES ENTS Council Resolution ROOM 218 Presented By `�'`� Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The City Council pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, did hold a public hearing on January 13, 1987, in the Citq Council Chambers, City Council File No. 87�34, for the`purpose of establishing the level of Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting in the Grand^Dale-�Victoria Area Lighting System of Saint Paul, which is to be levied against benefitted properties; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, the Department of Public Works submitted to the Department of Finance and Management Services a report showing the estimated total excess cost of Special Lighting in the Grand Dale�Victoria Area Lighting System is $7,190.00 for the qear 1987; and WHEREAS, The City Council of Saint Paul at said Public Hearing on January 13, 1987, heard all interested parties and approved a plan by which the cost of the above Standard Street Lighting Sqstem for the Grand Dale^ Victoria Area Operation would be assessed against the benefitted properties; and NOW, TIiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council of Saint Paul does hereby adopt and levy these excess lighting costs for the year 1987, as a Special Assessment against the benefitted properties at the rate of $0.315675 per assessable foot for residential and multi-�residential property; $1.578375 per assessable foot for commercial property; or a $2.00 minimum per property; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Department of Finance and Management Services is hereby directed to submit to Ramseq County Department of Taxation the unpaid assessments for the Excess Operating Costs of Special Lighting levied on September 17, 1987, on the designated date determined by said Ramsey County Department of Taxation to be collected with the 1988 property taxes, 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Drew Nays Requested by Department of: Nicosia ln Favor De ar ment of Fin ce & Mana ement Services Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen We ida g`���� Wilson Form Ap ov by City A torney Adopted by Council: Date �.c�� � � �p D 'i Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Nlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY C WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANC�E G I TY OF SA I NT PA iT L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��/��� . � gLU.E ' � MAVOR File NO• �� RETURN COPY TO ASSESSMENTS Council Resolution ROOM 218 Presented By Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By Date said charges to be payable in a single installment; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the revenues collected with the taxes for Special Lighting be automatically placed in the Street Lighting Maintenance Account Number 807�62908-�62800 according to standard accounting procedure. crtwnsq.3 COUNCILMEN 2 Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �a De ar nt of Fin ce & na ement Services Rettman [n Favor Scheibel ____��____ A ainst By Director Sonnen g • � Weida r,��.d1 SEP 17 1987 Form Ap ov by City tor ey Adopted by Council: Date � Certified a ed by Council , cretary BY " � � gy. A►ppr by iNavor: Da � � � � Approv y Mayor for Subm'.�5 ' n to o�ncil Y pUBItS�D S�P 2, 6 1987 , , . . �����- • . . . � � �� olosoo � Finance � Management Services DEPAR.TIrD:NT - Roxanna F n CONTACT NAME 292-7� PHONE � u us � A E t . 7 DAT� . ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROIITING.ORDER: (See reverse side.) Department Director Mayor (or Assistant) ? Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director T+ Assessments - Roam 218 � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) , Revenue will be collected for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the Grand- Dale-Victorfa Area Opezation, (January-December, 1987) �����\\� COSTjBENEFIT. BUDGETARY. AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED.: Revenue in the amaunt of $7,190.00 will become payable whee levied and unpaid belaaces collected with the 1988 taxes by the Rameey County Depart�eat of Taxation, . FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) � Total Amount of T�ans�ction: $7,190,00 Activity Number: 807-62908-62800 Funding Source: Street Lighting Maintenance Accouat ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attachments.) 1. Council Resolution � ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES � ' _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment required? Yes _No If yes� are they or timetable attached? bEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes _No Council resolution required? Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes R No Insurance attached� �+�--�y/3�� . . , �� 5TATEMENT TO ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL, SEPT. 17. 1987 I 'm here to protest the burden abave-standard decorative lighting puts on my back. It is not Merely the lighting but the process which offends. First , some numberg. On the block bctween St. Albans and Dale on Grand there are eightesn of the new above-standard lights each with double lanterns. In addition there are four of the standard street lights which the City has said cannot be removed because of the expens�. Recall that not long before the decorative lights were installed the City was forced to econor�ize and to reduce its light bill turned off half the original lights along Grand Avenue. And those old lights are still there shining bright along with the new ones. Now take SuMmit , St . Paul's proudest throughfare, the home of th� Cathedral , the Governor'g Mansion, tex sheltering churches toa numerous to name , William Mitchell College of Law with its great heaps of topsoil giving way to r�ore parking lot� , and th� neat homea and lawns of other well-to-do folks; on SuMMit between St . fllbans and Dale there are exactly seven lights , each with a gingle lantern. Now the rich and influential folks on SurnMmit have not becn pushing for mor� light because they know they'll have to foot the bill. But some of those folks joined in the lobbying that got a superfluity of light on Grand where we have to pay for their nonsense. Oddly enough Councilman Scheibel favored the decorative lights 6ut please note that he does not own property on Grand and will not have to pay for the glitter on Grand. It r�ust be emphasized thet we did not vote for those lights and we were not polled by any organization to determine our wishes or needs. The lights were install�d because Summit Hill Association, District 16 Planning Council , was able to circuMVent and bypass democratic process by getting a block grant for half of the cost . After that it was easy to bully through a scheMe that squeezes tha balance out of Grand property owners. Both GABA and District 16 Council ar� lobbies and their pet projects are comroittee products in no Way responsive to the people's wishes or needs. Keep in Mind that when these decisions are Mede they are committee decisions with consequences that affect a large area and many people. But those people who are so affected do not get to vote on these projects. We elect and pay this Council to conduct the people's busi- ness whether or not those people are able to appear here in Council chambers. It is equally the duty of District 16 Planning Council to represent the people of tha District fairly ev�n when those people cannot participate in any of the various Mestings of the Council. With respect to GABA it is the responsibility of this Council to recognize that GABA does not represe�t anything like a majority of 6rand Avenue businesspeople. By its oWn public acknowledgement GABA's present r�embership constitutes "less than half" of the businesses on the Avenue. Of that 1@88 than half a sme11 numbar are active in GABA affairs and those few 1 ' �-��-/�'�� constitute a strident lobby we had to oppose recently to avoid being subjected to a special servicc district , a device to force us to subsidize a moribund buainess club's grandiose ambitions. In an appearance 6efore this body on February 6 , 1986 , I presented signatures of 64 businesses from Lexington to Dale on a petition clearly stating their opposition to the lights. There were other businesspeople on the avenue at that time who were embarra�sed by their acquiescense to a scheme that had b�en totally misrepresented to them by 6ABA whose agents went from one business to another claiMing that "everyone else is going along with this so you should, too. " It 's shqcking that so many people will still fell for a decrepit old hustle like that . Councilman Scheibel , then acting Council President , asked for a show of hands of those in favor of the light�. Four hands went up. He did not call for a shoWing of the oppo�ition's hands and there were 12 of us in the Chamber at that Moment , Cleerly , the Council assumes that GRBR is a representative body. What do we have to show to prove that it is merely a hustle and not by any stretch of the imagination a group representing a majority of businesspeople? It was also extreMely poor judgment on the part of the City and this Council to burden us with frivolous expenees at a time when we are being forced to draw in our belts because of autra- geous increases in other expenses including not only taxcs but insurance, energy , raW materials , and all the Myriad things that go into the management of a sMall business. When I first appeared here to oppose the lights I pointed to the obvious; we had lo5t revenue sharing and could only look Porward to the Massiv� budget probleMS 5t . Paul now confronts. Is this Council aware of the people leaving the state because of "an unfavorable business cliMate" or do we have to emulate Californians with our own tax revolt? We are not against "progress" " But we are emphatically FOR common sense and for priorities consistent with fundamental n�- cessities. Grand Avenue oWes its growth not to brillient planning or to promotion or to the schcmes of either District 16 Council or GABA but to an orgenic developMent which was the suM of the individual and spontaneous efforts of r�any small businesspeople , entrepr�neurs and sMall investors. Once Grand Avenue achieved a visible success the developers Moved in to begin the faMiliar procesa of colonial exploitation , profiting from OUR years of hard work and careful , individual manageMent of small and liMited resource�. What kind of a future does this Council want for Grand Rvenue. If you want to drive the sroall businesses off the Avenue continue on your present Merry way but recognize that the Magic of Grand Avenue depended and still does on the small , owner- operated businesses. That 's all that makes the difference. Count the businesses that have gone bellyup on Grand Avenue within the past two years and count the businesses that have moved off the Avenue because of over-inflated cost�. Count the vacant store fronts and the abandoned buildings with weed-grown front yards. Count the good, solid fraMe or brick houses sch�d- uled for reMOVal or demolition to Make rooM for parking lots. Of the latter there are now three in a two-block stretch. 2 � � ��-i3�a Thc above-standard lights illuminate an iasue which nseds to be axplored With energy and intelligence. This city is a delicate arganism. It grows and thrives or withers and becoMes moribund in response to coMplex , interlocking forces that cannot be controlled either by this council or any set of lobbies , developers , investors or speculators. At the saMe tiMe , hoWever , any one of those agents can intervene disastrously in the city's life procese. What is tru� of the city is true of each one of its neighborhoods. There are maasive probler�s now confronting the country of which this city is stiil a part . Our city is like any other. It is a coMplex and fragile body. Each neighborhood is a fragile organ or cell in the body of the city. The health of the city depends upon the functioning of each organ. Our present pros- perity is built on a prccarious foundation of fantasy , greed and easy assumptions about the anatomy of cities. P�ter W. Denzer Front Porch Pottery & Gallery 814 Grand Avenue St. Paul , MN 55105 3 : , • j �.'�"�7/:��� A G E N D A M A T E R I A L � � _______________________________ COUNCIL ID4� �e •-� DATE RECEIVED � � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM 4� SUBJECT . � .�I�.CQ-�l'�r'i..��� - - ORIGINATOR �„„�.,,��o � ���� CONTACT /i�iM�,;i RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGVED DATE SENT TO CLERK COUNCIL ACTION MASTER FILE 2NF0 AVAILABLE /���jj i,f�J. .- � � � ORD�RESOL. �� ' DATE FILE CLOSED ,,\ . �F��i�'?� �¢� GSTY OA ' Saint Paul City Council 4 Z � ���i�`����I r Public Hearing Notice and Invoice � ~ Ratification of Assessment �ea. OWNER OR TAXPAYER CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT� 3 r� T 0 T A,L P R I'J T�D 0 0 2 0� DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL # 15 FILE # 18392 ASSESSMENf� 0073 PROPERTY ADDRESS PROPERTY TAX DESCRIPTION PURPOSE To consider ratification of the assessment for OPERATING COSTS FOR THE ABOVE STANDARD STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR THE GRAND AV��UE/D�IE STREET TO VICTORIA STRE�T AREA LICNTI�lG SYST=M F�R THE YE;1F. 19$7 THE TIME:THURSDAY. SFPTEM�ER 17. Z9�7 AT 9.Q0 Ars PUBLIC HEARING PLACE: City Council Chambers. 3rd Floor, City Hall -Court House Written or oral statements by any owner��ill be considered by the Council at this hearing. ASSESSMENT The proposed assessment for the above property is 5 Your final assessment will INFORMATION be the amount ratified by the City Council at the public hearing.The amount showing on this notice is the amount that is being recommended to the City Council for ratification.The proposed assessment roll for this project is available for review in the Finance Dept. Room 218, City Hall. PAYMENT NOTE: This notice is your invoice wi-,ich becomes due and payable upon approval ot the INFORMATION assessment by the City Council You may pay your final assessmen� without interest to the Department oI Finance and Management Servlces, Room 218. Ciry Hall-Court House within 30 dcr,rs ot fhe City Councll"s approval After 30 days any unpaid assessment will be certifled cor collectior, in 1 equal installments��rith the real estate taxes beginning in 1988 with interest at the rate cf �. ��h per annum on the unpaid assessment balar.ce CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE NOTIFICATION DATE �3�Z 8�8 7