87-1355 N�FHTE - CITV CI.ERK � PIP"< - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALl°"L �ouncil CA.��'y -bEPARTMENT � /�. ✓��� BLUE -MAVOR File NO. J� ,� J�CJ Or in�nce Ordinance N0. � Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining �o zoning. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Sec-cion 1 . That Section 60 .204 0� the Saint Paul Legislative Coae, con— taining definitions for Day Care, is hereby amended to read as follows : Day Care. The care of one or more children on a regular basis, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, in a place other �han �he child' s own dwelling unit. Day care includes farnily day care, group family day care , and group day car�, as herein defined: ( 1 ) Family Day Care: A day care program providing care ior not _�1c�r� than �� ten child�en at one -i,ime , ��e�t���r3�--��-da� - e�t�e-�r�i�r-'�-a�d-�1�-'-s--eva�-�i l�}-t�z3de�--�.,e��o-l--age.- �'.q}s-ir��- -��eerZSee-�--a--€a�}��-��--�-i�e�e e�--g�et��--�€ax�}��--c���-�-r�-�-��.� -£��ia�esota--Bepa�'��e�� e�---F2t�li-�-Ude�€a�e-�1-�-Pde.--�-as-�1-i-�.�ee�-}�--0E,��-���3 ,- e�--�s�-�--g��p--��r-e�a�e--�e��e�--;��=-�vi-iT��-�-Bepa�t:�e�.t . e€-��b-1-i�--6de��a�e--�1-�-Pde.--�-a�-pt����s�ied-3�r-v����--�9��� and which is licensed by the county as a family day ca��� home. The licensed capacity must include all children o�"� any caregiver when the children are present in the residence . (2) Group Family Day Care: A day care program providing c�.•r� ior r�rope-t��--�-i-�-�-r�e�--x�e�e--�l��r�--��-�ri-l�re�-a�-er�� ��rfte;--�r3e�r��}r�g--�l�e--��o�i�ie�'-�-�a�-�1-�r-'-�--ov�r�--c-Y���t-:�er3 t�.r��e�--sel�ee�--a�e.-----��}s--}r�e�.��e�--��og�a��--���e��e�--as--a c�Qet�p--€a�}��--da�--����-�or�e--t�r�c�e�--1�4�r�r�e�o�a--Be�a��x�e���--e� t-) �-?-C�--GUc -- � -- ---�-- �7--}�--E�p��e�=--����'-- COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor — Rettman s�n.�bai A ainst BY Sonnen g Tedesco Wilson Form Approved y City Attorney Adopted by Councii: Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor for Submission to Council \ � By . By .. � � � . �. , _� ��7-��s� - . . , . • ' j-'1�,'�f e�--�s�-�-�o-t�-��-ea�e--eer��e�-���=--A�iT���-a--Be�a��a�er3� e�--gt�-1-i-�--bde��a�e--�1-�--Pde.--��-pt�b��sl�ed-3�--v�.��n--�9��.- no more than fourteen children at any one time of which no more than ten are under school age and which is licensed by the county as a group family day care home. The licensed capacity must include all children of any caregiver when the children are present in the residence . ( 3) Group Day Care: A day care program providing care for more than �e�r six children at one time and licensed t�nele�-I�i�r�n��e�a Be�a���e��--e�--Pt�b��e--bde��a�e--F�tr�e--i�o-.--�--a�s-�����sin�el--�� Beeextl�e�-3-9-7-3: by the state or the city as a group day care center. Group day care includes programs for children known as nursery schools , day nurseries , child care centers , play groups , day care centers for school age children, after school programs , infant day care centers , cooperative day care centers , and Head Start programs . Section 2. That Section 60.422, clause 3 , pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an RT-1 Two Family Residential District , is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 3) G�et�p-€axa���-da�-ea�e-a�� Group day care. Section 3. That Section 60.612 , clause l , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an I-1 Industrial District is hereby amended to read as follows : (1 ) All principal uses permitted in the B-3 Business District except family day care; and group family day care. arid-�g�et�� da�-�a�e.- — Section 4. That Section 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain- ing to Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in an I-1 Industrial District is hereby amended so as to delete clause 8 therefrom and to renumber clause 9 as follows : 2. -WMbTE -�CITY CLERK PINK �-�INANCE COUflCll � •CANAN4 -OEPAI�TMENT GITY OF SAINT YAUL File NO• ��/�'Y— BI.UE� -MAVOR • 0 /`� Ce rdinance N 0. l/��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date f8� ��e��--�a3�--ea�e;--��e���e�--��ia�--s�el�--p�eg�ar�--�s--a��essa�� �e-a-p���e��a�-�se-pe�x�}��e�-}�-��ie-d}s��}e�.- (3 8) Accessory buildings , structures , and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. Section 5. That Section 60.772, clause 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an RCI-1 River Corridor Industrial District is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) All principal uses permitted in the I-1 District except the following: mortuary establishments; bus passenger stations; new and used car salesrooms, showroom, or office; lumber yards; automobile service stations; suto repair stations, and auto body shops; municipal public work yards and facilities; recycling centers; rental storage facilities; taxi companies, both dispatching offices and storage; mission type uses; trucking facilities; and family day care, and group family day care, aad g�et�p-day-ea�e: All uses shall be located in buildings no more than 3 stories or 30 feet in height. Section 6. This ordinance sha.11 take �ffect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 3. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � — Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � s�ne�bei Against BY �� Tedesco Wilson npp ; FE� f 8 ��W Form Appr e by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas y cil re y . BY By Approve by M r: Da Z� z-��� F�D 2 ��rove y Mayor for Submission to Council � , By �LISNEO MAR - 5 1g88 2-io-ss ��-��/?�!, Proposed Amendment to Counefl File No. 87-1355 (Day Care-Related Zoning 7ext ���� Amendments) 1. Insert new Section 5 as follows: That Section 60.772. clause 1, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code • pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an RCI-1 River Corridor - Industrial District is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) All principal uses permitted in the I-1 District except the following: mortuary establishments; bus passenger stations; ne� and used car salesrooms, shawroo�, or office; lumber yards; automobile� service stations; auto repair stations, and auto body shops; municipal public work yards and facilities; recycling centers; rental storage facilities; taxi companies� both - dispatching offices and storage; mission type uses; trucking facilities; and fami�y day care, �r� group family day care, a�i g�et3►p-day-ea�e: AlI uses shall be located in buildings no �ore than 3 stories or 30 feet in height. 2.. Renumber the original Section 5 (which states that "This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication.) as Section 6. wMltE — CITY CI.E1tK RETUR�T� T :JEROME SEGAL AFTER ADOPTION�) � ' _ P'N►: �+ FINANCE , � COU}ICII /} ,/ ���AR� �Dk,PA/+TMENT ITY OF SAINT PAUL X L� 9lVE . �MAYq1! � F11C - NO. U ��/���/ 0 . . rd�n�nce o���n�e N o. �r..�� Pre;er.ted By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning. , THE C�UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 60.204 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, con- �ainir�g definitions for Day Care, is hereby amended to read as follows: Day Gare. The care of one or more children on a regular basis, for periods of less than 24 hours per day, in a place other than th.e child' s own dwelling unit. Day care includes family day care, group family day care, and group day �are, as herein defined: (1 ) Family Day Care: A day care program providing care for not more than si� ten children at one time, �r�e��z��r�g--��-�a� ea�e-�r�u-i�r�'�-ar�d-�e3.-�e��'�-ew�--e�i.�.���-rz��e�-��-]--age.- *�}s-i-�l��es-- -��ee�sed--a�--�-€ar����--d��-���e--kex�e e�--g�et�p--�ar�}��--c�a�-�n�-�-�=� -��eso�a--Be�a���er�� ez--��-l�-e--We�€a�e--R��-].-e--PJe:-�-as--p�b33-s��--}�--0f.xt�be�-�9�3,- e�--�s�-�--gr�p--da�-ea�e--ee��e�-�� -�Ta�=��--Bepa��r�e�� e€--P�b3i�-We��a�e--R�-1-e--AIe:-3--as--�t����sked-3�-���:,� -�9�3T and which is licensed by tYle county as a famil day care � . home. The licensed capacity must include all children of any caregiver when .the cnildren are present in the residence . �2.) Group Family Day Care: A day care program providing care • for r�tc3�e-�-�a��--�i.�--b�x�-r�e�--�ae�e--�1���--tre�--�ri3��.�--a�-e�e �}�e;--�r�e�t�d}r�g--�ke--�o�i-de�L-�--a��--�l-g�n-'-s--ov�r--�1�}�per� ar�de�--sekee�--ageT----��i}�--}r�e���es--�eg�a�rs--��ee�se�--as--a g�s��--�a�}��--�a�--cape--��e--t�r�c�e�--A4�r3�eso�a--Bepa���e��--e€ -- -- -- -- -- �- - '•• �CUUNCILM[;N Requested by Department of: l'e:.s Nays Drevr Nicosie In Favor � Nettman - ScheiGaf B Sonnsn Against Y 7edesco IVilsan Form Approved by City Attorney A�apced by Council: Date Cec°tiiied �assed by Council Secretary BY �y __ %,pnroved by lhayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Subinission to Council � R5. By , . � � . ,� ' . G,��`i-�3��� e�--�s--a---gr�p--�a�-ea�e--ee��e�-�� --A�iT.��,za--Bepa���er�� e€--P�rb-l-ic--We��a�e--R�-1-�-AIe.--3--�-gt�b��sked-3�--���;.� -�9�3: r.o more than fourteen children at any one time of which no more than ten are under school a e and which is licensed by the county as a group family day care Y�ome. The licensed � capacity must include all children of any caregiver when the children are present in the residence. i3) Group Day Care: A day care program providing care for more than ten six children at one time and licensed t�nder-Minneaota Pe�a��x�e��--e�'--�t�H��e--We�€a�e--Rtr�e--N�o-.--3---as-}�t���3si�ed--�n Beeer�l�e�--�-9-73: by the state or the city as a group day care center. Group day care includes programs for children known as nursery schools , day nurseries, child care centers, pl�ay gr�oups , day care centers for school age children, after school programs , infant day care centers , cooperative day care centers , and Head Start programs . Section 2. � That Section 60.422, clause 3, pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an RT-1 Two Family Residential District, is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 3) S�e��-�a�x}��-da�r-ea�e-ar�d Group day care. � Section 3. That Section 60. 612 , clause l , of the Saint Paul Legislative � Code pertaining to Principal Uses Permitted in an I-1 Industrial Disti,ict is hereby amended to read as follows : ( 1 ) All principal uses permitted in the B-3 Business District � , except family day cars; and group family day care. ar��-��er�p d��-ea�e= - Section 4. That Section 60.614 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain- ' � � i.ng to Principal Uses Permitted Subject to Special Conditions in an I-1 Industrial District is hereby amended so as to delete clause 8 therefrom and to renumber clause 9 as follows : e 2. - - -= - --"----�_�.•__ - -i ---- --- , _ . w:.Y4� =Ci�v CLERA ------- -------------------- PINK � FI►iANf�E COIIflCl� . CANAHY.-�OEAA'RTMENT GITY - OF SAINT PAUL � �,/,�;5� e�ue � _�„��rbR File Nd. Ordin�nce Ordinance N O. Presented By Referced To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . f8-� 6�e�g--�la�--ea�eT--p�e�r�sle�l--�ha�--s�e�--�a�eg�a�a--�s--aeeessa�} �e-a-��}�e}�a�-t�se-�e��}��e�-��-��ie-d}s��}e�: (S 8) Accessory buildings, structures, and uses customarily incident to the above permitted uses. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 3. COUNCILMF N Requested by Department of: 'leas P7ays Qrew • Nir.osia [n Favor . Rettman �`n°�b°i Against By so���� redgsco VYilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Ad�pted by Council: Date Ce�tified Passed by Councif Secretary BY �y Approved b}� i►fayor: Daie Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 3y � By � � . . ���-i�� N�~�~'°���� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL +';:�1tr p����y � 3;' ';�; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :e •_ ;, �iu �_ %+ �� „a� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,. _ �4a��,,,T���a��` 386 Ciry Hal{,Saint Paul,Mennesob 55102 612-298-4237 CEORCE IATIMER MAYOR NO►PICL OF BEARING �O 80I.DEELS 0�' �AY CARE LICENSES The St. Paul City Council will hold a public hearing on the llth day of February, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers on 3rd Floor of the City Hall to consider an ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning and specifically to definitions for day care. A summary of the proposal as prepared by the Planning Staff is on the reverse side of this notice for your information. At said time, the Council will hear all persons relative to this issue. _ ._ (,/f �'doe� D D D � D D RECEtVED � DA,Y CAR.E ZONING TERT AMLNDMENT a�AN 2 E� �I98A SU?IIiARY i-is-ss CITY CLERK � The Saint Paul Planning Commission is propos�ng several day care-related amendments to the city's zoning code. First, they recommend that the day care definitions used in the zoning ordinance meet those established in current state licensing rules. The current city zoning day care definitions are based on outdated state licensing requirements. Second, they recommend that the city allow day care centers to be established in light industrial areas. Under the proposed new definitions, a family day care program would be one which provides care for not more than te�n children at one time �this compares to s x children allowed under the existing definition); a group family �ay care program would be one which provides care for between ten and fonrteen children at one time (this compares to between six and t� children allowed � under the existing definition) ; a�d a group day care program would be one ! which provides care for more than si,�t children at one time and is Iicensed by � the state as a group day care center (this compares to the current definition , of day care center as any program with more than ten children}; � The other recommended change to the code is that group day care centers be i permitted uses in I-1 (light industrial) Distxicts (day care centers are now � prohibited in these districts) . The rationale for this recommendation is � �hat uses permitted in I-1 zones would not be any more detrimental to a day care centar program than uses permitted in B-3 through B-5 (general and � dow-ntown commercial districts) zones, where day care centers are now permitted. i � Further information on this proposal can be obtained from Planning staff � person Peg9Y Lexau at 228-3230. � 1 � : � � i , , � ��;����ION OF Pl.�LNNING•DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT-CtTY OF SAINT PAUL t •.,,'�". 6�1,:.L ANNEX•25 VYEST FOURTH STREET, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, 55102•TELEPHONE 612-292-1577 � i, �' �� �` ' � r�E t� 4k k '"f`..{�'�i�� L > ! f t Z� � _1� �'� � ti � � � 1 � � � � ` �� E�� :) v'` �,' ) i. � �� � � _ _ � , ��.'_ ' i 7 � a ',� } ,� �S-;� '�-i �'� `i Y j1J �}R: +-y , • I � ��.� 5 � ';"t 'S r / I '. " � � �� r ,,� ' M �~`' } �} " , t � � �� �y Yr�' 'i _ ' _ l: ' •� '.R' t h� � � � } * ! ' . . ' rLL .1 ' _ '� ' '[P � f � ' - � ,{� i �� J' �s '��'. . .. �, "..�' � {-, 4 ,IT./ ` y�5 ` y • � ��� � . ��:.'�►+a/�'. � t.�` F+.'� . _ ���Il�r � ,�, . � . , ,- , ., - � ,:, ,r ' `. � r, :i ' ; + �' t- �� n-' " � .�, -�t`. ,r �,� '$ - � ' � .. .,A i � �t �} �a .. . ; .:.' , . , . , , � ' � � � ` .` - j, ( � ,� J; � �+ �� � 6 ,�.3 a r �R �,:� = '�, � r r ,�"�` �a'� f �� ���1F� ��g � � � � �., � ' �v�•j -�F�Y�i �i � .i - - � ` �`. � ' 4 �Y�S t �,' _ T ,l; � J,��X '�f9f� f� ��;�r� ` ' � % � �k , ,_ , �s�. � � � � � � t ti� �±,�i � � `�'� �li��. ��,�,�� �yt�`���1 L'�� �'�—r'��' ° �A � .�` ��� ����t�i4:�k�tolAl��i�t"`�4��1W1l���tU�'�� �','��lY�3' : '` � -�_' �,�:o fi� "�a�t�: �dfn+a�ic�� +� ;3.� �ce�,� _ �' ' `; ` � j� z� � � }� � , r k � y _ ;te► t�e�:�� :lit��ia�na�c�+�:���+c� ��z' �avi�rr a►�i�t � `� =:� �`5 f �~'^� `` �i�. % � F � � {� ,;. � �� ; � . , , " r ` ; r _ , - 3! . i. y � . { ;.F'� . �, � �y� t � .: ��� y �> � ! . � � ' i � ���r1�/±� ��7.�. '„ �}" 1:.. � )� � ��1 � �i, i` �' � ' ����� > > � � �` ' - � �' aF � 'r � '' . p /�}�j � K x 1%�..�j11 -Ll'�^�'� �1 . - , ? , { f�1� � E � .+�Wli' r�' �� � t � . � � * �. - � r �v � ; 1 � : � 7 J k' � y; ` � � ��'�' �' - � ,.. � • � , ��� .� ,- ,. �. . : „ . ._ � ; , , ., . � . , .. .. .. _, , . �, . . , . . .� , � t � , . ,. z ; �. .� .rt � ���'��` � � j � 1.: 1 f � �i yf t .� _ - � . . � � ��� x�,, ' t , •( � 4 1�� f� � � F"Y A , .�{ �` � �,�' _ , '�� � �>�" � `'. _ , �' , ;� � , s.: ; ' �,. ;: � .� � :� � � F •-' � � J r � i � - ., � �: t F , p„ F. � �. . "C ::1 ��:5'A' ,�. � � - r -%( / y Y� 1 '�- +"l �'-C �� �: � .". 4 ) .l ���,' 4� � �# k'1 a ; � �: F ,r�,� �, { " "! .t t -Y s � :� , : P �� f �/4 ��:. P t'�,•�` �A � - {{� � .,..1 {�, �„ ;�,� ii , ,. , � . .� .}? ',�'� �i. ��i r` _ r �- ��. ' y"�; :� , ` � F �i , ;t i� 1j � t. � i � ��< � � r:- 6 y,t _ � ;.� - � r� -� ,? � � � s ✓ � t "�' , ', * I F � y� A tI' w�{'� � �t � � � i " �� +�: - ` ,` �`� ' . '�� ,�� 4 4 .n � .,� i ��E '° y � `i �� �', r r' � t �, t r g - ,' r �� ,, ' � f �� � , <^f r � , _� �"'' F-,�_, �': , : '`u � � ' _�� a � 1 �. - tiv � ; � `� f' r ! } -� �f ' Ti� ? ' r _ ..f �,.s r �� - � � r �.� �'# � �_ . .. , _ . ��� � . , , - , . ,_ . �� . . � .� . .._ � . _ . - �� r � �e 1 . � d ' ". ��'.� w � ,�.. n r � '*., � � �_k: .a_ . ..t �.� � � . ��,��� ����"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �C�y��Tr p� ^�~04 7e��9 �; �� OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY �I! '� 11111�'lllll �: '?m 11°1�-�-1�� �:� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY "'�n,t,�,n.°,',��°° 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR september 2 , 198� RECEiVED ��� �3 1987 JANIC�' p�'Tnn n�� Council Member Janice Rettman Seventh Floor City Hall Dear Council Member Rettman: Enclosed are the amendments to the Zoning Code relating to day care as requested by you and as recommended by the Planning Commission. Your very truly � 1 � J J. AL ssis an ity Attorney J g Encl . ���67%�- ��;*:., .,.� CIT1" OF �3AINT PAUL �• f.,: OFFICE OF THE MAYOR • •� � ui m • u tiu ;� .� �: = 347 C1TY HALL ,�.'�� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 C,EORGE LAT'!'�fFx (612) 29a-4323 MAYOR August 19, 1987 President John Drew and Members of the City Council 713 City Hall Re: Day Care Zoning Text Amendment Dear President Drew and Members of the City Council: I am pleased to transmit to you proposed day care-related amendments to the zoning ordinance. This spring the Planning Commission conducted a 40-acre study to review and revise the provisions for day care in the zoning code as recommended by the Saint Paul Child Care Task Force. They held a public hearing on the study on July lOth, and received favorable testimony. The Planning Commission resolution recommending approval of the amendments and the 40-acre study report are attached. The main thrust of the recommended revisions is to change the definitions of family day care, group family day care, and day care center programs in our zoning code to match the definitions in state licensing ru�es. The zoning code revisions would also allow day care cente,rs as a principal use in light industrial areas of the city. Currently, day care centers in light industrial areas are only permitted as accessory uses. I strongly support these revisions as a means of making it easier for day care providers to establish their programs in Saint Paul. I urge you to adopt these amendments as recommended by the Planning Commission. If you have any questions on the proposed amendments, please do not hesitate to contact Peggy Lexau of the Planning Division staff at extension 3230. Very truly yours, George Latimer Mayor GL/PL/bp Attachments .�g..,d . ��-��-��-3f city of saint paul piar�ing comrr�ssion resolution � file number R�_9� � date Au�ust �4, �98� WHEREAS, the Planning Commission on May 22, 1987� adopted a resolution initiating a 40-Acre Study for the purpose of considering amendments to Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to day care; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee reviewed and suggested amendments and recommended a public hearing; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 462.375 (S) , the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 10, 1987 to receive comments and recommendations on the proposed amendments; and WHEREAS� the Planning Commission has determined: 1. That the number of real estate descriptions affected by the amendments renders the obtaining of written consent impractical; 2. That a survey of an area in excess of 40 acres has been made; 3. That a determination has been made that the amendments to the Zoning Code proposed are related to the overall needs of the community, to existing land use, and to plans for future land use; � and 4. That, pursuant to state statutes, proper notice of the hearing was given in the Pioneer Press and Dispatch on June 19, June 26, and July 3, 1987. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the Zoning Code amendments attached hereto in the 40-Acre Study regarding provisions for day care, and directs the Planning Adminstrator to forward the study and this resolution to the Mayor and City Council for their review and action. moved by MORTON �` .�a'�d � Z I EMAN . in favor �—�us against— . ��7-/--�� DAY CARE ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT Adopted by the Planning Commission on August 14, 1987 I. INTRODUCTION The Saint Paul Planning Commission is proposing several amendments to the city's zoning ordinance based on recommendations from the Saint Paul Child Care Task Force. The Task Force, formed by the Planning Commission in 1985 at the request of the City Council, assessed child care needs and made recommendations on how city resources and services could improve the provision of child care in the city. One of their findings was that current day care definitions of in the Zoning Code are based on outdated licensing requirements, and they recommended that the city revise the zoning code accordingly. Several other revisions are also required to en- sure that our treatment of day care in the zoning code is logical and conducive to a good day care system. II. PROPOSED DEFINITION REVISIONS Under Chapter 60, Section 204, the text is proposed to be revised as follows: (1) Familv Dav Care. A day care program providing care for not more than six �n children at one time, 3�e��r�ag-�l�o-da�-e�ra�.p�ovfde�.•�_a-nd-�re�per's-owfl o����e�-��e�-sc>koe�-�ege:--��rrs-i�ne��r�es-#�egreffis-d;oe�rsed-a��a-�-a�}-�s� oefo--horxc-s�-g�e�p-€a�f��-�e�--osga�-he�-ua�-�ia$osete-�3epR���re��-o€ ���}o-V►��1�-���-�����-�-es-pa��is#ted-3�r-�otebe�-�4�3;-er-�s-�-gFaa�-c�a� E�@�F�-6@$�$F-ii��CF-�4i�raesets-�pa�t�e�r�-o€-�bk�e-V1�o��-ei$-�t��a-�to:-3-�s P��ts�e�-�--Deoa�e�--�9�3. , and which is licensed bv the countv as a f�milv dav care home. The licensed canacitv must include all children of anv carestiver when the children are oresent in the residence (2) �roun Familv Dav Care. A day care program providing care for more than s��-��-�ret-�ofa�ks��e�r-e���dge�-s���e-4�e;--��re��i�ng-�ke-p�e��ef=s-�ad �re�per=s-ov��r�e�ril�r��r-tra�e��e�reol�-age:--��-�c�l�as�-p�ogrs��ioe�rse�d-es� S�P-€a�i�y�dsy��a;�-#re�e-�rada�-144��resoEa-�epa�4�e�rf-a€-�tr�lio--�e�€a�c ����1e:-�$s-�p���s�re�-��r-0atobeF-�9�3;-s�-as�a-g�oe�-�a�-e�go-ce�r�e�r��F �a�eso�a-�e�a��e��-o€-��l�o Vllel#'-ei�-��rle-�e:-3-�es-�p�r��s}3ad-�-�eeee�- �er--��'�3 no more than fourteen children at anv one time of which no more than ten are under school aQe and which is licensed bv the countv as a Qr uo f�milv dav care home. The licensed ca�acitv must include all children of anv careaiver when the children are nresent in the residence (3) Grouo Dav Care. A day care program providing care for more than ten six children at one time and licensed �ac�o�-�v�is�a�seta-�epe�q�e�r�-o€--R���ie �4'��€a�e-���o-�s--3-a�-P�b�k��n-�ee�rbaF-���3. bv the state or the citv as � Qroun dav care center. Group day care includes programs for children known as nursery schools, day nurseries, child care centers, play groups, day care centers for school age children, after-school programs, infant day care centers, cooperative day care centers, and Head Start programs. 1 . � ���_�� ��� � Discusslon Chan�es in Dav Care Home Definitions. For the two types of day care homes, the major difference between thc proposed dcfinitions and the existing definitions is that of size: the new definitions would allow larger day care homes than those al- lowed in the past. However, since all three types of programs are already permitted in all residential and business districts (the only exception b�ing day care centers in R-1 through R-4 districts, which must be housed in churches, schools or similar facilities), allowing up to four more children per day care home will not bc much different than what is currently allowed. The new day care rules have been in effect for several years, so all day care homes are now licensed according to the new rule. Of approximately 670 day care homes in the city, 640 (or 9596) are licensed for up to ten children. The remaining 30 homes (or 596) are licensed for between eleven and fourteen children. The proposed definition changes would simply ensure that we are using the same definitions as the state and the county in dealing with day care homes. �hanaes in Dav Care Center Definition As mentioned above, the state rule govern- ing day care centers has gone unchanged since its adoption in the early 1970's. However, the way we currently define "group day care center° is closely tied to our definitions of family day care home and group family day care home: anything larger than the first two (over ten children) is considered a center. Since we are recommending that the first two definitions be revised, it is also necessary to revise our definition of day care center. Our current definition of "group day care center" has never matched the state licensing rule definition: we define it as any program with over ten children, while the state defines it as any program with over six children that is conducted in a non-owner occupied building. Our proposed new definition of day care center would correspond with the philosophy behind the proposed new definitions of day care homes: that is, our definitions of the different types of day care programs should correspond directly with those of the state and county to minimize administrative confusion. III. OTHER PROPOSED REVISIONS A. Under Chapter 60, Section 422 (Principal uses permitted in an RT-1 Two- Family Residential District): (3) �r��#'-a�-da�-ea�e and group day care. Discussion The reason for deleting the phrase as shown above is that "group family day care" is already permitted in paragraph (1), which permits all principal uses permitted in the R-1 through R-4 residential districts. 2 . � . t, /�-��%�`� / B. Under Chapter 60, Section 612 (Principal uses permitted in an I-1 Industrial District): (1) All principal uses permitted in the B-3 Business District except family day care, �i group family day care,ead-gfe�p-��y�-e�ra. -- and; under Chapter 60, Section 614 (Principal uses permitted subject to special conditions in I-I Industrial District): (8) �x��c�a�-eaFo-;pro-videc�-��ret-s�ah-p�egra�a3-is-eceesser�y-to� p�t�r- oi�a��s���ffiit��d-i�-��re-E�i�3�f�o� Discussion Group day care centers are currently prohibited in I-1 and I-2 districts, except if they are accessory to principal uses permitted in the district. This revision would permit group day care centers to be established as a principal use in I-1 districts. The rationale behind this revision is that the uses permitted in I-1 zones would not be any more detrimental to a day care center program than uses permitted in B-3 through B-5 zones, where day care centers are now permitted. 3 - , . . _ �� � """^��° CITY OF SAINT PAUL h.`LLTi p..�i �. �; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;: i°� ;; + �°� ALBERT B. OLSON, CITY CLERK ,,. _ V�� °"�„mR�'���''`` 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 GEORCE L1ITIMER 612-298-4231 MAYOR � �� � ��-"�7 / N(7rICE OF HEARIlJG �O HOLDF�RS OF DAY CARE LIGF�i.SES The St. Paul City Council will hold a public hearing on the llth day of February, 1988 at 9:00 A.M. in the City Council Chambers on 3rd Floor of the City Hall to consider an ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the St. Paul Legislative Code pertaining to Zoning and specifically to definitions for day care. A sum��ary of the proposal as prepared by the Planning Staff is on the reverse side of this notice for your inforniation. At said time, the Council will hear all persons relative to this issue. �,�-� �7- � � 5�"_ . i ;� �-�.3�7 � 'lst ��'�—��o`�� • . ��:n�' , �. ! ' �� _ h�- Adopt ���� 3rd . _ �� - 2.-/l-��' 1�-�t� 'Yeas \aYs _ D� ��7_ /3.�:� NICOSSA /7��� Rr,^TTMAN SCHEIBEL . . S�?vNEV . WILSON WEIDA . i PRSIDENT: .�.,,.� —