99-562Return copy to: (bn)
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Pcuented By
Refeaed To
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured agreements for
the purchase (attached) of two parcels of real property, described as follows:
1086-90 Iglehart Ave.
W Ih of L.ot ll and a11 of Lots 12, and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the City of Saint Paul
� 316 I.exington Pazkway
s Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 thru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent
v following and in said Buel and Mackubin Out Lots except North 110 feet of West ll3 feet part South of
�o Rondo Ave. and East of I.exington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in Township 29
ii Range 23;
is WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for Jimmy L,ee Acquisition and Re-development
ta Project, said property was Final Ordered for acquisition on Aua st 12, 1998 with Council File #98-752.
�s The value of the property for 1086-90 Igiehart Ave. is Two Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars
ie ($225,000.00), and 316 I.exington Pazkway is Four Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($420,000) this
i� being a fair and reasonable value as determined by an independent appraiser; and
ie WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the
zo recommended values;
zz NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper Ciry officials aze hereby authorized and
zs directed to pay Talmage G. and Theresia K. Carey (1086-90 Iglehart Ave.) the sum of $225,000.00 and
za Lexington 94 Partnership (316 Lexington Pazkway N.) the sum of $420,000 for the purchase of said
u property. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: C98-3H021-0881-34141.
Requested by Department of:
Technoloev & Manaeement Services
B : `��2��U�'�
Form Appr ved by City Attorney
B �`.�r► �✓��. 6- 3- gc
by Mayor
Council File # �l�l 5(E�
Green Sheet #
to Council
T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 2 999 Gr en S eet Number: 63736
EPARiMZYlOIRE S I �� 4 C(ryCqllryCp,
ontact Peison a¢d Phone Number: —'
— , .,�� 6 . ��
Peter White 266-8550 ° �Ero�u�oR 2 &MCI.SVCOIX.
ust be on Council A enda by: June 16,1999
ign Council Resolufion authorizing the purchase 2 parcels of property for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center
cquisi6on and Redevelopment Project Council File # 98-752 (Attached)
eurvnmc wMmm�on �_ srnen , gys �.ry person/firm ever worked under a coatract for this department? YES NO
c�ra sr.�vice rnmm��on . Has this pexsoNfirm evu been a City emploqee? YES NO
c�e c«nmrir� . Does this person/Srm possess a s1tiR not nonually possessed by any
laia all YES answers on a se arate s6eet and attach.
elp Stabilize and strengthen the
1'fIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTfJNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?):
he Jimmy Lee Rec. Center facility needs improvements to help stabilize and strengthen the community.
he City will be able to develop site with neighborhoods park amenities including landscaping, ball fields, and
dditional parking and will make future building expansion possible.
he City will be unable to expanded the site for neighborhood programs.
OTAL AMOi3NT OF'TRANSACTION: �(QS�OOO cosTr�v�vuE svnc�n tcmcLE orrE� �s xo
aresouxcE: CDBG A�TIV�'yN°"ffi�x° C983H021-0881-34141
GlSft+fi;� . ..,r v:: oa a ..s
.. � ... .�...�
In the Matter oE condemning and taking o£ property rights as required for the Jimmy
Lee Recreation Center Acquisition and Redevelopment (C98-3H021) , such pro ert
rights described as follows:
Lots 3 thru 14 and Lots 17 thm 28 Block 2 A. B. Wilgus Addition to The City oF St. Pau1,
North 50 feet of West 113 feet of part south of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in
Township 29 Range 23;
South 50 feet of North ] 10 feet of West 113 feet of part East of Lexington Pkwy and South of Rondo Ave, of Lots 9 and 10, Buel &
Mackubin Out lou in Township 29 Range 23;
Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 [hru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent following and in said Buel and
Mackubin Out Lots except North I 10 feet of West I 13 feet part South of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel
& Mackubin Out lots in Township 29 Range 23;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Except Lexington Pkwy North 47 32/100 feet of Sou[h 97 32/] 00 feet of L.ots 12, 13 and 14, Block Z;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision South 50 feet of I,ots 12 and 13, South 50 feet of East 33 feet of I.ot 14, Block 2.
under Preliminary Order � � �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improv�ent upon due notice,
and the Council having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative
thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said
improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby detesznines the estate required
for this improvement to be £ee simple, absolute and easements as described
above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and
directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or
eminent domain.
G�^s��. 4 S�
F E IQ _18 80
- - - -.. - - - '
- - - - _.�
Yeas Nays
Benanav._._ /-18Se�rr
� Blakey
,� Bostrom
.i Coleman
Adopted by Council
Date � /
,i Harris �i_�n Favor
✓ Lantry
,/ Reiter _(� Against
1 , - .�
I i
�,, , ;
�, ;
, �
, J
__; _______________________________________
{��AY 1 0 1999
1. Date: May 5, 1949
2. Location of the Real Estate 1Q86-90 Iglehart Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
The West'/� of Lot l l and all of Lots12 and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the
City of Saint Paul
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Paul - Real Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name and address of Seller: Theresia K. and Talmage C. Carey
1174 County Road D.
Maplewood, MN 55109
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $225,000
6. The first half 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd half will be paid by the Buyer.
Any assessments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be withheld from the
purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 1999.
7. Seller shall pay all assessments levied and pending against said property as of the date of closing.
8. Seller shall convey marketable fee title to the City by Warranry Deed.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 2
9. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within thirry days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title and/or an Owner's Certificate of Title. Seller agrees, at Sellers's cost and expense,
to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitrnent
to Insure" title examination report.
10. Closing shall occur within 60 days after 1999 CommunityDevelopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds
become available for disbursement by the City, and in any event closing shall be no later than
september 1, 1999. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of
the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay all closing costs.
11. The Seller wi11 provide to the City a list of the names and addresses of a11 Tenants at 1086-9Q
Iglehart Avenue.
12. The Seller understands that the City is required and will give 90 day no$ce (from date of a signed
purchase agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
13. Seller shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or
permitted the use of the subject property as a hazazdous waste disposal facility as defined in section
115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1983, and that there is no basis to
conclude that this property has been subject to or contaminated by the release of any hazardous sub-
stance, hazazdous waste, poilutants of contaminants as defined in Section 115B.02 of the Minnesota
l4. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and
the conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall,
to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closing and the
conveyance of iitle io the property.
15. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Saint Paul City Council.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 3
Date: !///�/�h�'' �'�'I�'�
Date: %���� 9�
Date: �"� '���)
5 9-56 a
1. Date: May 27, 1999
2. Lucation of the Real Estate 316 I�xington Pukway N.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
Attached Hereco As Exhibi[ "A"
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Faul - Reai Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Faul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name a»d address of Seller: I..exiz�, on 94
9134 �lyway Circle
Eden Prairiz, M�i 55347
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $420,000
6. Real Estate T�ixes: The fizst haff 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd haIF will be
paid by the Buyer. Any assossments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be
withheld from the purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 19?9.
7. Seller shall pay aii assessments levied aad pending against said pcoperty as of the date of closing.
8. Type of Conveyance required: Scllcr shall convey marketuble Fee title to the CiLy by Warranty
Deed. (Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of xecord, if any)
9. Seller sha11 provide the Buyez, within fourteen days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title andlor an Uxner's Certificzte of Title. Saller agrees, at Sellers s cost and expense,
to correct or removc any exeeption or "cicuds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's °Comsnitment
to ffisure" title examination report.
CR/�G'.a �r-.�T ccct_i�_tu�.i
9 9-56a.
Purchase A,greement
315 Lexington Parkway
Page 2
10. Closing shall occur on or after Sepiember 1,1999 wfien 1999 CDBG Funds become avaitable and
zfter the building has b�en va:ated by the Tenants, at which time the title co the premises shall be
conveyed to thc City. The Closing dste may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreemen� of
tfi� par[ies hereso. Buper shall pay ali closing eoscs norma[ly paid by buyer.
11. The amount duc at closing is $250,000, the remaining $170,d00 on Scptember 1, 2000 with an
interest rat� of 8% per annum calculated from che date of closing to Septemher 1, 2000
X2. Seaier shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, in3icating that the Seller has not used or
pennitced the use of the subject properry as a hazardous waste disposai facility as defined in section
I15A.+�3 Subd. 10 af G7:apter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1933, and that thcrc is no basis to
conclude that ttvs propeny has been subject to or contaminated by the releasa of any hazasdous sub-
stsnce, hazazdous waste, pollntants of contaminants as de�ned in Scction 12 SB.02 of the Minnesota
13. A11 wxuranties �nd represemations czxade znttais Purchase Agr�ement shall survive the closing and the
conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and a11 obligations provided shall. to
the extynt not Fuily satis£ied and perfonned by or through the Cioseng, survive the cIosing and thc
conveyance of tltle ko tfie property.
14. The Seiler wiil provide ro the Citp a list of the all Tenants with their apartment number� and nuraber
of occupants.
15. The SelIer uaderstands that the City is required an.d will give 90 day aotice (from date of a signed
purcha.se agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
16. Tn the ev�nt any of the existing tenants movc from any of the units or a anit is �acant as a£ June 1,
I999 the sellers agree that they will noc rent the unit to any ocher party.
17. The Ciry agrees that for au�y unit where the tenant moves prior to closing and any unit that is vacant
p�r the dat� of ihis purchase agreement the City wiil reimburse tho sellers for the lost rent from the
date the progerty is vacant to the date of closing. The reimbursement will be hased on the rent
actually paid by the tenant. Tne sellers will provide documentation for the amount of the rent and
the datc of the vacancy.
18- The Seller sha11 provide the City with a list of tenants, (the rent paid anti number of bedrooms) as the
date of the purchase agreement.
14. This puzct�ase agreement is subject to The Saint Paul City Council approvnl, Buyer will obtain thSs
approva2 by June 30, 1999
20. TheRight-of-WayEngineerhastheauthoritytobindtheCiryofSaintPa�linexecutingthispurchase
agree:xtent, subject only to the approval of the Saint Pau] City Council
S0/£9' d ZP �ZT� 666L-L2-J.ti`�1
95-56 ar
Purchase Agreement
316 Lexington Parkway
Page 3
�,Yi.�/� Y'�+-J ` /� 7�/��C'i,�ir/�c-�i .� ,�iF/1-��lic�T2.-s'�l/�
By: � 2u���i1�0 ��� Date: /�C�-?� �9��
B �/��� G{ �e�o��u�u„� ��� Dace: ' ' �"". a 7 / �!' `(� J r
BY� � Aate: � � t 1
Right- f-Way Engineer
SB�DO'd £4:25 666t-L�-ntiW
S@'d ZdlU1
Parcel 1, lots f2, �3 and 14, Siock 2, G. V. gecon's Subdfvtsion excapt the South 97_3?_ feet
theraof and except the West 7 feat ot Lot 14 In Lexington Parkway. '
Parcel 2. Afl [hat tract of land consisting o( those parts of Lots 9 and 10 ot Buel & Mackubin Out
Gots ln Township 29 ot Rangs 23 lylnd Southerly ot Rondo Street and Eest of Laxing[on Avanue
in tha City oS Sa's3�t Paut, saSd Counly and 51ate, exCEpt lhe Westarty 113 �eeY of ihe Northerly i 10
fesi lhereot, as safd slreels and avenues hava been latd out, wi0enad and as tltey are now in (he
City of St. Pau� sub)ect to the riyht ot inyress anci egress over and across the Eest 2'I.E teet o�
the wgsl 134.8 ieet of tfie Norih 1'l0 feet of lhose paris o( sald Lots 9 and i0 tying Soulherly of
t�ondo Streat ond East ot t,exington Avsnue as sald streels and avenues have been faid out,
widened and as U�ey are now in ihe City ot Safnt Paul.
Parcel3. Lots 10 and 11, 61ock 2, O. V. Bacon's Subdlvlsion, excepi the South 97.32 feet ot sald
bls and except part c! said lot 10 3ying �sst ot a Southerly extenslon ot the East Ilne ot Lot 9 ot
"8uel & Macl<ubin' Oul Lots, in Town 29, Ranpe 23.
Return copy to: (bn)
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Pcuented By
Refeaed To
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured agreements for
the purchase (attached) of two parcels of real property, described as follows:
1086-90 Iglehart Ave.
W Ih of L.ot ll and a11 of Lots 12, and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the City of Saint Paul
� 316 I.exington Pazkway
s Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 thru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent
v following and in said Buel and Mackubin Out Lots except North 110 feet of West ll3 feet part South of
�o Rondo Ave. and East of I.exington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in Township 29
ii Range 23;
is WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for Jimmy L,ee Acquisition and Re-development
ta Project, said property was Final Ordered for acquisition on Aua st 12, 1998 with Council File #98-752.
�s The value of the property for 1086-90 Igiehart Ave. is Two Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars
ie ($225,000.00), and 316 I.exington Pazkway is Four Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($420,000) this
i� being a fair and reasonable value as determined by an independent appraiser; and
ie WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the
zo recommended values;
zz NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper Ciry officials aze hereby authorized and
zs directed to pay Talmage G. and Theresia K. Carey (1086-90 Iglehart Ave.) the sum of $225,000.00 and
za Lexington 94 Partnership (316 Lexington Pazkway N.) the sum of $420,000 for the purchase of said
u property. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: C98-3H021-0881-34141.
Requested by Department of:
Technoloev & Manaeement Services
B : `��2��U�'�
Form Appr ved by City Attorney
B �`.�r► �✓��. 6- 3- gc
by Mayor
Council File # �l�l 5(E�
Green Sheet #
to Council
T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 2 999 Gr en S eet Number: 63736
EPARiMZYlOIRE S I �� 4 C(ryCqllryCp,
ontact Peison a¢d Phone Number: —'
— , .,�� 6 . ��
Peter White 266-8550 ° �Ero�u�oR 2 &MCI.SVCOIX.
ust be on Council A enda by: June 16,1999
ign Council Resolufion authorizing the purchase 2 parcels of property for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center
cquisi6on and Redevelopment Project Council File # 98-752 (Attached)
eurvnmc wMmm�on �_ srnen , gys �.ry person/firm ever worked under a coatract for this department? YES NO
c�ra sr.�vice rnmm��on . Has this pexsoNfirm evu been a City emploqee? YES NO
c�e c«nmrir� . Does this person/Srm possess a s1tiR not nonually possessed by any
laia all YES answers on a se arate s6eet and attach.
elp Stabilize and strengthen the
1'fIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTfJNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?):
he Jimmy Lee Rec. Center facility needs improvements to help stabilize and strengthen the community.
he City will be able to develop site with neighborhoods park amenities including landscaping, ball fields, and
dditional parking and will make future building expansion possible.
he City will be unable to expanded the site for neighborhood programs.
OTAL AMOi3NT OF'TRANSACTION: �(QS�OOO cosTr�v�vuE svnc�n tcmcLE orrE� �s xo
aresouxcE: CDBG A�TIV�'yN°"ffi�x° C983H021-0881-34141
GlSft+fi;� . ..,r v:: oa a ..s
.. � ... .�...�
In the Matter oE condemning and taking o£ property rights as required for the Jimmy
Lee Recreation Center Acquisition and Redevelopment (C98-3H021) , such pro ert
rights described as follows:
Lots 3 thru 14 and Lots 17 thm 28 Block 2 A. B. Wilgus Addition to The City oF St. Pau1,
North 50 feet of West 113 feet of part south of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in
Township 29 Range 23;
South 50 feet of North ] 10 feet of West 113 feet of part East of Lexington Pkwy and South of Rondo Ave, of Lots 9 and 10, Buel &
Mackubin Out lou in Township 29 Range 23;
Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 [hru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent following and in said Buel and
Mackubin Out Lots except North I 10 feet of West I 13 feet part South of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel
& Mackubin Out lots in Township 29 Range 23;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Except Lexington Pkwy North 47 32/100 feet of Sou[h 97 32/] 00 feet of L.ots 12, 13 and 14, Block Z;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision South 50 feet of I,ots 12 and 13, South 50 feet of East 33 feet of I.ot 14, Block 2.
under Preliminary Order � � �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improv�ent upon due notice,
and the Council having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative
thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said
improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby detesznines the estate required
for this improvement to be £ee simple, absolute and easements as described
above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and
directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or
eminent domain.
G�^s��. 4 S�
F E IQ _18 80
- - - -.. - - - '
- - - - _.�
Yeas Nays
Benanav._._ /-18Se�rr
� Blakey
,� Bostrom
.i Coleman
Adopted by Council
Date � /
,i Harris �i_�n Favor
✓ Lantry
,/ Reiter _(� Against
1 , - .�
I i
�,, , ;
�, ;
, �
, J
__; _______________________________________
{��AY 1 0 1999
1. Date: May 5, 1949
2. Location of the Real Estate 1Q86-90 Iglehart Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
The West'/� of Lot l l and all of Lots12 and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the
City of Saint Paul
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Paul - Real Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name and address of Seller: Theresia K. and Talmage C. Carey
1174 County Road D.
Maplewood, MN 55109
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $225,000
6. The first half 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd half will be paid by the Buyer.
Any assessments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be withheld from the
purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 1999.
7. Seller shall pay all assessments levied and pending against said property as of the date of closing.
8. Seller shall convey marketable fee title to the City by Warranry Deed.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 2
9. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within thirry days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title and/or an Owner's Certificate of Title. Seller agrees, at Sellers's cost and expense,
to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitrnent
to Insure" title examination report.
10. Closing shall occur within 60 days after 1999 CommunityDevelopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds
become available for disbursement by the City, and in any event closing shall be no later than
september 1, 1999. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of
the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay all closing costs.
11. The Seller wi11 provide to the City a list of the names and addresses of a11 Tenants at 1086-9Q
Iglehart Avenue.
12. The Seller understands that the City is required and will give 90 day no$ce (from date of a signed
purchase agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
13. Seller shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or
permitted the use of the subject property as a hazazdous waste disposal facility as defined in section
115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1983, and that there is no basis to
conclude that this property has been subject to or contaminated by the release of any hazardous sub-
stance, hazazdous waste, poilutants of contaminants as defined in Section 115B.02 of the Minnesota
l4. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and
the conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall,
to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closing and the
conveyance of iitle io the property.
15. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Saint Paul City Council.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 3
Date: !///�/�h�'' �'�'I�'�
Date: %���� 9�
Date: �"� '���)
5 9-56 a
1. Date: May 27, 1999
2. Lucation of the Real Estate 316 I�xington Pukway N.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
Attached Hereco As Exhibi[ "A"
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Faul - Reai Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Faul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name a»d address of Seller: I..exiz�, on 94
9134 �lyway Circle
Eden Prairiz, M�i 55347
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $420,000
6. Real Estate T�ixes: The fizst haff 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd haIF will be
paid by the Buyer. Any assossments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be
withheld from the purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 19?9.
7. Seller shall pay aii assessments levied aad pending against said pcoperty as of the date of closing.
8. Type of Conveyance required: Scllcr shall convey marketuble Fee title to the CiLy by Warranty
Deed. (Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of xecord, if any)
9. Seller sha11 provide the Buyez, within fourteen days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title andlor an Uxner's Certificzte of Title. Saller agrees, at Sellers s cost and expense,
to correct or removc any exeeption or "cicuds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's °Comsnitment
to ffisure" title examination report.
CR/�G'.a �r-.�T ccct_i�_tu�.i
9 9-56a.
Purchase A,greement
315 Lexington Parkway
Page 2
10. Closing shall occur on or after Sepiember 1,1999 wfien 1999 CDBG Funds become avaitable and
zfter the building has b�en va:ated by the Tenants, at which time the title co the premises shall be
conveyed to thc City. The Closing dste may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreemen� of
tfi� par[ies hereso. Buper shall pay ali closing eoscs norma[ly paid by buyer.
11. The amount duc at closing is $250,000, the remaining $170,d00 on Scptember 1, 2000 with an
interest rat� of 8% per annum calculated from che date of closing to Septemher 1, 2000
X2. Seaier shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, in3icating that the Seller has not used or
pennitced the use of the subject properry as a hazardous waste disposai facility as defined in section
I15A.+�3 Subd. 10 af G7:apter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1933, and that thcrc is no basis to
conclude that ttvs propeny has been subject to or contaminated by the releasa of any hazasdous sub-
stsnce, hazazdous waste, pollntants of contaminants as de�ned in Scction 12 SB.02 of the Minnesota
13. A11 wxuranties �nd represemations czxade znttais Purchase Agr�ement shall survive the closing and the
conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and a11 obligations provided shall. to
the extynt not Fuily satis£ied and perfonned by or through the Cioseng, survive the cIosing and thc
conveyance of tltle ko tfie property.
14. The Seiler wiil provide ro the Citp a list of the all Tenants with their apartment number� and nuraber
of occupants.
15. The SelIer uaderstands that the City is required an.d will give 90 day aotice (from date of a signed
purcha.se agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
16. Tn the ev�nt any of the existing tenants movc from any of the units or a anit is �acant as a£ June 1,
I999 the sellers agree that they will noc rent the unit to any ocher party.
17. The Ciry agrees that for au�y unit where the tenant moves prior to closing and any unit that is vacant
p�r the dat� of ihis purchase agreement the City wiil reimburse tho sellers for the lost rent from the
date the progerty is vacant to the date of closing. The reimbursement will be hased on the rent
actually paid by the tenant. Tne sellers will provide documentation for the amount of the rent and
the datc of the vacancy.
18- The Seller sha11 provide the City with a list of tenants, (the rent paid anti number of bedrooms) as the
date of the purchase agreement.
14. This puzct�ase agreement is subject to The Saint Paul City Council approvnl, Buyer will obtain thSs
approva2 by June 30, 1999
20. TheRight-of-WayEngineerhastheauthoritytobindtheCiryofSaintPa�linexecutingthispurchase
agree:xtent, subject only to the approval of the Saint Pau] City Council
S0/£9' d ZP �ZT� 666L-L2-J.ti`�1
95-56 ar
Purchase Agreement
316 Lexington Parkway
Page 3
�,Yi.�/� Y'�+-J ` /� 7�/��C'i,�ir/�c-�i .� ,�iF/1-��lic�T2.-s'�l/�
By: � 2u���i1�0 ��� Date: /�C�-?� �9��
B �/��� G{ �e�o��u�u„� ��� Dace: ' ' �"". a 7 / �!' `(� J r
BY� � Aate: � � t 1
Right- f-Way Engineer
SB�DO'd £4:25 666t-L�-ntiW
S@'d ZdlU1
Parcel 1, lots f2, �3 and 14, Siock 2, G. V. gecon's Subdfvtsion excapt the South 97_3?_ feet
theraof and except the West 7 feat ot Lot 14 In Lexington Parkway. '
Parcel 2. Afl [hat tract of land consisting o( those parts of Lots 9 and 10 ot Buel & Mackubin Out
Gots ln Township 29 ot Rangs 23 lylnd Southerly ot Rondo Street and Eest of Laxing[on Avanue
in tha City oS Sa's3�t Paut, saSd Counly and 51ate, exCEpt lhe Westarty 113 �eeY of ihe Northerly i 10
fesi lhereot, as safd slreels and avenues hava been latd out, wi0enad and as tltey are now in (he
City of St. Pau� sub)ect to the riyht ot inyress anci egress over and across the Eest 2'I.E teet o�
the wgsl 134.8 ieet of tfie Norih 1'l0 feet of lhose paris o( sald Lots 9 and i0 tying Soulherly of
t�ondo Streat ond East ot t,exington Avsnue as sald streels and avenues have been faid out,
widened and as U�ey are now in ihe City ot Safnt Paul.
Parcel3. Lots 10 and 11, 61ock 2, O. V. Bacon's Subdlvlsion, excepi the South 97.32 feet ot sald
bls and except part c! said lot 10 3ying �sst ot a Southerly extenslon ot the East Ilne ot Lot 9 ot
"8uel & Macl<ubin' Oul Lots, in Town 29, Ranpe 23.
Return copy to: (bn)
Real Estate Division
140 City Hall
Pcuented By
Refeaed To
WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Valuation Engineer, has secured agreements for
the purchase (attached) of two parcels of real property, described as follows:
1086-90 Iglehart Ave.
W Ih of L.ot ll and a11 of Lots 12, and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the City of Saint Paul
� 316 I.exington Pazkway
s Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 thru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent
v following and in said Buel and Mackubin Out Lots except North 110 feet of West ll3 feet part South of
�o Rondo Ave. and East of I.exington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in Township 29
ii Range 23;
is WHEREAS, said property described is necessary for Jimmy L,ee Acquisition and Re-development
ta Project, said property was Final Ordered for acquisition on Aua st 12, 1998 with Council File #98-752.
�s The value of the property for 1086-90 Igiehart Ave. is Two Hundred Twenty Five Thousand Dollars
ie ($225,000.00), and 316 I.exington Pazkway is Four Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars ($420,000) this
i� being a fair and reasonable value as determined by an independent appraiser; and
ie WHEREAS, the Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said properties at the
zo recommended values;
zz NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper Ciry officials aze hereby authorized and
zs directed to pay Talmage G. and Theresia K. Carey (1086-90 Iglehart Ave.) the sum of $225,000.00 and
za Lexington 94 Partnership (316 Lexington Pazkway N.) the sum of $420,000 for the purchase of said
u property. Said sum to be charged to Activity Code: C98-3H021-0881-34141.
Requested by Department of:
Technoloev & Manaeement Services
B : `��2��U�'�
Form Appr ved by City Attorney
B �`.�r► �✓��. 6- 3- gc
by Mayor
Council File # �l�l 5(E�
Green Sheet #
to Council
T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: June 2 999 Gr en S eet Number: 63736
EPARiMZYlOIRE S I �� 4 C(ryCqllryCp,
ontact Peison a¢d Phone Number: —'
— , .,�� 6 . ��
Peter White 266-8550 ° �Ero�u�oR 2 &MCI.SVCOIX.
ust be on Council A enda by: June 16,1999
ign Council Resolufion authorizing the purchase 2 parcels of property for the Jimmy Lee Rec. Center
cquisi6on and Redevelopment Project Council File # 98-752 (Attached)
eurvnmc wMmm�on �_ srnen , gys �.ry person/firm ever worked under a coatract for this department? YES NO
c�ra sr.�vice rnmm��on . Has this pexsoNfirm evu been a City emploqee? YES NO
c�e c«nmrir� . Does this person/Srm possess a s1tiR not nonually possessed by any
laia all YES answers on a se arate s6eet and attach.
elp Stabilize and strengthen the
1'fIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTfJNITY (Who, Whay When, Where, Why?):
he Jimmy Lee Rec. Center facility needs improvements to help stabilize and strengthen the community.
he City will be able to develop site with neighborhoods park amenities including landscaping, ball fields, and
dditional parking and will make future building expansion possible.
he City will be unable to expanded the site for neighborhood programs.
OTAL AMOi3NT OF'TRANSACTION: �(QS�OOO cosTr�v�vuE svnc�n tcmcLE orrE� �s xo
aresouxcE: CDBG A�TIV�'yN°"ffi�x° C983H021-0881-34141
GlSft+fi;� . ..,r v:: oa a ..s
.. � ... .�...�
In the Matter oE condemning and taking o£ property rights as required for the Jimmy
Lee Recreation Center Acquisition and Redevelopment (C98-3H021) , such pro ert
rights described as follows:
Lots 3 thru 14 and Lots 17 thm 28 Block 2 A. B. Wilgus Addition to The City oF St. Pau1,
North 50 feet of West 113 feet of part south of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel & Mackubin Out lots in
Township 29 Range 23;
South 50 feet of North ] 10 feet of West 113 feet of part East of Lexington Pkwy and South of Rondo Ave, of Lots 9 and 10, Buel &
Mackubin Out lou in Township 29 Range 23;
Except South 97 32/100 feet part of lots 10 [hru 14 Block 2, G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Adjacent following and in said Buel and
Mackubin Out Lots except North I 10 feet of West I 13 feet part South of Rondo Ave. and East of Lexington Pkwy of Lots 9 and 10, Buel
& Mackubin Out lots in Township 29 Range 23;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision Except Lexington Pkwy North 47 32/100 feet of Sou[h 97 32/] 00 feet of L.ots 12, 13 and 14, Block Z;
G. V. Bacon's Subdivision South 50 feet of I,ots 12 and 13, South 50 feet of East 33 feet of I.ot 14, Block 2.
under Preliminary Order � � �
A public hearing having been had upon the above improv�ent upon due notice,
and the Council having heard a11 persons, objections and recommendations relative
thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said
improvement to be made.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Council hereby detesznines the estate required
for this improvement to be £ee simple, absolute and easements as described
above; and the City officers and City Attorney are hereby authorized and
directed to take all actions necessary to acquire said real estate by purchase or
eminent domain.
G�^s��. 4 S�
F E IQ _18 80
- - - -.. - - - '
- - - - _.�
Yeas Nays
Benanav._._ /-18Se�rr
� Blakey
,� Bostrom
.i Coleman
Adopted by Council
Date � /
,i Harris �i_�n Favor
✓ Lantry
,/ Reiter _(� Against
1 , - .�
I i
�,, , ;
�, ;
, �
, J
__; _______________________________________
{��AY 1 0 1999
1. Date: May 5, 1949
2. Location of the Real Estate 1Q86-90 Iglehart Ave.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
The West'/� of Lot l l and all of Lots12 and 13, Block 2, A. B. Wilgus Addition to the
City of Saint Paul
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Paul - Real Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Kellogg Blvd.
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name and address of Seller: Theresia K. and Talmage C. Carey
1174 County Road D.
Maplewood, MN 55109
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $225,000
6. The first half 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd half will be paid by the Buyer.
Any assessments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be withheld from the
purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 1999.
7. Seller shall pay all assessments levied and pending against said property as of the date of closing.
8. Seller shall convey marketable fee title to the City by Warranry Deed.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 2
9. Seller shall provide the Buyer, within thirry days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title and/or an Owner's Certificate of Title. Seller agrees, at Sellers's cost and expense,
to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitrnent
to Insure" title examination report.
10. Closing shall occur within 60 days after 1999 CommunityDevelopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds
become available for disbursement by the City, and in any event closing shall be no later than
september 1, 1999. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of
the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay all closing costs.
11. The Seller wi11 provide to the City a list of the names and addresses of a11 Tenants at 1086-9Q
Iglehart Avenue.
12. The Seller understands that the City is required and will give 90 day no$ce (from date of a signed
purchase agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
13. Seller shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or
permitted the use of the subject property as a hazazdous waste disposal facility as defined in section
115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1983, and that there is no basis to
conclude that this property has been subject to or contaminated by the release of any hazardous sub-
stance, hazazdous waste, poilutants of contaminants as defined in Section 115B.02 of the Minnesota
l4. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and
the conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall,
to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closing and the
conveyance of iitle io the property.
15. This agreement is subject to the approval of the Saint Paul City Council.
Purchase Agreement
1086-90 Iglehart
Page 3
Date: !///�/�h�'' �'�'I�'�
Date: %���� 9�
Date: �"� '���)
5 9-56 a
1. Date: May 27, 1999
2. Lucation of the Real Estate 316 I�xington Pukway N.
Saint Paul, MN 55104
3. Legal Description of the sale property:
Attached Hereco As Exhibi[ "A"
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: City of Saint Faul - Reai Estate Division
140 City Hall - 15 W. Keliogg Blvd.
Saint Faul, Minnesota 55102
b) Name a»d address of Seller: I..exiz�, on 94
9134 �lyway Circle
Eden Prairiz, M�i 55347
5. Purchase price accepted by Seller: $420,000
6. Real Estate T�ixes: The fizst haff 1999 payable taxes will be paid by seller and the 2nd haIF will be
paid by the Buyer. Any assossments, taxes, and liens not paid as of the date of closing, will be
withheld from the purchase price. Buyer shall pay all taxes payable after 19?9.
7. Seller shall pay aii assessments levied aad pending against said pcoperty as of the date of closing.
8. Type of Conveyance required: Scllcr shall convey marketuble Fee title to the CiLy by Warranty
Deed. (Subject to restrictions, reservations and easements of xecord, if any)
9. Seller sha11 provide the Buyez, within fourteen days of signing this Purchase Agreement, an updated
Abstract of Title andlor an Uxner's Certificzte of Title. Saller agrees, at Sellers s cost and expense,
to correct or removc any exeeption or "cicuds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's °Comsnitment
to ffisure" title examination report.
CR/�G'.a �r-.�T ccct_i�_tu�.i
9 9-56a.
Purchase A,greement
315 Lexington Parkway
Page 2
10. Closing shall occur on or after Sepiember 1,1999 wfien 1999 CDBG Funds become avaitable and
zfter the building has b�en va:ated by the Tenants, at which time the title co the premises shall be
conveyed to thc City. The Closing dste may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreemen� of
tfi� par[ies hereso. Buper shall pay ali closing eoscs norma[ly paid by buyer.
11. The amount duc at closing is $250,000, the remaining $170,d00 on Scptember 1, 2000 with an
interest rat� of 8% per annum calculated from che date of closing to Septemher 1, 2000
X2. Seaier shall provide an affidavit on the date of closing, in3icating that the Seller has not used or
pennitced the use of the subject properry as a hazardous waste disposai facility as defined in section
I15A.+�3 Subd. 10 af G7:apter 121 of the Laws of Minnesota of 1933, and that thcrc is no basis to
conclude that ttvs propeny has been subject to or contaminated by the releasa of any hazasdous sub-
stsnce, hazazdous waste, pollntants of contaminants as de�ned in Scction 12 SB.02 of the Minnesota
13. A11 wxuranties �nd represemations czxade znttais Purchase Agr�ement shall survive the closing and the
conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and a11 obligations provided shall. to
the extynt not Fuily satis£ied and perfonned by or through the Cioseng, survive the cIosing and thc
conveyance of tltle ko tfie property.
14. The Seiler wiil provide ro the Citp a list of the all Tenants with their apartment number� and nuraber
of occupants.
15. The SelIer uaderstands that the City is required an.d will give 90 day aotice (from date of a signed
purcha.se agreement) to the Tenants to vacate the building.
16. Tn the ev�nt any of the existing tenants movc from any of the units or a anit is �acant as a£ June 1,
I999 the sellers agree that they will noc rent the unit to any ocher party.
17. The Ciry agrees that for au�y unit where the tenant moves prior to closing and any unit that is vacant
p�r the dat� of ihis purchase agreement the City wiil reimburse tho sellers for the lost rent from the
date the progerty is vacant to the date of closing. The reimbursement will be hased on the rent
actually paid by the tenant. Tne sellers will provide documentation for the amount of the rent and
the datc of the vacancy.
18- The Seller sha11 provide the City with a list of tenants, (the rent paid anti number of bedrooms) as the
date of the purchase agreement.
14. This puzct�ase agreement is subject to The Saint Paul City Council approvnl, Buyer will obtain thSs
approva2 by June 30, 1999
20. TheRight-of-WayEngineerhastheauthoritytobindtheCiryofSaintPa�linexecutingthispurchase
agree:xtent, subject only to the approval of the Saint Pau] City Council
S0/£9' d ZP �ZT� 666L-L2-J.ti`�1
95-56 ar
Purchase Agreement
316 Lexington Parkway
Page 3
�,Yi.�/� Y'�+-J ` /� 7�/��C'i,�ir/�c-�i .� ,�iF/1-��lic�T2.-s'�l/�
By: � 2u���i1�0 ��� Date: /�C�-?� �9��
B �/��� G{ �e�o��u�u„� ��� Dace: ' ' �"". a 7 / �!' `(� J r
BY� � Aate: � � t 1
Right- f-Way Engineer
SB�DO'd £4:25 666t-L�-ntiW
S@'d ZdlU1
Parcel 1, lots f2, �3 and 14, Siock 2, G. V. gecon's Subdfvtsion excapt the South 97_3?_ feet
theraof and except the West 7 feat ot Lot 14 In Lexington Parkway. '
Parcel 2. Afl [hat tract of land consisting o( those parts of Lots 9 and 10 ot Buel & Mackubin Out
Gots ln Township 29 ot Rangs 23 lylnd Southerly ot Rondo Street and Eest of Laxing[on Avanue
in tha City oS Sa's3�t Paut, saSd Counly and 51ate, exCEpt lhe Westarty 113 �eeY of ihe Northerly i 10
fesi lhereot, as safd slreels and avenues hava been latd out, wi0enad and as tltey are now in (he
City of St. Pau� sub)ect to the riyht ot inyress anci egress over and across the Eest 2'I.E teet o�
the wgsl 134.8 ieet of tfie Norih 1'l0 feet of lhose paris o( sald Lots 9 and i0 tying Soulherly of
t�ondo Streat ond East ot t,exington Avsnue as sald streels and avenues have been faid out,
widened and as U�ey are now in ihe City ot Safnt Paul.
Parcel3. Lots 10 and 11, 61ock 2, O. V. Bacon's Subdlvlsion, excepi the South 97.32 feet ot sald
bls and except part c! said lot 10 3ying �sst ot a Southerly extenslon ot the East Ilne ot Lot 9 ot
"8uel & Macl<ubin' Oul Lots, in Town 29, Ranpe 23.