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WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �,/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. ��/�f�'° BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By r � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PARK N0. 10 WHEREAS, St. Paul Port Authority has submitted the attached proposed final plat for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City departments have reviewed the proposed final plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed final plat has been determined to meet the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this final plat for Riverview Industrial Park No. 10. CQUNCILMEN Yeas Drew Nays Requested by Department of: �� Planning and Eco mie Development Rettman � In Favor � Scheibel Sonnen -�-- A gai n s t BY -- Weida wilson $E,P 1 5 19� Adopted by Council: Date — Form Approved y City Att n Certified -ed by Council Se retary BY sy p Appr v by Mayor: D te r 1 7 �8�; Appro ayor for Sub `ion t Council PUB�ISI�D �t� 2 G 1981 PED DEPARTIN�NT �1�b �� ` O$e��4 y � - Allan Czaia CONTACT e/"O ����` � 228-3390 PHONE . _ - : re : : � e e 8-14-87 DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR. ROl1�ING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Si;anature) : . � Departrt�e�t` D�irector - ` 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � �r. ,City Clerk Budget Director i a11en Love�ov� City Attorney . HAT WILL� B� ACHIEYED BY TAKING AGTION QN THE A?TACHEp MATERIALS? (;Purpose/ . Rationale) : The fin�]..plat approval for Rivervi.e�r Industrial Park. No. 10.� The public hearing was held on 8-13-87. ��� . b ��\ RECEIVED . COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: "AU G �-8 ��a7 N,fA , _ _ . . _ �MA�GpR'� OFfICE , _{ � . cn-{ . .... . �� .. .� �s r :-rn -,� c� . rx � � - 3 tn t,�''i.t p, v FINANCING SOiIRCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUNBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's s��- � H ture no� re�' - �-� Total Amount of'Transaction: quired if under^° �� ' ��D�D�V� . C�` ; 'r Fu[�diqg 50.4.x'Ce:: _ r� F �T �N _� Activity Number: t � z� : ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : m = l. Resolution ' f�ECE�V��.,� 2. ,Staff repo.rt . _ 3. "Put���c hearing not�ce AU G 17 1987 4. Copy "of the final plat � � CITY AT��������Y DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Counc�l Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Attached: (SEE •REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � ' ��/�4� PLAT STAFF REPORT ___���e���a___ FILE #250 l . APPLICANT : St . Paul Port Authority ' DATE OF HEARING : 8-13-87 2 . LOCATION: Riverview Industrial Park . 3 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See plat 4 . PRESENT ZONING : I-1 , RC-4 ZONING CODE REFERENCE : 67 . 00 5 . STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT : DATE: 7-8-87 BY: Allan Czaia __�__=___i=s�s__��a�e�s_�_=______a_s�__��_�����___=�e�_������a�a_s�s=� �s���_���__�________________________________________��____��������_�_e A. PURPOSE : To consider the final plat approval of Riverview Industrial Park No . 10 . B . SITE & AREA CONDITIONS : This site is mainly flat and developed with industrial buildings . C . REOUIRED FINDINGS : 1 . All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. 2 . The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses . 3 . The area surrounding tY:e subdivision can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision. 4 . The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. 5 . The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site ' s important existing natural features , whenever possible . 6 . All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering the residents by peril from floods , erosion, continuously high water table , severe soil conditions or other menace . 7 . The subdivision can be economically served with public facilities and services . E . STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings , staff recommends approval of Riverview Industrial Park No . 10 . a � ' l�`t � APPLICATION FOR SUBDIYISION REVIEW -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL SUBDIYISION REVIEW # � saa�a=sasaazaaacassszEaasaaaaar=azz=xa�----a==mas=saaaaa=s=s=samassszz==�sasa====�saaaasa PROJECT NAME �`�lr ����.J !y �- ��' ��" � � d ,- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT S� .►.,Q o � G���---�2. _ � PROPERTY ADDRESS/LOCATION � //,�.►,-_.� ,r P Io �v . LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY S� -P � -� � <<��-� � APP L I CANT p�f ,�„ -� �, � COMP ANY �� t /.� F-� L� , � ADDRESS�ya S-f i('o�I�.- S-t'' - (ZIP) ��/c L PHONE �-�- `7 s Ga' L TYPE OF DIVISION: (Check one) LOT SPLIT PLAT: Preliminary Final Combined x RLS (4 or Fewer Tracts) RLS (Five or More Tracts) APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE DATE / - � " � 7 9 FEE PAID $ l��bD��� CITY AGENT � ' � �.,�.: � ,�� F-�� / /z �/� � �- ��.;�( �-Z`5-�� s�sc==ncaaaz=s==a=a=a==sczs==mc===ccc===aza�e==ascamma=aaxs===cc=am=aa=a===x=aamas=msanaza OFFICE USE ONLY PLNG DIST � LAND USE 7 b ZONING �"2- HISTORY TAX MAP z C� S PLANS DISTRIBUTED (� 2 6" �� RETURN BY Z-�' � - g 7 REVIEWED BY CONINfENTS � (continue on back) sss=a=aaaaz�aaaxaaszsaaaaazaaaaaccccaacsaaam===sa==aans:a=nnasaaaa:r�_a=ssaasa��ss=assaaas FOR STAFF USE ONLY Legal Notice Published City Council Hearing Date Approved/Denied 7/1/85 / (��'�-"�'1- /�y� ITIZEN PAR ICIPA I D S RI S W[w�FJ M } .O.t N ( _ �� A � 7 � � t w .n�c�o. �[ ~ "' t m A � 'O •� � � �` (� R 12. a �.- ,, ,.� . ,�Ea 6 � 5 . M .� , . �` �o ..wnrc rE F e� 6 �w�nro �e � � 4 �' w G � `�• S' '� � � � 4 i �Ew, R 45F ir �fAf R � 3 t `� ' �� � { ! � s a [ rw n 'oa� � s�.cn ' � `Mr,� r � �.w.... ►t I t• � {S .�.uwr �.Y , w i � �� I NY. � ■ � �w A t = � � F t � `' � q 4 � ` : �.�.. � : r = . � .\ ! �.M � M '� ` � i 6 .«�.,., .� � .,.. .� 1 a i a �[iF �'C �q � � - ..' \ � �+s. � � �...r ,� � � � r ; �a � � n 4,� ,� � 16� ,� ���s p �"� 3 a a e �, � . + � • * d w,o 14 =��. .. � , , � � g G- Q� ,. � , .� ' ,.�on... .z � K a � � � '/ � � � t � � � � t �° � 8 � � � ��` e . ■ y P '( p tl � � �' IW�M� �w+ � � C w M Q5 � d ' F� [ �NL ' � p15Q � � � y � � t' . eW'!r N � � � FLCGI! t S� �t ' } '` / �� � �'f p.__f ' .�. . . ^�-'�' �I e noo .000 �mo nn . �w CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANNING DISTRICTS 1.SUNRAY-BATTLECREEK-HIGHlJ00D T SIDE ST � 4. F S.PAYNE-PHALEN 6.NORTH END � . 7.THOMAS-DALE 8.SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY 9.WEST SEVENTH 10.COMO 11 .HAMLINE-MIDWAY 12.ST. ANTHONY 13.MERRIAM PK.-LEXINGTON HAMLINE 14.GROVELAND-MACALESTER 15.HIGHLAND � 16.SUMMIT HILL 17.DOWNTOWN � - 1�1 � r° ,:�r,.:: � � � /-' G // �- ��� \ � �%-_. A �� 7 S � I- ,t `� ` ��' .•�.� ��i:::,� � ��` . P�P/ ' . � - ;.�-. P�PO = :.:, :;*;,,�,'�1ir• �;ti?5; `'`. _- :.:�: v .�'�,�., �. y� _ _ _ t:'i;ii�:..��''!��7 � v I� �p V I V � , . J � \ � � • � \ � V � , .�� P • T . V V � � VO• � 0� V � v 1 � v PLpT 0 " � ♦ . ,� � C7 ', S ��. � �. — -- _ _ _ � _ �'� (A AREA MAP APPLICANT St. rau I rDr'� ,�lu��or�� LEGEND Y "' '� ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARY �- 1 �� SUBJECT PROPERTY ' PURPOSE r1�rA I PI a�7 �Or � � p i Tv VeI VI eW �In�, pprk ��� 0 ONE FAMILY P�ANNWG i �ISTRICT ' FILE N0. _ SBD �25� ¢ TWO FQMILY 3 DATE � � Z �R ��" � MULTIPLE FAMILY • � n COMMERCIAL SCALE : I'�= 200' NORTH � �'� �NDUSTRIAL MAP I�O. , SAINT PAUL pLANNII�G BOARD V VACANT � 0 , � , . : � . _ . ��-,�-� _______________________________ AGENDA ITEMS =______--____—_________—_________ ID#: C196 ] LtATE kEC.: C08/20/87] AGEMIiA L1ATE: C00/00/00] ITEM #: C ] ' SUBJECT: CFINAL FLAT APFROVAL—RIVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL PAFK N0. 10 ] , STAFF ASSIGMED: C �7' `�' ��a,� ] SIG:C 70UT—C ] TO CLERK:E99�t06�] 9���, ORIGINATOR:COED ] COMTACT:CALLAN CZAIA ] ACTION:C 7 C ] ORD/RES, #:C , ] FILED:C00/00/00 ] LOC.:C ] � � *'a� � � a� a� � � � a� � � FILE INFO: CRESOLUTION/F'LAT STAFF REF'ORT/FUBLIC HEARING MOTICE/GkEEN SHEET/ 7 C MAP ] C � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ � . , i �; � �Y� - � .� �,� . * � � � ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUB�IC HEARING NOTICE ZONING F��FD - __ ,, ,; i. - _ -=���� ., To: Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N 0. SBD 250 Representatives of District 3. PAGE PURPOSE To consider the final plat approval for Riverview Industrial Park #10. L 0 C A TI 0 N Fillmore Avenue at Plato Boulevard PETITIONER ST. PAUL PORT AUTHORITY H E A R I N G Thursday, August 13, i9s� �o:oo A.M. • Cit Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 298-4154 (Allan cZa;a) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal Description : On file. Notice sent 7-31-87 � ' ���+2 Y ��'s'tY�'� 4 t ; ' '.r7i '�"�':f �f` ��.h -� ,: a . s ,� �.+� .. � <iwS�� . 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T ...�. .:= � ,�, _ : . . . ..: � . �: q ...'{ �"�t� �� :�,�� �d - �'\� � ' - 'Dated July�29, 1987 _ ' ` � � - - _ , , - �.: ';- •. - - ' . �.a f y``S 'S'!U i R$'f+ { ... . � � . - . -xv'�� ` . ; 4 ,, - _ r Alb2� B. ��.30R � r ,.-,�d�����►. ���,�,� � �°, - - ^Q}'�'r+�'�`,t�� 7,+'�^ �` ." � City Elerk =�. " � , , _ F> . �, ,.` � , . �.r. � . � ^la' M Ye��y�1.�5 ��' �� ' -. . . ' . - . . M1e A ��`.. � . .. X �`5 f..� � ��'� 5 �1.. ..� .. � ' . ¢ � „ Y�At�gu�st� 1, I987) �. - . . . . � .: ._., . . . �.� � 5 �� . . , , . _ _ . „: . ,, . � ,_ :�.. . . ,,,- . _ ..�,.� .-.4� f _ � �� � . � � .y. ' -= '�� �. . .,� - - . ,�. �.: . F ... -. , . . � . . . . .. -- . . . • � 5.4, �j y ,/ � � � . - . �.R�,.:. . K . 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