87-1341 NiHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �'1�J CANARV - OEPARTMENT - �( / BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �+ • /� � Council Resolution �� � -�� �� Presented By .�'`�- Referr d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#53283) for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License applied for by Stephen W. Tackaberry DBA Stephen Tack Auto Sales at 1428 West 7th Street be and the same is hereby approved� with the following stipulations: No more than 20 cars on lot for sale. No vehicles parked on the street. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays �� Rettman [n Favor Scheibel Sonnen � Against By Weida W11SOri ,$Ep � 5 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa: ed by Council Se etary BY By A►p rove lVlavor: Date - � 7 ��U7 Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY �UBI.lSHEO :�E P � 6 1987 �,_z. � � ���g� ��-�-�3y� • DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST Applicant ��Q��en A). I A � Ii��pfrlJ Home Address �j��'� ��ry�r�c� �-iU . T-� � Business Name ��p��e�"c� ���� Home Phone _ ��� - �'1 $�� T'" ,,,n Business Address ���� (,�.� • '1�%- s-�. Type of License(s) a n� �D...v�(�. 1 Y`�y/ Business Phone �.Q� - �(� �� �,A�,�c�.�Q�Y' Public Hearing Date ° License I.D. # �'3 a�3 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Ct►ambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # n1/� v REVIEW DAT DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIID COMPUTER) COIrIl�SENTS �oved Not ed Housing � Bldg �.� 2p ��w.� I � �'� �'�.,.� � Code Enforcement � ! 3 �` 1 � ( ,�.�� . I Q Public Health � ' � , . 3 ' o � � Fire Prevention � 4 �13 �I ►� � � � Police `/) � � l� , City Attorney � � 1 �� � I �s I�-aN -a3- � � - v�a► � ��b� • � � 300 Foot Notice I i 1 License Inspector's Comments: ��� . I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. , CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: . . ��i���� CI"_'S' Or ST. PAui DE?ARThIIYT OF Fi iARCE AND MARAGe."!�"iT S�CFS L IC'IIV5 E AND PII�ST DNIS IOt7 'I'hese statement °or-1s are issued ia d�glicate. Plea.se ans�rer all questions Pully and completely. i:is appl:cation is thoroughly checked. Any Pslsification will be cause Por denial. �rn.c� te ��3 lg �� G )/ -V 1. A lication Por • � (� FP ���.s �Ceii p , (License) (Permit) 2. Name of applicant ��Qp�jPn �iJ. /GC�4�z��.� AR/� �'��'�HF��/9�/! A�T S�4Lf,.S , If e,pplicen� is/r,as been a ma._rried feaale, list ma.iden name /U�� �. Date of b irth �/ - 3-S"� F�e �`� Place oP birth ��r+�7��� ���,h�/ � 5. Are you a c'_ti.zen oP the United States _� Native Rature.lized 5. Are you a registered voter _ C�PS Where ��c,-js•E ��y '. Home address ' _ sF� 7 /-�vv,�► 60��� �vP. Hcme teZephane �� Q. Presen� business address ��. ��+ S7� Business telephone o?ToZB�/(U 9. Including yo+.zz� oresent business e 1 �l'� �N �S/ J� / �p aymen,., what business/e�lcyment have you `olloared .°or t�e past Pive years. Bus i ne s s/E.�r:Q loyment pddres$ /9v� ��� ��'�� �4'/P S .,.�c7yi✓,e�v C��i�e�J �5/c�.,/ /l O ' ry���,� G,-��� �-�/s 1C. Marriec' ��S'If ans�+�er is "ves'�, list name and address oP spouse 4.Ja''b4 �a ��'I n �—�C �Cl',�C'✓'Y�/ . � — — -- ;i. Kave you ever been arrested for an ofPense that has resu2ted in a corroiction? ��CJ If ans�+er is ",yes", list dates of arrests, r�rhere, charges, convictions and sentences. Date o.° arrest N/a 19 Where CFikF.GE CCNViCTIOI` S�� Date �` arrest 19 N�ere .. C�'v;RGr :,�N dI,:"':+" �E`'?'=:1Vr^ ---- - -. _ ��. ���i��� 12. List the ne.mes an3 a�?:�esses (i° rsaz'ried, name oY spouse also) o.° all pers cox-*�orat'_o�s, �2-''�ne='saips, associations or organizations Which in ar.y �Y h -�}I _��P�'�P H wi . - .. a, A �ortgage interest i� �he licensad pre:�ise, _r_,,,,� l� 7 v� o� v�e � �"� /�' .��1 �� / c �'' S b. A sect:rity interest in the licensed pr�mises, lic�nse, or Ptu'niahir,gs o� the �� r� `- licensed pzemise, �� c, A pro^�issory note for funds loaned Por the aperation of the licer.sed premise 6C h•,.r or the purchase of �he license, ,�����n - /4� � �, F�nancial?y contri�uted � th����{ v the oremise or the license it- self P'� e. Ar.�• ot'.^.er interest ei*�e� direct or in�irect, either .°inancial or other�rise i � ��� in the licensed premise or the license itsel_`, or�P� — I =�ttac�: a copy hereto of any arid a11 do�uments referred to in this affidavit. i�, Give names and addresses of t�o persons, residents oY St. Paul, Minnesota, who r ca,*� give in`or�ation concerning you. pDDRFSS � . Sf � ..�� �� ��� � ,.�,.� � �1�0. �� .SSiL fT��tn ` � Q/�ll�r ���''r�/ .f7`l�'�+� f �i�� �o �0�� �e�v�c�� vE �1o'�O l�- �'�' -S� �1�. Address o' premises °or Whi,ch License or Per�it is ma�de �7 � �/��, �_ ��� � ?one classi°ication -� Address '7 i5. �etween �at cross streets ��,.fti � Q� /�u�. �ihi^_h side of street.SW �P�^, " �/ -�k ��/PS� i6. �Ta�e unaer Which this business Will be conducted 7�T/J`ie� �?. Business telephone n�ber ������� 1?, Attac� to this application, a detailed desc:iption of the desi�n, location, and square _°oota�e oP the pre�nises to be iicensed SC°r. �D/J�y O� r.sf' � .�1 �r • �_What bLSiness H��. long I :re �remises now occupied . I i � Cr-�-i-�3yr ' . ' List license w�^ich v�u curr tly ho13,/ or °orrser� heZd, or a:ay have an intere � in o�P !�,' �e,. L. � P�ISP 21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yes No �, IP ans�rer is "yes", list dates and reaaons: ?_2. Do you have ar. interest of ariy type in a�y other business or business premises. I.° answer is "yes", list business, business address aad telephone number. �o I 23. I� b�s�ness is incorporated, give date of incorooration ,(�0 19 I and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes oP first meeting, f 2�+. List a11 oPficers oP the corporation giving their names, oPPice held, hame address, and home and business telephone numbers : 25. If business is oartnership, list partner(s) address and telephane n�bers: Name _�on� _ � Addreas Te1.Ao. 25. Is there ar�yone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? If answer is "yes", give name, home address, telephone nvmbers and ia what manner is tbeir interest: ,(,fd '7• Are you goin� to onerate this business personally � it not, v�o rri1Z operate it. R� Horae address Te1.Ao. • ,. ..� �, _,� _ � -.__ , . , . � � �7� /.��{/ Are you �oin� to cave a '�ana.Fer or assistaat in this business? I� ansWer i '�yes", give nac:e an� ho:ae address and home telephone number: Yame N� Home address Te1.No. � 29. Has any�ne you t;ave named in questions 22 throu�h 2.5 eve* been arrested? �f ans.rer is "yes", lis��e oY person, dates oP arrest, where, charges, convic- tions and sentence _ �t �,, _ �� �p. I e �j�✓I �• lqC1<C� �j �'�'�/ understand this premise may be in ; � spected by the police, �ire, health and other city officials at �s�y and a1I j �imes wnen the business is in aperation. i s 1 , State of �tinnesota) )SS County of Aamsey ) ignature oY Agplicant being first du�y sworn, deposes and says upon oath tha� he r�as read the °�regoing statement beariag his signatt:re and ?cnows the conter.�s thereo.°, and that the same is true of his awn know?edge except as to those aatters therein stated upor informati�n and belieY and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and svorn to bePoze me ���-� � �-��-��� — ,Signature o� Applicant �— this � day of lQ� ; � Nota, ✓fi'ublic, :' ount Minnesota v • _ '�!y c o�mi s s i on exo i re s � -��� JAP�fT A.OQALE�J IC--f:INNESOTA DAKOTA C0t1�ylY � MY COMnA.EXPIRES AUG.21, 1991 Y oi°�o ss . � ,,�-�7��� F �" S�L�vT P�,t,►L C ��'�T COU�I � LL City Clerk ��;� ���TG NO `�I��� 386 City Hall =� � ��`�o E �=�.�..'PLT CA�ZOI�- , �:�� . . , ��� Dear Property Owner: = � ' �� y�- 53283 Application for a Second Hand Dealer Motor Vehicle License ���.���L � _�a��C2�� Stephen W. Tackaberry D8A Stephen Tack Auto Saies � �C��TG� i42s w. 7th Street I � ---y 4 T September 15, 1987 9 :Q0 a.�. i'�ci.-�T�1C Cit� Councii Chambers, 3rd �1oor Cit� :2i1 - CJUL� 3ouse ay �icense aIId ??Z�lt �1V1510T1� �0D2iL�E.'IIC OL , _�2RC° 3ILQ , `�ana;ement Se:��ices, �oom 203 Ci�- aa1l. - Cour� :ouse �IO'�;C� S��IT � , Saiat Paui, u.innesoca 298-�056 I "'his date may �e chan�ed ��rithout t:12 cor_sent aTd/or tinewi ed�e of t�e License 3I1d DeL�liC �1VZSlOII. TC ?S SLga2St2Q �=�12� JOL Cc�� C;1L' r?��� CZerk' s Ot�ic� at 298-423 I �i you taish cony��at'_o-�. � . �- �7-��y/ � ' • ------------------------------- AGEMUA ITEMS —_ _------------------------- ID#: C190 ] DATE REC.: C08/�0/877 AGENL�A DATE: LQO/00/007 ITEM #: C ] SUAJECT: C�h111 HAND MOTOR VEHICLE DEALER — STEFHEM TACK AUTO SALES ] STAFF ASSIGNED: C ] SIG:C ]OUT—C ] TO CLERK:C08/�0/87] " , OftIGIMATOk:CLICEMSE DIVISIQN ] CONTACT:C ] ACTIOM:C ) C ] ORD/RES #:C ] FILED:C00/00/00 ] LOC.:C ] � � a� �t � � � � � �c � � �c � ' FILE IhIFO: CkESOLUTION/CHECKLIST/AF'FLICATION ] a C ] C ] �'� . � � \_ _ '� � - ' r" �,