87-1329 WHITE - GITV CLERK PINK, .- FI!CANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COURCII � GANARV - DEPARTMENT P���� BLUE - MAVOR File� NO. �� Coun i Resolution -- --�. ' ' -T- i Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFEFi OF VALLEY RECREATION PROPERTY FROM PHA TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL WHEREAS , the Public Housing Agency of the City of Saint Paul (the "PHA" ) has offered to transfer title to four parcels of property, commonly referred to as the "Valley Recreation" property, to the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, (the "City" ) ; and WHEREAS , the Division of Parks and Recreation, Department of Community Services , recommends acceptance of said property; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota, as follows: l . The City accepts transfer from the PHA by quit claim deed of the real estate legally described as follows : Lots l , 2, 3 and that part of 4 and 5 lying northerly of Fairview Street (now Jackson Street) , Block 20, "Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition to Saint Paul" , subject to streets, together with that part of Valley Street which accrued to said Lots by operation of law upon vacation thereof. Certificate No. 310317 Subject to the condition that if the premises hereby granted are not used as a public recreational facility or school , Grantor may enter and terminate the estate hereby created. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor _ __ Against � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �/'�'�'!'i "' "�� By Approved by Nlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — BY . . - �,e�7-�3.�� That part of Lot 1 , Block 7 , Mount Airy Homes Addition overlying: Lots l , 5, 6 , 7 , 8 and 9 , Block 15 , Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition; The vacated alley running North of the northerly lines of Lots l , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 and 6 , and south of the southerly lines of Lots 7 and 12, said alley commencing at the westerly line of Lot 6 extended and terminating at the easterly line of Lot 1 extended, Block 15 , Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition; The westerly one-half of vacated Wales Street from the southerly line extended of Lot 12 to the southerly line extended of Lot l , both in Block 15 Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition; The northerly one-half of vacated Valley Street from the westerly line extended of Lot 2, Block 7 , Mt. Airy Homes Addition to the mid-line extended of vacated Wales Street ; Lot 2 , Block 7 , Mount Airy Homes Rddition. Subject to the condition that if the premises hereby granted are not used as a public recre�tional facility or school , Grantor may enter and terminate the estate hereby created. Lot 1 , Block 7 of Mount Airy Homes Addition overlying, except alley; Lots 2 and 3 , Block 15 of Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition to St. Paul ; Certificate No. 311000 Subject to the condition that if the premises hereby granted are not used as a public recreational facility or school , Grantor may enter and terminate the estate hereby created. Lot l , Block 7 of Mount Airy Homes Addition overlying: Lot 4, Block 15 of Ashton and Sherburne ' s Addition to Saint Paul . Subject to alley. Certificate No. 311001 Subject to the condition that if the premises hereby granted are not used as a public recreational facility or school , Grantor may enter and terminate the estate hereby created. 2. WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK • - F�VANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �j CANARV - DEPARTMENT � �J BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � /`� �� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Dafe Out of Committee By Date 2. The City agrees to pay all costs associated with the transfer of said real estate from PHA to the City. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. CQUNCILMEN Yeas Drew Nays Requested by Department of: Nicosia /` [n Favor Rett�n Scheibel � L ��' Snnnen -- Against Weida wilson $�p j 0 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — / Certified Pass uncil Sec r By �('�^'�'Oi " /�'�"�– - B}' '�' ► Appro by Mayor: s ` `� �� Approv d by Mayor for Sub si t il g!!¢�4��:� �;_,' 1 � 1987 _ �� �iQ I C�yi.�� �__ _.. N° 010085 , aCommunity Services DEPa��rrr . � - -_ -- - - CONTAC��NAMB PflONE ` ,;: � DATE , ASSIGN NOMBER BOR SOtTTING ORDER: (See reverse side.) �epartnent Director 2 l�tayor (or Assistant) y Finance and Management Servicas Director � City Clerk _ Budget Director _ _ City Attorney _ �'_OTAL NiT1�IHER OF SIGNATI1kE PAGSS: 2 (Clip all locations for signature.) (�T WILL BE AGHIEVED B'� TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED 2�1ATERIALS? .(Purpose/Rationale) City �ui11 receive �itle to Valley Re.cre.ation Center fram PHA 1`���-�-� g� � CQST�BENEFIT. BUDGETARY. dl,,,,ND PERSONNLI. IMPACTS AAITIGIPATED: City to assume costs involv ed in transf er of prope.rty RECERIED , AU� 131�. 7 � n�a�r�b�c�E FINANCING SOUBCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NtTMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $10,000.) Total Amount of TransBction: Activity Nua►ber: Funding Source: ATTACt3MENTS: (List and number all attachments.) Council Resolution ADMINISTRATIVE PROGEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Procedu.res, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes _po If yes. are they or timetable attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW , CITY ATTQRNEY REVIEW X Yes _No Council resolution requiredt Resolution required? �Yes No _,Yes �No Insurance required7 Tnsu�ance sufffcient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? ���i3�� A G E N A M A T E R I A L S COUNCIL ID46 ��f DATE RECEIVED �/,ji�'� AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM �� SUBJECT ORIGINATOR `c�� CONTACT ;/ RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED DATE SENT TO CLERK �3 b' COUNCIL ACTION MASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE �����,��j�� . � DATE FILE CLOSED � �� , _ , : �;