87-1312 WMITE - CiTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIACII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L File NO. �~��/� Bl_UE - MAVOR Counc ' Reso ution � Presented By � � � � 0 Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby au-thorized and direc�ed to execute an agreement with the Minnesota State Agri- culi,ural Society (S�tate Fair Board) whereby �he Ci��y of Sain� Paul �vi11 provide various police services during the period commencing September 9, 1987, at 5:00 p.m. -�hrough 8:00 a.m. August 14, 1�88, in return for the paymen-t to the Ci��y of $6800.00, a copy of said agreemQnt -�o be kept on file and of record in the Depar-tmen�t of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays � Nicosia �/"� �'V/( � Rettman IR F8v0[ Scheibel � �j �.�„�, _ Against By o /� F/ �.,�ty Tedesco < YMffsOfl'� SEP — 9 ��7 Form A ved b City A tor ey Adopted by Council: Date �, Certified Pa: uncil Sec ary BY / By� Approve y Mavor: Date SE� " �- 17�1 Approve y May Subm ion to Council B - — ' Pl��;�,�.� ��P 1 9 1987 . �.��r� Q 'os9so • •Pol ice �' 'DEPARTMENT ' _ . _ . Capt. T. Reding CONTACT ` �� r`��2 292-3588 PHONE 7/13/87 DATE ��,/�r� �r � � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : _ .. . _ . . 2 Department Director ` ` 4 Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk � Budget Director _ , . T� MN State Agr. Society � _ - ... . . �`City Attorney . , ;. '�1HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Provision of law enforcement services �o `ihe r4inneso�a S�a�� Fairgrounds - during and after the period of the Z��7 S��are Fair. - ._, . , . � . -.. ..,: . �r...,.A� .. ..i .. . . ' . . COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: � To be paid to the City of Saint Paul : $4200.00 for the period of the 1987 State Fair ' - _ � $6800.00 for the period after the 1987 State� Fair .,. _ _ FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor`s signa- .. _ $11 ,000 ture not re- _ - : _ Total Amount of�Transaction: quired if under � - - �10,000) Funding Source: - Activity Number• : Credit Code 34115 - Police Responsive Services '' �:� _ a ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � _�- RECEIVED . . 1 . Four (4) Copies each of two Agreements R��E��e(�.� _ 2. Two '(2) Counci l Resol uti ons ��L 17.1987 �� JUI, l� 1987 . , c�TY ��'�'C�����o���E � DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � xYes No Council Resolution Required? ' Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes � No��'� Yes No Insurance Attached: '• . � ..� . . . . ;. ..._ _ ,: . . :. . . . ; .. , . :- ' ' y (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONSj . � Revised 12/84 . � s��F=$={. ��� . . . . . � � ��k'�� �':� 4 �� 4 �i�- . . � � � �kt s��i^�x ,:;ys F„r. .,�- '.�` "` . . � . . . . . . . . .. . . , . ... . .. . .e,�+,... , . ,. . • �'`7 -I3��' - � _. � AGREEMENT THIS IS AN AGREEMENT, Dated this 26th day of June, 1987, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City", and the MINNESOTA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, hereinafter referred to as "State Fair Board"; WITNESSETH: IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY AND STATE FAIR BOARD AS FOLLOWS: l . That for the consideration hereinafter stated, the City agrees to incorporate the State Fairgrounds boundaries, for the purpose of law enforce- ment activities, into the City's Police Department's Northwest Team Police Area. 2. That the City will provide routine police patrolling consistent with the assignment of police officers and squads to that general area, and it is understood that routine patrolling is general traffic supervision and building surveillance. 3. That the City will further respond to the State Fair Board's request for services as the result of specific incidents, they being, by way of i11us- tration and not of limitation, traffic accidents, burglaries, criminai damage to property and assaults. 4. That the City will conduct such follow-up investigations to any of the above described incidents as needed by the City's Police Department's investigative division, crime laboratory, police ar�cist or crime analysis section. 5. That the City will authorize the appropriate staff persons of the State Fair Board to communicate on the same radio frequency as the police u�ilize in the PJorthwest Team Police Area, and the City wili provide such training, instruction, radio repair and maintenance as is necessary to effectively promote communications. . ' (2) ��-f'`�ia/�= 6. That the State Fair Board will promote and secure the cooperation of its staff, without expense to the City, and as is needed to successfully prosecute arrestees. 7. That this Agreement shall be for the term of eleven and one-half (11�) months, commencing September 9, at 5:00 P.M., 1987 and ending August 14, at 8:00 A.M., 1988. ' 8. That the State Fair Board will pay to the City for the above des- cribed services the total sum of $6,800.00 in two installments of $3,400.00 � on March 15, 1988 and $3,400.00 on August 15, 1988. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to Form: By: ayor c 6 ssistan i y torney By: �rector, epartmen o �nance and Management Services By: �ICC ie o o �ce MINN OT T T GRICULTURAL � �� By: 'i� e r tary nera anager By: � ° �..� irector o perat�o �-