87-1304 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council p/f /I �CANARV - DEPARTMENT �7 Ery BIUE - MAVOR File NO. v �- "y � � Cou il Reso tion � ^ Presented By _� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement granting $2,000.00 to the SELBY DISTRICT COMMERCIAL CLUB for the purpose of staging the Selby Avenue Parade and Festival ; to be held September 12, 1987 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � Nicosia ln Favor Rettman � Scheibel Against By ' 5onnen � W].180ri SEP - 9 1987 Form Ap ove by Ci rney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e uncil Secre ry BY By �:1ti"�,' � -.� Ap ve AAavor. Date — ��u$! Appro d by Mayor for Submi � t Council B P���,�p �E P 1 9 1987 ����� :N° 41012� � CON9�IUNITY SERVICES DEpARTMExT - VIC WITTGENSTEIN Co�eTACT N� : x > 7409 pHOt�1E � 9-3-87 DATE ASSIGN I9UMBER FOR ROUT�HG ORDER: , (See re�verse side.) ��� Department Director �, or (�ar Assistant) Finance and Management Services Director � ity Clerk �� Budget Director � Ci t� f.n�lnci l ��,��"'Gity Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: {Clip all locationa for signsture.) WHAT WILL BB ACHIEQED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpoae/Rationale) ; The City will grant $2,000.00 from the Neighborhood Fest#vals Fund to the SEL.SY DISTRiCT CQP�1fRCiAL CLUB fr the Se1by Avenue Parade and Fes:tival scheduled for September 12, 1987. COST/BENEFIT. BU�GETARY. AND PERSQNNEL IMPACTS ANTI�IPATED: � �E�`0 3 �9a7 $2,0OO.OQ from Neighborhood Festival Fund. M�1�fOR'S t�ICE �IN�CING SOU&CE �1D BIIDGET ACTIVITY NIIMSER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signatv4re not required if under $10,000.) Tota1 Amauxit of Trans�ction: $2,000.00 Activity Number: 23140 Fvitiding Source: 325 - Special Services ATTACHMIi'NTS c (List and nusnber aIl attachments.) Council Resolution 4 copies of Agreement between the City and the Selby Avenu� Comnercia] Club 1 copy of grant request with appropriate attachrr�nts. ����zs�Tiv� �B�i�c�nu�s _Yes _.No Aules, Regulations, Procedures, or Budget Amendment require8? Yes +,No If yes, are they .or timetable attach�d? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI�7f ATTdRN�Y �EVIEW X yes _No Council rasolution required? Resolution required? _Yes �No X yes No Ine�urance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance attached? Due Sept. 10, 1987 � ��� ��7����� ;. . AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day af , I987 by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and SELBY DISTRICT COMMERCIAL CLUB, (hereinafter referred to as "Club"). WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987 the St. Paul City Council established a Community Festival Loan Fund and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation, for the purpose of assisting neighborhood festivals with expenses, startup costs and insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, the St. Paul City Council has approved rules and regulations to ensure the fair and equitable distribution of the funds; and WHEREAS, the Club has applied for a grant in accordance with these rules and regulations. NOW THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. That the City shall grant to the Club the sum af two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose of helping to fund the Se1by Avenue Parade and Festival to be celebrated on September 12, 1987 as more particularly outlined in the Club's application attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part of this Agreement. 2. That the Club will prepare and submit to the City a report outlining all expenses and revenues derived from the Festival and specifically detailing how the grant money was spent within 90 days after the completion of the festival noted above. Club further wi11 permit the Division of Parks and Recreation staff fu11 access to its books 1 ;, ���-/'�O y , and records concerning the festival . 3. That the Club shall submit to the City a copy of the Club's liability insurance policy naming the City as an additional insured, said policy shall be forwarded to City by September I0, 1987. Approved as to form: Selby District Commercial Club: d C `:� - � " � � ` (�c�� 1 t$,i�/ //.� " •�...-., '/' ... � � /.;%�! -_ . u McCloske , Assistant ity i� . f � '�_ ' . Attorney i ' I ts �..• . �c,�,E —`t«fo-c � �� y 1?..e'(� � Kathtieen Stack, Director Department of Community � Services, City of St. Paul By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and Management Services, City of St. Paul 2 ` � -�'� • ' EXHIBIT A '� � . , . � ���`/.��� __ DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION COMMUNITY FEBTIVAL FUND • . . APPLICATION Date Augu,�t 21 .1987 Check One: Loan Grant Zp� organization Name . s�rnr D-rS�Tr.T co�?crnr. CTTT'i'3� TN(; ` - Description of orqanization, brief history �'1ie Selby District Cocranercial Club, are Inc_ w�s incornorated in 1936. As an or�anization we directed bv various property�s - both com-nercial and residential - that do business and live on Selby Avenue. Our �rganization.is governed by a group of busine�s/resident property owners of mixed heritage ���iumbers seven votina board members and has a general paid mmmberahip ef��rent,y_s;x. We attempt to foster cooperat3on among exi.sting and emerging neighborhood groups whenever possible. . � iJon-Profit Status 503c Yes No X Don't Know Have applied for 501(c) 3 -- awaiting letter of approval. Proj ect Coordinator Name__�,x�n a. �Misy,s�,n� � Address 909 Selby Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Phone 298-0107 227-94�F3 � ~ d�y even�.ng - - Project Description (pur�ose and impact on area) : Attach additional intol-mation if needed) _��a�t��h�.4�3eetives to "Revitalizati nr� OP Selbv Av n �c�'� han o �r AyPTit?P�__ --a�cl-�nals:s--�.�--a�-batt,�--p,1,ac _ '-'--�pade-a�-F�.'es��ua�Y-4qr-- � _objectives__for t�hia our_5th Annual Parade and Festival_is to._brin�_our coc�n�ty clQ��r to�ether through at least one day of celebrat�on. This is the laxgest mix.-populated area is the city of St. Paul, and the avenue has the largest �roup of ninori�v�n2ed__ businesses in the State. Tota1 Amount RequestQd From Community Festival Fund: ��s��� ____ I: t' t�h i.s ��pli.cation is a reyues� Lor a c�rant, how d�� you ��l.an to matcl: ;.�"? I'.l�ase be sE�eci.fic. (Attach �idditional sh��et�� iC nece�s.�ry) . - Ma.tch tirill be made through volunteers, sr�reat equity, solicitation of finane�,al and - time supp�rt from our mercha,nts and banker along the avenue. Mateh will also be obtained through vendor participation where a small fee will be attached. � . ' ' : . , _ . . C/�-�7_�.jo�/ , . . If this application is a request for a loan, how do xou plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . � Does not apply. Please attach the followinq information to our �t�lication: i . Verification of nonprofit status and copy of oryani2ational by-laws (We have applied for 501(e)3, presently have Fiseal Agent-see attaehraent. � �l . List c�� Officers or Directors �° I,etter verifying organization's approval of the pro�osal 4 . F�r.eviotts year's budget and fi.nancial statement, if a�plicable 5 . Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable �Not applieabZE 6 . Pronosed bt�d�P„t_(�x,n�n�P� ,n�l ; n .om 1 for the activity (Estimated line item budget incZuding revenue and expenses that will be made from loan or rant funds . (see attachment) 7 . Ev_i4,1gr��_that i.�,�.�,�r�,�_can bg_�,�lDg,�, by t1i� •organiz�tion Ei . Plan for staginy the festival event. • . �' ATTACHIKENT ITEMS ARE IN ORD� OF ,REQUEST. District Council �U �<..,_, s � i �j iGt D District Council Review - Signature t!�-� �L y L' , ��: ' Date of District Council Review � -- � �j-r x"� ,; CUI91�fEt�TS : Please send applicati.on t:o: Community Festival Fund Division oF I'arks and Recreation 200 City Jiall Annex ' 25 W. 4th St. St. Paul, MN �ti �� �..rL�J`4� , � � � � D ��J�U L,p �.« ru� �� ove�so rea�s oI se�vice N � �y 909 Seiby 1�venue C,�=�/ � St. paul, MN SS 1 U4 �12-298••U 107 � August 21 ,1987 Community Festival Fund Div�sion of Parks and Recreation � Z00 City Hall Annex z5 w 4th St. - St. Paui, ?tLi.nnesota �6ear .C�mmitteeI�9�mbers; We as officesrs of the Selby District Commereail C1ub, 2nc indorse this proposal for funding for the Selby Avenue Parade and Fsetival to be celebrateted on September 12, 1987. Thank you for your support and cooperation. Sin�ere regards, . - , .—_._ "�� !_�f.�.�. -�l-c--f---i__ - erle Harris President ;, ' � � • � � Shirley F�zl, ord Treflsy�rer . •,. � ���- /�o �/ • � M I N U T E S � Selby District Commerical Club The regular buainese meeting of SDCC was called to order 1Os00 a.m. September 28, 1982 at the Peoples Choice Club, Inc. Thomas J. Gmeinder presiding. Jim Sullivan gave the report of the Nominating Com- mittee wh3.ch ie as followss " preaident Thomas J. Gmeinder President-elect LeRoy Daniels Secretary John Berg ' Treasurer pon� James other members of the Board of Dircetors; � John Brown , Mary Fletcher Merl Harrie John McQullian Jack Wiggins , The officere were elected as well as the first three other Board membera nominated. �1 reviaecl set of By-lawa was presented and � approved. The following bille were approved for payment. Thomas Gmeinder Printing of bylaws $Z0.00 Summit Univereity Free Presa prenting $20.00 Preaident Gmeinder rceade the following committee apointmente � Membership meeting Rich Murphy Memriership Mer1 Harris Projects Ron Pauleen A motion was made and passed opposing the re-naming of Selby Avenue at this time, until a community task force could be appointed to study the matter. The meetinq wae adjourned 12:30 p.m. John Berg Approved Z Secretary � � � � � ����y-/�4 � � BY-LAWS OF SELBY DISTRICT COMMERICAL CLUB • ARTICLE I NAME The name of the Corporation shall be SELBY DISTRICT COMMERICAL CLUH, hereinafter referred to as the Corporation. ARTICLE II OB.7ECTIVE • ' The objective of this Corporation _shall be; � To prov.ide a forum through which the business com- munity can promote the improvement of the social and economic Well beinq of Selby Avenue. ARTICLE III OFFICES The principal office of the Corporation shall be located at 801 Selby Avenue, St. Pau2, Minnesota 55104 or at any other place designated by the Board of Directors. ARTICLE IV MEMBERS 4.01 CLASS. There shall be one class of Members. 4.02 NUMBER. The number of Members of the Cor- Danc+ 1 . ��� ���C� poration shall not be less thari�� three as determined from time to time by the Members. . 4.03 DUES. Dues shall be as follows: � Members $25.00 ARTICLE V THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 5.01 POWERS. The Board of Directors shall have the general management and contzol of alI business and affairs of the corporation and shall exercise by appropriate rules or resolutions all of the powers that may be exercised or performed by the corporation under the statutes, its Artic2es of Incorporation or these Bylaws. 5. 02 MEMBERS. At the adoption of these Bylaws and untfl a resolution is adopted by the directors otherwise providing, the number of directors shall be not less than 3 nor more than 15. Only natural persons shall be directors. 5.03 TERM OF OFFICE. The terms of office of the directors named in the Articles of Incorporation shall expire in October,. 1983, and when their successors have been elected and have qualified. 5.04 MEETINGS. Regular meetings of directors may be held at such times and places as the Board of Directors, by resolution, shall establish. Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the Chairperson and must be called on written request of any three members of the Board of Directors. . Page 2 _ _ _. __ _ _ � . �• ' ' ����'/.�J�QY 5.05 ACTION WITHOUT A MEETING. Any action that may be taken by the directors at a meeting thereof may be . taken without a meeting if authorized in writing and signed by all of the directors. 5. 06 VACANCY. Vacancies in the Board of Directors shall be filled by a vote of the majority of the remaining directors, even though they may constitute Iess than a . quorum, and each person so elected shall be a director until his successor is elected and qualified. 5. 07 QUORUM. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE VI OFFICERS � 6.01 ELECTION; QUALIFICATIONS. The officers of the Corpora�ion shall •be a President, President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected annually, by the Members at the annual meeting, and such other officers as may be designated from time to time by the Members. Any two offices, except those of President and President-Elect, may be he3d by the same person. - ' 6. 02 PRESIDENT. The President shall hold office until his successor is elected. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Corporation shall have general active management of the business of the Co rporation and supervision .of the other officers of the Co rpvration and shall preside a.t all meetings of the Members. Page 3 . �r�-�-���� 6.03 PRESIDENT-ELECT. The President-Elect shall, perform the duties of the president, during the absence or dissability of the Presfdent and shall assume the office of president upon the experiation of the term of office of the president or vacancy of the office for any other reason. 6.04 SECRETARY. The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Members and shall record or cause to be recorded, all proceedings thereof in a book to be kept for that purpose. He shall give or cause to be given notice of all meetings of the Members. 6. 05 TREASURER. The Treasurer shall be chairman of the finance/Budget committee and shall have the care and custody of the funds and securities 'of the Corporation. He shall keep full and accurate account of receipts and disbursements, in books, belonging to the Co rporation, and shall cause all monies of the Corporation, to be deposited in the name and to the credit, of the Corporation, in such depositories, as may be designated from time to time by the Members. He shall render to the Presfdent and the Members, when it so requires, an account of all his transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation. If required by the Members, he shall execute and deliver to the Corporation a bond in the amount, wfth such sureties and �pon such conditions as shall be approved by the Members, provided, however, that the Carporation shall pay the cost oF such bond. If one or more Assistant Treasurer is designated by the Members, the Treasurer may delegate thereto any of the foregoing duties. Page 4 ' . � % � � � � �� �7�/�/ 6.06 AUTHORITY AND DUTIES. �� In addition to the foreyoing authority and duties, all officers of the Cor- poration shall respectively have such authority and perform ' such duties in the management of the business of the Co r- poration as •may be designated from time to time by the Members. fi.07 TERM. All officers of the Corporation shall hold office unti], their respective successors are chosen and have qualified. Any officer may be removed by the Board oE Directors with or without cause. 6.08 SALARIES. No compensation shall be paid� to members for their service as Members or as an officer of the Corporation. Remuneration may be paid to a member for ser- vices performed by him or her for the Corporation in -any other capacity. ARTICLE VII MEETINGS 7.01 PLACE OF MEETINGS. Each meeting of the Mem- bers be held at the registered office of the Corporation in the State of Minnesota, or at such other place within or without the State of Minnesota, as may be designated from time to time by the Members, or by written consent of aIl the Members. 7.02 ANNUAL MEETINGS. An Annual meeting of the members shall be held in October in each year. At each annual meeting, the Members shall elect officers and Page 5 .... ._ ...,. � �.�.�,.<����.,�.w.�:..,.y.:�s '. directors, and may transact any other business, provided, ,- howeve a � �3�� r, that no business with respect to which special notice is required by law shall be transacted unless such notice shall have been qiven. 7.03 REGULAR MEETINGS. Reqular meetings of the Members may be held at such times and places as the Board of Directors by resolution shall establish. 7.04 SPECIAL MEETINGS. A special meeting of the Members may be called for any purpose or p.urposes at any time by the President or any five or more Members. Upon request in, wrftinq by registered mail or delivered in person. to the President, President-Elect, or Secretary by any person or _ persons entitled to call a meeting of the Members, it shall , be the duty of such officer, forthwith to ca�se to be given, to the Members, notice of a meeting to be held at such time, not less than ten or more than sixty days, after receipt of such request, as such officer may fix. 7.05 ADJOURNMENTS. If any meeting of the Members be adjourned, to another time or place, no notice as to such adjourned meeting need be given, other than by annauncement �t the meeting, at which such adjournment is taken. 7.06 NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Written notice of each meetirig of the Members, stating the tir�e and place, ,and, in the case of a special meeting, the purposes or purposes, shall be mailed at least five days prior to the meeting to each members, at his address appearing on the books of the Corporation. Page 6 • � � � 7.07 QUGHUM. The presence in person of 5 Members shall be necessary to constitute a orum for the �- �71��� 9 u.. transaction of business. In the absence of such a guorum, any meeting may be adjourned from time to time. The Members . present at a duly cal'led or held meetinq at which a quorum of Members is present may continue to transact business until adjournment, notwithstanding the withdrawl of enough Membe�s to leave less than a quorum. 7.08 PROXIES. No proxies are allowed. ARTICLE VIII . EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 8.01 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The Board of Directors may, by unanimous affirmative action of the those voting at a meetinq of the Board of Directors designate three or more of their number to constitute an Execntive Committee which, By unaminous agreement of the members of the committee it shall have and may exerise the authority of the Baard of Directors, in the management of the business of the Co rporation. Any such Executive Committee shall act only during the intervals between meetinqs of the Board of Directors and shall be snb- ject at all times to the control and direction of the Board _ of Directors. ARTICLE IX ' COMMITTIES The president shall appofnt all committees a�d shall have the authority to make such apgointments as appear Page 7 . . ��,G�'�-ij�� in the best interest of the functioning or this Corporation. The Corporation shall have the following Standing Committees: Membership , Public Relations �'inance/Budget ARTICLE X NISCELLANHOUS 1Q.01 QONTRACTS. Board of Directors shall not make � or enter into on the Corporations behalf any contract, tran- saction or act, or carry on any activity not permitted to be made, entered into or carried on by any organization exempt - • from tax under the IRS Code 5501(c) (3) , as now constituted or hereafter amended, or by any organization, contributions to which are deductable under the IRS Code �17Q(c) (2) , as now � constituted or hereafter amended. Zn addition, Members shall not make, enter into or carry on any activity which would cause the Corporation to be deeemed a private foundation within the meaning of IRS Code 5509, as now constituted or hereafter amended. 10. 02 EXECUTDON tOF INSTRUMENTS. All Deeds, mortgages, notes, checks, contracts and other instruments shall � be signed on behalf of the Corporation by the President, Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer or by such other persons as may be designated from tfine to time by the Members. 10. 03 FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Cor poration shall be September lst to August 3lst of each year. Page 8. _ �. ... . ��--�7-i�o / � 10.04 PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY. Roberts Rules of tOrder Newly Revised is the parliamentary authority for any and al� matters not covered by Minnesota Law, the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws. 10.05 AMENDMENTS. The eoard of Directors shall have authority to make or alter the By-Laws of the Corporation. � Priar notice of the proposed amendment or alteration of the HY-Law�s must be given at a regular meeting or by not less than 14 days written notice, and shall be approved by the affirmative vote of the majority of those members voting at the meeting. . - These By-Laws were adopted as the revised By-Iaws of SELBY DISTRICT QOMMERICAL CLUB, a Minnesota Corporation, at a meeting specifically called to adopt the By-Laws. Dated this�� day of �-���� , I982. Secretary A o��ed as to for : - `� � �1 u .> � . res dent = •-� � -• � o�''�i� cfZcin6� (G�iil�r�n s o?'�i�cfr� (�v�m c�n . * _. � J `,� PERFORMING ARTS CENTER �G�-��_���� P.O. Box 65083, St. Paul, Minnesota 55165, Telephone (612) 22&0854 � June 9, 1987 Mr. Byron Crushshon . - Project Director Setby District Commercial Club/ Selby Avenue Revitilization Project 909 Selby Avenue St. Paul, MN. 55104 Dear Mr. Crushshon: i am writing to formally affirm our Board of Directors agreement tt�at The Rainbo Children's Theatre Company of St. Paul , a SO1 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization has agreed to secve as a fiscal agent for The Selby District Commercial Club during the calendac year 1987/1988. Our responsibility wi11 begin on June 12th. at which time this instrument will be legally initiated in tt�e year 1987. All funds received in the name of the Selby District Commercia! Club would be held and disbursed under our normal financial procedures. Requests #or check disbursement forms would be issued upon receipt of the disbursement focm with the authorized signature from the Selby District Commercial Club. Sincerely Yours, !f.�; ,� l�; •i Y�o���i� I � � AAerline Batiste Doty Executive Director The Rainbo Children's Theatre Company... is a non-profit organization formed to bring children of difierent tultures fogether to develop a sense ot pride and knowledge ol lhemselves and eath others' hsritage throu9h drama SELBY DISTRICT CCM.N�tCIAL CLUB. IlJC �� • � ���7"/�°�-/ BaARD OF DIRECTOR3 BUSINFSS ADARES3 � FIOME ADDRES3 Merle Harria - 228-9338 President Gemini Ir_dustriea - 909 Selby Avenue 909 Selby Avenue st. Faul, rlicui. 55104 st. Faul, Minn. 5510�+ Merlene Doty - 228-0854 Secretary Rainbo Ttieatre 668 Selby Avenue 693 Selby Avenue ' st. Pau1, r�nn. 55104 st. pau1, M�nn. 55to4 shirley Fti].iord - 2274228 �eaeurer Ebony Lady 743 Selby Avenue 521 3t. Antho�y � st. Faul, riinn. 55104 st. Paul. Minu. 55102 Nicic Davie - 227-5199 D.N.V. Corporation ' 586 W. Gentral q� �g� AYe� st. Paul, rLtnn, 55102 �st. Paul, Minn, 55104 Mary Fletcher - 645 - 4947 Selby Superette 1025 Selby �venue 915 Dayton Avenue St. Paul� Mina• 55104 St. Paul� Minn. 55104 xenrSr 'M11�+.a.n - 227-3574 Tillr!ian's Market 600 Selby Avenue 37'j 1�T� Idahp St. Paul, Mi.nn. 55102 St. Paul� Mirtn. 55117 Robin Rivard - 292-9562 Fleur de lis 516 Selby Avenue 61� Grand Avenue st. Paut, Mi.nr►. 55102 st. Pau1, t�iinn. 55102 � . �� � ���C�' C.�� ' :b C� � � o �i�v ��!��� � Ove�501'ea�s ot Se�vrce - 909 Se 1 by Avenue St. N�ul� MN SS 1 U4 612-298-•U f 07 - . � Jul.v 22. 1987 Zb: Fo�dationa, Corporations and F�uiding Agents� On thia date The Board of Directors of The Selby �istrict CoQrnercial Club, Ine. has given B��cn A. Cr�cshsh�n, Pro�ect D�rector, per.r3ssion to salicit fo�dations� coroor�tions and businesses in their na�ne to seeure grants fo: fY.nancial su�nort oY the Selby Revitalization Pro3ec+,. Respectfl�lly su ttsd, � • � Merl e Ba.tiste DotJ/Secretax^� Selby District Coar�,erci�l Club, I � k ���Q'Q' � - ' ' C� : v �1G,v . Ove� 50 Years of Se�vice ��-r���r_./ �� 909 Selby Avenue ` � St. Paul, NN SS I U4 Q 12-298--U 107 . FINANCIAL STATII�IT FOR YR 1586 __ INCOME: �3,100.00 Income from solicitationa from merchants bankers; organizations and vendors; and individual community support. � ��sES: �2�599.00 Expenses, insurance, posters, toilets, permits, barricades, clean—up, intertainment, bands, etc. � BARAAi6�: �5�1.00 Ba�ance given to the Food Bank. I � . �- � �',� '' � � - . : C� ; o �Gv Ove�SO Years of Service 909 Se1Dy hvenue ����'/�U� St. Naul, t�lN SS I U4 612-298-•U 107 . 1g87 PLANI�]'ED BUDGETE� ITEMS AND INCOP+� SOURCES ' INCOME PROJECTED: �3,0�.00 Ineone will be raised through donations f�om merehants, bank� residents,churches and residents. E'.�PIIVSES: �'}s 700.00 �suaaivCE �435.o0 Soda Pop 125.00 Sanitary toilets 350.00 (7) Bands 500.00 Clean-uP 250.00 Dancing group 150.00 Posters �90.00 Barri c acie s 275.00 Police 200.00 Lumber 100.00 Supplies for Iots - - No parking,generat,or, stand up signs 225,00 * There axe sti11 some budgeted items that we don't havs a cost for. Such as; permi�ts, ex-tra eecurity, lice�ses for vPndors and whether the sponsoring organization should enter a float. * As you can see the total budget doll.ars based on expenses is .realistie. � INSURANCE BINDER Cc��inde�N� THIS BINDER IS A TEMPORARY INSURANCE CONTRACT.Sue�ECT SELU11032 - TO THE CONDITIONS SHOWN ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM. - � VAME AND AODRESS OF AGENCY COMPANY i Hendrickson/Greenwich Agency, Inc. r 7600 Parkl awn Avenue Sui te 444 Ettective 12:01 am 6/30 , �s87 Edina, MN 55435 ' Expires t2:Ot am 9/30 . �987 . O This binder is issued to extend coverage in the above named ' company per expiring policy � (e�ceo�as eote0 oe�ow ; NAME AND MAILIVG ADORESS OF INSUREO Desc�iption Of OpersNon/Vehicles/PropeKy Selby District Agency, Inc, Advertising Rgency Office _ 909 Selby Avenue Located At: 909 Se1by Avenue St. Paul , MN 55104 St. Paul , MN 55104 � • Type and Lxation of Property Coverage/Perils/Forms Amt ot Insunnce Oed. �0,�"'' _ P � R Office Contents All Risk � p �15,000 250 . P � E � � *Th s is the type' of In3urance '�' T . we presently have for our overall � Y Pr ject. We wil'be receiving Bi er i u `' Type of Insurance m� s of Liability � � Coverage/Forma q L Each Occu�rene� Aggregate . ( ❑ Scheduled Form � Comprehensive Form Bodily Injury g S A �1 Premises/Operations Property ; g O Products/Completed Operations Oamage s� 5 - � �J Contractual Bodily Injury 8, ;' I [A Other (speCify below) Property Damage `- T 41 Med. Pay. 5 I,O�(�eSO� S 25,000 Pe� Combined 5 S acadent ' Y � Personal Injury O A O 8 0 C Personal Injury Sj,Q00 0�0 � a. Limits of Liabifit , � O Liability ❑ Non-owned ❑ Hired ;, r O Comprehensive-Deductible $ Bodily Injury {Each Person) S _ Q ❑ Collision-Deductible $ Bodily Injury (Each Accident) 5 �- M p Medical Payments $ Property Damage S � 0 ❑ Uninsured Motorist g B D No Fault (specify): ( L' Other (specify): Bodily tnjury 8 Property Damage � �" Combined S . � ' •❑ 1�JORKERS' COMPENSATION — Statutory Limits (specify states below) O EMPLOYERS' LIAB�LITY — Limit $ ; SPECiAI_ CQNOITIONS/OTHER COVERAGES Neighborhood Partnerehip Agreement between Ineured and City of 3aint Paul dated.JulY 15r �987 � �!A"AEANp ADDR=$�Of0!nORiGAGEE ❑IOSS PAYEE QADD'l 1VSUREU r Clty of St. Pdul �oarvNUnnsea City Hall St. Paul , MN I •j Signature of h nzed Representahve ate _..,,_,...�,,._,�..,,_ � � �'��'�'�' C�� - ' � • C� : o �llGv Over 50 Years ot Se�vice 909 Selby Avenue ��7�/ '�-p�, St. Ndu1, NN SS 1 U4 �12-298..U I 07 � PLANS FOR SELBY AVENUE PARADE ANL FESTNAL: The parade will start at Boyd Park irr�rcediately after a dedication/commemorate to Frank Boyd a local pioneer. The time for the dedication is 11 :OOa.m. and the Parade to sta.rt at 12:00 noon. The Parade will proceed down Selby Avenue to the Liberty State Bank at Snelling Street. There will be various vendors and music along the Avenue through-out the day to compliment the Parade and the Festival. Festival to texmi.nate at 6:00 p.m. � �,�-�7-��6� ti�_ _ ti}��.7�.�,ti}�-r�7_r�7�=r_r}7_rti=r7��}a'�r_r��ti7-r����ti��,�1t1�-tin�.�-.-.��� � ;� � :�::;: .,:,::;,::?,: �� :�;�:�:' •� ii� ::,::::: ■ .i•S M ':t:�:�:�:�:�:��:��. 1• i''' :ei'' i': •�-7 iti'•e'�c i i:�:: � 6:yc:: e:i:iii'i .:i .� ii. t'` i'i'i�i ! I' ''i'i' Yi4° :��� it:� t� �r �r i• ��i ''i � • :�;;: :�=�i:��'•< � . �, ..::: �;: :;;;:::': � • ::�:::.:...:::::::.�._.::::.::,...,.,.... :� i i• ..�.::::•:::::.:• .•:•.: .�::�':::::::::: r • .� -i� �� , _ r . . � � ��! 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