99-554ORlG1NA�, RESOLUTION iAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Z� Referred Tu: Committee: Oate � WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Fire and Safety Services are z collaborating to put on a Fire Fighter test in 1999; and 3 a s s � s 9 10 �, ,z t3 14 is is i� ia is 20 zi Zz 23 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 � 39 ao ai az 43 aa � WHEREAS, a Wrdten Test Committee, consisting of representatives from the Fire Department, Human Resources, Human Rights Commission, Civil Service Commission, Loca121, the City Council, and various minority communities has recommended a testing process for the Fire Fighter test; and WHEREAS, per Stitulation of Settlement,�qreement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a program to offer tutoring to all applicants for future testing and selection of Fire Fighters; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will retain the services of the Corporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paui Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates; and WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services will increase the salary/fringe budget to provide spending authority to put on the physical portion of the test, and to provide the equipment needed for the test; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will increase the budget for test expenses such as rental of the RiverCentre for the written test, postage, and hiring of temporary administrative support staff; and WHEREAS, the Written Test Committee has recommended that candidates who pass the written test and choose to take the physical abilities test be charged a$25 fee to recover a small portion of the administrative costs associated with this test; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following amendments to the 1999 budget: SPENDING PLAN GENERAL FUND (Transfer) TRANSFER FROM: General Government Contingent Reserve-General GL001 - 09060 - 0548 Council Contingency TRANSFER TO: Fire and Safety Services, Firefighting and Paramedics GL001 - 05120 - 0141 Overtime GL001 - 05120 - 0349 Other Equipment GL001 - 05120 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Office of Human Resources Consulting Services GL001 - 00165 - 0219 Fees, Other Profes. CURRENT BUDGET $175,000 $25,000 $1,800 $6,496,145 $98,500 Council File # �� S�� Green Sheet # 61165 CHANGES ($92,104) $58,560 $10,025 $17,019 $36,500 AMENDED BUDGET $82,896 $83,560 $11,825 $6,513,164 $135,000 °��-SS� ae FINANCING PLAN B D ET CHANGES BUDGE7 ar as O�ce of Human Resources as Consulting Services so GL001 - 00165 - 4098 Application Fee $0 $20,000 $20,000 si Dept. of Fire & Safety Services sz Firefighting & Paramedics v 05120 - 4301 Normal Act. Services $0 $30,000 $30,000 sa u 56 s� SPENDING PLAN � ss O�ce of Human Resources so Consulting Services si GL001 - 00165 - 0112 Full-Time, NotCertified $0 $7,200 $7,200 ez GL001 - 00165 - 0221 Postage $9,500 $3,000 $12,500 63 GL001 - 00165 - 0286 Rental - Other $0 $7,000 $7,000 sa GL001 - 00165 - 0439 Fringe Benefits $374,557 $2,8�0 $377,357 85 ss now, therefore, be it s� sa RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the 1999 amended budgets as indicated above. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ B/akey ✓ BosWm „/ Coleman ✓ Harris / Lantry Reihv �/ Adopted by Counc' � Adoption Ce ified by g � � Approved by May By: ORIGINA� -�� �i 1 Requested by Department of: Department of F' and Safet Services By. _.� f' ' � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � i� Fori � GISHAREDBUDGET/123/RESOLUT/7999/HR TUTOR or G-SSy DEPAAiAff!lIMFFlCP/COUNCLL OAiEATCN'I'PD _ _ Fire&SafetySecvicesandOff.ofHumanResources 6/2/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 61165 i�qp� i�ioae NMAClPEeRON&PiIONE Q DEPARLMQd1'� - 7 a QrcoDUx�. Clilef Tim Fuller, 222-047�, JoLn Hamilton 266-6470 �,,, 0 acrwrrom�v cc�raouc MlISTBEONWUN�.AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � �1 FINANON.SEILNff$DIX 5 }iN.SERVICF50kP/ACC[G �3 idAYOR(ORA59Sf O Ct�FACCDIRSCAM TOTAL # OF SIGNAI"URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA ONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnoN��errm Approval of the budget amendment w provide funds for the testing process for 5re fighter candidates. aeme.a.mmwnoNS nppa.c (ymn�m(x7 pERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfSMUST ANSR'ERTHEFOLLOWING Qi7ESTIONS PL4NNINGCOMA95510N l. Has tLis persoWfum everwmked under a contractfor this deparhnmt? �cohmarr� YE$ NO Ctva SEavicE mMnvSUON 2. Has tltis persoNfum evabeeu a dty eIDPloyee? STAFF �$ � 3. Dces tLis pe�sodfum possess a s�l] notnmmally posussed by auy mureutciry employce? YES NO 4. Is tLis P�� /� a tazgered veudoc? YES NO (Eiplaia a11 yes answers on separate sheet aud attach W green sheet) IIil'lIATAIG PROBLEM ISS[IE.OPPoR'IVMTY(Whw Wha4 Whm, 0.'EC�. Why) Per Slipulapon of Set[lemen[ Ageement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a progrem to offer tutoring to all applicants for future tesfing and selection of Fire Fighters. The Office of Human Resources will reta'ut the services of ffie Cotporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paul Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates. Budgets for Fire and Safery Services Deparhnent and Office of Human Resources aze being inereased to accommodate expenses for the Fire Fighter [est. ,wvurrwe�.s ¢ neeaoveu: Terms of the Stiplulation of 5ettlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will be met. Candidates will be better prepazed to participate in the written tes[ for Fire Fighter. 1'here will be sufficient budget authority for test expenses. DISADVANTAG¢S IF hPPItOVED: None lmown. DISAD VANTAGPS IF NOi APPROVED� Terms of the Stipularion of Settlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will not be met. There will not be sufficient budget authority for test e�cpenses. COSaC� ���M��'i�'� `��''' J�l� 0 � i9�9 ronu,n�ourrror�aa�snrnox_$ 142 704 msrmevaNUesunczreo�c�cceone> ves xo �IN�so,,,� Contg. Res. & new fees a��R 09060 00165 and 05120 ��� ��,�ox �� ORlG1NA�, RESOLUTION iAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Z� Referred Tu: Committee: Oate � WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Fire and Safety Services are z collaborating to put on a Fire Fighter test in 1999; and 3 a s s � s 9 10 �, ,z t3 14 is is i� ia is 20 zi Zz 23 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 � 39 ao ai az 43 aa � WHEREAS, a Wrdten Test Committee, consisting of representatives from the Fire Department, Human Resources, Human Rights Commission, Civil Service Commission, Loca121, the City Council, and various minority communities has recommended a testing process for the Fire Fighter test; and WHEREAS, per Stitulation of Settlement,�qreement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a program to offer tutoring to all applicants for future testing and selection of Fire Fighters; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will retain the services of the Corporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paui Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates; and WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services will increase the salary/fringe budget to provide spending authority to put on the physical portion of the test, and to provide the equipment needed for the test; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will increase the budget for test expenses such as rental of the RiverCentre for the written test, postage, and hiring of temporary administrative support staff; and WHEREAS, the Written Test Committee has recommended that candidates who pass the written test and choose to take the physical abilities test be charged a$25 fee to recover a small portion of the administrative costs associated with this test; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following amendments to the 1999 budget: SPENDING PLAN GENERAL FUND (Transfer) TRANSFER FROM: General Government Contingent Reserve-General GL001 - 09060 - 0548 Council Contingency TRANSFER TO: Fire and Safety Services, Firefighting and Paramedics GL001 - 05120 - 0141 Overtime GL001 - 05120 - 0349 Other Equipment GL001 - 05120 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Office of Human Resources Consulting Services GL001 - 00165 - 0219 Fees, Other Profes. CURRENT BUDGET $175,000 $25,000 $1,800 $6,496,145 $98,500 Council File # �� S�� Green Sheet # 61165 CHANGES ($92,104) $58,560 $10,025 $17,019 $36,500 AMENDED BUDGET $82,896 $83,560 $11,825 $6,513,164 $135,000 °��-SS� ae FINANCING PLAN B D ET CHANGES BUDGE7 ar as O�ce of Human Resources as Consulting Services so GL001 - 00165 - 4098 Application Fee $0 $20,000 $20,000 si Dept. of Fire & Safety Services sz Firefighting & Paramedics v 05120 - 4301 Normal Act. Services $0 $30,000 $30,000 sa u 56 s� SPENDING PLAN � ss O�ce of Human Resources so Consulting Services si GL001 - 00165 - 0112 Full-Time, NotCertified $0 $7,200 $7,200 ez GL001 - 00165 - 0221 Postage $9,500 $3,000 $12,500 63 GL001 - 00165 - 0286 Rental - Other $0 $7,000 $7,000 sa GL001 - 00165 - 0439 Fringe Benefits $374,557 $2,8�0 $377,357 85 ss now, therefore, be it s� sa RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the 1999 amended budgets as indicated above. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ B/akey ✓ BosWm „/ Coleman ✓ Harris / Lantry Reihv �/ Adopted by Counc' � Adoption Ce ified by g � � Approved by May By: ORIGINA� -�� �i 1 Requested by Department of: Department of F' and Safet Services By. _.� f' ' � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � i� Fori � GISHAREDBUDGET/123/RESOLUT/7999/HR TUTOR or G-SSy DEPAAiAff!lIMFFlCP/COUNCLL OAiEATCN'I'PD _ _ Fire&SafetySecvicesandOff.ofHumanResources 6/2/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 61165 i�qp� i�ioae NMAClPEeRON&PiIONE Q DEPARLMQd1'� - 7 a QrcoDUx�. Clilef Tim Fuller, 222-047�, JoLn Hamilton 266-6470 �,,, 0 acrwrrom�v cc�raouc MlISTBEONWUN�.AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � �1 FINANON.SEILNff$DIX 5 }iN.SERVICF50kP/ACC[G �3 idAYOR(ORA59Sf O Ct�FACCDIRSCAM TOTAL # OF SIGNAI"URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA ONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnoN��errm Approval of the budget amendment w provide funds for the testing process for 5re fighter candidates. aeme.a.mmwnoNS nppa.c (ymn�m(x7 pERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfSMUST ANSR'ERTHEFOLLOWING Qi7ESTIONS PL4NNINGCOMA95510N l. Has tLis persoWfum everwmked under a contractfor this deparhnmt? �cohmarr� YE$ NO Ctva SEavicE mMnvSUON 2. Has tltis persoNfum evabeeu a dty eIDPloyee? STAFF �$ � 3. Dces tLis pe�sodfum possess a s�l] notnmmally posussed by auy mureutciry employce? YES NO 4. Is tLis P�� /� a tazgered veudoc? YES NO (Eiplaia a11 yes answers on separate sheet aud attach W green sheet) IIil'lIATAIG PROBLEM ISS[IE.OPPoR'IVMTY(Whw Wha4 Whm, 0.'EC�. Why) Per Slipulapon of Set[lemen[ Ageement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a progrem to offer tutoring to all applicants for future tesfing and selection of Fire Fighters. The Office of Human Resources will reta'ut the services of ffie Cotporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paul Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates. Budgets for Fire and Safery Services Deparhnent and Office of Human Resources aze being inereased to accommodate expenses for the Fire Fighter [est. ,wvurrwe�.s ¢ neeaoveu: Terms of the Stiplulation of 5ettlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will be met. Candidates will be better prepazed to participate in the written tes[ for Fire Fighter. 1'here will be sufficient budget authority for test expenses. DISADVANTAG¢S IF hPPItOVED: None lmown. DISAD VANTAGPS IF NOi APPROVED� Terms of the Stipularion of Settlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will not be met. There will not be sufficient budget authority for test e�cpenses. COSaC� ���M��'i�'� `��''' J�l� 0 � i9�9 ronu,n�ourrror�aa�snrnox_$ 142 704 msrmevaNUesunczreo�c�cceone> ves xo �IN�so,,,� Contg. Res. & new fees a��R 09060 00165 and 05120 ��� ��,�ox �� ORlG1NA�, RESOLUTION iAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Z� Referred Tu: Committee: Oate � WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources and the Department of Fire and Safety Services are z collaborating to put on a Fire Fighter test in 1999; and 3 a s s � s 9 10 �, ,z t3 14 is is i� ia is 20 zi Zz 23 2A 25 26 27 28 zs 30 31 32 33 aa 35 36 37 � 39 ao ai az 43 aa � WHEREAS, a Wrdten Test Committee, consisting of representatives from the Fire Department, Human Resources, Human Rights Commission, Civil Service Commission, Loca121, the City Council, and various minority communities has recommended a testing process for the Fire Fighter test; and WHEREAS, per Stitulation of Settlement,�qreement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a program to offer tutoring to all applicants for future testing and selection of Fire Fighters; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will retain the services of the Corporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paui Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates; and WHEREAS, the Department of Fire and Safety Services will increase the salary/fringe budget to provide spending authority to put on the physical portion of the test, and to provide the equipment needed for the test; and WHEREAS, the Office of Human Resources will increase the budget for test expenses such as rental of the RiverCentre for the written test, postage, and hiring of temporary administrative support staff; and WHEREAS, the Written Test Committee has recommended that candidates who pass the written test and choose to take the physical abilities test be charged a$25 fee to recover a small portion of the administrative costs associated with this test; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sections 10.07.1 and 10.07.04 of the City Charter, recommends the following amendments to the 1999 budget: SPENDING PLAN GENERAL FUND (Transfer) TRANSFER FROM: General Government Contingent Reserve-General GL001 - 09060 - 0548 Council Contingency TRANSFER TO: Fire and Safety Services, Firefighting and Paramedics GL001 - 05120 - 0141 Overtime GL001 - 05120 - 0349 Other Equipment GL001 - 05120 - 0439 Fringe Benefits Office of Human Resources Consulting Services GL001 - 00165 - 0219 Fees, Other Profes. CURRENT BUDGET $175,000 $25,000 $1,800 $6,496,145 $98,500 Council File # �� S�� Green Sheet # 61165 CHANGES ($92,104) $58,560 $10,025 $17,019 $36,500 AMENDED BUDGET $82,896 $83,560 $11,825 $6,513,164 $135,000 °��-SS� ae FINANCING PLAN B D ET CHANGES BUDGE7 ar as O�ce of Human Resources as Consulting Services so GL001 - 00165 - 4098 Application Fee $0 $20,000 $20,000 si Dept. of Fire & Safety Services sz Firefighting & Paramedics v 05120 - 4301 Normal Act. Services $0 $30,000 $30,000 sa u 56 s� SPENDING PLAN � ss O�ce of Human Resources so Consulting Services si GL001 - 00165 - 0112 Full-Time, NotCertified $0 $7,200 $7,200 ez GL001 - 00165 - 0221 Postage $9,500 $3,000 $12,500 63 GL001 - 00165 - 0286 Rental - Other $0 $7,000 $7,000 sa GL001 - 00165 - 0439 Fringe Benefits $374,557 $2,8�0 $377,357 85 ss now, therefore, be it s� sa RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul approves the 1999 amended budgets as indicated above. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav ✓ B/akey ✓ BosWm „/ Coleman ✓ Harris / Lantry Reihv �/ Adopted by Counc' � Adoption Ce ified by g � � Approved by May By: ORIGINA� -�� �i 1 Requested by Department of: Department of F' and Safet Services By. _.� f' ' � . Approval Recommended by FSO - Director: � i� Fori � GISHAREDBUDGET/123/RESOLUT/7999/HR TUTOR or G-SSy DEPAAiAff!lIMFFlCP/COUNCLL OAiEATCN'I'PD _ _ Fire&SafetySecvicesandOff.ofHumanResources 6/2/99 GREEN SHEET NO. 61165 i�qp� i�ioae NMAClPEeRON&PiIONE Q DEPARLMQd1'� - 7 a QrcoDUx�. Clilef Tim Fuller, 222-047�, JoLn Hamilton 266-6470 �,,, 0 acrwrrom�v cc�raouc MlISTBEONWUN�.AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � �1 FINANON.SEILNff$DIX 5 }iN.SERVICF50kP/ACC[G �3 idAYOR(ORA59Sf O Ct�FACCDIRSCAM TOTAL # OF SIGNAI"URE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCA ONS FOR SIGNATURE) nrnoN��errm Approval of the budget amendment w provide funds for the testing process for 5re fighter candidates. aeme.a.mmwnoNS nppa.c (ymn�m(x7 pERSONAL SERViCE CONTRACfSMUST ANSR'ERTHEFOLLOWING Qi7ESTIONS PL4NNINGCOMA95510N l. Has tLis persoWfum everwmked under a contractfor this deparhnmt? �cohmarr� YE$ NO Ctva SEavicE mMnvSUON 2. Has tltis persoNfum evabeeu a dty eIDPloyee? STAFF �$ � 3. Dces tLis pe�sodfum possess a s�l] notnmmally posussed by auy mureutciry employce? YES NO 4. Is tLis P�� /� a tazgered veudoc? YES NO (Eiplaia a11 yes answers on separate sheet aud attach W green sheet) IIil'lIATAIG PROBLEM ISS[IE.OPPoR'IVMTY(Whw Wha4 Whm, 0.'EC�. Why) Per Slipulapon of Set[lemen[ Ageement Civ. No. 3-72-265, the City agreed to adopt and implement a progrem to offer tutoring to all applicants for future tesfing and selection of Fire Fighters. The Office of Human Resources will reta'ut the services of ffie Cotporate Training and Assessment Center, a division of Saint Paul Technical College, to design, plan and provide a tutoring program for Fire Fighter candidates. Budgets for Fire and Safery Services Deparhnent and Office of Human Resources aze being inereased to accommodate expenses for the Fire Fighter [est. ,wvurrwe�.s ¢ neeaoveu: Terms of the Stiplulation of 5ettlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will be met. Candidates will be better prepazed to participate in the written tes[ for Fire Fighter. 1'here will be sufficient budget authority for test expenses. DISADVANTAG¢S IF hPPItOVED: None lmown. DISAD VANTAGPS IF NOi APPROVED� Terms of the Stipularion of Settlement Agreement Civ. No. 3-72-265 will not be met. There will not be sufficient budget authority for test e�cpenses. COSaC� ���M��'i�'� `��''' J�l� 0 � i9�9 ronu,n�ourrror�aa�snrnox_$ 142 704 msrmevaNUesunczreo�c�cceone> ves xo �IN�so,,,� Contg. Res. & new fees a��R 09060 00165 and 05120 ��� ��,�ox ��