87-1262 + �
City of St.Paul COUNCIL E NO. � "/��s� �
Voting Assessment No. 0050
Ward In the matter of the assess�nent of benefits, cost and expenses for Town Square Public Spaces.
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in accordance with
Chapter 66 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, and following the public
hearing held on June 2 3, 1987 did adopt a resolution, Council File 87-�901,
establishing the level of operation and maintenance and the amount of service
charges to be levied against the benefitted properties for the Town Square
"Public Spaces" located within the following streets: Cedar Street, Eighth
Street, Minnesota Street, Sixth Street, for the period of July 1, 1987 to June
30, 1988, and
WHEREAS, the Department of Community Services has submitted to the
Department of Finance and Management Services a report showing the total cost
of operation and maintenance to be $924,349.00 ($924,572.10 actual ratification
amount due to rounding) and that a public hearing was held in the Council
Chambers on September 29, 1987, for the purpose of adopting these charges
against the benefitted properties; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul held a public hearing on
September 29, 1987 for this purpose, and having heard all interested parties,
does hereby adopt the following service charges in accordance with Chapter 66
of the St. Paul Administrative Code; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby adopt
and levy the following service charges against benefitted properties
Zone 0 $4,3476311 per square foot
Zone 1 $ .0896867 per square foot
Zone 2 $ .0641700 per square foot
Zone 3 $ .0428743 per square foot
Zone 4 $ .0042208 per square foot
FINALLY RESOLVED, that upon ratification of these service charges, the
City Clerk is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution
to the Ramsey County Auditor so that all unpaid service charges levied herein
shall be extended on the property tax lists of the County and collected in
1988 along with current taxes.
Preliminary Order No. 87-�759 approved May 26, 1987
Final Order No. 87-•901 approved June 23, 1987
Nicosia � Certified P s d by ouncil Secretary
Scheibel In Favor By
Weida � Against
�°°� SEP — j '�87 Mayor
fl���,icuFn S E= P 1 2 1987