87-1253 WHI7E - C�TY CIERK PINK - FINANCE COIIIICIl J �/y z � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAIN�T PAUL /C%�J BLUE - MAYOR File NO. �� / � Cou�c ' Resolution ���� r � Presented By � _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Human Services Initiative funded through a grant from the Northwest Area Foundation has helped the City of Saint Paul to focus on human services issues facing the City and its residents ; and WHEREAS , �the Human Services Initiative has enabled the City to create and participate on task forces and coalitions which address human servcie issues ; and WHEREAS , Saint Paul community organizations and neighborhoods have benefitted from the work and assistance of the Human Services Initiative ; and ' WHEREAS , the City wishes to continue the work of the Human Services Initiative as part of the Better Neighborhoods Program beyond the grant period provided by the Northwest Area Foundation funding ; now , therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does publicly accept and thank the Mardag Foundation' for providing a $10 , 000 grant for the continued funding of the Human Services Initiative , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city otficials are hereby authorized to execute the appropriate grant documents and provide the customary assurances and reports thereto . COUNC[LMEN Requested by Departm nt of: Yeas Dr�W Nays Nicosia � (n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Against By Sonnen Weida WilsOn AUG 7 7 1987 Form A rove by Cit Attor Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Pas e uncil Secr y BY gy. A►pprov �Navor: Dat 1;.� s �- ��� Appro d y Mayor for Su mi si n to C*ouncil Y P!���l�0 ���-� 1 % 1987 ' r. '► � �,1���/��� �� � _______________________________ AGENDA ITEMS -__---___---------------- ID# C148 ] UATE kEC.: C08/11/87] AGEhIIiA UATE: C00/00/00] ITEM #: C ] SUBJECT: CGRAMT - MAftnAG FOUNUATIOM - HUMAM SERVICE5 INITIATIVE J STAFF ASSIGNELI= C ] SIG:C����� 70UT-CX] TO CLERh:C�Elf�i'99t983- d�/Z��� ORIGINATOfi:CMAYOk ] COWTACT:CEtOB KESSLER (4323) 7 ACTION:C 7 C ] OkU/kES #:C ] FILEn:C40/p0/00 ] LOC.:C ] � � � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: CkESOLUTIOM ] C ] C ]