87-1252 �NHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT p�(7 BLUE - MAVOR . F11C NO. � /�� ` 1 Co nc 'l Resolution - -- � Presented By '� �� _ Referred To Committee: - Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Human Services Initiatives funded through a grant from the Northwest Area Foundation has helped the City of Saint Paul to focus on human services issues facing the City and its residents ; and WHEREAS , the Human Services Initiative has enabled the City to create and participate on task forces and coalitions which address human service issues ; and WHEREAS , Saint Paul community organizations and neighborhoods have benefitted from the work and assistance of the Human Services Initiativef and WHEREAS , the City wishes to continue the work of the Human Services Initiative as part of the Better Neighborhoods Program beyond the grant period provided by the Northwest Area Foundation fundingj now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul does hereby publicly accept and thank the F . R. Bigelow Foundation for providing a $15 , 000 grant for the continued funding of the Human Services Initiative , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized to execute the appropriate grant documents and provide the customary assurances and reports thereto . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia _� In Favor Rettman Scheibel -� Against BY Sonnen Weida W11SOn AU6 2 71987 Form A e City A o ey Adopted by Council: Date r Certified Pas e ouncil Sec ry BY gy. �- � ' Z tg�` Appr e by Mayor for S 's ion to Council A►pproved Mavor: � By PUBI�Sl�D �t P 1 � 1 I i�a�or L�atimer's Office bEPARTMENT � �I �� N� _ O944S I � ,.� Bob :essler ,_ �ONTACT � �7---� 29t3-4333 �HONE ' June 2�, 1987 �A7E ��� �� � ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (C1i�jAl1 Loc�tions for Si4natr�re) : Departmerrt Director � ' 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Dhrector�. 4 City �lerk 2 Budget D�rector I � � City Attorney i . IiHAT WILL BE ACHIEV�D BY TAKING ACTI4N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ t'onale) Accepts gx•ants from the .Ma�dag and F.R. Bigelow Foun�a�t�ons �o continue the activities of the Humar� Services Initiative aS part of the Better Neighborhoods Progr�m. 'Aiso authorizes proper city officials to execute grant documents. � , , . �OST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL� IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Will reduce the constribut�.on of city funds for the Human Services Initiative by $25,000. An ther $29,000 will come from the McKnight ' TRANSZTIONS Grant, if it i� extended in 1988 ..thereby leaving approxi�mately $4i,000 to b� financed through city funds. � , ' �INANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITYINUI�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not rie- Total Amount of "Transaction: ' qui.red if under ' � �10,000) Funding Saurce: F.R.. Bigelow a�d Mardag Foundations Activity Number: 30120 Human 5ervices Initiative RECEIyEp ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Att�chments) : A U� 7 19�7 2 Council Resolutions BUDG�OfF10E Letter from the Foun�.ations RECE�vE� � r,. � AU G � 61987 - N EY ; _ I�PA MENT REYIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � es Council Resolution Req �ired? ' Resolution �equired7 �Yes ��� �N Yes o/�nsurance Required? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes .�NO Yes I� Insurance Attached: � (SEE •REVERS� SIDE FE1R°� INSTRIJCTIONS) A�evised 12/84 I . . � � � i�� ��������� �� � � AJG 2 ; 1987 {;=::;; �U�NCfIMAN JAM�S g�HE16EL' � _______________________________ AGEMIiA ITEMS —___-------------_.______ I • C1 � DATE kEC.: C08/11/877 AGEWIlA TiATE: CQ0100/00] ITEM #: C ] SUBJECT: CGkAMT — F.�. BIGELOW FOUNUATION — HUMA SEFtVICES INITIATTVE ] STAFF ASSIGNEV: C ] SIG: ]DUT—CX] TO CLERh:C8Af6�f@8] ��P2-/�� OkIGIMATOFt:CMAYOk ] CONTACT:CfiOB KESSLER i432i) ] ACTIOht:C 7 C ] OkI�/RES #:C ] FILED:C00/00/00 ] LOC.:C ] � a� � � � � � � � � � � � � FILE INFO: CRESOLUTION J C ] C ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------