87-1251 WHITE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINANCE GITY OF S�AINT PAUL Council CANARV-- DEPARTME T BLUE - MAYOR File NO. /�/ � Council Resolution Presented By �� � � Referr o Committee: Date Out of mmittee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#28875) for a General Repair Garage and Auto Body Repair Garage License applied for by Richard N. Harris DBA Rich's Car Care at 868 Rice Street be and the same is hereby �rtn�.C� , COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � . Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel d Against BY Sonnen Weida WilsOri AUG 2� 1987 Form Approve by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e b C u�ec y BY sy ' A►ppr v � avor: Date UC7 � �7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y By PUB�O�l�D �`�r -- � 1987 � � �7-i�.si �t �o 'C-�- ���� � �`� • DYVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant � ;�� � ti rc� �, . -�-u����, Home Address � �. 5 �/ , yY�P��'t-'cx' Bus ine s s Name� ;C� : \G ( �C��(� Home Phone �-1� 'v 5 U`� �� (� Business Address �(Je � ��c�S�- Type of License(s) �n�r0.�l., Business Phone ��-�-�C�� �d i Public Hearing Date 1-n.� � 1� � License I.D. # a � �(`1� at 10:00 a.m. in the Coun 1 Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # �J�j� �3`1.0� REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER COI�IlKENTS ed Not ed Housing & Bldg � Code Enforcement � f�� � I Public Health � �a� I I� . I Fire Prevention 4 � la � � I Police � � � _ �I � � ' � �r� � City Attorney w /�/ � �/[ + ENS � ��� � � 300 Foot Notice I �\� � � License Inspector's Comments: I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. �s.� , .:,.. ,_ .. . . _ , , . �� . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: � , . - C�c����.si CITY OF ST. PAUL DF�AR'Pf�NT OF FIl�ANCE AI�D MIANAGS�l4't SgXVICES LICENSE AND PIItIrQT DIYZSICJA These statemerrt forms are issued in d�glicate. Plesse aru�+er all questions ltiil�y arid completely. This applicstion is thorougt�y cbecked. Any talsiticatioa vill be cause for denial. , Date J /�_ lg 1. Application Por [> /p p,� pP-�Jj,p,y- ���u � s .`.,� � ���.� (Li cense) (Permit) 2. Name of applicant /(�/��„�,t� ���,�J,p-,,�5 3. If applicant is/haa been a mnrried �emale, list maiden neme 4. Date of birth � �� Age,� Place of birth ��'�v �,,,,��,ts,c>, � 5. Are you a citizen of the United States j�S Native �� Natural,ized �� /- 6. Are you a registered voter � Where �� 7• HOmQ ad dTC 3 8 1��.'Z /`, . _�i4/(J,j�/7lJ.�,��.� HOmC tC Z.Ept10IIe� b�' .s�,r� . � a. Present business addreas _��g�C� �S'�" Business telephone -� 6� � 9. Including your present buaineaa/employrdent, vhat busineas�eaploymeat have you follo+++ed for the past five years. Busineas/bnployment � Address � --JS�F'�' ��� �n - .����._.—. 1���.�:s,�.�o.�U,G.s��,� 10. hfarried��S If ana�rer is ';vea", list name and addreaa ot spause ��j�j�,L ,l��� �"..�fz�I��-l�.�l?t�'��- O,d/,���l.0 o b�,L�rv �f'/D� 11. ?�iave you ever been arrested for an oPrense that has resulted in �, coavictionY�� Zf ansa�er is "yes", list dates oP arreets, where, chargee, comrictions sad aentences. Date of arrest �9 Wti� CHAF.GE `CONVICI'ION SIIaTENCE Date of arrest 19 Where � CFIARGr CONV ICTZOiT g�� � ' � 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name ot spouse also) of all peraona, corporations, partnerships, associations or organizationa Which in arsy Way have: a. A mortgage interest in the l.icensed premise, �� b. A security interest in the licensed premises, license, or hirnishings of the licensed premise, _p� ,� _ c. A proeaissory note for Punds loaned for the operation of the licenaed premise or the purchaae of 'the license, � d. Financially contrib ted to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self �� e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherwise � in the licensed premise or the license itself, Attach a copy hereto of any and all doeumenta rePerred to in this af�idavit. 1?. Give na�ea aad addresses oP two persons, reside�ts of St. Pavl, Mianesota, aho can give intormation coacerning you. � ADDRESS �S D�C'��,� s �,' ----� - �'�0 .���,���cs .��'�,�-.�,�„���`�,� 14. Addreas of premises for Which License or Permit is made ��� jr! � Addreaa ����I>�, �'///,rI/� .i'�.�`//7 Zone classification 15. Betveen what croas streets �.�����!°�'CG t� ��ich side oY street� 16. Na�ae under Which this busineas rrill be conducted ,�/� .,�` � �,��� �r— 17. Business telephone maaber �,���`7d1� 1¢. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design location, and square Pootage oP the premises to be licensed OG{� �5���� •- ,l,aG� �� �9. �.re oremises noW occupied �What business � ,e C�/�.��Ho� long_��p� C���7-���'i � . , Are you going to have a Manaf;er or assistaat in this business? IP ans�rer is ��yes��, give name and ho:ae address and home telephone number: ' Name �t'��G�' Home address Te1.No. 29. Has ariyone you have named in questions 22 through 26 ever been arrested? If ansWer is "yes't, list n�n�of person, dates oP arrest, where, charges, convic- tions and sentence �Z T 30. Z J /P�JS" understand this premise may be in- spected by the police�fire, health and other city ofYicials at aaar and alI times When the business is in operation. '� State of �iinnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) ���h q,YC� 1\I. �--�Q.V V i 5 being Yirst du�y sworn, deposes and says �pon osth triat he tsas read the �oregoing statement bear�ng his sigaature and l�o�s the coaten�s thereof, and that the same is true of his own lmo`+ledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and sworn te befoze me ignature oP Applica.nt • thi s {�'-�-h day of�i.�I�/ 29 �''�" ^ 7.,--- ����... ��.-- ��� Notary Public, Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota *4y co�nission expires �v-Z- -9Z' FTM�� Annetts R.Starr a�i� Notary Public-Minnesota 9 pamsey County g 1.. My Comm.Exp. 142•92 .. � : ' + 20. List license ich you currently hold, or Pormer�y held, or ma�y have an intere in Q/1��� 21. Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 2Q ever been revoked. Yes No �. If anaver is "yes", list dates and reaaona: ?_2. Do you hsve an interest oP ar�y type in a�yr other busiaesa or business gremiats. I: ansWer is "yes", list business, business address aad telephoae number. �� 23. If business is incorporated, give dete oP incorporation ,A '"� 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 24. List all officers of the corporation giving their names, oPPice held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers: ���� . 25. If business is partnership, list partner(s) address aud telephone numbera: � Name Q�L' Address Z�e1.Ao. -�---•-�-�_ ,.. - 26. Is there arLyone else who will have an i�erest in thia businesa�aa� premisesY If answer is " " ' "'�" yes , give nsme, h addresa, telrpho�e n�bers,atid in �+bat manner is tbeir irrterest: ���(/� _ .• - � 27. Are you goin�r to operate this busines8 peraonally�� it not, xho xill operate it: R� Hane address ZtiZ.Ro. . ��f7 i.�.rj . 4���,,,,w . CITY OF SAINT PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ; �b� ` :,, ! ,. %, ��� e . � " . BUILDING INSPECTION AND DESIGN DIVISION � �. -, f.`! 4• `� City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �... . �T �,`�� — t �l 612-298-4212 t:;u! � CEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 6, 1987 Richard Harris Rich's Car Care 868 Rice Street St. Paul, MN 55117 - RE: License application ��28875 - Geeneral repair garage, auto body repair at 868 Rice Street Dear Mr. Harris: The referenced property is located in a B-3, general business,zoning district. A general repair garage is a permitted use, subject to certain conditions in this district. Before a general repair garage is established, a special condi- tion use permit must be obtained from the Planning Commission. For information on this process you may contact Donna Datsko at 228-3395. An auto body shop is not permitted in a B-3 zoning district. You may, however, petition to have this property rezoned to an I-1, Industrial, zoning district which would permit an auto body shop. (Contact Donna Datsko.) We cannot approve the referenced license applications until these zoning matters are resolved. We are aware that the referenced property was used as an auto body shop and general repair garage in the past. However, the last license issued to this property expired on July 22, 1986. Section 62. 102, Subd. S, states that when a nonconforming use is discontinued or ceases to exist for 365 days, the use must thereafter conform to the regulations of the zoning district. Therefore, the legal nonconforming status of this property has expired and any future use must conform to the current zoning code. If anyone believes this decision to be in error, they may appeal to the Board of Zoning Appeals by submitting an application for administrative review along with the appropriate fee to this office within 30 days of this letter. If you have any questions regarding this matter, you may contact me at 298-4215. Sincerely, -• �,,,�_--�dun�4� John ardwick C�j��> Zoning Inspector JH:krz cc: Joseph Carchedi Donna Datsko Councilmember Rettman . ��F�7-/�.�i a�',,. ,. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL '�� ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �; ,� �+ '����� v' DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION �,• • � � Room 203. City Hall ,... Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 Geo�ge latimer Mayw August 10, 1987 Richard Harris Rich's Car Care 868 Rice Street Saint Paul, i�IN 55117 Dear Mr. Harris: As License Inspector for the City of Saint Paul, I am hereby notifying you that on August 26, 1987 a public hearing will be held before the Saint Paul City Council. This hearing will be heid in the Council Chambers, third floor of the City and County Court House at 9:00 a.m. At this hearing, the License Inspector will recommend that the Saint Paul City Council deny your application for a General Repair Garage and Auto Body Repair Garage License at 868 Rice Street. The License Inspector's office will base its reco�endation on the following: (1) The business requires a Special Condition Use Permit. You may be represented at this hearing by an attorney or other represen- tative of your choice. You and/or your attorney/representative will be allowed to cross-examine witnesses and present evidence through witnesses and documents at this hearing. Enclosed is a memorandum of procedures used by the Saint Paul City Council for hearings on license revocations, suspensions, and denials of new licenses. Very truly yours, � I Joseph F. Carchedi License Inspector �: _ JFC/1p _ � Enc. � '' cc: Council Members �� ''� �` � Jerry Segal - City Attorney's Office _�-� q ; John Hardwick - Zoning -`- :,";; � o A1 Olson - City Clerk <-; ' John Connelly - Council Research "' •`.',J