99-552e OR1�i�#A' Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility be established at the rate set forth in Grade 30, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, F'URTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. dffice of Hnu�an Resources By: � \'. �tgy��! � Adoption Certjfied by g r cr ApprovedbyMayo. e *��� 2 ��� , By: Council File # c 1� S� Z Green Sheet # 62980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS F �usms'r�zwtsot�nx�susovass.we� Adopted by Council: „DaY,e (,Y..� f�,`/ 99 9 Form App oved by Ci + ttorney B .� d j� I q� `� ' � � e� DEPARTMENT/OFFiCE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED �� T Office ofHuman Resources 6/1/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62980 c�q�� CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: ��'�TL ���`�� Mark Robertson, 266-6471 , nEeean.�nrr n�� < crrrco�e�ca K2ien SanChez, 266-6483 Ky � Z�n•YA•fIDRNEY cm�L�c xovrnvc M(JSfBEONCOUNCII.AGENDA BY(DATL� oxDE2 �� Fnvnwpnts6RVinecrc 3MAYOR(OAASSL) � � - � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CI.IP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUESTED: To create the new classification of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30 of the Supervisory , Standazd Ranges (SPSO). RgCOMI�NDAITONS: Appmve (A) orReject (R) PERSONiAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWEI22THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONiS: 1. Haethispecsov/6rmwerwotked�mdaracoetraatfortttisdepaztmrnt? PLANNINGCOM[��1GSSION Ya No CIBCOtvA�II11EE 2. HasthispnsoolExmevabcenaciTyemploytt? CIViI,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Ya No — 3. DoaxthupasoNfumposse.ssaskillnotmlmallypossessedhyanyciureutdtyemployee? — Ya No — 4. SsddspersoNfvmatazgetedveodor� — Yes No Ezplain all yes answets on aepante sheet snd attach to g[eert sheet �� ,IPIITTATING PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORT[tNI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Water Utility's organizational structure was changed. This re-organization included the creation of a '- management position responsible for managing the Business Aivision. The Business Division includes , AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Because the Business Division is so different - from the other divisions in the Water Utility, a new class specification should be created which will include nvnimum ' qualifications in the various areas mentioned, i.e., accountingifinance, information services, customer services, or 'engineering. The department and the union have signed off on the 20-day Notice. : ADVAt`7TAGESIFAPPROVED: a, Establish an appropriate class specification. Provide advancement and career opporiuniries £or non-civil engineer ' professional and supervisory positions in Yhe Water Utility. Create a more diverse applicant pooI with the new minimum qualifications. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF,;D: WUPI� I�BSEc�,'�C�? C���EG� None. The salazy for this position have already been placed in the Water Utility budget. DISADV.ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �rr°z The staffing needs of the department will not be met. ��' �`� � i' �YY = .¢,� TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: COSTlREVENIJ� BUDGETED: Fi7NDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: �i;: a �•� 1°S� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� E � 'xt � `- "` k' ` ` � :,. � ': `� �? k � �.'. i; : � �_ 1:: �' � 4i, � 1� i a�t" H ii �. 4� u�d }'.¢ i F:\USERS\1EPIvf2�RESOLTT[N�BUSDNGS. WPD `��i�S Z DESK AUDTT Requested Classification: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: APPROVAL OF T�A; Background: Business Division Manager-Water Utility (New) September 29,1998 Karen Sanchez Department Contact Person DII2ECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: The Water Utility requested that a new class entitled Business Aivision Manager-Water Utility be created. The creation of this new title is a resuit of a departmental re-organization. The position in this classwill manage theBusiness Division including AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Positiou Description: The posirion manages the Business Division which includes Accounting/Finance, Information Services, and Customer Service. The responsibilities include: Manages the accounting/finance, information services, and customer service sections through Iower level supervisors. Assists the Water Utility General Manager in plaru�ing and developing departmental plans, policies, goals, and objectives. Directs/participates in the development, plamiing, and implementarion of a variety of programs and projects. Directs the pla.nning and implementation of programs and projects for the Business Division. Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, govermnern officiais, media, and community. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager for improvements in services and �L�-�SZ operations; plans and implements special studies, projects, and reports; analyzes new products, methods, and technologies. Manages the planning and implementation of the Water Utility's strategic plan, process re- engineering, performance management, and quality improvement initiatives. Comparison: The proposedBusiness DivisionManager-WaterUtility class is comparable to the Divis3onManager- Water Utility class. The Division Manager class specification describes responsible manageriat work in planning and directing the operarions of a major division ofthe Water Utility. The position in the new class will manage the Business Division which is considered a major division of the Utility. The positionwill havedepartment and division-wideresponsibilities as do the DivisionManagerpositions. These aze as follows: Departrnent-wide responsibilities: * Assists the General Manager in managing the water works systems in planning, developing, and implementing plans, programs, policies, goals, and objectives. * Participates/directs the development and implementation of various Water Utility programs and projects. * Provides technical advice and recommendations to the General Manager; directs special studies, projects, reports, and recommendarions for improvements to the water works system. Division-wide responsibilities: * Plans and directs the operations ofa division including administration, budgeting, planning, staffing, employee development, and resource management. * Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standazds for the division. * D'uects the planning and implementation of programs and projects for the division. * Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, government officials, media, and community. * Resolves complex issues, concems, and complaints regarding division policies, operations, and services. * Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies for changes/improvements to processes, procedures, and operations. The difference between the Division Manager and the proposed class aze the knowledge, skills, and abilities required and the minimum qualifications. The Division Manager requires competencies in civil engineering as applied to water works systems and operations such as engineering, production, and distribuYion. Whereas, the Business Division Manager requires competencies in accounting/finance, information services, and customer services. The Business Division Manager Page 2 of 3 �i� 55Z does not require a civil engineer background and the technical licenses/registrations required of a Division Manager. Quantitative Evalnation System (QES): A review of the QES supports compensating the new class at the same grade as the Division Manager-Water Utility class in Crrade 30 of the Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Recommendation: A new class entitled Business Division�Manager-Water Utility should be created in Grade 30 ofthe Supervisory Standard Itanges. Page 3 of 3 �� ssz CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, General Manager Water Utility OFFSCE OF HI1MAN RESOURCES John Hmnikon. Direc[ar aoOCiryxaaAm,ex 25WestFourthSL�eet SmntPau�Mlrmessota 55102-1631 Karen Sanchez, Human Resources Specialist �� Office of Human Resources September 29, 1998 Twenty Day Notice Telephane: 651-2666500 TpD/ffP.• 651-266-6501 Jobline: 651-2666502 Facsi�tile: 651-292-7656 �� y'�i: : . �, - i y � '�''�� UF �� y � ���� _ .. r, �S , It has been determined that the title and class specification of Business Division Manager- Water Utility should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resotution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 030, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supenrisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �o - S' - y8 Date F.•IUSF.RSVEAldT�20DAPSISUSDl[SLIILWPD IVT P6liL i� IIA�A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm ColemaryMayor September 29, 1998 J'un O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization River Centre 175 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Tim: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilian, DireMOr 400CiryHallAnner 23 Y7estFourth Sbeet SmntPaul.�m�esota SS10Z-1631 Te7ephone: TDD/ClP-' Iobune: Facs"vnile: �l �1,� SS � 672-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2b6-G502 61L292-7656 It has been deternvned that the class specification ofBusiness Division Manager-Water Utility should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttris memo, if you wish to discuss tlus action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, Karen Sanchez Core Consulting Services I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20-day notice for the purpose of creating this title and clasa specification. � ��:� � a �� '�� Name " " ! rs€;� , . ; „ .- F � � - � CODE: 651A SU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerPorms responsible managerial work in planning, directing, and evaluating the operations of the Business Division of the Water L3tility; and per£orms related duties as assigned. Suoexvisian Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the General Manager--Water Utility. Suaervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general and technical supervision directly and through lower 1eve1 supervisors over all levels of employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and directs the operations of the Utility's customer services, information services, and finance/accounting units/functions through lower level supervisors. Manages the planning and implementation of the Utility's strategic plan, process re-engineering, performance management/measurements, and Total Quality Improvement (TQI) initiatives. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility's budget and selling utility services; xeviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; develops rate structure and recommendations; oversees tracking of budget, rates, and debt structuxe. Assists the general manager in planning and developing departmental plans, policies, goals and objectives. Paxticipates in and directs the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of Water Utility programs and projects. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standards applicable to the division. Directs the planning, coordination, and implementation of programs and projects for the division. Represents the division to othex City departments, governmental agencies, (continued on reverse side) BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILZTY water management organizations, public and px'ivate organizations, government officials, media, and the community. Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies applicable to the division and implements changes to modify or improve operations. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager £or short and long range improvements of services and operations of the division. Plans and implements special projects, studies, and reports. RNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of the theories, principles, and practices of accounting, finance, business, customer service or in£ormation services. Considerable knowledge of the operations of assigned division. Considerable knowledge of management theories and principZes. Gonsiderable knowledge of related laws, rules, regulations, and standards. Thorough ability to manage the operation of a large division of the Water Utility. Considerable ability to develop and implement operational plans, policies, and procedures and to assist in the revision of existing operations, plans, or strategies to meet new needs, changes, or emergencies. Considerable ability to plan, coordinate, and review productivity of work. Considerable ability to supervise and provide leadership. Considerable ability to plan and implement special programs, projects, and studies. Considerable ability to develop and administer budgets, rate and debt structures. Considerable ability to conduct complex research and analysis and to prepare reports and recommendations. Considerable ability to analyze information and to create short and longe range operational and capital acquisition plans as needed. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both oxally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact e£fectively with a wide variety of people. BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 3 c- � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �I BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelox's degYee in accounting, business, civil engineezing, communications, finance, journalism, mathematics, Management Information Systems (MIS), or public administration. Must have completed thirteen semester credits received after college graduation in accounting, business, economics, finance, management, MIS, or marketing, at least 8 credits of which must have been received prior to appointment and 5 cxedits of which must be received within 18 months a£ter appointment. Must have five years of experience in the Water Utility as an Accountant IV, In£oxmation Services Manager-Water Utility, Public Services Manager-Water Utility, or Civil Engineer III-Water Utility. (No substitution for education�. BUSINESS DIVISION MAI3AGER-WATER UTILITY e OR1�i�#A' Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility be established at the rate set forth in Grade 30, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, F'URTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. dffice of Hnu�an Resources By: � \'. �tgy��! � Adoption Certjfied by g r cr ApprovedbyMayo. e *��� 2 ��� , By: Council File # c 1� S� Z Green Sheet # 62980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS F �usms'r�zwtsot�nx�susovass.we� Adopted by Council: „DaY,e (,Y..� f�,`/ 99 9 Form App oved by Ci + ttorney B .� d j� I q� `� ' � � e� DEPARTMENT/OFFiCE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED �� T Office ofHuman Resources 6/1/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62980 c�q�� CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: ��'�TL ���`�� Mark Robertson, 266-6471 , nEeean.�nrr n�� < crrrco�e�ca K2ien SanChez, 266-6483 Ky � Z�n•YA•fIDRNEY cm�L�c xovrnvc M(JSfBEONCOUNCII.AGENDA BY(DATL� oxDE2 �� Fnvnwpnts6RVinecrc 3MAYOR(OAASSL) � � - � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CI.IP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUESTED: To create the new classification of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30 of the Supervisory , Standazd Ranges (SPSO). RgCOMI�NDAITONS: Appmve (A) orReject (R) PERSONiAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWEI22THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONiS: 1. Haethispecsov/6rmwerwotked�mdaracoetraatfortttisdepaztmrnt? PLANNINGCOM[��1GSSION Ya No CIBCOtvA�II11EE 2. HasthispnsoolExmevabcenaciTyemploytt? CIViI,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Ya No — 3. DoaxthupasoNfumposse.ssaskillnotmlmallypossessedhyanyciureutdtyemployee? — Ya No — 4. SsddspersoNfvmatazgetedveodor� — Yes No Ezplain all yes answets on aepante sheet snd attach to g[eert sheet �� ,IPIITTATING PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORT[tNI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Water Utility's organizational structure was changed. This re-organization included the creation of a '- management position responsible for managing the Business Aivision. The Business Division includes , AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Because the Business Division is so different - from the other divisions in the Water Utility, a new class specification should be created which will include nvnimum ' qualifications in the various areas mentioned, i.e., accountingifinance, information services, customer services, or 'engineering. The department and the union have signed off on the 20-day Notice. : ADVAt`7TAGESIFAPPROVED: a, Establish an appropriate class specification. Provide advancement and career opporiuniries £or non-civil engineer ' professional and supervisory positions in Yhe Water Utility. Create a more diverse applicant pooI with the new minimum qualifications. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF,;D: WUPI� I�BSEc�,'�C�? C���EG� None. The salazy for this position have already been placed in the Water Utility budget. DISADV.ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �rr°z The staffing needs of the department will not be met. ��' �`� � i' �YY = .¢,� TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: COSTlREVENIJ� BUDGETED: Fi7NDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: �i;: a �•� 1°S� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� E � 'xt � `- "` k' ` ` � :,. � ': `� �? k � �.'. i; : � �_ 1:: �' � 4i, � 1� i a�t" H ii �. 4� u�d }'.¢ i F:\USERS\1EPIvf2�RESOLTT[N�BUSDNGS. WPD `��i�S Z DESK AUDTT Requested Classification: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: APPROVAL OF T�A; Background: Business Division Manager-Water Utility (New) September 29,1998 Karen Sanchez Department Contact Person DII2ECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: The Water Utility requested that a new class entitled Business Aivision Manager-Water Utility be created. The creation of this new title is a resuit of a departmental re-organization. The position in this classwill manage theBusiness Division including AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Positiou Description: The posirion manages the Business Division which includes Accounting/Finance, Information Services, and Customer Service. The responsibilities include: Manages the accounting/finance, information services, and customer service sections through Iower level supervisors. Assists the Water Utility General Manager in plaru�ing and developing departmental plans, policies, goals, and objectives. Directs/participates in the development, plamiing, and implementarion of a variety of programs and projects. Directs the pla.nning and implementation of programs and projects for the Business Division. Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, govermnern officiais, media, and community. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager for improvements in services and �L�-�SZ operations; plans and implements special studies, projects, and reports; analyzes new products, methods, and technologies. Manages the planning and implementation of the Water Utility's strategic plan, process re- engineering, performance management, and quality improvement initiatives. Comparison: The proposedBusiness DivisionManager-WaterUtility class is comparable to the Divis3onManager- Water Utility class. The Division Manager class specification describes responsible manageriat work in planning and directing the operarions of a major division ofthe Water Utility. The position in the new class will manage the Business Division which is considered a major division of the Utility. The positionwill havedepartment and division-wideresponsibilities as do the DivisionManagerpositions. These aze as follows: Departrnent-wide responsibilities: * Assists the General Manager in managing the water works systems in planning, developing, and implementing plans, programs, policies, goals, and objectives. * Participates/directs the development and implementation of various Water Utility programs and projects. * Provides technical advice and recommendations to the General Manager; directs special studies, projects, reports, and recommendarions for improvements to the water works system. Division-wide responsibilities: * Plans and directs the operations ofa division including administration, budgeting, planning, staffing, employee development, and resource management. * Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standazds for the division. * D'uects the planning and implementation of programs and projects for the division. * Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, government officials, media, and community. * Resolves complex issues, concems, and complaints regarding division policies, operations, and services. * Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies for changes/improvements to processes, procedures, and operations. The difference between the Division Manager and the proposed class aze the knowledge, skills, and abilities required and the minimum qualifications. The Division Manager requires competencies in civil engineering as applied to water works systems and operations such as engineering, production, and distribuYion. Whereas, the Business Division Manager requires competencies in accounting/finance, information services, and customer services. The Business Division Manager Page 2 of 3 �i� 55Z does not require a civil engineer background and the technical licenses/registrations required of a Division Manager. Quantitative Evalnation System (QES): A review of the QES supports compensating the new class at the same grade as the Division Manager-Water Utility class in Crrade 30 of the Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Recommendation: A new class entitled Business Division�Manager-Water Utility should be created in Grade 30 ofthe Supervisory Standard Itanges. Page 3 of 3 �� ssz CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, General Manager Water Utility OFFSCE OF HI1MAN RESOURCES John Hmnikon. Direc[ar aoOCiryxaaAm,ex 25WestFourthSL�eet SmntPau�Mlrmessota 55102-1631 Karen Sanchez, Human Resources Specialist �� Office of Human Resources September 29, 1998 Twenty Day Notice Telephane: 651-2666500 TpD/ffP.• 651-266-6501 Jobline: 651-2666502 Facsi�tile: 651-292-7656 �� y'�i: : . �, - i y � '�''�� UF �� y � ���� _ .. r, �S , It has been determined that the title and class specification of Business Division Manager- Water Utility should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resotution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 030, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supenrisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �o - S' - y8 Date F.•IUSF.RSVEAldT�20DAPSISUSDl[SLIILWPD IVT P6liL i� IIA�A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm ColemaryMayor September 29, 1998 J'un O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization River Centre 175 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Tim: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilian, DireMOr 400CiryHallAnner 23 Y7estFourth Sbeet SmntPaul.�m�esota SS10Z-1631 Te7ephone: TDD/ClP-' Iobune: Facs"vnile: �l �1,� SS � 672-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2b6-G502 61L292-7656 It has been deternvned that the class specification ofBusiness Division Manager-Water Utility should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttris memo, if you wish to discuss tlus action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, Karen Sanchez Core Consulting Services I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20-day notice for the purpose of creating this title and clasa specification. � ��:� � a �� '�� Name " " ! rs€;� , . ; „ .- F � � - � CODE: 651A SU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerPorms responsible managerial work in planning, directing, and evaluating the operations of the Business Division of the Water L3tility; and per£orms related duties as assigned. Suoexvisian Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the General Manager--Water Utility. Suaervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general and technical supervision directly and through lower 1eve1 supervisors over all levels of employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and directs the operations of the Utility's customer services, information services, and finance/accounting units/functions through lower level supervisors. Manages the planning and implementation of the Utility's strategic plan, process re-engineering, performance management/measurements, and Total Quality Improvement (TQI) initiatives. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility's budget and selling utility services; xeviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; develops rate structure and recommendations; oversees tracking of budget, rates, and debt structuxe. Assists the general manager in planning and developing departmental plans, policies, goals and objectives. Paxticipates in and directs the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of Water Utility programs and projects. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standards applicable to the division. Directs the planning, coordination, and implementation of programs and projects for the division. Represents the division to othex City departments, governmental agencies, (continued on reverse side) BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILZTY water management organizations, public and px'ivate organizations, government officials, media, and the community. Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies applicable to the division and implements changes to modify or improve operations. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager £or short and long range improvements of services and operations of the division. Plans and implements special projects, studies, and reports. RNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of the theories, principles, and practices of accounting, finance, business, customer service or in£ormation services. Considerable knowledge of the operations of assigned division. Considerable knowledge of management theories and principZes. Gonsiderable knowledge of related laws, rules, regulations, and standards. Thorough ability to manage the operation of a large division of the Water Utility. Considerable ability to develop and implement operational plans, policies, and procedures and to assist in the revision of existing operations, plans, or strategies to meet new needs, changes, or emergencies. Considerable ability to plan, coordinate, and review productivity of work. Considerable ability to supervise and provide leadership. Considerable ability to plan and implement special programs, projects, and studies. Considerable ability to develop and administer budgets, rate and debt structures. Considerable ability to conduct complex research and analysis and to prepare reports and recommendations. Considerable ability to analyze information and to create short and longe range operational and capital acquisition plans as needed. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both oxally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact e£fectively with a wide variety of people. BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 3 c- � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �I BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelox's degYee in accounting, business, civil engineezing, communications, finance, journalism, mathematics, Management Information Systems (MIS), or public administration. Must have completed thirteen semester credits received after college graduation in accounting, business, economics, finance, management, MIS, or marketing, at least 8 credits of which must have been received prior to appointment and 5 cxedits of which must be received within 18 months a£ter appointment. Must have five years of experience in the Water Utility as an Accountant IV, In£oxmation Services Manager-Water Utility, Public Services Manager-Water Utility, or Civil Engineer III-Water Utility. (No substitution for education�. BUSINESS DIVISION MAI3AGER-WATER UTILITY e OR1�i�#A' Presented Referred To Committee Date 1 Z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 An Administrative Resolution to establish the rate of pay for a new classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the classification entitled Business Division Manager-Water Utility be established at the rate set forth in Grade 30, Section ID4, ofthe Professional Employees Supervisory Standazd Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation, and be it, F'URTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following passage and approval. Requested by Department of. dffice of Hnu�an Resources By: � \'. �tgy��! � Adoption Certjfied by g r cr ApprovedbyMayo. e *��� 2 ��� , By: Council File # c 1� S� Z Green Sheet # 62980 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA IS F �usms'r�zwtsot�nx�susovass.we� Adopted by Council: „DaY,e (,Y..� f�,`/ 99 9 Form App oved by Ci + ttorney B .� d j� I q� `� ' � � e� DEPARTMENT/OFFiCE/COUNCII,: DATE INITIATED �� T Office ofHuman Resources 6/1/99 G�EN SHEET No.: 62980 c�q�� CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: ��'�TL ���`�� Mark Robertson, 266-6471 , nEeean.�nrr n�� < crrrco�e�ca K2ien SanChez, 266-6483 Ky � Z�n•YA•fIDRNEY cm�L�c xovrnvc M(JSfBEONCOUNCII.AGENDA BY(DATL� oxDE2 �� Fnvnwpnts6RVinecrc 3MAYOR(OAASSL) � � - � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CI.IP ALL I.00ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACfION REQUESTED: To create the new classification of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30 of the Supervisory , Standazd Ranges (SPSO). RgCOMI�NDAITONS: Appmve (A) orReject (R) PERSONiAL SERViCE CONTRACfS MUST ANSWEI22THE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONiS: 1. Haethispecsov/6rmwerwotked�mdaracoetraatfortttisdepaztmrnt? PLANNINGCOM[��1GSSION Ya No CIBCOtvA�II11EE 2. HasthispnsoolExmevabcenaciTyemploytt? CIViI,SERVICECOMIvIISSION Ya No — 3. DoaxthupasoNfumposse.ssaskillnotmlmallypossessedhyanyciureutdtyemployee? — Ya No — 4. SsddspersoNfvmatazgetedveodor� — Yes No Ezplain all yes answets on aepante sheet snd attach to g[eert sheet �� ,IPIITTATING PROBLEM, ISSIJE, OPPORT[tNI1'Y (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Water Utility's organizational structure was changed. This re-organization included the creation of a '- management position responsible for managing the Business Aivision. The Business Division includes , AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Because the Business Division is so different - from the other divisions in the Water Utility, a new class specification should be created which will include nvnimum ' qualifications in the various areas mentioned, i.e., accountingifinance, information services, customer services, or 'engineering. The department and the union have signed off on the 20-day Notice. : ADVAt`7TAGESIFAPPROVED: a, Establish an appropriate class specification. Provide advancement and career opporiuniries £or non-civil engineer ' professional and supervisory positions in Yhe Water Utility. Create a more diverse applicant pooI with the new minimum qualifications. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVF,;D: WUPI� I�BSEc�,'�C�? C���EG� None. The salazy for this position have already been placed in the Water Utility budget. DISADV.ANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: �rr°z The staffing needs of the department will not be met. ��' �`� � i' �YY = .¢,� TOTAL AMOiJNT OF TRANSACTION: COSTlREVENIJ� BUDGETED: Fi7NDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: �i;: a �•� 1°S� FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIt� E � 'xt � `- "` k' ` ` � :,. � ': `� �? k � �.'. i; : � �_ 1:: �' � 4i, � 1� i a�t" H ii �. 4� u�d }'.¢ i F:\USERS\1EPIvf2�RESOLTT[N�BUSDNGS. WPD `��i�S Z DESK AUDTT Requested Classification: Date Studied: Studied By: Persons Contacted: APPROVAL OF T�A; Background: Business Division Manager-Water Utility (New) September 29,1998 Karen Sanchez Department Contact Person DII2ECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCES: The Water Utility requested that a new class entitled Business Aivision Manager-Water Utility be created. The creation of this new title is a resuit of a departmental re-organization. The position in this classwill manage theBusiness Division including AccountinglFinance, Information Services, and Customer Services. Positiou Description: The posirion manages the Business Division which includes Accounting/Finance, Information Services, and Customer Service. The responsibilities include: Manages the accounting/finance, information services, and customer service sections through Iower level supervisors. Assists the Water Utility General Manager in plaru�ing and developing departmental plans, policies, goals, and objectives. Directs/participates in the development, plamiing, and implementarion of a variety of programs and projects. Directs the pla.nning and implementation of programs and projects for the Business Division. Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, govermnern officiais, media, and community. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager for improvements in services and �L�-�SZ operations; plans and implements special studies, projects, and reports; analyzes new products, methods, and technologies. Manages the planning and implementation of the Water Utility's strategic plan, process re- engineering, performance management, and quality improvement initiatives. Comparison: The proposedBusiness DivisionManager-WaterUtility class is comparable to the Divis3onManager- Water Utility class. The Division Manager class specification describes responsible manageriat work in planning and directing the operarions of a major division ofthe Water Utility. The position in the new class will manage the Business Division which is considered a major division of the Utility. The positionwill havedepartment and division-wideresponsibilities as do the DivisionManagerpositions. These aze as follows: Departrnent-wide responsibilities: * Assists the General Manager in managing the water works systems in planning, developing, and implementing plans, programs, policies, goals, and objectives. * Participates/directs the development and implementation of various Water Utility programs and projects. * Provides technical advice and recommendations to the General Manager; directs special studies, projects, reports, and recommendarions for improvements to the water works system. Division-wide responsibilities: * Plans and directs the operations ofa division including administration, budgeting, planning, staffing, employee development, and resource management. * Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standazds for the division. * D'uects the planning and implementation of programs and projects for the division. * Represents the division to other City departments, governmental agencies, water management organizations, public and private organizations, government officials, media, and community. * Resolves complex issues, concems, and complaints regarding division policies, operations, and services. * Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies for changes/improvements to processes, procedures, and operations. The difference between the Division Manager and the proposed class aze the knowledge, skills, and abilities required and the minimum qualifications. The Division Manager requires competencies in civil engineering as applied to water works systems and operations such as engineering, production, and distribuYion. Whereas, the Business Division Manager requires competencies in accounting/finance, information services, and customer services. The Business Division Manager Page 2 of 3 �i� 55Z does not require a civil engineer background and the technical licenses/registrations required of a Division Manager. Quantitative Evalnation System (QES): A review of the QES supports compensating the new class at the same grade as the Division Manager-Water Utility class in Crrade 30 of the Supervisory Standard Salary Ranges. Recommendation: A new class entitled Business Division�Manager-Water Utility should be created in Grade 30 ofthe Supervisory Standard Itanges. Page 3 of 3 �� ssz CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Bernie Bullert, General Manager Water Utility OFFSCE OF HI1MAN RESOURCES John Hmnikon. Direc[ar aoOCiryxaaAm,ex 25WestFourthSL�eet SmntPau�Mlrmessota 55102-1631 Karen Sanchez, Human Resources Specialist �� Office of Human Resources September 29, 1998 Twenty Day Notice Telephane: 651-2666500 TpD/ffP.• 651-266-6501 Jobline: 651-2666502 Facsi�tile: 651-292-7656 �� y'�i: : . �, - i y � '�''�� UF �� y � ���� _ .. r, �S , It has been determined that the title and class specification of Business Division Manager- Water Utility should be created, I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenry days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resotution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 030, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supenrisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. �o - S' - y8 Date F.•IUSF.RSVEAldT�20DAPSISUSDl[SLIILWPD IVT P6liL i� IIA�A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm ColemaryMayor September 29, 1998 J'un O'Leary, President Saint Paul Supervisors Organization River Centre 175 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Tim: OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES John Hamilian, DireMOr 400CiryHallAnner 23 Y7estFourth Sbeet SmntPaul.�m�esota SS10Z-1631 Te7ephone: TDD/ClP-' Iobune: Facs"vnile: �l �1,� SS � 672-2666500 612-266-6501 612-2b6-G502 61L292-7656 It has been deternvned that the class specification ofBusiness Division Manager-Water Utility should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of ttris memo, if you wish to discuss tlus action. If I do not hear from you within that time frame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title of Business Division Manager-Water Utility in Grade 30, Section ID4, of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. Sincerely, Karen Sanchez Core Consulting Services I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20-day notice for the purpose of creating this title and clasa specification. � ��:� � a �� '�� Name " " ! rs€;� , . ; „ .- F � � - � CODE: 651A SU: 09 EFFECTIVE: �� PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY DESCRZPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: PerPorms responsible managerial work in planning, directing, and evaluating the operations of the Business Division of the Water L3tility; and per£orms related duties as assigned. Suoexvisian Received: Works under the administrative supervision of the General Manager--Water Utility. Suaervision Exercised: Exercises within a division general and technical supervision directly and through lower 1eve1 supervisors over all levels of employees. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all the duties performed by all positions in this class. Plans and directs the operations of the Utility's customer services, information services, and finance/accounting units/functions through lower level supervisors. Manages the planning and implementation of the Utility's strategic plan, process re-engineering, performance management/measurements, and Total Quality Improvement (TQI) initiatives. Assists in the development and administration of the Utility's budget and selling utility services; xeviews and recommends actions on expenditures within the budget; develops rate structure and recommendations; oversees tracking of budget, rates, and debt structuxe. Assists the general manager in planning and developing departmental plans, policies, goals and objectives. Paxticipates in and directs the development, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of Water Utility programs and projects. Ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws, rules, regulations, and standards applicable to the division. Directs the planning, coordination, and implementation of programs and projects for the division. Represents the division to othex City departments, governmental agencies, (continued on reverse side) BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 2 PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILZTY water management organizations, public and px'ivate organizations, government officials, media, and the community. Analyzes new products, methods, and technologies applicable to the division and implements changes to modify or improve operations. Prepares reports and recommendations to the General Manager £or short and long range improvements of services and operations of the division. Plans and implements special projects, studies, and reports. RNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, ABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES Thorough knowledge of the theories, principles, and practices of accounting, finance, business, customer service or in£ormation services. Considerable knowledge of the operations of assigned division. Considerable knowledge of management theories and principZes. Gonsiderable knowledge of related laws, rules, regulations, and standards. Thorough ability to manage the operation of a large division of the Water Utility. Considerable ability to develop and implement operational plans, policies, and procedures and to assist in the revision of existing operations, plans, or strategies to meet new needs, changes, or emergencies. Considerable ability to plan, coordinate, and review productivity of work. Considerable ability to supervise and provide leadership. Considerable ability to plan and implement special programs, projects, and studies. Considerable ability to develop and administer budgets, rate and debt structures. Considerable ability to conduct complex research and analysis and to prepare reports and recommendations. Considerable ability to analyze information and to create short and longe range operational and capital acquisition plans as needed. Considerable ability to communicate effectively, both oxally and in writing. Considerable ability to interact e£fectively with a wide variety of people. BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY Page 3 c- � PROPOSED TITLE OF CLASS: �I BUSINESS DIVISION MANAGER-WATER UTILITY MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS A bachelox's degYee in accounting, business, civil engineezing, communications, finance, journalism, mathematics, Management Information Systems (MIS), or public administration. Must have completed thirteen semester credits received after college graduation in accounting, business, economics, finance, management, MIS, or marketing, at least 8 credits of which must have been received prior to appointment and 5 cxedits of which must be received within 18 months a£ter appointment. Must have five years of experience in the Water Utility as an Accountant IV, In£oxmation Services Manager-Water Utility, Public Services Manager-Water Utility, or Civil Engineer III-Water Utility. (No substitution for education�. BUSINESS DIVISION MAI3AGER-WATER UTILITY