87-1233 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COLLRClI CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE � -MAVOR File NO• �-/�� 1 Council Resolution ;� � � Presented By Refer ed To Committee: Date Out of mittee By Date RESOLVED: That the request for a One Day Extension of Service Area by Mancini's Bar � Char House at 531 W. 7th Street on August 30, 1987, between the hours of 12:00 Noon and dusk be and the same is hereby extended to the outside area adjacent to the northwest side of the building. COUNCILMEN Yeas Drew Nays Requested by Department of: � � Rettman � In Favor Scheibel � Against BY � Weida wil�on AUG 2 `� � �g8� Form Appr v by City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa,s ��ncril Sec ry BY gy. � Approved b � avor: Date "- " � Approved y ayor for Submission to Council By By PUBlISl�fii �'�_�- � `� ���7 �j—� �s 1 �,I�--� � � � ' ���g . �����3 DI�SION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �� '1��� � �INT:2DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Applicant � �l ; S�jC�r���lGt�-�ji,cs�Iome Address Bus ine s s Name ��,,,,,�o� Home Phone Business Address J�� ) l.c.�, `� '� � Type of License(s) � �,r � � Business Phone o�a,� - � 3`�� C[� -{ics�. � Sa��u, � �� ,�a:C�p -uksk Public Hearing Date License I.D. � j 5"rC1?� at 10:00 a.m. in the Co cil hambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # ��—l�o� REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER) COI�IlKENTS �oved Not ed Housing & Bldg � Code Enf orcement j� `� ( i Public Health I � �� � i � Fire Prevention 4 n � � � � Police � n �� � City Attorney � ! I ENS � � l ,� � ; 300 Foot Notice I n �- � � License Inspector's Comments: I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC IiEARING IS REQUIRED. • � .. ..q„ , . .� _ . . . , .. �. . A . � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBAr � New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: f � �; Phone: 224-7345 �` � � � 224-7346 � .�Vl�ncini"s Bar & Char Kouse ' c�- �7-��,3� 531 WEST SEVENTH STRF�T / � � �� ST. PAUL,. M(NNESOTA 55102 ��E�Ccf2 � l.fil ��,h,P�L St. Paul City Co�incil Members �ity and �ounty �o�zrthouse :3t. :'aul, :�Iinnesota 55102 ' Honora�le Council i�le�bers: I respect�•zllf req�sest that Nlancini's Chax House �e allo=�red to extend our liquor service area to the o�ztside area adjacent to the north:�rest side of our b�.zilding. I am requesting that this extention '�e granted for A�ig,_lst 30, 1987. Serv�ce wi11 be cond�zcted under a tent, Frith prop- er personnel an�. security. iJe t•r�ll li�i.t service to dusT�c. Thanic you in advance �'or vour consideration to �y requ�st. Sincerely � O c� :� p -' =: "1� �,S�;..� 1 :�Gi: ul is.'� 'G � � _______________________________ AGENPA ITEMS =___—__--__—_—___—_____--_—___--= C�����1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ . ...__ IDN 158 ] DATE REC.: C08/12/87] AGENDA LiATE: C00/00/00] I1�EM #: C ] �_� SUBJECT: CONE DAY EXTENSIOhI OF SERVICE AREA — MANCIMI'S CHAR HOUSE ] � S7AFF ASSIGNELI: C ] SIG:C ]OUT—C ] 1'0 CLERK:C00/OQ/QO] ' ORIGIMATOR:CLICEhISE DIV. ] CONTACT:C ] ACTIOM:C 7 C ] ORD/RES #:C ] FILED:C00/00/00 ] LOC.:C ] � � * � a� � � � � � � � * � • FILE INFO: tkESOLUTION/CNECKLIST/LETTER OF REQUEST OF MANCINI'S ] C ] C ] y r : I � ' — ,_— - ,_, rn . , � • �� ° � - , C - � ;,� . . � _ -� � - - r' �