87-1226 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �,/Z�� CANARV -. DEPAR-TMENT B�UE - MAVOR File �0• . � ouncil Resolution r f � �,� .� Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the Cit�r of Saint Paul does hereby approve of the appointments, by the P�layor, of the following named persons to serve as members of the newly established "City of Saint Paul Citizens Solid !�.!aste Task Force". REPRESENTING LARGE NAULERS REPRESEi�1TIIVG SP�IACL HAULERS Kevin Nordby John Wynne T6+10 MEPIBERS OF CITIZEN GROUPS OR NEIGHBOP.NOOD ORGANIZATIONS INVOLVED I�! SOLID WASTE ISSUES Deborah Meister - District 14 Tom ��Jelna - Neighborhood Energy Consortium 0�lE REPRESE�JTATIVE OF A LA�JDFILL OR ALTERNATIVE ��ETHOD �JF DISPOSAL Julie P�tackenzie - 4Jaste �lanagement Board OPJE REPRESENTATIVE OF RA!`�ISEY COUNTY Richard Dean Ragan TIr10 P�1E��iBERS OF R:�MSEY COUPdTY'S SOCID !JA.STE NIANAGE�°1ENT /�D��ISOP,Y COP1�"ITTEE �;ary Ayde Mike Ninz THREE h9EM6ERS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC � Q . Emil S ensen Todd Seabury-Kolad John I-legge COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays [n Favor Against BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANC-E COUI�Cll CANARVrDEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL 1 1 -/���' � B'lU�E - MAVOR . � Flle NO. " � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: . Date Out of Committee By Date 2 of 2 "City of Saint Paul Citizens Solid !!aste Task Force" FINALLY RESOLVED, that the task force shall make an interim report to the P•layor and City Council no later than 90 days after appointment. The task force shall make a final renort to the �1ayor and City Council within six months and will sunset at that time. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia _� [n Favor Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen Weida P �T�y3�n AUG � Q 1987 Form pproved C' rne Ado te ouncil: Date �. Certified Pass b ci1 Sec ry B sy A►pproved b avor: D e —"����1 If� � 1 '� 7 Approv y Mayor for Submi on o Cpuncil By FU'.��IUitW �\�i� lj 2 9 198?_ �� �� �/ T . , �-�7-�-�a� _.._._---_�.._ _ _ ..._....... _ ._... ...._._.............. ..... N�!..i�.'r°i .. k,.,,:i -. _._ . „ _.. :-:� :�:: - a r�^r� i� f. .. , .. r . �*� . ..' .u� ITl a C��1 l. I�wT� F:1:=C� _ !.�..!r...• .1.7.;f�?.r:] �-!l"-�h�a1r1 I�r;I°{.�: �-,;;,,,:'�,�C�:'��!;'t.s :C T l:l'i s��� �- -' �. . .__ _ ..... .. .. ._ _. . ,,LiF,,:c.l:T� L.r�F't�rl I.!''�I '�IF.i'•1�`� — f;.I.�I�'T' fJF ::71� F',;�.il.. .;± :t �,;ta `:��71..?:i? ::r��:::;i�::: i��:�:i�; 1:,4+_:c:. . � -�- ,.._. „_.. , .. „�.... _ CT�tk h �-�t-.:;:[rh�.�CE� f. 7 ;;�'�u�.t?;-:�4; lt:ii_�7 ....�- .� �.� t..E..E: �;;..bi.t;t:�:i.3.:'�:�:�:s C1�:Tii?hi��'TQF�;�f..�+f:F!,J "1 1�;(::i�"i i=�i.,7��: J ta!=T T[��1;C: i r.. � ' :1 F�]'�.F�r1�r:i�ii:;;[;:;��� :1 l..C�':�:e ,�C: .; C�i�,i�.� F:{_:=; �r r. 'X} izi �r: 'ki .. i;: .v. .y. .�.• r. ��• .. .y. .�.. �Ti_.F- Iri�-��� �:h;i='S•..-1L.L�T'.T.(-il�l i ;: :i C ;l