87-1212 WNITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �'�/�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � BLUE - MAYOR Co nc 'l Resolution - Presented By �a Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE�OLU�, that the �roper City officials are hPxeby aithorized and chrected to �cecute an agr�anent with the Gity o� O�lim�bia Heights� Wf�RESY, the City of Saint Paul will �SOVide Massage-7lzerapist written and practir,al testing acco�ding to the ten�ns o� saLCl agresnent, a o�py of v�ich is to be loept on file and of reoo�d in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia � Rettman Itl FavO[ Scheibel � Sonnen _ Against BY ' �adeee��(f�/d/} Wilson AUG � 9 19'87 Form roved y C' orn Adopted by Council: Date � � Certified Pa•s b� Council Se etar � � BY l � ' gy, 1S-�^�--- Appro by ENavor: Date ��� 2 O �S� APP�ov y Mayor for Submi i n uncil — By P�WI.I�� r- �� ^ �' � 19�� i:. l;. t✓ �dmuriity Services DEPARfiMENT. �� _ �9204 `�' �Y J• �� - r- CONTACT ��'� 292-77I1 � PHONE � June 26, 1987 DATE ,,i ,.� e e ` � ,.� � ASSIGN NUNBER FOtt ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Siqnature) : � Department Director �Director of Management/Mayor � Finance and Management Services qirector � � Caty Clerk Budget Di r�ctor � �*�m�ia � ,� City Attorney . .�i WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTIQN ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ - Rationale) : A liesolutiron to allaw City siyr�atures bn an �reement between the City of Safr�t Paul, thrau� �X� its Divlsi,ai of Puhlic He�lth, and tlhe Ci.ty of �linabia Seights. i�d�r this oontract the Gity of Sai.nt Paul will ac�ainister t�e Massage-7�erapist written and practival ecaminatiron to aanclic'i�tes referred to us b,� the �ity of Coliunbia Heights. ,"� Y� , � � . � , COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �� �'` � � _� :K�� � � ,� Zt�e City will be reimbursed $12.75 for each written ec�aulation a3�inistered ancl $41.25 far exh practiaal eca�ai.nati,�n a�ninistered. I�b personnel i�acts are anticipated. - FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUhBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (M�yor's signa- � I ture not re- Total Amount of "Transaction: $ � pgg ggp��,,�pp quired if under , ' � $10,000) Funding Source: aty of Oc�l�laia Heights Activity Number: o3a�.3 � RECE6V'�D ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Att�chments) : ' � . JUN N 91987 � ::' �. �yr�nt - ariqinal arxl tv�u �p�� CITY ATTaRNEY Y 2. Reaolution �i � . . � � � � - . � � - � . . . ,Y� . . . . . . . . . . . . . :�..•,.-a - ' (. �.��.1 ! . ' . . . � , ' �...�.:1 ' 3 DEP TMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes o Council Resolutioh Required? ' Resolution Required? es No T Yes � Insurance Required? ' Insurance Sufficient? Yes No /� };; � k Yes No Insurance Attached: , r (SEE •REVERSE' SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 - �-, -G��'7-/�'� - - L , . _� { _ � AGREEMENT �-L�-���'���� ��`��``J AN AGREEMENT, made and entered into this $th day of June ,1987, by and between the City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City", acting through its Division of Public Nealth, and the City of Columbia Neights, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor"; WITNESS WNEREAS, the City has the facilities and expertise for the administering of the Massage Therapist written and practical examination and; WHEREAS, the Contractor is permitte� to contract for the performance of said service or any portion thereof; WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of the both parties to contract for said service; NOW THEREFnRE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the City and the Contractor as follows: 1. That the City agrees to administer the written and practical massage thereapist examinations for the Contractor. 2. That the City in administering these exams, will use the criteria developed by the Saint Paul Division of Public Health. 3. That the Contractor will reimburse the City $12.75 for each written massage therapist examination administered and $41.25 for each practical massage therapist examintion administered. 4. That the City will only administer the written examination to applicants referred on the praper form by the Contractor. 5. That the City will only administer the �ractical examination to applicants receiving a passing grade in the written examin'ation administered by the City. 6. That a� all times the City agrees that its employees, agents and volunteers are independent contractors as to the City of Columbia Heights and not employees of the City of Columbia Heights. � . !:`F"'���`-�;</i' . r�. Ci � � 7. That nothing in this agreement shall be construed as limiting the right of independent operation of either the City or the Contractor for the affiliation or contract with any other institution or agency, while this Agreement is in effect. 8, That this Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, upon thirty days written notice. Charges which have accrued for services rendered shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 9. That any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be �valid only when they have been reduced to writing, signed by each party and attached to the original of this Agreement. 10. That this Agreement shall be from June 1, I987 to May 31, 1988. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties have set their hands the date first written above. CITY OF COL IA HEI S CITY OF SAINT PAUI /' Activity Code: � � ,�A �L / , ruce G. Nawrocki Director o Finance Management Services � � ��t� / -, � � (:, � 7, ; . � . /i :, // [ --.L.� / r�� �� ��l f �,Yl.�.��'�`- " '' /.C� i� A i SY'''� �-�'L'�� c/�....' . . . - F City Manager, `Robert S. Bocwinski Directoh, Department of Community Services �� �?i1f I :j i�:���i' APPROVED AS TO FORM:, ���j j � � .,_ _� � -� ,-:`�_ �a. � � � � �;��,��'��, �- � � � �,��� /� .� � � �� � � ' L `-✓-�` ',�..-�_,���.� �City At orney f%r-f.�7 j�/� A G E N D A M A T E R I A L ,S COUNCIL ID�t �J . DATE RECEIVED ��� �� � � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM/� RFSEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED ��-�-��-�-. `�-�=-�-� - ����X- �,��..� � ��. ,�/� . ORIGINATOR ���t�.--.-c , ��c CONTACT oZ �7- ' 7/�� COUNCIL ACTION �;�,� �/� �� � / � MASTER FILE INFO. AVAILABLE _�f �o,.....e,,.� 3, -.-,���� ORD/RESOL.# DATE FILE CLOSID . ��� �'�G 1 � ✓�, �o� �19�,'i' . • � `�S S�y,�qN �� � � ��Q�� / �