87-1203 WHITE — GTV CLERK � PIWK — FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council y CANARV — OEPARTMENT � � J( BLUE — MAVOR File NO. " �I/� � Council Resolution Presented By � Refe red To Committee: Date Out o ommittee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#74193) for a General Repair Garage License applied for by Michael and Jean Waltzing DBA M F� J Auto Repair at 461 North Wilder be and the same is hereby COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays Nicosia ln Favor Rettman Scheibel � Against BY Sonnen i�ida � Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted b�y�C�ouncil: Date UG � 1987 Certified P s �b�Council Se ta By gy �i� A►pprove b Mavor: Date �' Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council —1 B 1�� °��t'� � t� 1�87 BY 1Kiie e "�'v � �_ �t � 1 `� I �-� �������9�� �r �° � • �-DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST 0 Applicant " m;,���,�QQ ���,� �c�U Home Address � ?j 1(Y� Business Name Y`(�ti;�j 'Q-t��v�Q��,�. Hame Phone ��C� ��.PC� ��j G 4� Business Address �-(�1 �,ti ,`A)�� � . 1�pe of License(s) ��.���n� �Q�T�(�r� Business Phone (o��-��C�1 Public Hearing Date • l`� � License I.D. #� `'��` �3 at 10:00 a.m. in the Cou il Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # �Cj� �.(g(� REVIEW DATE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER COPIl�IENTS ed NOt ed Housing & Bldg �I f Code Enforcement t l a� � i Public Health I �l ��,a ,� � � - i Fire Prevention 4 `�` aa � � Police I � `l � �z-Z � t 3 c� � Y� r� City Attorney � ���. � � � �S � � I� � � 300 Foot Notice � I '� I I License Inspector's Comments: Q,�,�� G. �L • I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: � New DBA: Current Officers: Insurance: Bond: New Officers: Stockholders: �� C���_/.�D���, � } � .� ; ,,� �; ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL � D�AR'17�IT OF FIl�ANCE ARD MAPAGS�P SffitYICFS LICENSE ARD Pf�IIT DIVISIOA These statement farms are issued in dttglicate. P2ease ans�rer all questians l�l�y and complctely. This application ia thorough�y checked. /�ny falaiticatioa vi21 be esuse for deaial. � Date �Q 19 � � 1. Application for � (Licease (Permit) 2. Name o! applicsnt -P. , l � ' 3• If applicant is/h be�n a me�rried Pemale, list maiden name �( ',�.d%�,r a�c�5/�l,c �� SCL k. C_ �2 Y�. b. Date of birth ��/�/(�;+�, Age� ?lace of birth �' � , �� 5. Are yau a citizen of the United States ��� Aativa �Naturaliztd 5. Are you a registered voter � Where � 7. Home address � ,, �� , telephoae.� �( �S �. Present business address���� ;(l�, �:I �f �(�Q✓ ;�- S�i a�aess telephone (���—1 � 9. Including your present busineas�employment, What bnsineas�e�loyment hsve you followed for the past five years. Busineas/�aployment Address - M-�.� ��1-r -i��� �� �� �1G 1 I� r; ��`� � ���'�-_� � � '�� ��'C1�- % - {n � ', C �' / S 10. Marrie � IP ans�+�er is "yea", list name and addresa ot spause 11. ?tave yvu ever been arrested for an ofPense that has reaulted in a coavictionl� It answer is "yes", list dates oP arnsts, �ere, charges, convictioos sad aentences. Date of arrest 19 �ere CHAFGE CONVICPION SIIQTERC� Date�� a: arrest 19 Where CHARGr CONVIGTiOiJ SENTENCE 12. List the names and addresses (if married, name of spouse also) ot all persan�,� . � corporations, partntrships, associationa or organizations Wt�ich in aay Way have: a. A mortgage interest in the licensed premise, b. A serurity interest in the licensed premises, license, or hu�nishings of the licensed prtmise, c. A pro�issory note for funds loaned for the aperation ot the Iicensed premise or the pvrchase o! 'the license, d. Financially contributed to the purchase of the premise or the license it- self e. Ar�y other interest either direct or indirect, either Pinancial or otherai.se i in the licensed premise or the license itself, _ Attach a copy hereto of ariy ar�d all documents referred to in this atfidavit. 13. Give naa�ea and addresses of two persons, residents ot St. Psul, Minnesata, Who can give information concerning you. �p� ADDRFSS �' ; �-I �-�" ����-I�{��� ��- �..t.�_O � n,� -,�� ' , ��j- 14. Addreas of premises for which License or Permit is made Addresa �--Y��� ���,���1„I��,i,.l.S� 2.one clasa3ricstion 15. BetWeen �ha`� 'ef•cyk� s�rdets-�� ��h _ �(� � ,��Which side of street ��� ��� ( �sY 16. fta�e under vhich this business r�rill be conducted � �"� •�(,��I (1 �n�l r" 17. Business telephone mm�ber � � � 1Q. Attach to this application, a detailed description of the design, location, and square Pootage of the premises to be licensed � �9. ?re premises noW occupied ���..�What business � Hx long �Y /''1� /`'� �� f1��a 12 t��lr/� rr�✓ED t!�1 ���y a a��g� 1��rfir`�, �=�� �, j Cc�F �'o � oy" - , .. �,,���—���---� �. 2Q�.•' List license which you currently hold, or former�y held, or ms�y have an intere in �;^, '(�/ 21. Have any of the licensas listed by you in No. 20 ever beea revolced. Yes No �_, If ansver is "yes", list dates and reasona: 22. Do you have an interest oP a�r type in any other businesa or business premises. I° answer is "yes", list business, business address aad telephoae number.� 23. Zf business is incorporated, give date of incorporation 19 and attach copy oP Articles of Incorporation and mirnites of first meeting. 24. List all oYficers of the corporation giving their names, office held, hame address, and home and business telephone aumbers: 25• If business is partnership, list partner(s) address ar� tel�ephone ntmibera: � M i ���►.�i � . ��� !� �d�ss��. ,�� ��� ��.Ro:��� � � 2— i y����.' �. C� � s� `;��. �Z���Sal���� 26. Is there ar�yone else �aho will have an i�erest in this busineaa or premisesY If answer ia "yes", give name, home address, telephone nv�bers and in wh�t manner is their intereat: � 27. Are you goin�t to o�erate this business personal�y��i2 not, i+tto xill vperate it: j R� Home address T�e1.Ao. Are you going �o have a Miansger or assistaat in this business? If ansWer is "yes", give name and ho:ae address and home telephone number: Name �1�` Home address 2�e1.No. 29. Has arryone you have named in questions 22 throu�h 2� ever been arrested? If answer is "yes�t, list r�me of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comric- tions and sentence �(� 30. I understand this premise me`y be in- spected by the police, fire, health and other city officials at ar�r and alI times when the business is in operation. State of ytinnesota) )SS County of Ramsey ) � �_�C:�[ ing first du]y sworn, deposes and says upon th that he has read the fo i g statement bearing his sigaature and lmoxs the contents thereof, and tha.t the s is true of his own I�owledge except as to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. //������� . Subscribed and s�rorn Por.e me 1 S i gnature of App li t s y of 1? _ � � �sose�o++�, Notary Public, Ramsey Couaty, Minnesota ........ :�aa�..��:;: r,���,�c��LA C'. 5C�1!LIPIGER ;�;= ►�*p� �'�TARY?,iB!:C—!!lMYESOTA My co�ission expires '�•��'� ��;�q�;��' �OU{�lTY ��My C�mmission expires Mar.21,1991 � 9te'�aM4+c�:��=> �:�-�I-/���3 , � . A G E N D A M A T E R I A L S COUNCIL ID�� �f�-�� DATE RECEIVED � � � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEi�I �� �J � SUBJECT ��_�,t.��, � ' � 'z.e _ �c� � � � �.c� ��'�-r� _�, , ORIGINATOR CONTACT RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED DATE SENT TO CLERK ;�!�' COUNCIL ACTION MASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE ' � ' � � �i ��- ' _ � ORD'IRESOL. �� ' DATE FILE CLOSED �.- , �� ` � ��