87-1199 WH17E - CITV CLERK
� CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. '/ /// �
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, pursuant to the provisions of Council File 87-1110
the following Councilmembers are hereby elected to the City
Council Management Committee for a term to expire upon publication
of a resolution electing members to the Management Committee
on January 5 , 1988 :
l . Kiki Sonn�n
2. Eileen Weida
3 . Janice Rettman
Yeas Drew Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia �_ In Favor
Scheibel _ � __ Against BY
WllSOri AUG 1 � 1987 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Ya: • ouncil Se tar BY
Approve by 'Nayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ BY
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�. DEPARTbtENT. G-I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council �, {/ � �;,�
e�u��'...`.oR File N0. '' "
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Presented y -._�- ..:�. �._ �.._t � � :. ;: �' - t.%
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Referred To: ` Coa�mittee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
W�ERBAS� the Co�cil oE th�e City o� Sai.ut Pa�Ii � bg Re�Iation
(C.F. �iv. 87-927j detera�lt�cd tha� it �sisheg to c+ondu,ct �ttzly
electicu�a far the of€i+ces aP Presid�rit and Vfce P�tside�nt of t�e
City Cc�ts�cil; artd �
WHFREAS, the Cor�c1l hs�c $lso derttt�m�r�ed tt�t the dap-�-day
�sgeAe�tt 4f its pePSOnrt�� a�xt budget is best 3�a�lled bq a�a► e:�ccttfve
com�tittec of the Cout�oil r+et�er th�ut res�atittg t�i� o�rersight f�io�rt
� ,e �onthly basir�i r�* therefore, be it
� RS;�CfI.�, that the Gm�c�.2 her�bp astablis�ss a th�e �r�
Ca��cil Manage�t Car,�i�ttee to be elaete�d bp the C�xa�eil fz� �oxtg
�ts men�bera Lt� tl�e folloerin� �sa�er:
�ocapt for �he �nitial elactiac�. �tich sha12 be held at
the first re�larl� scheclu2ec� �c�l �tfnq follor�iug
the e�fsct�v+e datc o�` th�.s resaln�ior3. e2ecticRns ta this .
cc�f,tt�e� s�a11: occc�r anr��sa31� a� �he f�tre�t r�c,�u3,arly _
sahedu3e�i! Cot�rici 1 �eting it� JanuarY: Pt�vided, �rerer,
t�at an eleEtior� �ay be +called at any time stpc�n thc affir�t-
t#.va wot-.e af at 3.ea�xt fcr�r eoc3csci3 �bara;
m�d� #� iC
F�iTHER R�SQLYED, t.hat t.�e lia�,agament Coaaaitt�:e sfisll �eet at a
�airi� of twrs �i�aes a �onth �i� a� lee►�ct a� q�or� of th� ae�bars
preset�t, �d nt�etings to be recortied t�r� tatp� ax� itt ttritittiq; t�xd,
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
In Favor '--
_ Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney
Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary BY � `
By _
Approve� by 1+lavor Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
� < ' — Council � -�-
...T«6«*. ' GIT OF SAINT� PAU.L \;%! �' - �1;,: ::�
wrow F'll@ N0.
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�� ;:��• ; ..�.- ,Council Resolution r ��-;��rr
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Presented By '�` '� _
- Referred To Committee: Date
� . Uut of Committee By �' "'� Date
� ,
F'i�EtTNE�i RESaL'tt�D, that all �s+aetings of 1't�e lda�t Cc�aaittee
s2ia12 be atteuded by �he Dire�'tor og C�cil Reae�arch �d the se�er-
visors o€ e�eR af its four dtvisio�ts; ar�d, b�e ft °
�VRTHSR R�SOLdEt�, that fi.�fe �g@ment Cc�itte�s s2u�ll. perfpr�t
tt� folloKinq fva�tis�s � b�f c�ff the t�nei3.;
1. �kpps�cval of exper�ditares fre�a t�+ar Cavncf 2 tyuc3g�t;
Z. S�r�risian of � 13irECt+or af thc Cv�acii �s�arc�r
_ �;
3. 8mts�ight ot' the Co�cil g+oal co�eittraes;
and. be it
PI�.LY RESOLVSD, that t?be �ataag�:t Cv�a�ittee �tp refsr e�ny
maLter it deesas aPP�Prfate tc�► t.h� fv21 Co�i2 for ar�e�ri�a and .
� ,
,` ,
COUNCILME � Requested by Department of:
Yeas �iT ays %� � '.
� �� in Favor
--8c�eib�1 . Q , ,
� Against By
� �U{�j �i �.���987 Form Approved by City Attorney
. ;Adopted by Councii:-_;:. _ .Date :. ' •
~ Certified as�ed �ou,cil $ �retary ,. BY . � '
r -
Approved by 1Navor Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By • By