87-1198 �'7-//�� /`�
City of St.Paul COUNCIL F E N0. /�
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Voting Assessment No. 0072
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for File No. 18336 Assessment �60071
File No. 18321 Assessment ��0070
File No. 18392 Assessment ��0073
File N0. 18430 Assessment ��0076
File No. 18423 Assessment 4�0074
File No. 18425 Assess�en� #0075
the operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for
the following:
3 18390 North side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 713.02 feet
east of Kenneth Street;
South side of Ford Parkway from Mississippi River Blvd to 587.13 feet
east of Kenneth Street ;
West side of Cleveland Avenue from 95.65 feet north of Scheffer
Avenue to 265 feet south of Ford Parkway and
East side of Cleveland Avenue from 240 feet north of Eleanor Avenue
to 222 feet south of Ford Parkway known as the Ford-�Cleveland Above
Standard Lighting Area for the months of January thru December, 1987.
1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue from Arundel Street to Virginia Street;
East side Arundel Street from Selby Avenue to 172.5 feet south and
Both sides Western Avenue from 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to
Dayton Avenue known as the Selby ^ Western Area Above Standard Street
Lighting for the months of January thru December, 1987.
2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street;
Both sides of East Sixth Street from Wall Street to Jackson Street;
Both sides of Sibley Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street;
Both sides Wacouta Street from Fourth Street to Seventh Street and
East side of Jackson Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street known as
the Lowertown Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the months of
January thru December 1987.
1 18392 Both sides of Grand Avenue from 260 feet west of Victoria to 100 feet
east of Dale Street;
Both sides of Victoria Street from 150 feet north of Grand to 150
feet south of Grand;
West side of St. Albans Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand
and East side of Dale Street from Grand to 150 feet north of Grand
known as the Grand^Dale^Victoria Above Standard Street Lighting Area
for the months of January thru December, 1987.
2 18430 North side Exchange Street from St. Peter Street to Cedar Street;
South side Exchange Street from Wabasha Street north to Cedar Street;
South side Exchange Street from St. Peter Street to 150 feet east of
St. Peter Street for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard Street
Lighting Area for the months of October thru December, 1987.
1 18423 Both sides of Grand Avenue from Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet
west of Fairview (167 feet north side, 144 feet south side) for the
Grand Avenue West Area Above Standard Street Lighting Area for the
months of January thru December, 1987.
1 18425 Both sides of Grand Avenue from about 260 feet west of Victoria (180
feet north side, 260 feet south side) to about 210 feet west of
Lexington Parkway (210 feet north side, 130 feet south side);
Both sides of Lexington Parkway from the alley north of Grand Avenue
to the alley south of Grand Avenue;
Both sides of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of
Grand Avenue;
West side of Oxford Street from Grand Avenue to the alley south of
Grand Avenue;
Both sides of Chatsworth Street from Grand Avenue to the alley north of
Grand Avenue and Both sides of Milton Street from Grand Avenue to the
alley north of Grand Avenue for the Grand Avenue East Above Standard
Street Lighting System for the months of January thru December, 1987.
Preliminary Order No. 86�1635 Approved December 16, 1986
Final Order No. 87^34 . . . Approved January 13, 1987