87-1193 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council C4NARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �• //�� BLUE - MAVOR Cou cil Res lution , ► Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The improvements on Cretin Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Iglehart Avenue will be under the supervision of the City, and in accordance with City Project 87-T-1205 (Final Order approved on May 19, 1987) ; and WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul desires to enter into a cooperative construction agreement with the Minnesota Department of Transportation; Agreement No. 64232, explaining the responsibilities for cost, maintenance and operation of the new traffic signal that will be installed with the improvements of Cretin Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Iglehart Avenue; Therefore, be it; RESOLVEL�, That the proper city officials are authorized to sign the agreement. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �JPM 8/10/87) Yeas Drew Nays Nicos�a PUBLIC WORKS-TR.AFFIC-DONALD E. SOBANIA Rettman'- �n Favo[ Scheibel '�1 � Sonnen __ AgBi[lst BY -�edeeee llJf:/A9" Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG i 81987 Form Appr d by City torney Certified Pa-s ���:uu�cilf t BY B � '`��Q ''�� S Approved y : vor: � `� AUC7 � 8 � A ved Mayor for Submiss' o :uncil . sy � PIiB��S�,p �„;� � 9 1987 PUBLIC WORKS aE PARTMENT �r] �/� NO t�4 t�9 JOHN P. MACZKO CONTACT � J C�" ' I �� 489-8871 PHONE August 10, 1,987 qATE �e�� e� ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : -1-�ep�f1'l,�Dl��.�vr 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director 5 City Council � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The proper City officials will be authorized to sign Agreement No. 64232, between the City of St. Paul ar�d the Minnesota Department of Transportation, that explains the responsibili�ies for cost, maintenance and operation of the new traffic signal that will b� installed with the improvements of Cretin Avenue from Dayton Avenue to Iglehart Avenue. City Project 87-T-1205. �p�,o� � COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Cv'" �\ �a 1 � This Agreement� will secure Trunik Highway funding for the State of. Minnesota Department of Transportation in the amount of 50� of the sigr�,�EIVEDstruction costs. KE AU G 101987 ' MA�YOR'S pFFICE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: 539,516 . 80 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Trunk Highway�,s Activity Number: 807�62910-0745-62818 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Council Resolution RECEIVEL7 Agreement ' ' AU G 101987 CITY ATTt��::���� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �--��if�3 . . . � � MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT N0. 64232 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF ST. PAUL TO Remove the existing Traffic Control Signal and Install a new Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights and Signing on Marshall Avenue at Cretin Avenue in St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Ib�t- izY-i -�p� S.A.P. �b�4--6� Prepared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE . AMOUNT ENCDMBERED N.one $34 ,394.35 . . �,,•�y ` Q ' ���-l�� . . . , TAIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the � State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State", and the City of St. Paul, hereinafter referred to as the "City", WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, it is considered mutually desirable to remove the existing traffic control signal and install a new traffic control signal with street lights and signing on Marshall Avenue at Cretin Avenue within the corporate limits of the City; and WHEREAS, the existing traffic control signal on Marshall Avenue at Cretin Avenue is operated and maintained by City forces, it is considered in the best interest of the public to remove the existing traffic control signal and install a new traffic control signal with street 2ights and signing with City forces and equipment; and ► WHEREAS, the City and State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the new traffic control signal with street lights and signing as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City shall prepare the necessary plan and shall perform the engineering and inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as described immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection" and shall be so referred to hereinafter. . 64232 ��� -1- . � . � � � �����3 2. The City shall remove the existing traffic control signal and install a new traffic control signal with street lights and signing. Estimated Construction Cost is $64,895.00. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. 3. Final plans for the traffic control signal work provided for herein shall have State approval prior to construction by the City. � 4. Force account records shall be made for aIl Iabor, materials and equipment. Copies of these force account records shall be made in triplicate on forms provided by the State's District Engineer or his duly authorized representative at - Oakdale for this purpose and shall be signed each day by authorized gersonnel of both parties. Payment for labor, materials, and equipment hours shall be based on these records. All actual and related indirect costs of the City shall be accumulated in accordance with its established accounting procedures. 5. The construction work provided for herein shall be under the direction and supervision of the City. It is agreed, however, that the State shall have the right to periodically inspect said cost sharing work. 64232 � -2- ��`'l-/l�3 _ • . � � 6. Payment to the City will be made by the State for the City force account work which is complete and approved by the State 's District Engineer or his authorized representative and upon submission by the City of an invoice in quintuplicate to the State 's District Engineer itemizing the costs and certified by a responsible City official that said work has been completed under the terms of this agreement. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State 's representative at its direction. 7. The City shall maintain all books, documents, papers, accounting records and other evidence pertaining to costs incurred in connection with work and services performed hereunder for a period of not less than 3 years after receipt of payment. The City shall make such materials available at its office at aIl reasonable times during this agreement, for inspection by the State (as provided by Minnesota Statute, Section I6.095) , and copies thereof shall be furnished upon request. 8. Upon completion of the work provided for in Paragraph 2 hereof to the satisfaction oF the State's District Engineer or his authorized representative, the State shall pay to the City the State 's share of the actual Construction Cost plus 6 percent of such share for the State's share of the cost of 64232 � -3- __.._e..,,..�.m.,.,.._..p.. . . __ ....._.__ . . . - .. _ ������� Engineering and Inspection incurred by the City in prosecution of said work. The City shall pay any remaining costs. 9. The amount to be encumbered for payment to the City from Trunk Highway funds for work performed under this Agreement is $34 ,394.35. In the event that at any time it appears that such reimbursement will exceed said sum, the City shall promptly notify the State's District Engineer at Oakdale in writing of the reason for the increase in cost and the amount of additional funds necessary to complete the project. If approvec3 by the State 's District Engineer at Oakdale, additional funds shall be encumbered by the State and notice given to the City by the State 's District Engineer of such additional encumbrance will permit the City to complete this project. 10. Upon completion of the work contemplated herein, the City shall maintain and keep in repair the new traffic control signal with street lights and signing and shall provide the necessary electrical power for its operation, all at the cost and expense of the City. In addition, the City shall perpetuate the power supply to the service pole and pad at its own expense. 11. Any and all persons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the City shall not be considered employees of the State and any and all claims that may or might arise under 64232 -4- � ��1. V � ���1�s3 . - . � � _ the Workers 's Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged, and any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said empl.oyees while so engaged on any of the work contemplated herein shall not be the obligation and responsibility of the State. The City shall not be responsible under the Worker 's Compensation Act for any employees of the State. 12. Timing of the traffic control signal provided for herein shall be initially determined by the City's Traffic Engineer. Adjustments of said signal timing may be d�termined by the State, through its Commissioner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made thereafter except with the approval of the State. 13 . Upon execution by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for herein, this agreement shall supersede and terminate the operation and maintenance terms of the following agreements: a. Agreement No. C-693 [Marshall Avenue (Trunk Aighway No. 212) at Cretin Avenue] dated February 24, 1950, between the parties. 64232 � -5- � ��'� l . ����� , . . . . , b. Agreement No. C-1873 [S.P. 6228-16 Trunk Aighway No. 212 (Marshall Avenue) at Cretin Avenue� dated May 16, 1957, between the parties. c. Agreement No. 56017 [S.P. 5228-30(g) Marshall Avenue (Trunk Iiighway No. 212) at Cretin . Avenue] dateci March 25, 1969, between the parties. d. Agreement No. 57722 [S.P. 6228-33(k) Trunk Highway No. 212 (Marshall Avenue ) at Cretin Avenue] dated September 27, 1974 , between the parties. 54232 -6- � ��� _ . � . � ����3 . _ . . � . . . t. CITY OF ST. PAUL � RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: gy May E� � � � ; Director of Public Wo . tCity Seal) APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: By Director of Finance and � Management Service Asst. ty A t ney STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RECO OR APPROVAL: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By .�District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Opeations Division Dated APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXECUTION: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION By Special Assistant Attorney General-State of Minnesota Dated l 64232 vU� -7- ...��� r:1 t.r / �. ��N►'�ESOT4 f�!��/��� Do Zo Minnesota Department of Transportation � �� District 9 ;��''oF TaP�� 3485 Hadley Avenue North Oakdale, Minnesota 55109 Telephone 779-1178 August 6, 1987 Mr. Donald Nygaard Department of Public Works City of St. Pau1 600 City Ha11 Annex St. Pau1, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Nygaard: SDBJECT: Traffic Signal Agreement No. 64232 S.A.P. 164-010-35 in St. Paul, Ramsey County Attached are three copies of an agreement between the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, and the City of St. Paul covering the cost, maintenance, and operation of a traffic signal on Marshall Avenue at Cretin Avenue in St. Paul. If this agreement meets with your approval, kindly present it to the City Council for their approval and execution. The Corporate Sea1 should be affixed to a11 copies of the agreement. When the agreement has been executed by the City Council, a11 three copies are to be returned to this office. After the agreement has been executed by the proper State Officials, a CERTIFIED copy wi11 be returned to you for your files. S' rely, � Kermit K. McRae, �. District Engineer Attachments: An Equal Opportunity Employer (��-,-,,�3 _______==__�------------------- AGENDA ITEMS — __--------______ II� ' C144 � ] UATE kEC.: C08/il/877 AGEMIiA I�ATE: C40/001Q07 ITEM #: C ] SURJECT: CTRAFFIG 5IGNALS — CRETIN FROM DAYTOM TO IGELHART— AGREEMENT W/ MAOT] STAFF ASSIGNED: C ] SIG:CMICOSIA ]OU7—C ] TO CLEFih:C08/11/87] ORIGIhIATO�:CPUBLIC WORKS ] COMTACT:CMACZhO (489-8871) ] ACTIOM:C ] C ] ORU/RES #:C J FILED:C04/00/00 ] LOC.:C ] � � � � � � � �a � � � a� � � FILE IMFO: CkESOLUTIOM/AGkEEhtENT (�+ COF'IES)/TRANSMITTAL LETTER AF MIiOT ] C ] C ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------