87-1187 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council . /+ //�� CANARV - DEPARTM NT �/'J �fy/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. rl � �0� � Council Resolution ;-�: �, Presented By �' ��� Referred T Committee: Date Out of Co ittee By Date RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council does hereby consent to and approve of the appointments/re�ppointment, made ;�y the Mayor, of the following-named persons to serve as members of the 5aint Paul Port Autnority. These six-year terms to expire July 31, 1993. Biil Peterson Appointment George Winter Reappointment Councilmember John Drew Appointment Councilmember James Scheibel Appointment Councilmembers ' terms are concurrent with tneir term in office. COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �,� Nays ,�- Nicosia � In Favor Rettman Scheibel �__ Against BY Sonne�t•�—� Weida Wi130n AUG 13 � Form Appr b City rne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e �u�� BY gy �''�• A►pproved � avor: Date Appr by Mayor for S is i to cil By ^ , ,, ,� ; � ,�. �, �� 1981 P����11 �{." u � ��:� X � "-��� ' ,. � " -- -� � .; �. x . ,:�,,;: • . . ' . , - OFFICE OF.♦THE...?MAYOR :.�. ,,., � _. ��,�� ��z�� 347.._CITY.�.HALL ; , � ,,. ,.:;t�.;�. SAINT PAUL, `MINNESOTAr_55102 . . _ _. _. ._;�298-4323 .. .:. : • ,� . ; .�:��.:� _ i ' ' : Name: L+IILLIAM PETERSON ' Address: 1�99 CUMBERLAND AVENUE SAINT P�!UL. MINNESOTA 55117 � Street City Zip Phone: (Home) 4f�9_��7R (Work) ?24-9445 City Planning District Ward Senate District What is your OCCUpatlon? Fxaci�ti vP Sperptary, Sai nt Paul Biii 1 di n� & Gonstr�c�i on Trar�cc !'n��nri 1 �presi clent, M11111eS11t3 �tate RL1���i ng Trar�ac �nunri 1 Ethnic Group (to ensure fair and equal representation) Caucasian/Male Place of Employment• Sai nt Paul Bui 1 di ng & Constructi on Trades Counci 1 , Address of Employer• 411 R1ai n Street, Sai nt Paul , Mi nnesota 551 Q2 . . Commission or Committee Applied For Ci ty of Sai nt Paul Port Authori ty What skills/training or experience do you possess for the .commission/board � in which you seek appointment? I have been involved with making policy and giving administrative direction in the labor movement for many years. This experience will be helpful as Port l�uthority Commissioner. . � ; , � i _ (over) . . ;•:�� . _ - -� Personal Reference �1 • - ' i •' Y Name• Counci lmember 41i 11 i am Wi 1 son Address- 7th Floor, City Hall Phone: �Home) (Work) 298-4646 Personal Reference #2 Name• Councilmember Jim Scheibel Address• 7th Fl oor, Ci ty Nal l Phone: SHome) (Work) 2g$-5679 Personal Reference #3 Name: Address: Phone: (Home) (Work) Reasons for your interest in this particular committee/board/commission: Creating jobs for Saint Paul residents continues to be a major concern for me and my brothers and sisters in the labor movement. The Port Authority record speaks for itself and I would like to be a part of the a�encies future. Have you had previous contact with the committee/board/commission for which you are making application? If so, when, and circumstances? In my capacity as Secretary Treasurer for the Saint Paul Building & Construction Trades and President of the P":innesota State Building Trades Council . I also served on the Citizens Commission on Bondinc� & Financ#ng which revie��ed the activities of the Port Authority and the HRA. Jul , 19�7 � Signature Date Rev. 12/86 - - - - ; bry . . . ,y �y�_,,�� ;�-� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Council President John Drew Members of the Saint Paul City Council FROM: Ora Lee Patterson � DATE: August 4, 1987 RE: PORT AUTHORITY REAPPOINTMENT/APPOINTMENTS Mayor Latimer requests your consideration and approval of the attached resolution reappointing/appointing the following persons to serve as Commissioners of the Port Authority of Saint Paul: REAPPOINTMENT George Winter - term to expire July 31, 1993 APPOINTMENTS William Peterson - term to expire July 31, 1993 Councilmember James Scheibel (concurrent with term in office) Councilmember John Drew (concurrent with term in office) A copy of Mr. Peterson's application is attached for your review. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 298-4323 . Thanking you in advance for your consideration. OLP/drm - �,� . ; cc � �i ' 11i ��tr , . �� . _ ; { , „ Attachment - _: �., �;, _ ,,, � �:; _ , , : � r-; .--. . _ , ��--,��_�,i�� A G E N D A M A T E R I A L S COUNCIL ID�� ;�� DATE RECEIVED �� � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM 4� , SUBJECT �, , " .._ ����`'_ ORIGINATOR <��z.�-�.J CONTACT RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGNED DATE SENT TO CLERK � COUNCIL ACTION MASTER FILE iNFO AVAILABLE � -,�--�..�' �'} �° �� ORD'IRESOL. �6 DATE FILE CLOSED � �,��_��.t:.�.� ��\