87-1185 WHITE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE 7F COISflCIl Q CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT l,AU L /( BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v � //�� Council Resolution Presented By `��f Referr d o Committee: Date Out of mittee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D.#84520) for the transfer of an On Sale Malt Beverage and Restaurant License-B, by Vic's Products Inc. DBA Henrie's (Victor E. Klindt, President) at 761 North Snelling Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred from Henry Hanten DBA Henrie's at the same address. CQUI�ICILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Nays � �Piiz..'G�ata Rettman � In Favor Scheibel By Sonnen __ Against — Weida '��� A��'j. � 2 t�07 Form Appr d by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date � Certified Pass b cil Se ar � BY By �? Approve ;Vlayor: Date '" u � � �_Approve by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY P!lBIISHED ;�,U G � .2 1987 C,[Z , � (� I �� ���1-����� r�`� � �l u 1 �, '` DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE INTERDEPARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECRLIST Applicant �1C�15 rpC'�,1.�'�'� �hc , Home Addressj�qal Sc,c�-`�v� �,v� •�'l• S��` � Business Name ��►r��S Home Phone `l'1'"�- 5 S y 3 Business Address `1(p � ��, �I�e��i�� Type of License(s�i(�� 2 Business Phone I�c� �-�j�l�� � ,Ya �W(,F . Public Hearing Date License I.D. # �a(� at 10:00 a.m. in the Cou cil ambers, 3rd Floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. # `�( (��� �a • ag -a�� � REVIEW TE DATE INSPECTION APPN REC'D VERFIED COMPUTER) COMMENTS roved Not Housing & Bldg 5�a � �� � Code Enforcement � � � I 6 � Public Health S � 1�.� �� , � � � Fire Prevention 5'�� � I I Police (,P� LG �I � I 3� � ;'�� City Attorneq � � � ` I _ EAts �O lo.�n�. � � It� l�� f� � j ��.a9-wo or�Q��f, � .�9�Foot Notice I 1 �� �� , .�.aL�.Q,o � �( L � � License Inspector' nts: �a � � � „. .�. n �� �� I� Q� I HAVE BEEN GIVEN A COPY OF THIS NOTIFICATION AND UNDERSTAND THAT MY ATTENDANCE AT THE PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRID. `J�S t� • �� - ..� � . . .. . .. � , . . . . .. � .4 . � .tt . .� . CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: ��51'� New Corporation Name: 1f,c 15���-�'��-�-� Current DBA: � New DBA: ��i�eS `j�a-�✓C� tt.�-o f +rront ���8,; �c.����,,,� Insuran`e�f�`C.�,.��i n�„�. � U �C t^'' - l9 `'� `l �P t-Z l �( �-� Bond: �C;, ^ _-�. ��� ,,",�.��� 31 S �� l3 3c� 3(a S 3 �d 6-�k �3 CcM� - New Officers: �c�=�-o ( �-_ ��-hc��2o� � �.��� .�� S.� � �`r�'`� . Stockholders: �,� , � -� //� . � , � R" � • Cl���',//�'-�� Application No. Oate Received By CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE IMTOXICATING LIQUOR LICciVSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE . PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATIVG LIQUOR �ICENSE OFF SAIE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions : ihis form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5Y in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUSLIC 1. Application for (name of license) � � q.�.t� 1vt�t-T � �3 . Z. ��e..r� 1 2. Located at (address) 7� / 1U o r�k-G� �v,o /(�;�� � � rHA� S"S/o� 3. Name under wh i ch bus i ness wi 11 be operated f�e vr ri� s 4. True Plame � i � �-n�' EIJGt n S I� � r ►-tc{f' Phone 6(2-77�-SS43 First Middie —�Maiden Last 5. Date of Bi rth a 3 S� P1 ace of Bi rth �'T= }�ns�ia.r-. �' . Month, Day, Year o. Are you a citizen of the United States? 1/-� S Native T�� Naturalized 7 7. Home Address (� ( �oc�/�,,,.� L.v- �� �f<<1 t.cr��rN�� Home Tel ephone �/�_ 77�— Ss¢3 SSb�Z _. 8. Including your present business/employment, what business/empToyment have you�followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address :� 5 S 0 Y�.1 (/¢.rS c � � jN`'['g'T, �L t�r Y e c� �� c� ' ��' _ S''r l�C�. � N . .�S! l 6 Q Z( � o c e (�yyr 1��1J �V. (/ l c� S ��'v c�u��, �i c. S�i�l Luu f-e�''1 Y3'��tl S S6 8 Z 9. Married? -G S If answer is "yes" , list the name and address of spouse. ,l�i�',`J f��^S /lC ��/i r,�J'L � �� � c�cs c e�� L N_ �tl, Sfi�l�wa f�r' 1�,v SS��'z � 10. Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime or violation of any. city ordinance, other than traffic? 'fes No _� Oate of arrest I9 ��here Charge Canviction Sentence Oate or arrest 19 Where � Charge Convictien Sentence 1?. Retail 3eer Federal iax Stamp Retail Liquor F�deral Tax Stamp wi11 be used. 12. Closest 3.Z Place Church School I3. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On SaTe Off Sa1e i�. LiSt the names and residenc�s of three persons of Rarrrsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business , �Nho �nay be reTerred to as to the appiicant's character. Name address � 1 ¢ -rt' S !e v ev5 ha.z L�_ �(J ttrre�-� �v . � e a �ei(` g t• 1��-t , t�n iv SS/[.g ���3 v pp.�.- �-d�, � � o ��r�" L 2 c`�g r¢�v► . � 'r'- l�u�,�.-�, .,z�. ss'�o� / � 3�-2- �v ra� �-�—t. � D Y�G� �G'l � O �'l �ee ��Ct �(J�.i� �ei�r Lsz�2�. �'YL41 S S—!/[� I5. Address or premi ses for wh i ct� app 1 i cati on i s made �l� / /U c, r� t-(� ��t(I���� /a-�-c_ Zone C1 assi fi cat�on Phane �¢� —���'7 I6. Between what crass streets? �W�e����� lu. m,-N„��,,. G,,, '�Jhich side of Street l�,�, 17. Are premises naw occupied? �c s What Business? �pH r,« w i�ow Long? Z �,� . '_3. �ist licenses which you c:�rrentTy hold, or �o rrteriy he1G, or may have an int�rest in. /r r'N.L' _ i9. !�ave any of the lic�nses listed by you 1n ,Vo. 18 ever beer� r�voked? Yes :Vo IT answer is "yes" , 1�s� the dates and rn35on5 i . • ���ii�' � 20. If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation 19 aad attach copy of articles oi IncorForation and minutes of tfrst meecing. 21. List all officers�of the corporation, giving their names, otfi.ce held, home address and home and business telephoae numbers. 22. If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address and telephone numbers. Name Address Phone 23. Is there anyone else who will have an interest in this business or premises? 24. Are you going to operate this business personally? -�- If not, who will operate it? Name Home Address Phone 25. Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? /l/D If answer is "yes", give name, home address, and home telephone number. Name Fiome Address Phone e�.►�iY F.ALISFICATION OF �vSWERS GIVE� OR �IATERIAL SLBMITTID WILL RESULT I*I DE:1IaL OF THIS :�PPLICaTION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and+that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state Eurther under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, directly, or indirectly, in connection with the transfer of this license, trom any person by way o= 1oan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application wnic:� I have herewith submitted. State ot �Iinnesota) �G�ciCrr� � ��✓C�'— . co�cy of Ramsey j (Signature of applicant) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ��_day o t 19�_ ' �- � � :totary Public, &�-�Couaty, �Iinnesota KRISTINA L.�t�.L-H :�y Com�ission e�e �4 ��A�A � , MY COF�I.B�IFi�S JIW.2,1982 � • z , ��"��i/�'�' . � �� - A G E N D A M A T E R I A L � COUNCIL ID46 /l�-� � DATE RECEIVED � � � AGENDA DATE AGENDA ITEM �� SUBJECT ��:,t-�/ �7i - . �j�' � //��-v�.-c_�-� T- ORIGINATOR � �3-r'-r o�-t-e-e-� �, �� CONTACT RESEARCH STAFF ASSIGVED _� DATE SENT TO CLERK ��!�_ COUNCIL ACTION .� , MASTER FILE INFO AVAILABLE ����, � � ' ��.(�,C`-" . , v. ORD'lRESOL. �� DATE FILE CLOSED �.• , . �, �� �,J �� �,.' - �p�(O L�f7/��-� � � � � , , .� ,��_.�- r..-. -�-- r•�, n. �,� k_ �� �� � t � � Q � 1� l.� 1 � City Clerk. i 386 City Hall �-� � p,. r� � � � � Q l 1 � r . '; .� � � � � � C �, � Iaf�� ' F i L E �I �. L84520 Dear Property Owner: � � � � PAG E —i Applicat_ ion to transfer an On Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage �, I � � R � � �� Restaurant License presently held by Henry Hanten DBA Henrie's � � I � ��,P P 1...� C A�T . v���S Products Inc. DBA Henrie's • I � � (Victor Klindt, President) � j _ � . _� , �O G A.T ( O f�! 761 North Snelling ' , � � ---�---------------�------I • i August�l2, 1987 lO:OG A.M. ! M E�A R IPd G , cttY Ccuncil Chambcrs, 3rd Floor City Hall - Cour� House___ J �� _ . -- ; I3y License and Permit Division. Department of Finance �na ' C �1lnagement Services Room 203 City 1�ia11-Ceurt House NOTtCE ,,ENr S�iint Paul ,hlinnesotz 298-5056 I ,