87-1041 . � . � � � �1- ����
� � fT.J�'o�
s��d: 6� ='���ae������e'-' �ea�s
��} a g���T s��se�����s�T ga��e��r g�edgeT �ea�r
ad�ra�eer ��a�s�e�T ee��e�a�eeT de�es��T g��e�iaseT
e� d�s�������e� s� a�� ��ege���r se��a�eesr x�e�e�
e� s��►e� ����gs e� �a��er �a�e �� a ea��}da�eT
ea���da�e!s �e��ese��a���e e� age��T ge�se�r e�
�e����ea� ee�����ee �e� ��ie ����ese e� ����t�e�e��g
e� ass�s���g ��ie e�ee��e� e� a�� ea�d�da�e �e
�5���}e s€€�ee e� �e� ��ie ����ese e� }����e�e��g e�
ass�s���g a �e����e� €s� ��}��a�}�*eT �e�e�e���x� e�
�eea��t s�
��} a ��a�s�e� e� ����s �e a�� e��e� �ae����ea�
ee��}��ee� s�
�3� ��e �se e� e�ag�eg�e�� e� a �e�-�e�e�a�� eax��a���
ee�������� s� �� a ea����a�er ea�d� �a�e!s
�eg�ese��a���e e� a�e��T e� ge���}ea� ee�a�}��ee
�e� s�e� �a���eses} e�
�4} a ee���ae� e� ag�ee�e��T e��s�ess e� }�a��}e�T
w�ie��e� e� �e� �ega��y e��e�eea��e= �e �al�e a��
e��e������er �t��
�{5} �ees �e� ��e�i�de se���ees g�e�a��ed ����e��
ee�ge�sa�}e� �� ��d���d�a�s �*e�t���ee���� ��e��
��x�e e� �e�ia�� e� a ea�d�da�e s� ge�}��ea�
Subd. 6. "Disbursement" means every act � or through
which � money, property, office, or position or other
thing of value passes or is directly or indirectly
conveyed, iven, promised, paid, expended, pledged,
contributed, or lent, and also any money, property,
office, or position or other thing of value so given,
�r d d , paid , expended , promised , pledged,
contributed, or lent.
St��dr �r ='��e�►����ea��e� da�a=' �ea�s
-{�} w��� �es�ee� �e ee��������e�s+
�{a� ��e �a�e a�d add�ese e� eae�i ge�se� w�ese
ee�����i���e� �s we���i $�8 e� �ae�eT �ege��e�
w���i ��e �a�eT a dese�}g��e� e� ��e
ee��������e�T ��e �ra��e e� ��e ee��������e�r
a�d ��ie �e�a� �a��e e� ee����i����e�s �eee��re�
€�e� eae� sae� es�������e� w��.�i �es�aee� �e
��e ��e e�ee�}e�t
, � . ��7 � ,�v�/
� � j�'��ai
��} ��e �e�a� s�x� e� a�� es�����t���a�s �a�e e�
�eee��re� �����g ��ie �e�e����g �e��e�T
{�} w���i �es�ee� �e e��e������esT ��ie da�eT a�e���.T
a�� ���gese e� eae� e��e�d����e e€ ���6 e� �e�eT
�ege��e� ���� ��ie �a�eT a�d�essr eee��a�.�e� a��
��s}�ess a�d�ess e� eae� ge�se� �e w�e� s�e�
e�c�e�d����es a�e �a�eT �e�e��ie� v���� �.�e �e�a� et��
e€ a�� e��e�d����es �a�e e� ��e���ed �����g ��ie
�e�e����g ge��ed�
Subd. 7. "Personal campaign committee" means any
committee appointed � a candidate for � elect oi n.
Subd. 8. "Person" means an individual , partnership,
committee, association, corporation, labor organization
and any other organization or group of persons
including a committee orqanized for political purposes
which is not included in the definition of "political
committee or political fund ."
Subd. 9. '-'Pe���}ea� ee�����ee=' �ea�s a�� ge���}ea�
eex�����eeT e���T g�e�� e� assee�a��e� w��e� �ae as }�s
�a�e� ��t��aese �s e���ae�� e� e�gese a�� ea��}�a�e e� �e
}����e�ee ��e e�ee��e� e€ a ea�el�da�e a� �e si��ge��T
e��ese e� }��'��e�ee a�� �e�.���e� �e� ��}��a���eT
�e�'e�e�d�� e� �eea�� a�d wk��e� �eee��aes ee���}����e�s
e� �al�es e��e�d����es dt����g a ea�e�da� �ea� v���e�
�e�a� $��� e� �e�e� Every two or more persons elected
or ap�ointed by any ma�or political party or
association for the purpose, wholly or partly, of
raising, collecting, or disbursing money, or directing
the raising, collecting or disbursing thereof, for
nomination or election purposes, and every two or more
persons who shall cooperate in the raising, collecting,
o d bursing of money used, or to be used for or
against the election to public office of any person or
any class or number of persons, or for or against the
adoption of an� law , ordinance , or charter
ee�s������e�a� amendment, s�a�� �e �eex�ed a ='�e����ea�
ee�x����ee=' or to support, oppose or influence any
petition forinitiative, referendum or recall shall be
deemed a "political committee".
Subd. 10. "Political party" m eans an association,
committee or organization which nominates and supports
a candidate for election to any public office whose
name appears on the election ballot as the candidate of
such association , committee or organization.
. . � �7 - I� �/
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Subd. 11. "Public office" means any elective office as
set forth under the Charter of the City of Saint Paul
but does not include judges or other officials as are
prov ided by statute.
Subd. 12. "Political fund" means any accumulation of
dues or voluntary contributions by an association other
than a political com mittee , which accum ulation is
collected or expended for the purpose of influencing
the nomination or election of a candidate or for the
purpose of promoting or defeating a ballot question.
Subd. 13. "Com mittee" means any personal campaign
committee or political committee unless the intent is
clearly shown to be otherwise. "
Section 2.
That Section 28.02, Subd. 2 of the St. Paul Legislative
Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
"Subd. 2. City Clerk; powers and duties. The City
Clerk shall have the following duties and po wers:
( 1) PrescribeT a�dadoptT and distribute the form for
registration forms , statements and reports
required to be filed which shall , whenever
possible, be identical to or consistent with state
forms. T a�d �al�e ��e €e��s a�ra��a��e �e a�y
�e�se� st���ee� �e ��e �����g �ee��}�e�e��s e€ ���s
(2) Receive and accept for fil ing in the city clerk' s
office the registration forms, statements , and
reports required by this chapter.
(3) Make the statem ents and reports filed with the
city clerk available for public inspection and
copying. A reasonable charge for the cost of
copying may be charged.
(4) Preserve all statements and reports for a period
of four years from the date of filing , or in the
event that the committee represents a candidate or
party which perm anently terminates activity within
two years, then said records and accounts shall be
kept for two years.
. ' � � �'i- ��`�/
� . �. /r��1
(5) Report findings of non-compliance to agg�eg��a�e
�aw e��'s�ee�e�� a���ie����es the Elections Board.
�6} Re�e�� �e ��ie e��� ee��e�� �� Beee��e� a�� a��e s�
eae�i �ea� es�ee����� a�� ae��e� �a�e�► a�� �al�e
a�a��e��}a�e �eee�a�e��a��e�►s:
Section 3.
That Section 28.4J2, Subd. 3 of the St. Paul Legislative Code
is hereby repealed.
5���: 3r G��.� A��e��e�r ��e e��� a��e��e� s�a��
ee���e� ���es��ga��e�s a�d aad��s �e �e�e����e
ee�g�}a�ee e� �e�-ee���}a�ee w��� ��e �g�e��s�e�s
e� ���s e�ia��e�T a�� s�a�� �e�ae�� �������s e€ �e�-
ee����a�ee �e ��e e��� e�e�}�T
Section 4.
That Section 28.PJ3 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
"Subdivision l . Organization; funds.
( 1) Every ge����ea� committee and every political fund
shall have a e�a���a� chairperson and a treasurer ,
who may be the same person . Every personal
campaign committee shall also have a secretary.
(2) No contr ibution shall be accepted and no
expenditure shall be made by or on behalf of a
political committee at a time when there is a
vacancy in the office of treasurer .
(3) The treasurer of a �e����ea� committee or
pol itical fund shall not designate more than two
(4) No funds of a �ae����ea� committee or political
fund shall be comingled with any personal funds of
the officers , members or associates of the
. . � . � � �%- �o�c,�
� � �Y�'a�
(5 ) All monetary contributions received by or on
behalf of any candidate or �e����ea� committee or
political fund shall , within 14 days after the
receipt thereof, be deposited in a depository
account designated " Campaign Fund of
................... (name of committe or fund) ."
Subd . 2. Record keeping .
(1) It shall be the duty of the treasurer of every
�e���}ea� committee and every political fund to
keep a detailed and accurate account of all
identification data, as herein defined, with
respect to both contributions received and
expenditures made by such political committee.
(2) The accounts required to be kept under this
section shall be current within 14 days after
receiving a contribution or making an expenditure.
(3) The treasurer shall preserve all records and
accounts required to be kept by this section for
four years ; prov ided, however , that in the event
that the �ae���}ea� com mittee or political fund
represents a candidate or party which permanently
terminates activity within two years, then said
records and accounts shall be kept for two years.
(4 ) Each �e�se� individual required to file any report
or statement as required by this chapter shall
maintain records on the matters required to be
reported, including vouchers , canceled checks,
bills, invoices, worksheets , and receipts, which
will provide in sufficient detail the necessary
information from which the filed reports and
statements may be verified, explained, clarified
and checked for accuracy and com pleteness , and
shall keep the records available for audit ,
inspection, or examination by the e��� a��e��e� e�
a� ax��ie��sed �eg�ese��a�}�ae Elections Board for
four years from the date of filing of the reports
or statements or of changes or corrections
thereto .
. • . � �- ���/
. ��.��nd
Subd. 3. Registration.
( 1) The treasurer of every �e���}ea� committee and
every political fund shall register with the city
clerk by filing a statem ent of organization no
1 a ter than 14 days a f ter the da te upon wh ich the
�e����ea� com mittee or political fund receives
contributions e� $�6 s� �e�e or makes expenditures
of $100 or more.
(2 ) The statement of organization shall include:
(a) the name and address of the �e����ea�
committee or political fund;
(b) the geographic area in which it will operate
and the purpose of the ge����ea� committee or
political fund;
(c) the name, address and position of the
custodian of books and accounts ;
(d) the name and address of the e�a}�a�a�
chairperson, the treasurer , and any other
principal officers;
(e) the name, address , office sought , and party
affiliation, if any, of each candidate whom
the committee or fund is supporting , or , if
the committee or fund is supporting the
entire ticket of any party, the name of the
(f) a statement as to whether the committee or
political fund is a continuing one;
(g) a listing of all depositories or safety
deposit boxes used.
(3) Any change in information required in paragraph
(2) above shall be forwarded to the city clerk by
the chairman or treasurer of the ge����ea�
committee or political fund within ten days of the
' ' ' � 7` �d'T�/
� �7��'�/
Subd. 4. Campaign reports.
(1) Every candidate, the secretary of every personal
campaign committee, and treasurer of a every
political committ ee or political fund shall file
with the city clerk the reports required by this
section in any year it receives contributions or
makes expenditures of $10J0 or more.
f�� ��e�� ge�se� w�e �al�es e��ae�d����esT e��ie� ��ia� ��
ee���}����e� �e a ge����ea� ee�a����eeT }� a�
ag��ega�e a�e��� e� fi�Bf� e� �ae�e w���}� a gea�
s�a�� ���e v�}��i ��e e��� e�e�l� a s�a�e�e�x�
ee��a��}�g ��ie ��€e�c�a��e� �e�t�}�ed e� a ge����ea�
ee�c����ee e� ge����ea� ����r 8�a�e�ae��s �e��}�e�
�� ���s s���a�aQ�ag�i ��} e�a�� �e ���e� e� ��ie
da�es et� w��e� �e�ae��s �� �ae����ea� ee�ax����ees a�e
{3} Eax��a�g� �ege��s �e�t���ed �� ��i�s see��e� s�a�� �e
���ed w��� ��ie e��� e�e�l� as �e��ews�
�a} �e� �a�s �e�e�e ��e e��� g���a��t
��} �e� da�s �e€e�e ��e e��� �e�e�a�t
�e} e� aa��a�� 3� e� eae� �ea� ��e ge����ea�
eex�����ee �s �� e��s�e�ee}
�d� a�� �ege��s ���e� e��e� �a} ���e�g� -�e} s�a��
ee�e� a�� ee���� ���� e�s �eee��*ed a��
e��e������es �ade as e� se�e� dags ���e� �e
��e �ege����g �a�e}
�e} a�� ee��������a� �� e�eess e€ $��(� x�ade
����i�� �� �a�s e� ��e �a��x�a�� e� ge�xe�a�
e�ee��e� s�a�� �e �ege��e� �e ��ie e��� e�e�l�
w���i�� 48 �iet��s e� ��e ee��������e�:
(2) Every candidate, the secretary of every personal
campaign committee, and the treasurer of every
political committee and every political fund shall
file a financial statement as follows:
(a) seven days before the primary;
(b) seven days after the primary;
(c) seven days before the regular or special
elections; —
1 Q!
. � � � � � � � �� ���/
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(d) seven da�s after the re�ular or s�ecial
election; and
(e) on Januar� 31 of each �ear the �ersonal
cam�aign committee or the political committee
is in existence.
The statements shall be verified upon the oath of
the part� filin� and shall cover all
transactions made up to and including the third
day before the filing of the statement and not
accounted for and reported upon in statements
previously filed, except that no transactions
shall be made thereafter which are not included in
the final statement� The statements required �
this section shall disclose the same information
required in subsection (3) . Each statement after
the first shall contain a summary of all preceding
statements and summariae allitems theretofore
reported under the provisions of this subdivision.
-�3} T�*e�� �e����ea� eexa����.ee s�a�� ���e a ���a�e�a�
s�a�e�e�� ������ 3� da�s a��e� a�� �a���a�� e�
ge�e�a� e�ee��e�ar
�{4� (3) Each report under this subdivision shall
�a} �}�e a�e��� e€ �����d asse�s e� �ia�d a� ��e
�eg�����g e€ ��e �ege����� �e��e�fi
�{�} a�� �de���€�ea��e� �a�a w���i �es�ee� �e �e��i
ee��������e�s a�� e��e�d��e��es}
-{e� ��ie �a�►e a�� aeld�ess e€ eae�i ge����ea�
ee�a����ee e� �e����ea� €��� e� ea�d�da�e ��e�
w�}e�i ��e �ege����� ee�a�a���ee �eee��esT e� �e
w�i�e� ��a� ee�����ee �aader a�� ��a�s�e� e�
����sT �ege��e� v���� ��e a�ae���s a�d da�es e€
a�� ��a�s�e�s�-
��} ��e ��s���g e� �a�es �� a���a�e��ea� e��e�t
�e} a�� ��€e��aa��e� �e� ��e ge��e� ��e� e���e�
��e }����a� ee�����t���e� a�d e��e������e e�
��ie �a�es� �ege�� �e se�e� da�s ���e� �e ��e
��e �a�e e� ��ie �e�e���
. � . � � J�- /��/
� � ' i��%°Bi'
(a) every sum of money and all property, and
every other thing of value, received � such
candidate or committee or po— litical fund
during such period from any source whatsoever
which the candidate or commit ee uses or has
used, or is at liberty to use for political
purposes, together with the name of every
person or source from which each was received
and the date when each was received, together
with the total amount received from all
sources n � amount or manner;
(b) every romise or pledge of money, property,
or other thing of value, rece ved � such
candidate or committee or political fund
during such period, the proceeds of which the
candidate uses or has used, or is at liberty
to use for political purposes, together with
the names of the persons � whom each was
prom si ed or pledged, the special purposes for
which each was �romised or pledged, and the
date when each was so promised or pledged,
together with the total amount promised or
pledged from all sources in any amounts or
(c) every disbursement � such candidate or
committee or political fund for political
purposes made during such per oi d, together
with the name of every person to whom the
disbursement is made, the specific �urpose
for which each was made, and the date when
each was made, together with the total amount
of disbursements made in any amounts or
manner; and
(d) ever obligation, expressed or implied, to
make an� disbursement incurred b� such
candidate or committee or political fund for
political�urposes during such period ,
toqether w i th the names of the ep r�son or
persons to or with whom each such obligation
has been incurred, the specific purposes for
which each was made, and the date when each
was incurred, together with the total amount
of such obligations made in any amounts or
manner. —
. � � . � �-� /05�/
- � � y.5��
-{y} (4 ) Requirements respecting reports and
(a) The reports or statements required by this
chapter shall be signed and certified as true
by the person required to file the report or
sta tement.
{b) Each contribution in kind shall be valued at
fair market value and reported on the
appropriate schedule of receipts, identified
as to its nature and listed as "contributions
in kind". The total amount of goods and
services contributed in kind shall be deemed
to have been consumed in the reporting period
in which received. Each contribution in kind
shall be declared as an expenditure at the
same fair market value and reported on the
appropriate expenditure schec3ule, identified
as "contribution in kind" .
(c) Any material changes in information
previously submitted and any corrections to a
report shall be reported in writing to the
city clerk within 14 days following the date
of the event prompting the change or the date
upon which the person filing became aware of
the inaccuracy. The change or correction
shall identify the form and the paragraph
containing the information to be changed or
�C�� (5) Every �e�se�individual who receives a
contribution for a �e����ea� committee or
political fund or candidate shall , within 14
days after receipt of the contribution ,
inform the treasurer of the information
required to be kept by paragraph (5) .
��� (6) A��No anonymous contribution or contributions
ax�ei���.��g �e $� e� �e�e shall �e� be retained
by a �ae����ea� committee, political fund, or
candidate , but shall be turned over to the
department of finance and management services
for deposit into the general fund.
� . � � ��- io�/
- /7..�`0�
�{8} (7) Exemptions.
(a) The e}�� ee��e�� City's Elections Board shall
exem pt any �e����ea�committee, political
fund , or political party or any of their
members or contributors from the provisions
of Section 28.03, subdivision 4 if disclosure
would expose any or all of them to economic
reprisal ; loss of em ploym ent or threat of
physical coercion.
A ge����ea� com mittee , political fund , or
political party may seek an exem ption for all
of its members or contributors only if it
proves a reasonable probability that a
substantial number of its mem bers or
contributors would suffer a restrictive
effect on their freedom of association if
members were required to seek exemptions
(b) The e��� ee��e�� City's Elections Board shall
exempt any individual from the provisions of
Section 28.03, subdivision 4 who, by written
request , demonstrates a reasonable
probability that disclosure would expose that
individual to economic reprisals , loss of
employm ent or threat of physical coercion.
A written order of the State Ethical
Practices Board exem pting an association or
any of its members or contributors because of
a determination that a disclosure would
expose any or all of them to economic
reprisals, loss of employment or threat of
physical coercion shall constitute prima
facie evidence for exemption from the
provisions of Section 28. A3, subdivision 4.
The e��� ee��e�� City's Elections Board shall
issue a written resolution to exem pt any
individual .
(c) A �e�}��ea� comm ittee , pol itical fund , or a
political party or any of its members or
contributors shall have standing to seek an
exemption. The e��� ee��e�� City's Elections
Board shall establish a proced ure so that any
individual seeking an exemption may proceed
anonymously if the individual would be
. � � � � 7 - ����
� � i���r
exposed to the reprisals listed in
subparagraph (b) were the individual' s
identity revealed.
(9) Within 30 days after the effective date of this
chapter, all existing officeholders , candidates ,
and committees shall file with the city clerk, in
the manner prescribed by Section 28.03, sudivision
3, a registration statem ent, including a statem ent
of the amount of cash on hand. For the purposes
of this paragraph "cash" shall be defined to
include deposits, marketable securities, and other
cash equivalents .
Subd. 5. Ballot questions. An� individual, political
committee, political fund, association or corporation
that makes � contribution or expenditure to promote
or defeat a ballot question shall file reports as
required by this subdivision. Reports shall be filed
at the times required for filing financial statements
under Subdivision 4 2 of thi�s section.
( ) Reports shall
be filed with the city clerk for placing the question
on the ballot. Each report shall show the following
information, covering the eriod from the last report
to seven days before the filing date:
(a) The name and address of each committee ,
olitical fund individual or other
P , , _ person to
whom aggregate contributions or expenditures in
excess of $ 1010 have been made to promote or defeat
a ballot'question, together with the amount, date
and purpose of the contribution or expendi urt e;
(b) The total amount of contributions and expenditures
made to promote or defeat a ballot question; and
(c) Identification of the ballot question which the
individual, political committee, political fund,
association or corporation seeks to promote or
defeat. — — —
The city clerk shall prescribe the form for reports
required under this section.
,� ,, � � � ��- �o�/
- � � � � f�sa�
For the purpose of this subdivision:
(1) "Ballot question" means a question or proposition
which is placed on the ballot and which may be
voted on by the voters; and
(2) A contribution or expenditure for activities
related to c�ualifying a question for placement on
the ballot is a contribution or expenditure to
promote or defeat the ballot question."
Section 5.
That Section 28. PJ4 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
"28. 04 . Violations.
Subd iv ision 1 . Cand idates. Any cand idate , or
secretary of a personal campaign committee or treasurer
of a political committee or pol— itical fund who
receives, accepts , benefits from , or expends any
campaign contributions which said candidate secretary
or treasurer kno ws to have been contributed or expended
in violation of this chapter is guilty of a
m i sdemeanor. �e� ��e �t��geses e� ���s see��e�r a
ea�d��a�e s�a�� �e g�es��ed �e }��e� a�� �ae�s
ee�ee����g ea�ga�g� ee�����a��-�e�s a�d e��e�d���t�es
vt��e� a�e l��e�� �� a�� �e�se� e� �e����ea� ee�����ee
a���e��sed �� s�e�i ea����a�e �e aeee�� ee�����t���e�s e�
�al�e e��e�d����es e� �}s �e�a��r
Subd. 2. Contributors. Any person or responsible
officer of an entity who makes a contribution in
violation of this hac pter is guilty of a misdemeanor .
For purposes of this section, responsible officer means
that person ha=ving final decision ma_�� authority to
make a contribution where the contributor is some
ent ty other than a person. '
Subd. 3. Records and reports. Any person who is
required by this chapter to make reports or keep
records and who fails to do so is guilty of a
mi sdemeanor ."
Sec tion 6.
That Section 28.P15 of the St. Paul Legislative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
• • , Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ���Q�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
"28.05 . Contribution limitations.
Subdivison 1 . There shall be no limitations placed on
contributions made during the period prior to the time
a pre-election, whether primary or general , report is
required to be filed.
Subd. 2. Between the time not included in a pre-
election report and the election, whether primary or
general , Alno �e�ser� individual or committee or
political fund shall make contributions to any
candidate or committee or political fund with respect
to any election, whether primary or general , for a city
office which, in the aggregate, exceed the following
(1 ) $1 ,000 per annum in the case of a candidate for
mayor, and
(2) $750 per annum in the case of a candidate for any
other city office. "
Section 7.
This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on
January l , 1988.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia [n Favor —
s`� � Against BY
Wiison �CT i � 1�8� �
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
B J��u-e- � . 1r'�"�cJ 8 3�-� 7
Certified P ssed by Council Secretary Y
Approv by Mayor: Date uCT 2 Q � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
gy gY .
(�. -�W 't£�� -�:CrTY ��LEFtK.�,..�- : �,_. �'; �.., ,.. �.. ..> ' .:. :�-:, G ..��. ...- �. . , ', '..�. si� ,+i
., �1 - FINAN,�'E, � COVflC1I-
�� ARY -'DEPAlt"{�i MT - GITY Q�' SAINT PA�TL . , ��
ewe —MAroa _ File NO. ��""�'�=,
l` ' -
� a O��indnCe Ordinance N0:
.�,1 x. � � '`, .� ,
� ` '
,� , ; . y
r.. !.� ' . :��. T
Presented By .... :. .,.. ,. _��<Y . ,.
Refer To 'x "' . Date �,, ,
�- � ._, . : . w�
Out o ommittee
. BY .:� �*_:�,�„�, , �<,�,,, Date
, ����► erai�. sr�Ai�g �3�pt=es �a
.�- .
of tl�r �� Pa�tl Laqtslati� �od�: _ :
p�sEa-ia#� to el�tio� c�apai�e
ezo�tsib�atisas a�rQ s�tti�g
= T1� Ct�fI�I�. QE � �I!Y C� Sllllf'� P�L t�S t��l►�►i1i s
_ ����to� �.
lxtat 8s�t#4a 2Y./1 ;�'.#:h� �!. Fi�l Lagi iat�,n Coda b� aad
�! SiM �tliibj' �i ii!lid�. :t4 =�iil� � �01I t
: '�2�.�i. t�fisi�io�as.
i0bd�lis#�.o� �. l�s�as. Fas t �a�pos�s o# this
" ebapt�r, t�� t�sa� A�fi�sd in � s �ictf+�s abal�, �a� ' � .
tlur aNra�isgs asc:�3�d �a tt��: '
�s�. � �t�i#��i� �a�s �#�#i� �r1w a�#�s
�►!#�i i� a� �r+�1� �i� : rf i+�e�i�w tw#�#�ie i�
#a�i�s#�a►ai �bar�i k �s �s �it �ii►s� +�# t#�►i
#�rii�+si�+�iE i� � s� i1w► ��i�a , . <
4�► �a�+r# ��o a�slti�s naR� �ai�a� �iw� �+�rs a# �
_ .. f�ari� +�►# ,Xt �w� � �#� s# �#�r �s:a� IM► ��
!��#�# � �► t�r�s s►i���#
� 4�} ta#►��s#� s�i as t��� ss i`� i� i�
: '�ir�f��a ss �� �#��et w� ,,
_ _ - _�..�...
COUNCILME�:N.„ ' -� �� Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Drew .
Nicosia �[1 FBVOi ���,,,,,,i,
Rettman -
scne�b.i Against BY
Ado ted b Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by (�ouncil Secretary BY _ -
� BY :�µ�
, _ Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councit
. � . . . . .. . . ` _ . . .. K, � � .. . . . . . .. _ . . �.
By . . : .�`/�. .. . . . . . . . . .
` �. . ;���'�7- '"���,,�'"�
{3� �eee}�e� ee����b���e�s e� fi�� e� �e�e� �ia�e
' e�pe������es e� ���� e� �e�e� e� l�as �}�e�
_ _
ee�se��-, }x�p��e�� e� e�p��e��� �e� a�� e�t�e�
_ .
pe�se� �e �eee��e ee����b���e�s e� fi�� e� �e�e e�
_ _
�a#e e�ger������es e� ���� e� x�e�e� �a��l� a ��ew �e
���r����� a�e�� l��s e�ee��e� �e a �����e e���ee:
Subd. 2. "Candidate" means a� individual for whom it
is contemplated or desired that votes ma� be cast at
an��mar� or election, and caho either tacitl� or
expressly consents to be so consiuereci. An indiviaual
s�all be deemed to seek nomination for election if he
or she has taken the action necessar� to qualif�
himself or herself for nomination of election, has
received contributions or made expenditures in excess
of 1��, or has given his or her implicit or explicit
consent for any other person to receive ontributions
or make expenditure is n excess of 1f�0, or the purpose
of bringing about his or her nomination or election.
5ubd. 3. "Contribution" means a tran fer of funds or a
donation in kinc�. — — — —
{�} a �}���. s�bse��g��er�� ga�� ��� g�e��e� �se��
ad�a�ee� ��a�s�e�� eea�e�a��e s� de�es�� e€ a��r
��ege���-, se���ees� �e�e� e� `e�l�e� �1���� e€ �a�xe�
��e������ ��e�e�s �e ���� �a�s�a� e�e��s� �a�e �e
a ea����a�e� ea��}ea�e=s �eg�ese��a���e e� a�ea��
�e�sea e� �e����ea� eex��a}��ee €e� �l�e �i���ese e�
}���t�e�e�c�� s� ass�s���� �l�e e�ee��e� e� a
_ _ _ . .
ea��}�a�e �e pt�b��e e���ee e� �s� �l�e ���gese e�
}� � ��e�� ��� e � . ass �s � }�� a pe � � � � e� �s �
}r�}��a���e,� �e�e�e���t� e� �eea��} e�
��� a ee���ae� e� a��2e�ec��-, e�p�ess e� }x�g��e��
_ . .
wl�e�l�e� e� ae� �e�a��� e��e�eeab�e� �e �a�e a
ee���}����e� €e� s�e� g��ges2s-} e�
{3� a ��a�s�e� e� ����s �e a pe����ea� ee�i����ee ��ex�
a�e��e� ge�}��ea� eex��x���ee e� e�l�e� se��ee� e�
{4�- �t�e ga�r�e�� e� ee��e�sa��e� €e� �l�e ge�se�a�
se�*�}ees e� a�e�l�e� ge�sec� wl��el� a�e �ec��e�e� �e a
�a����a�e e�, ge����ea� eex��a���ee �e �r����e�ee �I�e
e�ee��e� e� a eac�el�ea�e �e g���}e e€��ee b� a��
�e�seA e��e� �l�a� ��a� ea����a�e e� ge���}ea�
eex��}��ee� b��
; , . . -.i' Y; I '„`:�:f
�,f'" ,, _ :;%. .; ,�
_ . _ _ _
{�}� �ees �e� ��e�t��e se���ees g�e���e� sa��l�e��
ee��e�sa�}e�, �� }��}����a�s �e����ee�}�� �l�e��
�}x�e e� bel�a�� e� a ea����a�e e� �e����ea�
_ _ _ _
eex��x���ee� e� ee�e�a�e p�e�}�e� b� �l�e ►�ews �e��a
wl�}�e ae��r�� }� �l�e e��}t�a�� eet��se e� �l�e
b�s�aess s€ �����s���� e� ��ea�eas�}�� �e�as }�exas�
e���e��a�s e� s�l�e� ee��e��s:
Contribution includes any loan or advance of crec�it to
a �olitical committeee, part� committee or personal
cam a�gn committee, which loan or ac�varXCe or creai�–is
(a) forgiven, or (b) paid by an entity other than the
�olitical committee , ge � � � } ea���� ��� or
---------- --r---
����e�ga�personal campaign cornmittee to which the loan
or advance of credit is mac�e. If an advance of credit
- -r- ---- -- ---
or a loan is fo�iven or �aid as provided in this
subdivision, it is a contribution in t e �ear it� which
the loan or advance of credit is made.,'
— — — -----�
A contribution made for the purpose of defeating a
candidate is considered made� the purpose of
influencing the nomination or .'election of that
----------- --- ---------- -- -------- -- ----
candidate or a� opponent of that candidate.
Contribution does not include ser�'�ices provided without
compensation � an individual vo�unteering his time on
behalf of a candidate, ballo question, political
com mittee , ersonal cam a�n committee or the
�------- ---�– �– –
publishing or broadcasting of�news items or editorial
comments by the news media.
Subd. 3a. "Donation in kin ' means anything of value
other t�-ian money or negoti le ins�ruments given by an
individual or associatio to a politacal committee,
�e���}ea� ����� e� ��� e�pa�or persnnal campaign
committee for the urpos� of influencing the nomination
or election of a c��idate or for the purpose of
promot ng or defeati' ng`=�`a ballot question. Donation in
kind includes an appro:�Ved �xpenciiture. �
Subd. 4. "Depository�''x means any bank, savings and loan
association or cred ''t union, organized un�er federal or
state law and tran cting business within Minnesota .
Subd. 5 . "Electi n" means
(1) a general , special , primary or runoff election; or
( 2) a conver�tion or C3UCU5 of a political party held
to nominate a candidate.
. ,. . • , .' •, • '�� �'-%_. %�'���
. .. . _ . . . . . _ . . . . .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .
{b} �l�e �e�a� st�� e� a�� ee����b���s�s �a�e e�
�e�e��ed ������ �l�e �ege����� pe��e�:
_ _ _
{�} w}�1� �espee� �e e��e������es� �l�e �a�e� a�e�x�-,
_ _ _
ar�� ga��aese s� eael� e��e��}���e e€ $��� e� �e�e-,
�e�e��e� w��l� �l�e �ax�e� a���ess� eee�ga��e� a�t�
b�s��ess a�d�ess e€ eael� �e�se� �e wl�ex� s�el�
_ _ _ _ . _
e��ae��}�t��es a�e �ae�e� �e�e�l�e� w��l� �l�e �e�a� s�x�
e� a�� e�gea�����es x�a�e e� ��e���e� dt����� ��e
�epe����� �ae��e�:
Subd. 7. "Personal campai n committee" means an�
committee appointed � a canaidate for an election.
5ubd. 8 . "Person" means an individual , partnership ,
committee� association, corporation, labor organization
and any other organization or group of persons
including a �ommittee organized for pol itical purposes
which is not inclucled in the definition of "political
committee or political fund. "
Subd. 9 . '-'�e����ea� ee�x����ee" �ea�s aa� ge����ea�
ee�����ee� e���-, ��e�ip e� assee�a��e� wl��el� �as as ��s
�a�e� ��t�gese �e s��ge�� e� e��ese a�� ea�d}�a�e e� �e
�r����er�ee �l�e e�ee��sr� e� a ea����a�e e� �e st�gge��-,
e��ese e� }���t�e�ee ar�� ge����e� �e� �c����a���e-,
�e�e�e���� e� �eea�� a�� wl��el� �eee��es ee����b���er�s
_ _
e� x�a#es e�ge�d����es ��a���� a ea�e��a� �ea� wl��e�
�e�a� $��� e� �s�e-s Every ,two or more persons elected
or a��ointed b� an� ma� �olitical �art� or
association for the �ur�os�, wholly or partly, of
raising, collecting, or disbursing money, or directing
the raising, colleetin or disbursin� thereof, for
nomination or election �urposes, ',and ever two or more
persons who shall cooperate in the`,raising, collecting,
or disbursing of mone used, or `•�to be used for or
against the election to pub— 1—c office of an person or
an�r class or number of persons, or f+o�r or agai� n�st the
r- -- --
adoption of an�r law , ordinance`� or charter
eer�s���a�}e�a� amendment, s�a�� be �ee��� a "ge����ea�
ee�a����ee" or to support, op ose or i�nfluence a�
petition for initiative, referendum or re 11 shall be
deemed a "political committee". �
5ubd. 1�1. "Political party" means an ass�ciation,
committee or organization which nominates and `�.supports
a candidate for election to any public offic� whose
name appears on the election ballot as the cand id�ate of
such association, committee or organization.
. , . . . , � `� �E�,, �'%
.� ��':
, 5ubd. 11. "Public office" means any elective office as
set forth under the Charter of the City of 5aint Paul
but does not include judges or other officials as are
provided by statute.
Subd. 12. "Political fund" means any accumulation of
dues or voluntary contributions by an association other
than a political com mittee, which accumulation is
collected or expended for the purpose of influencing
the nomination or election of a canc]idate or for the
purpose of promoting or defeating a ballot question.
Subd, 13. "Committee" means a� �ersonal campaign
commit�ee or political committee unless the intent is
clearly shown to be otherwise. "
Section 2 .
That Section 28.�2 , Subd. 2 of the St. Paul Legislative
Code be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"Subd. 2. City Clerk; powers and duties. The City
Clerk shall have the following duties and powers:
(1) Prescribe� er��adoptT and distribute the form for
registration forms, statements and reports
required to be filed which shall , whenever
possible, be identical to or consistent with state
forms. T a�� �a#e �ke �e��s a�a��ab�e �e a��
ge�se� s�b�ee� �e �I�e €���r�� �eq���e�e��s s� �l��s
(2) Receive and accept for`. fil ing in the city clerk 's
office the registratio'� forms, statements, and
reports required by this`'chapter.
(3) Make the statements and reports filed with the
city clerk available for �ublic inspection and
copying. A reasonable cha�ge for the cost of
copying may be charged.
(4) Preserve all statements and rep.orts for a pe� iod
of four years from the date of f`il ing, or in the
event that the committee represent"s a canc3idate or
party which permanently terminates activity within
two years, then said records and accounts shall be
kept for two years.
, � ' ' � � � � i�1/� ::�i'_ .!'�`��
(5) Report findings of non-compliance to ap��ep��a�e
�aw e��e�ee�e�� a��l�e����es the Ethical Practi.ces
�6� �te�e�� �e �l�e e��� eet�r�e}� }� �eee�be� a�� d��e s�
eael� �ea� ee�ee���c�� a�� ae��e� �a�e� a�� Faa�e
agg�e�s��a�e �eeex��e�da��e�s:
Section 3 .
That Section 28.�2, Subd. 3 of the St. paul Legislative Code
is hereby repealed.
st��d-� �� E��� A��e��e�: �l�e e��� a��e��e� sl�a��
ee�e��e� ���aes���a��e�s a�� a����s �e �e�e����e
ee�g�}a�ee e� �er�-ee����a�ee w��l� �t�e g�e�}s�e�s
e� �l��s el�ag�e�� a�� sl�a�� �ege�� �������s e� ae�-
ee�g��ar�ee �e �l�e e}��r e�e�#:
Section 4 .
That Section 2$ .�3 of the St. Paul Legislative Coc�e be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"Subdivision 1. Organization; funds.
(1) Every �e���}ea� com rnittee and every political fund
shall have a el�a��x�a� chairperson and a treasurer,
who may be the sam� person. Ever ersonal
--�' P-------
campaign committee sha�1 also have a secretary.
( 2) No contribution shall`=., be accepted and no
expenditure shall be mad� by or on behalf of a
political committee at a `time when there is a
vacancy in the office of treasurer .
( 3) The treasurer of a �e�����a� com mittee or
political fund shall not designate more than two
(4) No funds of a �e�}��ea� com mittee or political
fund shall be comingled with any personal funds of
the officers , members or associates of the
corrections thereto.
. . ' , �• .'j_^ ,�; //- F'i
Subd. 4 . Campaign reports.
(1) Every candidate, the secreta� of every personal
campaign committee, and treasure� of a eve�
polit al com mittee or political fund shall file
with the city clerk the reports required by this
section in any year it receives contributions or
makes expenditures of $1Q10 or more.
{�� ��e�� �e�se� w�ie �a�es e��e����t��es-, e�l�e� �l�aa b�r
ee� �����e� �e a �e����ea� ee�►����ee-, }� a�
a���e�a�e a�ex�� e� fi�Q�{� e� x�e�e w��l��� a �ea�
s�ia�� `.����e w��t� �l�e e��� e�e�� a s�a�e�ec��
ee��a����� �l�e �a�e��a��e� �eq�t}�e� e� a �e�}�}ea�
eex�x����ee e� ge����ea� �i��� S�a�e�e��s �eq���e�
}�� �l��s s.t�b�a�a��agt� {�� sl�a�� �e ���ed ea ��e
�a�es e� wI�}el� �epe��s ��* �s����ea� ee��}��ees a�e
{3� Ea�ga��� �e�e'��s �eq���e� b� ���s see��e� sl�a�� be
���e� �a��l� �l�e *e��� e�e�� as �e��ews�
fa� �e� �a�s be€e�e �l�e e��y p���a��-�
f�}- �ea �a�s be€e�e �l�e e��� �e�e�a��
{e�- e� �a�t�a�� 3� `,e� eael� �ea� �l�e �e����ea�
ee�����ee �s �� e�}s�e�ee;
{�� a�� �epe��s €��ed �c��e� {a� �l��e��l� {e� sl�a��
ee�e� a�� ee� � � }.b�� �e�s �eee ��ted a��
e�ge������es �ede as e� se�e� da�s g�}e� �e
�l�e �e�e����� da�e� ',,
fe� a��r ee����b���e� �� e�eess e€ ���d� �a�e
�r��l��r� �� �a�s e� �t�e '.g���a�� e� �e�e�a�
e�ee��e� sl�a�� �e �epe��e� �e �t�e e��� e�e�#
�a���i�a 48 1�e��s e� �l�e ee���}b���e��
( 2) Every candidate, the secretary a,f ever� personal
eamp, aign committee, and the treasurer of every
polit�cal commit e and every oli cal fund shall
file a financial statement as follo
(a) seven days before the primary;
(b) seven days after the prim�ry;
(c) seven da�s before the regular or special
elections; � -- — —
. . ' . • . . � ' ��� -�> �, ,f?.,�i
, , �- � '
(d) seven �a�s after the regular or s�ecial
election; and —
(e� on Januar� 31 of each �ear the personal
camr paign committee or the political committee
is in existence.
The statements shall be verified upon the oath of
the party filing�and shall cover a � l
transactions made up to and includin�the third
d� before the filing of the statement and not
aecount�d for and reported upon in statements
��revious� filed, except that no transactions
sha�.l be m'�de thereafter which are not included in
the final statement. The statements requ red �
this section' shall disclose the�same information
required in s'�tbsection (3). Each statement after
the first shal�ntain a summar of all preceding
statements and'`.summarize all�tems theretofore
reported under the�rovisions of this subdivision.
_ _
f3�- ��e�� �e����ea� ee�����ee sl�a�� €��e a ���a�e�a�
s�a�e�ae�� w��l��� 3� �a�s a��e� a�� ����aa�� e�
�e�e�a� e�ee��e�:
�4�(3) Each report uncler this subdivision shall
disclose: -- -- `—
{a�- �l�e ax�e��� s� ��q��� asse�s e� l�a�� a� �l�e
be���a��� e� �l�e �e�s��}a� �e��e�;
��� a�� ��e����}ea�}s� �a�a w}�1� �esgee� �e �e�l�
ee��������e�s a�� e�pet��.����es;
{e� �l�e �a�e a�� a���ess e� eaek ge����ea�
ee�a����ee e� �e����ea� €�r�� e� ea���da�e €�ex�
wl��el� �l�e �e�e����g ee�����ee �eee��es-, s� �e
�l��el� �l�a� ee�x����ee �ade� ar�� ��a�s�e� e�
�t���s� �e�e�l�e� w}�1� ��e a�e�z��s a�� �a�es e�
a�� ��ec�s€e�s;
f�� �l�e �}s���� s� �a�aes �� a�gl�a�e��ea� e��e�-�
fe� a�� �r��e�x�a��ec� �e� �l�e _ ,
pe��s� ��ex� e}�l�e�
�t�e }����a� ee����b���e� ar�d e�ge��}���e e�
�l�e �a�es� �ege�� �e se�ea �a�s g���� �e �l�e
d�e �a�e e� �l�e �ege��:
. . � � .�� . t��='.� � :��o,,
(a) every sum of mone� and all propert� and
ev_ er� other thing of value, received by such
candidate or committee or pol t cal fund
during such period from a� source whatsoever
w�ich the candidate or committee uses or has
used, or is at liberty to use for political
purposes, together with the name of evrery
erson or source from which each was received
and the date when each was received, together
with the total amount received from all
sources'in a� amount or manner;
(b) every promise or pledge of money, property,
or-- other thing of value, received � such
cand�:date or committee or political fund
during• such period, the proceeds of which the
candidate uses or has used, or is at liberty
to use for political purposes, together with
the names of the persons � whom each was
prom si ed or pledged, the special purposes for
which each was promised or pled ed, and the
date when each was so �romised or pledged,
together with the total amount promised or
pledged from all sources in a�amounts or
(c) every disbursement b� such candidate or
com mittee or political fund for political
p_urposes made durin�such period, together
with the name of every person to whom the
da bs ursement is made, the specific pur�ose
for which each was made, and the date when
each was made, togethe w th the total amount
of disbursements made ` in a� amounts or
manner; and — �
{d) every obligation, expresse`d or im�lied, to
make an� disbursement Curred b� such
candidate or committee or pol`itical fund for
political purposes during �s.uch period,
together with the names of t�ie person or
persons to or with whom each suc obligation
has beenincurred, the specific p�irtposes for
which each was made, and the date�when each
was incurred, together with the tot 1 amount
of such obligati— ons made n a� ambunts or
manner. ,
. � � .. .�, � f f_ .�'% ;,,�.�'�
{§ � ( 4 ) Requirements respecting reports and
(a) The reports or statements required by this
chapter shall be signed and certified as true
by the person required to file the report or
(b) Each contribution in kind shall be valued at
fair market value and reported on the
appropriate schedule of receipts, identified
as to its nature and listed as "contributions
in kind". The total amount of gooc7s and
se�vices contributed in kind shall be deemed
to h�,ve been consumed in the reporting period
in whti�h rec�ived. Each contribution in kind
shall be declared as an expenditure at the
sam e faix market value and reported on the
appropriat'� expenditure schedule, id entified
as "contribution in kind".
(c) Any materia_l changes in information
previously subm,itted and any corrections to a
report shall be reported in writing to the
city clerk withiri 14 days following the date
of the event prompting the change or the date
upon which the person filing became aware of
the inaccuracy. The change or correction
shall identify the f,orm and the paragraph
containing the inform`a,tion to be changed or
{6� ( 5) Every �e�se� individual��, who receives a
contribution for a pe�����a� committee or
political fund or candidate�'•�hall, within 14
days after receipt of the . contribution ,
inform the treasurer of th� information
required to be kept by paragrapt� ( 5) .
{��- (b) �,��No anonymous contribution or c�ntributions
a�aexr����c� �e �� e� �e�e shall r�e� �e retained
by a pe����ea� com mittee, political fund, or
candidate, but shall be turned ov�r to the
department of finance and management�,services
for deposit into the general fund. �'x.
. ' " ., f��- f !`_ /„�,.
{-8} ('7) Exemptions.
(a) The e��� ee��e�� Cit �' s Ethical Practices
Board shall exempt�any ge����ea�comm tee,
political fund, or political party or any of
their members or contributors from the
provisions of 5ection 28.P13 , subdivision 4 if
disclosure would expose any or all of them to
economic reprisal ; loss of employment or
threat of physical coercion.
A ge����ea� com mittee, political fund, or
palitical party may seek an exemption for all
of�, its members or contributors only if it
pro�es a reasonable probability that a
subs'�;antial number of its members or
contr3�butors would suffer a restrictive
effect ���on their freedom of association if
members`.were required to seek exemptions
(b) The e��� e'Q��e�� City`' s Ethical Practices
Board shall '.exempt any individ au l�from the
prov sions of Section 28.�13 , subdivision 4
who, by written request, demonstrates a
reasonable probability that disclosure would
expose that indiyidual to economic reprisals,
loss of employm ent or threat of physical
A written order of the State Ethical
Practices T3oard exempting an association or
any of its me mbers or contributors because of
a determination that a disclosure would
expose any or all of them to economic
reprisals, loss of empl�oym ent or threat of
physical coercion shall constitute prima
facie evidence for exemption from the
provisions of 5ection 28 .�13 , subdivision 4.
The e}�� es�r�e�� City's Eti�ical Practices
Board shall issue a writte esolution to
exempt any individual.
(c) A �e����ea� committee, political fund, or a
political party or any of its members or
contributors shall have standing` to seek an
exemption. The e���r ee�r�e�� City's Ethical
Practices Board shall establish a procedure
so that any individual seeking an exemption
• , • .. . �-' �,..> ,l!/,:.
. . •' �,/- ,
may proceed anonymously if the individual
would be exposed to the reprisals listed in
subparagraph (b) were the individual 's
identity revealed.
( 9) Within 3(� days after the effective date of this
chapter, all existing officeholders, candidates,
and com mittees shall file with the city clerk, in
the manner prescribed by Section 28.�c3, sudivision
3, a registration statement, including a statement
of the amount of cash on hand. �'or the purposes
of this paragraph "cash" shall be defined to
include deposits, marketable securities, and other
cash equ'ivalents.
Subd. 5. Ballot,, questions. A� individual, �olitical
committee, polit°ical fund, association or corporation
that makes a� contribution or expenditure to promote
or defeat a ballot question shall file reports as
required b�th s suk�division, Reports shall be filed
at the tim es required for filing �inancial sta'tements
under Subd�vision 4(2) of this sectio�. Reports shall
be filed with the city elerk for p—la ng the question
on the ballot. Each report shall show the following
information, covering the period from the last report
to seven days before the filing date:
(a) The name and address of each comm i ttee ,
political fund, individ'ual, or other person to
whom aggregate contributions or expenditures in
excess of lf�� �ave been mac�e to promote or defeat
a b'allot question, together with the amount, date
and purpose of the contibutio on r expend—iture;
(b) The total amount o� contributions and expenditures
made to promote or defeat a ballot question; and
(c) Tdentification of the ballot ques:tion which the
individual, political committee, po. litical fund,
association or corporation seeks to promote or
defeat. � --- —
The city clerk shall prescribe the form fo,r reports
required under this section. — —
� �, � . < . � ' � � iF��-- ��_� ��,�,�
�or the purpose of this subdivision :
(1) "Ballot question" means a question or proposition
wh— ich is placed on the ballot and which ma� be
voted on by the vot'ers; and '�
(2) A contribution or expenditure for activities
related to qualifying a question for placement on
the ballot is a contribut— i or ex�ne diture to
promote or defeat the ballot question. ' �
5ection 5.
That Section 28 .�4 of the St. Paul Leqislative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
"28 .f�4 . Violations.
Subdivision l.` Candidates. Any candidate , or
secretary of a personal campaign committee or treasurer
of a �ol tical committee or poli. tical fund who
receives, accepts', ` benefits from, or expends any
campaign contributions which said candidate secretary
or treasurer knows to have been contributed or expended
in violation of this chapter is guilty of a
misdemeanor. �'s� ��e ���geses e� �1�}s ' see�}er�-, a
ea���da�e sl�a��� be g�e`st��e� �e #�ew a�� �a�e�s
ee�ee�a}�� ea��a��� ee����b���e�s ac�� e��e������es
_ .
�w��el� a�e ��ewr� �� a�y ge�se� e� pe����ea� eex�����ee
a��l�e���e� b� s�el� ea���da�e �e aeeeg� ee�����t���e�s e�
x�a#e e�ge�d����es et� l��s �el�a��
5ubd. 2. Contributors. Any person or responsible
officer of an enti� who makes _ a contribution in
violation of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor.
For purposes of this section, responsible officer means
that person having final decision ma�ing authority to
make a contribution where the contributor is some
entity other than a person. -- `--
Subd. 3. Records and reports. Any person who is
required by this chapter to make reports or keep
records and who fails to do so is guilty of a
misc7emeanor. "
Section 6 .
That 5ection 28 .(� 5 of the St. Paul Legislativ� Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows :
� , � _. ; .
,, ' . t
- _ - - -------
Ord�ndnce Ordinance N O. �7�U�
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
"28 .05. �pntribution limitations.
Subdivision `'�. There shall be no limitations placed on
contributions`�,m�ade during the eriod rior to the time
a re-electiori�, whether prima� or general, re ort is
required to be f��,led.
Subd. 2. Between�.,the time not included in a re-
election re ort and�' he election, whether rima� or
�eneral , �Ino �e�se�individual or committee or
�olitical fund shall� make contributions to any
candidate or committee o�. political fund with respect
to any election, whether pr�,mary or general, for a city
office which, in the aggrega,`te, exceed the following
(1) $1,�00 per annum in the ca���e of a candidate for
mayor, and '��
(2) $750 per annum in the case of a a,�andidate for any
other city office." �
� Section 7. �
This ordinance shall take effect and be in fo ce thirty (3�)
days from and after its passage, approval and publi tion.
COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Nicosia ln Favor —
s�na�bei Against BY
Sonnen /���
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary By��-- /� � i����- 7-10�?_
By _
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
a� ,r,. �'.f�,•y ��.` �ht' '� ,._� :,,:. .. `�, �µ'aw ..� �,. . .,, '�
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4,� �Referred To . n�, Committee: Dat� ,„. .
�`�� -0ui of Comm',tee B �
�p . Y Date .
�. .
�— : .
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, G�`,1L7PIC:ILMFN �� Requested by Departme�t of: � �` }
Ye� Nays
�i►ew _ �
Njoo� �, In Favor - "
.� ... .�
Rettman _. , ' . .;�� � ;a
Scheibel A 81[1St BY
Sonnen g � �
:�li�C�fB�"' ;.
Wfison � � "r
, __
'r- `. Form Approved by City Attorney v
t Adopted by CounciI: Date '�,
CertiPfed Passed by Council Secretary BY '�
sy : �
Approved by Mayor. Date Appraved by Mayor for Submission to Council �
�._. �'_By�_. . �.�:.: .:._�:. , .. -_ _ ._� . . . _ , . _ '` _ ., .__ � _ .. . . ._ . _ . _ .
, ' � B
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• �lst %-.���' �� 7nd�, � j .� ;-. .l-7 �
• , • • !
3rd ,�-.��� Adopted 7
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; Yeas Nays � -�� _t,j .
� 1�� �� G-i'' ✓f:_;1 j
NICOSIA !r„'i Q f
� . . SCHEIBEL �
, .. .,..,.»_....t-.-..,�. - ---..
File N 0. �7 �f D��
Ordindnce Ordinance r10.
.��cea By ..,�..`,�
R f red To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 28
of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
pertaining to election campaign
contributions and reporting
Section 1 .
That Section 28.01 of the St. Paul Leg islative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"28. �1 . Definitions.
Subdivision l . Terms. For the purposes of this
chapter , the terms defined in this section shall have
the meanings ascribed to them:
5���: �T ='6a�d��a�e'-' �ea�s a�� }�d}����ta� w�e seel�s
e�ee�}e� �e a�� g����e e�€�eeT as �e�e�� de���e�T A�
}�d��}��a� s�ia�� �e dee�e� �e seel� e�ee�}e� }� ��a�
}�d��r}dt�a� �as �e�e a�� e� ��e �e��ew���+
{�} �al�e� ��e ae��e� �eeessa�y t���e� ��e �aws e� ��e
s�a�e e� P4}��ese�a a�d ��e e��� e� Sa��� ga�� �e
��a���� �e� e�ee�}e� �a g���}e e���eefi
��} g���}e�� dee�a�ed a� ���e�� e� �es��e �e seel�
e�ee��e� �e s�e� g���}e e�€�ee} e�
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�bei A ainst BY
Sonnen g
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
— �, ��t',�c�./� �-3/-�7
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �f,�'u'e-
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub i i n to Counci!
. � � � e'�-Ia�/
. � � o r�da�,
_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
�3} �eee��*ed ee���}����e�s e� $�� e� �ae�e: �xade
e�ge�d����es e� $��� e� �e�er e� �ias ���*e�
ee�se��r }x����e}� e� e����e��T �e� a�� e��ie�
_ _ _
�e�se� �e �eee}$e ee���}���}e�s e� $�g e� �ae�e e�
x�al�e e��e�d����es e� $�f�� e� x�e�eT w��� a �*�ew �e
��}����� a�et�� ��s e�ee��e� �e a �����e e��}ee:
Subd. 2. "Candidate" means � individual for whom it
is contemplated or desired that votes may be cast at
any prima� or election, and who either tacitly or
expressly consents to be so considered. An individual
shall be deemed to seek nomination for election if he
or she has taken the action necessary to c�ualify
himself or herself for nomination of election, has
received contri— b ons or made expenditures in excess
of $100 , or has iven his or her implicit or explicit
consent for any other erson to receive contributions
or make expenditures in excess of $1P1(�, for the purpose
of bringing about his or her nomination or election.
Subd. 3. "Contribution" means a transfer of funds or a
donation in kind.
��} a g���T st��se�}�a��e�T �a��e��T ��edger �ea�T
ad�aa�eeT ��a�s�e�T ee��*e�a�ee e� deges�� e� a��
��e�e���T se��a}eesT �e�e� e� e��e� ��i��� e� �aa��eT
��e��d��� ��el�e�s �e ���d �a�s��� e�e��sT �aade �e
_ _
a ea����a�eT ea�d�ea�e!s �e��ese��a���e e� age��T
�e�se� e� ge����ea� eex�x����ee �e� ��e ����ese e�
_ _
��€��e�e��Q e� ass}s���� ��e e�ee��e� e� a
ea�d}da�e �e g����e e���ee e� �e� ��e ���gese e�
����ae�e� �� e� ass}s�}�g a ge�}�}e� �e�
}���}a���aeT �e�e�e�d�� e� �eea��� e�
_ . . _ .
��} a ee���ae� s� a��ee�e��T e���ess e� �x����edr
w�e��e� e� �e� �ega��y e��e�eea��e� �e �a�e a
ee��������e� €e� s�e�i g�t��eses} e�
�3} a ��a�s�e� e€ ���ds �e a �e����ea� ee�x�}��ee ��ex�
a�e��ie� �e���}ea� eex��x���ee e� e��ie� se��eefi e�
�4} ��e �a��e�� e� ee�i�e�sa��e� �e� ��e �e�se�a�
se���ees e� a�e��e� �e�se� w��e� a�e �e��e�e� �e a
ea�d��a�e s� ge����ea� ee�x����ee �e }���t�e�ee ��ie
e�ee��e� e� a ea�d�da�e �e g����e e���ee �� a��
ge�se� e��e� ��a� ��a� ea�d��a�e e� ge����ea�
ee�����eet ���
� � • � �'� _ /�%-��
. ' � y � l?'.�r`o�
{y} �ees �e� ��e��de se��r}ees �a�e�r}�e� w���s��
ee�a�e�sa��e� �� ��d���dt�a�s �e����ee���g ��e��
��x�e e� �e�a�� e€ a ea����a�e e� ge����ea�
ee��}��eeT e� ee�ae�aQe ��e�*�ded �� ��e �ews �e�}a
w���e ae���g }� ��e e�d}�a�� ee��se e�' ��ie
��s}�ess e� �tt���s���g e� ��eadeas���g �ews ��e�sr
ed}�e��a�s e� e��e� ee�xae��sT
Contribution includes � loan or advance of credit to
a political commit eee, party comm�ttee or personal
campaign committee, which loan or advance of credit is
(a) forgiven, or (b) paid � an ent ty other than the
� olitical committee , � e � � � �ea � � t� � � r or
g���e�ga�personal campaign committee to which the loan
or advance of credit is made. If an advance of credit
or a loan is forgiven or paid as provided in this
subdivision, it is a contribution in the year in which
the loan or advance of credit is made.
A contribution made for the purpose of defeating a
candidate is considered made for the purpose of
--------- -- ---------- .---- --- ------- --
influencin� the nomination or election of that
candidate or � opponent of that candidate.
Contribution does not include services provided without
compensation by an individual volunteerin� g his time on
behalf of a candidate, ballot �uestion, pol tical
com mittee, personal campai�n committee or the
publishing or broadcasting of news items or editorial
comments by the news media.
Subd.3a. "Donation in kind" means anything of value
other than money or negotiable i struments given by an
individual or association to a political com mittee,
�e���}ea� €���T e� g���e��aa�or personal campa�gn
committee for the up rpose of influencing the nomination
or election of a candidate or for the purpose of
promoting or defeating a ballot question. Donat n n
kind includes an approved expenditure.
Subd. 4. "Depository" means any bank, savings and loan
association or credit union, organized under federal or
state law and transacting business within Minnesota .
Subd. 5. "Election" means
(1) a general , special , primary or runoff election; or
(2) a convention or caucus of a political party held
to nominate a candidate .
File N 0. �7 �f D��
Ordindnce Ordinance r10.
.��cea By ..,�..`,�
R f red To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 28
of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
pertaining to election campaign
contributions and reporting
Section 1 .
That Section 28.01 of the St. Paul Leg islative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"28. �1 . Definitions.
Subdivision l . Terms. For the purposes of this
chapter , the terms defined in this section shall have
the meanings ascribed to them:
5���: �T ='6a�d��a�e'-' �ea�s a�� }�d}����ta� w�e seel�s
e�ee�}e� �e a�� g����e e�€�eeT as �e�e�� de���e�T A�
}�d��}��a� s�ia�� �e dee�e� �e seel� e�ee�}e� }� ��a�
}�d��r}dt�a� �as �e�e a�� e� ��e �e��ew���+
{�} �al�e� ��e ae��e� �eeessa�y t���e� ��e �aws e� ��e
s�a�e e� P4}��ese�a a�d ��e e��� e� Sa��� ga�� �e
��a���� �e� e�ee�}e� �a g���}e e���eefi
��} g���}e�� dee�a�ed a� ���e�� e� �es��e �e seel�
e�ee��e� �e s�e� g���}e e�€�ee} e�
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�bei A ainst BY
Sonnen g
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
— �, ��t',�c�./� �-3/-�7
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �f,�'u'e-
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub i i n to Counci!
. � � � e'�-Ia�/
. � � o r�da�,
_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
�3} �eee��*ed ee���}����e�s e� $�� e� �ae�e: �xade
e�ge�d����es e� $��� e� �e�er e� �ias ���*e�
ee�se��r }x����e}� e� e����e��T �e� a�� e��ie�
_ _ _
�e�se� �e �eee}$e ee���}���}e�s e� $�g e� �ae�e e�
x�al�e e��e�d����es e� $�f�� e� x�e�eT w��� a �*�ew �e
��}����� a�et�� ��s e�ee��e� �e a �����e e��}ee:
Subd. 2. "Candidate" means � individual for whom it
is contemplated or desired that votes may be cast at
any prima� or election, and who either tacitly or
expressly consents to be so considered. An individual
shall be deemed to seek nomination for election if he
or she has taken the action necessary to c�ualify
himself or herself for nomination of election, has
received contri— b ons or made expenditures in excess
of $100 , or has iven his or her implicit or explicit
consent for any other erson to receive contributions
or make expenditures in excess of $1P1(�, for the purpose
of bringing about his or her nomination or election.
Subd. 3. "Contribution" means a transfer of funds or a
donation in kind.
��} a g���T st��se�}�a��e�T �a��e��T ��edger �ea�T
ad�aa�eeT ��a�s�e�T ee��*e�a�ee e� deges�� e� a��
��e�e���T se��a}eesT �e�e� e� e��e� ��i��� e� �aa��eT
��e��d��� ��el�e�s �e ���d �a�s��� e�e��sT �aade �e
_ _
a ea����a�eT ea�d�ea�e!s �e��ese��a���e e� age��T
�e�se� e� ge����ea� eex�x����ee �e� ��e ����ese e�
_ _
��€��e�e��Q e� ass}s���� ��e e�ee��e� e� a
ea�d}da�e �e g����e e���ee e� �e� ��e ���gese e�
����ae�e� �� e� ass}s�}�g a ge�}�}e� �e�
}���}a���aeT �e�e�e�d�� e� �eea��� e�
_ . . _ .
��} a ee���ae� s� a��ee�e��T e���ess e� �x����edr
w�e��e� e� �e� �ega��y e��e�eea��e� �e �a�e a
ee��������e� €e� s�e�i g�t��eses} e�
�3} a ��a�s�e� e€ ���ds �e a �e����ea� ee�x�}��ee ��ex�
a�e��ie� �e���}ea� eex��x���ee e� e��ie� se��eefi e�
�4} ��e �a��e�� e� ee�i�e�sa��e� �e� ��e �e�se�a�
se���ees e� a�e��e� �e�se� w��e� a�e �e��e�e� �e a
ea�d��a�e s� ge����ea� ee�x����ee �e }���t�e�ee ��ie
e�ee��e� e� a ea�d�da�e �e g����e e���ee �� a��
ge�se� e��e� ��a� ��a� ea�d��a�e e� ge����ea�
ee�����eet ���
� � • � �'� _ /�%-��
. ' � y � l?'.�r`o�
{y} �ees �e� ��e��de se��r}ees �a�e�r}�e� w���s��
ee�a�e�sa��e� �� ��d���dt�a�s �e����ee���g ��e��
��x�e e� �e�a�� e€ a ea����a�e e� ge����ea�
ee��}��eeT e� ee�ae�aQe ��e�*�ded �� ��e �ews �e�}a
w���e ae���g }� ��e e�d}�a�� ee��se e�' ��ie
��s}�ess e� �tt���s���g e� ��eadeas���g �ews ��e�sr
ed}�e��a�s e� e��e� ee�xae��sT
Contribution includes � loan or advance of credit to
a political commit eee, party comm�ttee or personal
campaign committee, which loan or advance of credit is
(a) forgiven, or (b) paid � an ent ty other than the
� olitical committee , � e � � � �ea � � t� � � r or
g���e�ga�personal campaign committee to which the loan
or advance of credit is made. If an advance of credit
or a loan is forgiven or paid as provided in this
subdivision, it is a contribution in the year in which
the loan or advance of credit is made.
A contribution made for the purpose of defeating a
candidate is considered made for the purpose of
--------- -- ---------- .---- --- ------- --
influencin� the nomination or election of that
candidate or � opponent of that candidate.
Contribution does not include services provided without
compensation by an individual volunteerin� g his time on
behalf of a candidate, ballot �uestion, pol tical
com mittee, personal campai�n committee or the
publishing or broadcasting of news items or editorial
comments by the news media.
Subd.3a. "Donation in kind" means anything of value
other than money or negotiable i struments given by an
individual or association to a political com mittee,
�e���}ea� €���T e� g���e��aa�or personal campa�gn
committee for the up rpose of influencing the nomination
or election of a candidate or for the purpose of
promoting or defeating a ballot question. Donat n n
kind includes an approved expenditure.
Subd. 4. "Depository" means any bank, savings and loan
association or credit union, organized under federal or
state law and transacting business within Minnesota .
Subd. 5. "Election" means
(1) a general , special , primary or runoff election; or
(2) a convention or caucus of a political party held
to nominate a candidate .
File N 0. �7 �f D��
Ordindnce Ordinance r10.
.��cea By ..,�..`,�
R f red To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 28
of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
pertaining to election campaign
contributions and reporting
Section 1 .
That Section 28.01 of the St. Paul Leg islative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"28. �1 . Definitions.
Subdivision l . Terms. For the purposes of this
chapter , the terms defined in this section shall have
the meanings ascribed to them:
5���: �T ='6a�d��a�e'-' �ea�s a�� }�d}����ta� w�e seel�s
e�ee�}e� �e a�� g����e e�€�eeT as �e�e�� de���e�T A�
}�d��}��a� s�ia�� �e dee�e� �e seel� e�ee�}e� }� ��a�
}�d��r}dt�a� �as �e�e a�� e� ��e �e��ew���+
{�} �al�e� ��e ae��e� �eeessa�y t���e� ��e �aws e� ��e
s�a�e e� P4}��ese�a a�d ��e e��� e� Sa��� ga�� �e
��a���� �e� e�ee�}e� �a g���}e e���eefi
��} g���}e�� dee�a�ed a� ���e�� e� �es��e �e seel�
e�ee��e� �e s�e� g���}e e�€�ee} e�
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�bei A ainst BY
Sonnen g
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
— �, ��t',�c�./� �-3/-�7
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �f,�'u'e-
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub i i n to Counci!
. � � � e'�-Ia�/
. � � o r�da�,
_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
�3} �eee��*ed ee���}����e�s e� $�� e� �ae�e: �xade
e�ge�d����es e� $��� e� �e�er e� �ias ���*e�
ee�se��r }x����e}� e� e����e��T �e� a�� e��ie�
_ _ _
�e�se� �e �eee}$e ee���}���}e�s e� $�g e� �ae�e e�
x�al�e e��e�d����es e� $�f�� e� x�e�eT w��� a �*�ew �e
��}����� a�et�� ��s e�ee��e� �e a �����e e��}ee:
Subd. 2. "Candidate" means � individual for whom it
is contemplated or desired that votes may be cast at
any prima� or election, and who either tacitly or
expressly consents to be so considered. An individual
shall be deemed to seek nomination for election if he
or she has taken the action necessary to c�ualify
himself or herself for nomination of election, has
received contri— b ons or made expenditures in excess
of $100 , or has iven his or her implicit or explicit
consent for any other erson to receive contributions
or make expenditures in excess of $1P1(�, for the purpose
of bringing about his or her nomination or election.
Subd. 3. "Contribution" means a transfer of funds or a
donation in kind.
��} a g���T st��se�}�a��e�T �a��e��T ��edger �ea�T
ad�aa�eeT ��a�s�e�T ee��*e�a�ee e� deges�� e� a��
��e�e���T se��a}eesT �e�e� e� e��e� ��i��� e� �aa��eT
��e��d��� ��el�e�s �e ���d �a�s��� e�e��sT �aade �e
_ _
a ea����a�eT ea�d�ea�e!s �e��ese��a���e e� age��T
�e�se� e� ge����ea� eex�x����ee �e� ��e ����ese e�
_ _
��€��e�e��Q e� ass}s���� ��e e�ee��e� e� a
ea�d}da�e �e g����e e���ee e� �e� ��e ���gese e�
����ae�e� �� e� ass}s�}�g a ge�}�}e� �e�
}���}a���aeT �e�e�e�d�� e� �eea��� e�
_ . . _ .
��} a ee���ae� s� a��ee�e��T e���ess e� �x����edr
w�e��e� e� �e� �ega��y e��e�eea��e� �e �a�e a
ee��������e� €e� s�e�i g�t��eses} e�
�3} a ��a�s�e� e€ ���ds �e a �e����ea� ee�x�}��ee ��ex�
a�e��ie� �e���}ea� eex��x���ee e� e��ie� se��eefi e�
�4} ��e �a��e�� e� ee�i�e�sa��e� �e� ��e �e�se�a�
se���ees e� a�e��e� �e�se� w��e� a�e �e��e�e� �e a
ea�d��a�e s� ge����ea� ee�x����ee �e }���t�e�ee ��ie
e�ee��e� e� a ea�d�da�e �e g����e e���ee �� a��
ge�se� e��e� ��a� ��a� ea�d��a�e e� ge����ea�
ee�����eet ���
� � • � �'� _ /�%-��
. ' � y � l?'.�r`o�
{y} �ees �e� ��e��de se��r}ees �a�e�r}�e� w���s��
ee�a�e�sa��e� �� ��d���dt�a�s �e����ee���g ��e��
��x�e e� �e�a�� e€ a ea����a�e e� ge����ea�
ee��}��eeT e� ee�ae�aQe ��e�*�ded �� ��e �ews �e�}a
w���e ae���g }� ��e e�d}�a�� ee��se e�' ��ie
��s}�ess e� �tt���s���g e� ��eadeas���g �ews ��e�sr
ed}�e��a�s e� e��e� ee�xae��sT
Contribution includes � loan or advance of credit to
a political commit eee, party comm�ttee or personal
campaign committee, which loan or advance of credit is
(a) forgiven, or (b) paid � an ent ty other than the
� olitical committee , � e � � � �ea � � t� � � r or
g���e�ga�personal campaign committee to which the loan
or advance of credit is made. If an advance of credit
or a loan is forgiven or paid as provided in this
subdivision, it is a contribution in the year in which
the loan or advance of credit is made.
A contribution made for the purpose of defeating a
candidate is considered made for the purpose of
--------- -- ---------- .---- --- ------- --
influencin� the nomination or election of that
candidate or � opponent of that candidate.
Contribution does not include services provided without
compensation by an individual volunteerin� g his time on
behalf of a candidate, ballot �uestion, pol tical
com mittee, personal campai�n committee or the
publishing or broadcasting of news items or editorial
comments by the news media.
Subd.3a. "Donation in kind" means anything of value
other than money or negotiable i struments given by an
individual or association to a political com mittee,
�e���}ea� €���T e� g���e��aa�or personal campa�gn
committee for the up rpose of influencing the nomination
or election of a candidate or for the purpose of
promoting or defeating a ballot question. Donat n n
kind includes an approved expenditure.
Subd. 4. "Depository" means any bank, savings and loan
association or credit union, organized under federal or
state law and transacting business within Minnesota .
Subd. 5. "Election" means
(1) a general , special , primary or runoff election; or
(2) a convention or caucus of a political party held
to nominate a candidate .
File N 0. �7 �f D��
Ordindnce Ordinance r10.
.��cea By ..,�..`,�
R f red To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Chapter 28
of the St. Paul Legislative Code,
pertaining to election campaign
contributions and reporting
Section 1 .
That Section 28.01 of the St. Paul Leg islative Code be and
the same hereby is amended to read as follows:
"28. �1 . Definitions.
Subdivision l . Terms. For the purposes of this
chapter , the terms defined in this section shall have
the meanings ascribed to them:
5���: �T ='6a�d��a�e'-' �ea�s a�� }�d}����ta� w�e seel�s
e�ee�}e� �e a�� g����e e�€�eeT as �e�e�� de���e�T A�
}�d��}��a� s�ia�� �e dee�e� �e seel� e�ee�}e� }� ��a�
}�d��r}dt�a� �as �e�e a�� e� ��e �e��ew���+
{�} �al�e� ��e ae��e� �eeessa�y t���e� ��e �aws e� ��e
s�a�e e� P4}��ese�a a�d ��e e��� e� Sa��� ga�� �e
��a���� �e� e�ee�}e� �a g���}e e���eefi
��} g���}e�� dee�a�ed a� ���e�� e� �es��e �e seel�
e�ee��e� �e s�e� g���}e e�€�ee} e�
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Nicosia [n Favor —
s�ne�bei A ainst BY
Sonnen g
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
— �, ��t',�c�./� �-3/-�7
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �f,�'u'e-
Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub i i n to Counci!
. � � � e'�-Ia�/
. � � o r�da�,
_ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
�3} �eee��*ed ee���}����e�s e� $�� e� �ae�e: �xade
e�ge�d����es e� $��� e� �e�er e� �ias ���*e�
ee�se��r }x����e}� e� e����e��T �e� a�� e��ie�
_ _ _
�e�se� �e �eee}$e ee���}���}e�s e� $�g e� �ae�e e�
x�al�e e��e�d����es e� $�f�� e� x�e�eT w��� a �*�ew �e
��}����� a�et�� ��s e�ee��e� �e a �����e e��}ee:
Subd. 2. "Candidate" means � individual for whom it
is contemplated or desired that votes may be cast at
any prima� or election, and who either tacitly or
expressly consents to be so considered. An individual
shall be deemed to seek nomination for election if he
or she has taken the action necessary to c�ualify
himself or herself for nomination of election, has
received contri— b ons or made expenditures in excess
of $100 , or has iven his or her implicit or explicit
consent for any other erson to receive contributions
or make expenditures in excess of $1P1(�, for the purpose
of bringing about his or her nomination or election.
Subd. 3. "Contribution" means a transfer of funds or a
donation in kind.
��} a g���T st��se�}�a��e�T �a��e��T ��edger �ea�T
ad�aa�eeT ��a�s�e�T ee��*e�a�ee e� deges�� e� a��
��e�e���T se��a}eesT �e�e� e� e��e� ��i��� e� �aa��eT
��e��d��� ��el�e�s �e ���d �a�s��� e�e��sT �aade �e
_ _
a ea����a�eT ea�d�ea�e!s �e��ese��a���e e� age��T
�e�se� e� ge����ea� eex�x����ee �e� ��e ����ese e�
_ _
��€��e�e��Q e� ass}s���� ��e e�ee��e� e� a
ea�d}da�e �e g����e e���ee e� �e� ��e ���gese e�
����ae�e� �� e� ass}s�}�g a ge�}�}e� �e�
}���}a���aeT �e�e�e�d�� e� �eea��� e�
_ . . _ .
��} a ee���ae� s� a��ee�e��T e���ess e� �x����edr
w�e��e� e� �e� �ega��y e��e�eea��e� �e �a�e a
ee��������e� €e� s�e�i g�t��eses} e�
�3} a ��a�s�e� e€ ���ds �e a �e����ea� ee�x�}��ee ��ex�
a�e��ie� �e���}ea� eex��x���ee e� e��ie� se��eefi e�
�4} ��e �a��e�� e� ee�i�e�sa��e� �e� ��e �e�se�a�
se���ees e� a�e��e� �e�se� w��e� a�e �e��e�e� �e a
ea�d��a�e s� ge����ea� ee�x����ee �e }���t�e�ee ��ie
e�ee��e� e� a ea�d�da�e �e g����e e���ee �� a��
ge�se� e��e� ��a� ��a� ea�d��a�e e� ge����ea�
ee�����eet ���
� � • � �'� _ /�%-��
. ' � y � l?'.�r`o�
{y} �ees �e� ��e��de se��r}ees �a�e�r}�e� w���s��
ee�a�e�sa��e� �� ��d���dt�a�s �e����ee���g ��e��
��x�e e� �e�a�� e€ a ea����a�e e� ge����ea�
ee��}��eeT e� ee�ae�aQe ��e�*�ded �� ��e �ews �e�}a
w���e ae���g }� ��e e�d}�a�� ee��se e�' ��ie
��s}�ess e� �tt���s���g e� ��eadeas���g �ews ��e�sr
ed}�e��a�s e� e��e� ee�xae��sT
Contribution includes � loan or advance of credit to
a political commit eee, party comm�ttee or personal
campaign committee, which loan or advance of credit is
(a) forgiven, or (b) paid � an ent ty other than the
� olitical committee , � e � � � �ea � � t� � � r or
g���e�ga�personal campaign committee to which the loan
or advance of credit is made. If an advance of credit
or a loan is forgiven or paid as provided in this
subdivision, it is a contribution in the year in which
the loan or advance of credit is made.
A contribution made for the purpose of defeating a
candidate is considered made for the purpose of
--------- -- ---------- .---- --- ------- --
influencin� the nomination or election of that
candidate or � opponent of that candidate.
Contribution does not include services provided without
compensation by an individual volunteerin� g his time on
behalf of a candidate, ballot �uestion, pol tical
com mittee, personal campai�n committee or the
publishing or broadcasting of news items or editorial
comments by the news media.
Subd.3a. "Donation in kind" means anything of value
other than money or negotiable i struments given by an
individual or association to a political com mittee,
�e���}ea� €���T e� g���e��aa�or personal campa�gn
committee for the up rpose of influencing the nomination
or election of a candidate or for the purpose of
promoting or defeating a ballot question. Donat n n
kind includes an approved expenditure.
Subd. 4. "Depository" means any bank, savings and loan
association or credit union, organized under federal or
state law and transacting business within Minnesota .
Subd. 5. "Election" means
(1) a general , special , primary or runoff election; or
(2) a convention or caucus of a political party held
to nominate a candidate .